Cannot install jenkins slave on a windows machine - windows

I am a very newbie to Jenkins ,
I am trying to Lunch a slave via Java Web Start, and when i try to install the Jenkins slave knowing that the master address is as follow i see that the slave tries to connect to , any ideas why this happens

Jenkins uses a special port for connections between the slave and the master. By default the port number is variable, but if you have a firewall between the master and the slave you can fix the port number via the URL <your Jenkins master URL>/configureSecurity/

Hey to answer your question from the comments above, the MASTER URL for jenkins is configured in the Manage Jenkins --> Configure System --> Jenkins Location
The Java Web start tries to get the URL from this location setting and uses it to setup the JNLP Agent on the slave.
Hope this helps.


Jenkins through docker: How to configure own host as agent for jenkins?

I'm using Jenkins with pipelines on a mac-mini. All builds are working fine with docker agents (backend, frontend, android app, etc)
The only thing I haven't been able to achieve is to use my own mac-mini as build-agent/slave for the IOS app (I need to build on OSX). Jenkins itself runs through docker as well, so I would need to connect to the host (the OS of the mac-mini) and use that as an agent...
I know one option would be to install jenkins instead of using docker, but I would prefer to keep Jenkins running in a docker container.
Does someone has experience with this or knows any good documentation on how to set this up?
Go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Nodes > New Node.
Configure a node.
Go to the list of nodes.
Select your newly configured node. It should be offline at this moment.
Run the java command displayed on the interface on your host machine.
Your Host machine is now a slave.

Test run on Jenkins Nodes using SSH agent is not showing GUI

I have used cloud bees Jenkins account to setup my build to run on a Jenkins Node machine which is an AWS system(Windows Server 2016). I have setup SSH(port 22) on AWS system using CYGWIN, configured and launched agent on this machine using following launch method:
Now my tests are running on the Jenkins Node (AWS Machine) but I am not able to see the GUI for it. Please let me know what setting I need to enable to make it visible? also let me know if more details are required.

Jenkins windows slaves not launching

Am Using Jenkins, where so many windows machine i have integrated,but at the same all the windows machine got disconnected could not able to launch slave in windows machine,tried all possibilities like
1) slave.jar version upgrade
2)Java_home_path changes
but my doubt is with port, am getting error while launching that slave as follows
enter image description here
So how to connect windows slave , Hope it may be the issue with port connection.TCP port 443 used but getting error. Please suggest good idea.

Run build of Machine A from Machine B using Jenkins

I have 2 computers. Com-A, Com-B.
I have build automation functional script using selenium webdriver,Testng and maven on Com-A.
Com-A has installed everything with Jenkins but Com-B has only jenkins , Can I run build which is deployed in Com-A from Com-B? Or I will have to install all necessary software to Com-B also?
Your current setup is good enough to kick off the build remotely from Com-B to Com-A.
Please make sure the jenkins server deployed on Com-B has properly configured as Master and other nodes (ex : Com-A) as slaves.
To ensure the configurations, please follow the steps given below :
Step 1: Go to Manage Jenkins page and select Manage Nodes link
Step 2: On Manage Node page, you can see a list of nodes if already configured. Else there will be only one node named as Master by default which represents the host.
Step 3: To add new Node, give a name (ex: selenium-slave1) and select Dump Slave option to add a node as customized slave.
Step 4(a): After adding the node, configure the node as shown below.
Step 4(b): Make sure while setting the Launch Method field, Launch slave agents on Unix machines via ssh has been selected (this will communicate via ssh between master and slave nodes).
Step 4(c): configure advanced fields which are highlighted as per your settings and click save.
Step 5: Finally a new node has been added as slave and configured successfully.
Step 6(a): Now Configure a new Job to schedule it whenever it need to be run.
Step 6(b): Add a new maven job since your project has been configured using maven.
Note : Will add the job config soon.
You can make Com-A a slave machine in jenkins. Com-B will become master and mark the build to always run from Com-A node.
First of all, u don't need to install all thing in COM B.
Connect with COM A with ssh(secure shell) command and than execute ur project using shell or bash script. In jenkins, u will found all build step under Build option.
i use the below command to run my project using shell script:
ssh -l user comAIpaddress(ex. sh
this command first connect with another machine and than execute the shell script to run the project.
Run a java project using shell or bash script is quite easy..... :)

Unable to reconnect jenkins slave automatically after restart

I have a Jenkins master (Linux Debian) and 4 slaves (Windows 7) which are connected via JNLP.
The jenkins slave service works well in each slave. However when I restart a slave machine, the connection breaks down for all the slaves and the reconnection is established again only if the Jenkins master is restarted.
What should I do?
I solved the issue with the following command:
sc triggerinfo <service_name_of_jenkins_slave> start/networkon stop/networkoff
You may need to install the slave as a windows service.
Installation as a task
If for some reason the service crashes a lot, you may want to install a task to start jenkins slave through the task scheduler.
right click on computer (either on desktop icon or menu option)
find the task scheduler
create a basic task
follow the other steps from this wiki.
