Connect to git repo on Visual Studio Online - windows

I'm trying to connect to a git repository on visual studio online using git for windows (the one provide by visual studio on team explorer).
I enabled alternate credentials but no matter what I do I got the following message :
fatal: unable to access '******/_git/SIT-Prototypes/': Failed connect to; No error
I tried the following command lines :
git clone******/_git/SIT-prototypes
git clone******/_git/SIT-prototypes
git clone******/_git/SIT-prototypes -u=username -p=password
Anyone with a miracle solution?

Do you work with a proxy ? If so, you should use the command git config --global http.proxy
I don't see any other mistakes which could lead to these errors if you actually enabled the alternate credentials...


how to send visual studio project 2017 to github?

I have a project already connected to visual studio team services, because it is already connected there is no option to connect to a new git repository.
Does anyone know how to send the source code to GitHub through visual studio when this is the case?
When I go to the file menu there is nothing saying "add to source control".
Or in the bottom right button, there is only a master button which has something about branches.
I don't understand why they make it so hard by redefining so many things like download to pull and upload to push.
Can someone tell me that answer as well?
It is easier to switch to command line and check if your local sources are themselves in a Git repo:
cd /path/to/local/project
git status
git remote -v
If those commands fails, that means your project is connected to visual studio team services through TFVC, and not Git, in which case, you need to create a local Git repo (which will co-exists with the TFVC one)
git init .
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
Eve if the Git repo already existed, you can continue with:
git remote add github /url/empty/GitHub/repo
git push --mirror

xcode support TFS(Team Foundation Server) for version control on mac OS? & How to setup TFS on xcode?

My project just on my local no git or anyelse.
So can i use TFS with xcode on Mac OS? If yes, how to setup TFS on Xcode?
Yes, you can share your Xcode projects in TFS using both a Git repository and a TFVC repository.
Share your code in Git using Xcode:
Clone Git repository from TFS
Move your code into the local Git repository.
In Xcode, commit your changes locally.
Push your changes to your team project's repository.
Share your code in TFVC using Xcode:
Download and configure Git-tf
Add Git-tf and the Java runtime to your path.
Go to the root of your local repository.
To share your Git repository in TFS, configure the connection and check in your code.
After you commit changes to your local Git repository, and you're ready to share them in TFS, check them in.

Windows to Ubuntu git connection

I've set up a git server (and gitolite) on an Ubuntu machine at Amazon. I want to interact with this server on Windows. I've installed Git for Windows (the one that comes with Visual Studio Tools for Git), but trying to access the server ends in the bash prompt telling me "Permission Denied (publickey)." I have the ssh keys from the git user on my local machine and Pageant has them loaded, but I don't see any way of telling the git client to use them. How do I tell the git command line to use my ssh keys?
Or better yet, does anyone have experience setting up Visual Studio Tools for Git to access their own personal git server rather than one at GitHub?
Ok, so turns out there is a seemingly undocumented step required to set the private keys for Git for Windows.
When Git for Windows is installed, it creates a new folder, C:\Users\[user]\.ssh. In order to set the keys to use for ssh you must copy for private ssh key for the git user to this directory and it *MUST be named "id_rsa"*. Once you have that key in that folder, you're golden.

Unable to execute git push from Package Manager Console with GitHub for Windows installed

I've set up Visual Studio 2010 in order to use Git from the Package Manager Console, more precisely:
I've installed msysgit (adding Git executables under %PATH%);
I've installed Posh Git and I've enabled it using the instructions given in this SO answer.
I've also installed GitHub for Windows for easy access to repositories hosted on GitHub.
From the Package Manager Console I am able to do all the operation locally, but when I want to push to a GitHub repository the prompt seems "blocked", I cannot kill git using the Stop button and I'm forced to close Visual Studio and to push from the Git Shell provided with GitHub for Windows.
Using Process Explorer I can see that git spawn the GitHub for Windows program to do the authentication and from there it doesn't seem to advance.
I've resolved this issue by installing the Windows Credentials Store for Git (also suggested in the TFS blog), so that it handles the authentication instead of GitHub for Windows.
Now I can do git push from Package Manager Console -- the credentials store asks for credentials the first time and then pushes correctly to GitHub.
If your repository is hosted on Team Foundation Service (not on GitHub), then besides installing the Windows Credentials Store for Git (as answered by edymtt), you must enable basic authentication before you can use the command prompt to perform Git tasks. You can set this up from your User Profile in TFS.

vs2010 can not show file status icon when i install the git source code provider

I want to use the git source code provider to display file status icon int the solution explore.
I install the Git Extensions.
Clone the source code from code repository.
install the git source code provider and restart vs2010
open the solution.
But the Git Source Code Provider didn't work. The file status icon didn't show, and the menu git-compare was disabled like bleow.
Got it.
set sh.exe path and restart computer.
