Cyclone II Board VHDL Clock Divider - vhdl

I am busy trying to code a ping pong type game into my FPGA Board (Altera Cyclone II model) and there are two clocks, 50MHz and 27MHz. A clock is required for the game to work. I want to use the 50MHz clock but need to slow it down to 1Hz (the "ball" should only move one LED for every oscillation). I am a very new user to VHDL and FPGA and have done some research online but none have really helped me regarding the slowing down of the clock in VHDL.
My thinking is to use two loops, one for low and one for high and using 25000000 clock cycles for high and 25000000 clock cycles for low which will end up generating a 1Hz clock when using the 50MHz clock. I have no idea how to go about implementing it in VHDL though even though I know the non-code logic for it.
I checked a previous similar question: Clock divider simulation but the person who posted the question did not include comments and I can't really follow what goes on in that code. Any help is highly appreciated!
Below is the code I have but I am not sure if it will work or not.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity pingpong is
clk : in std_logic;
gameclk : out std_logic
end pingpong;
architecture behave of pingpong is
variable a : integer := 0;
signal b : std_logic := '0';
if rising_edge(clk) then
a := a+1;
if a = 25000000 and b = '0' then
b := '1'; a := 0;
elsif a = 25000000 and b = '1' then
b := '0'; a := 0;
end if;
end if;
gameclk <= b;
end process;
end behave;


Simple SR Latch Simulation in VHDL(with Xilinx) doesn't oscillate

I've learned that SR-Latch does oscillate when S and R are both '0' after they were just '1' in following circuit VHDL Code.
here is VHDL of SRLATCH
library IEEE;
entity SRLATCH_VHDL is
Q : inout STD_LOGIC;
architecture Behavioral of SRLATCH_VHDL is
end process;
end Behavioral;
and followings are process in Testbench code and its simulation results
-- Stimulus process
stim_proc: process
S <= '1'; R <= '0'; WAIT FOR 100NS;
S <= '0'; R <= '0'; WAIT FOR 100NS;
S <= '0'; R <= '1'; WAIT FOR 100NS;
S <= '0'; R <= '0'; WAIT FOR 100NS;
S <= '1'; R <= '1'; WAIT FOR 500NS;
end process;
and totally I don't have any idea why simulation doesn't reflect...
(click to enlarge)
Someone is teaching you wrong knowledge!
SR and RS basic flip-flops (also called latches) don't oscillate. The problem on S = R = 1 (forbidden) is that you don't know the state after you leave S = R = 1 because you can never go to S = R = 0 (save) simultaneously. You will transition for S = R = 1 to S = R = 0 through S = 1; R = 0 (set) or S = 0; R = 1 (reset). This will trigger either a set or reset operation before you arrive in state save.
Be aware that VHDL simulates with discrete time and is reproducing the same simulation results on every run. You can not (easily) simulate physical effects that cause different signal delays per simulation run.
Btw. you VHDL description is also wrong. Q and NOTQ are of mode out, not inout. Use either a proper simulator supporting VHDL-2008 (that allows read back of out-ports) or use an intermediate signal.
Nice question, and your instructor is right - this circuit will oscillate if both S and R are released at the "same" time. Your issue is that your TB isn't doing this, but this one does:
library IEEE;
entity TOP is
end entity TOP;
architecture A of TOP is
signal S,R,Q,NOTQ: std_logic;
component SRLATCH_VHDL is
S : in std_logic;
R : in std_logic;
Q : inout std_logic;
NOTQ : inout std_logic);
end component SRLATCH_VHDL;
U1 : SRLATCH_VHDL port map(S, R, Q, NOTQ);
process is
S <= '1';
R <= '1';
wait for 10 ns;
S <= '0';
R <= '0';
end process;
end architecture A;
This will produce infinite delta-delay oscillation:
This isn't a great way to demonstrate asynchronous behaviour, because you are effectively simplifying the physical nature of the circuit, and using the VHDL scheduler to show that there's a problem (with the use of 'delta delays'). A better way to do this is to model real circuit behaviour by adding signal delays (this is exactly what your tools are doing when they back-annotate for timing simulations). Look up signal assignments with after, and the difference between transport and inertial delays. If you draw a circuit diagram, you'll see that the issue arises if both S and R are released in a 'small' time window that doesn't allow the signal propagation around your circuit to complete before the second control signal changes. You now need to write a testbench that changes S and R inside this time window.
Pretty much everything you ever design will be asynchronous, in exactly the same way as your SR circuit. We make circuits 'synchronous' only by ensuring that input signals don't change at the same time. The job of the timing tools is to tell us what 'same' actually means: when you get a report or a datasheet value giving you a setup or a hold time, then that number is simply the numerical version of 'not the same'.

Synthesis: Implementing a delay signal using a counter on power-up of FPGA

I am trying to have a delay of 20 seconds on power-up of the FPGA.
There is a clock input of 100Hz, so if a counter gets to 20,000, that should be 20 seconds worth of delay. After the delay, it should set an output pin high. However, for some reason, this out pin is going high immediately and never goes low at all on powerup. It's almost as if it is skipping the s_count <= 20000 completely.
Here is the code I have:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity delay is
pi_Clock : in std_logic;
po_Delay_Done : out std_logic
end entity;
architecture behavioral of delay is
variable s_count : integer := 0;
if rising_edge(pi_Clock) then
if s_count <= 20000 then
s_count := s_count + 1;
po_Delay_Done <= '0';
po_Delay_Done <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end process;
end architecture;
I have increased the 20000 to the max integer value, just to see if my clock was incorrect but the same result.
There is no other driver of this signal on the top level file.
Anyone see what I'm doing wrong?
For some reason, setting the initial values by the declarations seems to be the problem with this FPGA/toolset (synopsis Synplify and the FPGA is Actel A3PN250) even if it works in modelsim simulation.
The following code does what I want -- Set an output high after the FPGA is turned on for 20 seconds:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity delay is
pi_Clock : in std_logic;
pi_Reset : in std_logic;
po_Delay_Done : out std_logic
end entity;
architecture behavioral of delay is
variable s_count: integer;
if rising_edge(pi_Clock) then
if pi_Reset = '1' then
s_count := 0;
po_Delay_Done <= '0';
if s_count < 2000 then
s_count := s_count + 1;
po_Delay_Done <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end architecture;
The catch is that the microcontroller is now sending a reset signal (pi_Reset = '1') to the FPGA after it has been started.
Hope this helps anyone in the future, thanks to Quantum Ripple and Brian especially for suggesting the hard reset. If you had an answer I would accept it.
The code you typed has no simulation or synthesis errors and has a correct result in modelsim simulation software. (according to the above first comment "fru1tbat")
With respect to the above comments, I think if you synthesized the FPGA board correctly and the design doesn't worked (with applying a reset port to reset the output and variable parameters), the problem is related to the clock generator. Be sure about the clock generator and find the correct frequency.

VHDL clock divider works on board but fails in simulation

I'm presently trying to use VHDL to design a traffic light controller, which I'm programming on an Altera EPM240T100C5 with a custom expansion board for displaying the traffic lights. As the slowest clock setting on the board is still faster than I would like, I've needed to write a clock divider which I did as so:
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity clockdivider is
clkin : in std_logic;
dividedclk : out std_logic
end clockdivider;
architecture divider of clockdivider is
signal J : std_logic;
signal K : std_logic;
J <= '1';
K <= '1';
variable tempdividedclk : std_logic;
if (rising_edge(clkin)) then
tempdividedclk := (NOT(tempdividedclk) AND J) OR (tempdividedclk AND (NOT(K)));
end if;
dividedclk <= '0';
dividedclk <= tempdividedclk;
end process;
END divider;
This runs fine on the board but in the simulator (ModelSim) the "dividedclk" output fails to ever initialise to anything. I was wondering if anyone had any idea why?
At the beginning of the simulation, "tempdividedclk" is initialized to "unitialized".
When a clock edge occurs, tempdividedclk will be assigned to (not(U) and 1) or (U and 0), which is "undefined". To simulate correctly, tempdividedclk must be initialized either by a reset or just at simulation level. It works find on silicon because the "U" state will be either a 1 or a 0.

How to take samples using fpga?

I want to take samples of digital data coming externaly to FPGA spartan 3.
I want to take 1000 samples/sec initially. How to select a clock frequency in vhdl coding?
Do not use a counter to generate a lower frequency clock signal.
Multiple clock frequencies in an FPGA cause a variety of design problems, some of which come under the heading of "advanced topics" and, while they can (if necessary) all be dealt with and solved, learning how to use a single fast clock is both simpler and generally better practice (synchronous design).
Instead, use whatever fast clock your FPGA board provides, and generate lower frequency timing signals from it, and - crucially - use them as clock enables, not clock signals.
DLLs, DCMs, PLLs and other clock managers do have their uses, but generating 1 kHz clock signals is generally not a good use, even if their limitations permit it. This application is just crying out for a clock enable...
Also, don't mess around with magic numbers, let the VHDL compiler do the work! I have put the timing requirements in a package, so you can share them with the testbench and anything else that needs to use them.
package timing is
-- Change the first two constants to match your system requirements...
constant Clock_Freq : real := 40.0E6;
constant Sample_Rate : real := 1000.0;
-- These are calculated from the above, so stay correct when you make changes
constant Divide : natural := natural(Clock_Freq / Sample_Rate);
-- sometimes you also need a period, e.g. in a testbench.
constant clock_period : time := 1 sec / Clock_Freq;
end package timing;
And we can write the sampler as follows:
(I have split the clock enable out into a separate process to clarify the use of clock enables, but the two processes could be easily rolled into one for some further simplification; the "sample" signal would then be unnecessary)
library IEEE;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
use work.timing.all;
entity sampler is
Port (
Clock : in std_logic;
Reset : in std_logic;
ADC_In : in signed(7 downto 0);
-- signed for audio, or unsigned, depending on your app
Sampled : out signed(7 downto 0);
end sampler;
architecture Behavioral of Sampler is
signal Sample : std_logic;
Gen_Sample : process (Clock,Reset)
variable Count : natural;
if reset = '1' then
Sample <= '0';
Count := 0;
elsif rising_edge(Clock) then
Sample <= '0';
Count := Count + 1;
if Count = Divide then
Sample <= '1';
Count := 0;
end if;
end if;
end process;
Sample_Data : process (Clock)
if rising_edge(Clock) then
if Sample = '1' then
Sampled <= ADC_In;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;
The base clock must be based on an external clock, and can't be generated just through internal resources in a Spartan-3 FPGA. If required, you can use the Spartan-3 FPGA Digital Clock Manager (DCM) resources to scale the external clock. Synthesized VHDL code in itself can't generate a clock.
Once you have some base clock at a higher frequency, for example 100 MHz, you can easily divide this down to generate an indication at 1 kHz for sampling of the external input.
It depends on what clock frequency you have available. If you have a 20MHz clock source, you need to divided it by 20000 in order to get 1KHz, you can do it in VHDL or use a DCM to do this.
This is from an example on how to create a 1kHz clock from a 20MHz input:
library IEEE;
entity clk20Hz is
Port (
clk_in : in STD_LOGIC;
reset : in STD_LOGIC;
clk_out: out STD_LOGIC
end clk200Hz;
architecture Behavioral of clk20Hz is
signal temporal: STD_LOGIC;
signal counter : integer range 0 to 10000 := 0;
frequency_divider: process (reset, clk_in) begin
if (reset = '1') then
temporal <= '0';
counter <= 0;
elsif rising_edge(clk_in) then
if (counter = 10000) then
temporal <= NOT(temporal);
counter <= 0;
counter <= counter + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process;
clk_out <= temporal;
end Behavioral;

Mod-M counter Unsigned values have no signal

I am writing a RS232 module for my Nexys2 board. I am currently having issues with my baud rate controller which I want to set to 19200.
For this I am using a Mod-M counter, after many ISim simulations the problem with my code is in the mod-m counter as it is not producing any ticks.
library IEEE;
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
-- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
-- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
--library UNISIM;
--use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
entity baud_rate is
generic (
N: integer := 8;
M: integer :=163);
Port (clk, reset : in STD_LOGIC;
tick : out STD_LOGIC;
q : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(N-1 downto 0));
end baud_rate;
architecture Behavioral of baud_rate is
signal r_reg : unsigned(N-1 downto 0);
signal r_next : unsigned(N-1 downto 0);
if (reset ='1') then
r_reg <= (others=>'0');
elsif(clk'event and clk='1') then
r_reg <= r_next;
end if;
end process;
r_next <= (others =>'0') when r_reg=(M-1) else r_reg+1;
tick <='1' when r_reg=(M-1) else '0';
q <= std_logic_vector(r_reg);
end Behavioral;
I have tested and all the clk inputs and run fine and the issue seems to be with the r_reg and r_next registers. In ISim when outputing either of these on q I get UUUUUUUU, so it seems they are not generating signal. From this i can infer that the two r_reg and r_next registers aren't being created or storing values, is there an issue when using unsigned?
To make triple sure I have even copied the mod-m counter from the book FPGA Prototyping with VHDL (which is the code shown) BUT still this does not work and q output is UUUUUUUU.
If there are any better ways of creating a baud rate from the nexys2 50mz clock that would also be appreciated!
Frankly I am horrified if people are expected to learn VHDL from a book where examples like this are presented. I know the author has a similar book on Verilog : do people end up thinking VHDL is just a more verbose Verilog?
Specific criticisms (actually 7,8 are more observations):
1) Spurious type conversions.
Q represents an unsigned number. So make it unsigned!
The baud generator isn't the only thing in your FPGA so Q isn't likely to be an off-chip port. There are good arguments for making top level, off-chip ports std_logic_vector but even that isn't compulsory. However, if your customer's specification or coding style insists on spurious type conversions on ports; follow it.
2) the DRY principle:
package CPU_types is
subtype baud_count is unsigned(7 downto 0);
end CPU_types;
Spot the simplification in maintenance.
If you are using a subtype in several places, put it in a package; the universal code reuse tool.
3) Indentation, formatting. (I recognise that may have become garbled by editor settings). It adds to the brain load reading it. What I've done here isn't The One Way though.
4) Spurious brackets round logical expressions. Harmless, but look like crutches for C programmers.
5) Antique clk'event style. Next year, the rising_edge function will be old enough to drink (in America. In Britain it's been getting plastered every Saturday night for a couple of years now...)
6) The "two process" style with r_reg and r_next. Does he also write state machines with a separate combinational process on next_state? Given this, I'm guessing so. Single process state machines are easier, smaller (to write : they don't generate smaller hardware) and safer.
7) I cheated and my tick is one cycle later than in the original. If that is critical, restore the external "tick" assignment. I also made it synchronous vhich will help performance. Some people would prefer tick <= '0' in an else clause; however the default assignment I used is safe, and prevents a lot of mistakes (and unnecessary else clauses) in larger designs.
8) The assignment to Q can be brought into the process too; if you made r_reg a process variable you'd have to. There is room for other variations and preferences.
library IEEE;
use CPU_types.all;
entity baud_rate is
generic (
M: integer := 163);
Port (
clk, reset : in STD_LOGIC;
tick : out STD_LOGIC;
q : out baud_count);
end baud_rate;
architecture Behavioral of baud_rate is
signal r_reg : baud_count;
if reset ='1' then
r_reg <= (others=>'0');
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
tick <= 0;
r_reg <= r_reg+1;
if r_reg = M then
tick <= '1';
r_reg <= (others=>'0');
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- tick <='1' when r_reg = M-1 else '0';
-- or simpler, when r_reg = 0
q <= r_reg;
end Behavioral;
