Maven - Deploy Cobertura Report to Confluence Wiki - maven

I'm using the plugin called maven-confluence-reporting-plugin in order to deploy my documentation directly on a Confluence Wiki. This is working well and it has been correctly mapped/linked with the default site phase. Basically I followed these instruction.
Now I would like to integrate a Cobertura report, and also have it on Confluence, or at least I want to have a link to the Cobertura report available from Confluence.
Did anyone already do this ?
Basically, at the moment I can :
Either create a standard Maven site with the Cobertura report integrated.
Either deploy my site on Confluence, but without Cobertura report.
And I would like :
The Cobertura report to be available from Confluence.
I currently have this in my pom.xml :
<prop>the_text_value</prop><!-- SIMPLE TEXT -->
<prop1></prop1><!-- FROM CLASSPATH -->
<prop2>file://${basedir}/confluence.html</prop2><!-- FROM FILE
I don't see how I can add the Cobertura plugin in the above.

First I suggest you to follow the documentation here because from 4.x the plugin can be used without need to joint it to the site phase (I have to update codehaus docs)
Second, keep in mind, that plugin deploy to confluence, pages already in wiki format so i think that the better way for you is
Generate and deploy cobertura report
Put inside your wiki page link to such site
Deploy to confluence using goal confluence-reporting:deploy


Hot deployment failure with Maven jetty plugin on Windows

I have configured the Jetty Maven plugin to run my compiled war.
Here is the relevant part of my pom.xml.
If I execute mvn jetty:run-war, my war is build and Jetty serves the app as expected.
I have configured scanIntervalSeconds to allow hot redeploy.
However, if I rebuild using mvn install, I get the following error during redeployment:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to delete temp dir F:\...\myproject\target\tmp
at org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebInfConfiguration.configureTempDirectory (
at org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebInfConfiguration.resolveTempDirectory (
at org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebInfConfiguration.preConfigure (
at org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.preConfigure (
at org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.doStart (
at org.eclipse.jetty.maven.plugin.JettyWebAppContext.doStart (
at org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.AbstractLifeCycle.start (
at org.eclipse.jetty.maven.plugin.JettyRunWarMojo.restartWebApp (
at org.eclipse.jetty.maven.plugin.AbstractJettyMojo$1.filesChanged (
at org.eclipse.jetty.util.Scanner.reportBulkChanges (
at org.eclipse.jetty.util.Scanner.reportDifferences (
at org.eclipse.jetty.util.Scanner.scan (
at org.eclipse.jetty.util.Scanner$ (
at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop (
at (
It seems that Jetty wants to delete the file, but Windows locks the file. In the plugin documentation, I have not found any configuration which seems to be helpful. Furthermore I have nothing found on Google. Is there any way to solve this issue?
I don't know if its relevant, but I do not use the jetty:run goal, because my war is build using a third party tool and I do not have a standard directory structure.
The jetty documentation contains a section about Troubleshooting Locked Files on Windows.
So I updated my plugin config according to the documentation:

Automatically publish JavaDoc as a functioning website on remote machine

Is there a way of automatically publishing as live website javadocs after uploading it to Nexus Maven repository? I have some packages, which are under constant development and I'd like to have the docs for them available for browsing by other team members straight after uploading updated code to our remote repository.
Is there any ready solution for doing that or would I have to write say a shell script (executed by Maven after successfull deployment of the code to the remote repo), which would copy the docs to a remote location on a web server?
I know that Nexus Professional allows to view javadocs out of the box, but even for 10 users it is a bit pricey, so I'd appreciate a different solution :-)
I'm using Eclipse#Windows + Maven 2.
If your project is open-source and is released to Maven Central then your javadoc will be available at automatically.
The url is of the form:[groupId]/[artifactId]. For example, I have my javadoc for my project at
Nexus Open Source as well as Nexus Professional support the site repository format, which allows you to host Maven produced sites. If you set up publishing a Maven site that includes Javadoc as part of your build you can have them accessible there.
The other thing you can do is just publish javadoc and source artifacts as part of you build and then Eclipse will be able to automatically download them from Nexus and you therefore wont even need a website with the javadoc on it for you developers.
Of course other people might want the site though.
Documentation on all that is available in the Nexus book as usual.
A bit late for reply, but someone else might need it in future. I didn't try the solution you proposed instead using one utilizing Maven Wagon plugin. Basically I first upload the jar with javadoc to webserver using sftp protocol and then unzip it using ssh command.
So parts of my parent POM, which configure the plugin look as follows:
<command>mkdir -p ${www.dir}</command>
<command>unzip -o ${remote.dir}/${javaDoc.file} -d ${www.dir} > latest_unzip_log.txt</command>
And then just call the plugin in child pom:
So that's my solution, but I guess Manfred's is much simpler.
Having the Javadoc available only in Ecplise (which I do anyways) was not the goal as the purpose was for the Javadoc to be available for other project members through a website.
Another option to host javadocs is It can automatically pickup from maven. There is an api to upload directly as well.

How to deploy the docbook to the Maven site?

I'm using the docbkx-tools for creating the DocBook by using Maven. At the moment I can produce the book in various formats. I also achieve to deploy my Maven site to the web server by using the Wagon through the WebDav already.
I would like to publish them together, the generated DocBook and my Maven site, by using the command like mvn clean install site:deploy. Could you please help to shed some light?
You simple need to copy the generated pdf/rtf/html whatever to the correct location and it will be deployed with the maven-site or you can generate directly into the target location for the site like this:
You shouldn't use site:deploy you should use mvn site and mvn site-deploy instead to get run the site life-cycle.
You can control the docbook output directory with this property : <targetDirectory> (default is ${basedir}/target/docbkx/<something dependending on the output format>.
On the other hand the maven-site-plugin will get all files under <inputDirectory> the create to site (globally, it make a zip with everything in the directory). Default is project.reporting.outputDirectory
So if you change the docbook plugin <targetDirectory> to something in maven-site-plugin <inputDirectory> : the docbook output will be included in the generated site zip.
Additionally, to be sure that your docbook plugin will be run before the site get deployed, you need to bind the docbook plugin the some phase in the site lifecycle before the site-deploy. So one of those phase is OK : pre-site site post-site
Here is more details about binding a plugin to a phase

Maven Site Lifecycle

So every bit of documentation I've been able to find about Maven and it's lifecycle says that site only has 4 phases:
However, in my pom.xml I have an ant script that gets run on the validate phase. According to the "site lifecycle", validate isn't a phase, but my ant script gets run... twice! Not only that, it also compiles my source and runs tests (which takes FOREVER).
What gives, Maven? Your documentation doesn't match your runtime behavior.
A plug-in, that explains it. Thanks, I'm using this reporting plugin:
I found this documentation on surefire report plug-in to be useful.
Some Maven plugins (like javadoc, for example) declare a 'forked lifecycle'. So, most likely, you have a plugin in your reporting configuration that demands a lifecycle that includes validate. If you are using an up-to-date copy of Maven (3.0.4), the -X option will include, amongst the thousands of lines of useless stuff, readable indications of this forking activity.

maven 3 javadoc plugin doesn't take the excludepackagename config

I'm trying to exclude a bunch of packages from a javadoc site.
Unfortunately this plugin seems to live its own life and when it was configured as a report plugin it failed with access denied when moving files, so it was changed to be a normal plugin and then configured to run with the site goal (aggregated). By doing that we have the javadoc generated and it's published under the site as it should be.
But it seems that the configuration parameters for the plugin doesn't take effect at all. I've tried to move the <excludePackageNames> element around - both being a general config and to be a specific config for the aggregate goal - and I even added an exclusion for our entire code base and all files was still generated.
What I'm trying to do is to simply remove a couple of packages that shouldn't be in the javadoc. Anyone who got this plugin and the config to play nicely, to exclude packages?
This is the config I use right now, the javadoc is created but all packages, including the excluded, is generated.
<!-- Hook up the Javadoc generation on the site phase -->
Any ideas, pretty please?
I solved identical problem by adding the sourcepath parameter to the configuration:
The configuration above will exclude all packages below but not itself. To exclude also use <excludePackageNames></excludePackageNames> instead.
