Default taskScheduler Bean - Spring integraion 2.2.0 Vs 3.0.2 with Spring 3.2.9 - spring

I have a stand alone application that uses File inbound channel adapter to poll for a file from a Specified location at certain interval.
I don't have a taskScheduler instance defined.
When running the application with both Spring integration 2.2.0 and 3.0.2, I see that there are 10 threads created with name task-scheduler-x after certain amount of time. I believe this is the default behavior.
I removed the file inbound channel adapter configuration from my application and re-run it, I noticed the following behavior.
In 3.0.2 , 10 threads are getting created with name task-scheduler-x.
In 2.2.0, Though a taskScheduler instance is getting created (I can see the message about the bean creation in the logs), I don't see any threads getting created with the name task-scheduler-x.
Why is this behavior different between these two versions? What should I do if I don't want to create a taskScheduler instance or I don't want to create any threads for task scheduling?
Thanks for the help.

The framework now has a built-in component (header channel registry) that uses the taskScheduler.
It's not really using many resources although it does have this side effect of instantiating the scheduler thread pool.
We'll look at adding an option to disable it if you don't need/use it. In the meantime, you can revert to the pre 3.0 behavior by adding this bean to your context:
<bean id="integrationHeaderChannelRegistry" class="">
<property name="autoStartup" value="false" />
I opened a JIRA Issue for this.


SourcePollingChannelAdapter: can inception of polling trigger after application start by arbitrary delay?

Spring: 5.2.16.RELEASE
Spring Integrations: 5.3.9.RELEASE
macOS Big Sur: 11.6
For a fuller account of my spring-integration configuration, see this question I posted yesterday.
To sum up, I have set up this channel for polling changes to a directory:
<int-file:inbound-channel-adapter id="channelIn" directory="${channel.dir}" auto-create-directory="false" use-watch-service="false" filter="channelFilter" watch-events="CREATE,MODIFY">
<int-file:nio-locker ref="channelLocker"/>
<int:poller fixed-delay="${channel.polling.delay}" max-messages-per-poll="${channel.polling.maxmsgs}"></int:poller>
It works fine. However, there does not appear to be a configuration option to start the polling after application-start by some arbitrary delay. In my case, I don't think there is any program error (yet) in starting the polling service immediately after Tomcat container starts my war-file. But it is also true that there is quite a bit going on during the application-start, and my preference would be to defer the inception of the polling service some time after the bean for SourcePollingChannelAdapter is created.
Is there anyway to do this in Spring?
There are (at least) a couple of options:
Instead of fixed-delay, use the trigger property to point to a PeriodicTrigger bean with an initialDelay (and fixedDelay).
Set auto-startup="false" and start the adapter manually either directly, or using a control bus.

Connecting ActiveMQ Web-Console to an existing broker (instead of starting a new one)

Having deployed the activemq-web-console war into a Tomcat embedded application how can one make it connect to an existing broker rather than create a new one?
The war comes with a set of predefined configurations, in particular, the WEB-INF/activemq.xml contains a configuration for the BrokerService
<broker brokerName="web-console" useJmx="true" xmlns="">
<persistenceAdapter><kahaDB directory="target/kahadb"/></persistenceAdapter>
<transportConnector uri="tcp://localhost:12345"/>
used from webconsole-embedded.xml in the following manner:
<bean id="brokerService" class="org.apache.activemq.xbean.BrokerFactoryBean">
<property name="config" value="/WEB-INF/activemq.xml"/>
This configuration creates a new instance of BrokerService and tries to start the broker.
It is reported that the web console can be used to monitor an existing broker service rather than creating a new one. For this one should set the following properties somewhere:
The questions is, where does one have to set these properties within the Tomcat embedded app and which XML changes in the above have to be performed for them to be used. I cannot find any sensible explanation how to configure it, and a BrokerService instance seems to be required by the remaining spring config.
Any ideas?
Please do not suggest to use hawtio instead!
I had the same problem today. You can start the webconsole in "properties" mode which gives you the oppertunity to connect over jmx.
I added following java arguments to our Jboss 6.1 and it worked immediatley. I didn't change any of the xmls (works out of the box)...
-Dwebconsole.type=properties -Dwebconsole.jms.url=tcp://<hostname>:61616 -Dwebconsole.jmx.url=service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://<hostname>:1090/jmxrmi -Dwebconsole.jmx.user=admin -Dwebconsole.jmx.password=123456
Also discussed here:

Prevent use of CachingConnectionFactory with DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory

I am working on a brand new project in which I need to have listeners that will consume messages from several queues (no need to have producer for now).
Starting from scratch, I am using the last Spring JMS version (4.1.2).
Here is an extract of my configuration file:
<bean id="cachedConnectionFactory"
p:sessionCacheSize="3" />
<bean id="jmsListenerContainerFactory"
p:receiveTimeout="5000" />
But I think I may be wrong since DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory will build regular DefaultMessageListenerContainerS. And, as stated in the doc, CachingConnectionFactory should not be used with a message listener container...
Even if I am using the new Spring 4.1 DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory class the answer from post is still valid (cacheConsumers = true can be an issue + don't need to cache sessions for listener containers because the sessions are long lived) , right?
Instead of using the CachingConnectionFactory, I should use the SingleConnectionFactory (and not directly the broker implementation one)?
If the SingleConnectionFactory class should indeed be used, is the "reconnectOnException" property should be set to true (as it is done in the CachingConnectionFactory) or does the new "setBackOff" method (from DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory) deals with the same kind of issues?
Thanks for any tips
There's not really much benefit in using a SingleConnectionFactory unless you want to share a single connection across multiple containers; the DMLC will use a single connection from the vendor factory by default for all consumer threads (cacheLevel >= CACHE_CONNECTION), unless a TransactionManager is configured.
The container(s) will handle reconnection - even before the 'new' backOff property - backOff just adds more sophistication to the reconnection algorithm - it used to just retry every n seconds (5 by default).
As stated in the answer you cited, it's ok to use a CCF as long as you disable consumer caching.
Correction: Yes, when using the SingleConnectionFactory, you do need to set reconnectOnException to true in order for the container to properly recover its connection. Otherwise, it simply hands out the stale connection.

Spring Integration :Can we have two Inbound Channel in the same time

I am using
<int:inbound-channel-adapter id="dummyMessageA" channel="messages" method="getMessage" auto-startup="true" ref="messageGenerator">
<int:poller error-channel="errorChannel" fixed-rate="10000"/>
<int:inbound-channel-adapter id="dummyNotif" channel="notifs" method="gtNotif" auto-startup="true" ref="notifGenerator">
<int:poller error-channel="errorChannel" fixed-rate="10000"/>
These inbound channels are independent but when I deploy my Web Application, Only the second inbound channel adapter is taken into consideration (although the other one was working before adding the dummyNotif). Is this normal, should I add something in the config (NB : I don't aggregate the messages)
My guess you catched this issue - 'Inbound Channel Adapter Parser doesn't generate unique bean Id for MessageSources'. That's mean that you use Spring Integration 3.0.
So, just upgrade to the latest - 3.0.2.RELEASE - and let us know.
Regarding the same id for several beans. By default Spring allow to do it and the last bean wins. All others will be ignored and skipped.
It can be disabled by AbstractRefreshableApplicationContext#setAllowBeanDefinitionOverriding(false).
From other side if you setup DEBUG logging level for org.springframework category you'll the message in the logs that your beans are overriden.
as far as your question is concerned, Spring Integration allows to have multiple inbound-channel-adapter definition in a single context.
However, from your comments, seems that you have some different issue in your configuration multiple Service Activators with same Id.
It can be disabled as #Artem described in his answer.

Configure Registry in camel context xml

I am new to Apache Camel and I am in a situation where my application needs a codec (HL7) to be registered with camel context. I know there is a solution where you can create a default camel context with an instance of your own registry but is there any way I could configure my own registry in the camel context?
I am using JavaDSL to develop my application and the configuration in context goes like this.
<bean id="hl7codec" class="org.apache.camel.component.hl7.HL7MLLPCodec">
<property name="charset" value="iso-8859-1"/>
<camelcontext id = "context">
<ref bean = "MyRouteBuilder"/>
I build the routes in MyRouteBuilder Class by overriding the configure method. My route goes like this.
However, the codec doesn't seem to work. When I remove the codec, My application runs just fine and accepts HL7 messages but with the codec, I am not able to receive any messages. I feel this occurs because the codec bean is defined but the context isnt able to pick it up. I do not want to create a defaultcamelcontext with the required registry settings. Rather, I am looking for a way to register the codec within camelcontext configuration xml, and so far, I have failed.
Am I missing anything with my configuration? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You normally should not need to use & in Java DSL, so replace &codec= with &codec=
