How to read a hive partition into an Apache Crunch pipeline? - hadoop

I am able to read text files in hdfs into apache crunch pipeline.
But now I need to read the hive partitions.
The problem is that as per our design, I am not supposed to directly access the file. Hence, now I need some way by which I can access the partitions using something like HCatalog.

You can use the org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore API or HCat API. Here is a simple example of using hive.metastore. You would have to make call to either or before starting on your Pipeline unless you want to join to some Hive partition in the mapper/reducer.
HiveMetaStoreClient hmsc = new HiveMetaStoreClient(hiveConf)
HiveMetaStoreClient hiveClient = getHiveMetastoreConnection();
List<Partition> partitions = hiveClient.listPartittions("default", "my_hive_table", 1000)
for(Partition partition: partitions) {
System.out.println("HDFS data location of the partition: " + partition.getSd().getLocation())
The only other thing you will need is to export the hive conf dir:
export HIVE_CONF_DIR=/home/mmichalski/hive/conf


How to write incremental data to hive using flink

I use flink 1.6,I know I can use custom sink and hive jdbc to write to hive,or use JDBCAppendTableSink,but it is still use jdbc.The problem is hive jdbc do not suppot batchExecute method.I think it will be very slow.
Then I seek another way,I write a DataSet to hdfs with writeAsText method,then create hive table from hdfs.But there is still a problem:the how to append incremental data.
The api of WriteMode is:
Enum FileSystem.WriteMode
Enum Constant and Description
Creates the target file only if no file exists at that path already.
Creates a new target file regardless of any existing files or directories.
For example,first batch,I write data of September to hive,then I get data of October,I want to append it.
But If I use OVERWRITE to the same hdfs file,data of September will not exist any more,if I use NO_OVERWRITE,I must write it to a new hdfs file,then a new hive table,we need them in a same hive table.And I do not know how to combine 2 hdfs file to a hive table.
So How to write incremental data to hive using flink?
As you already wrote there is no HIVE-Sink. I guess the default pattern is to write (text, avro, parquett)-files to HDFS and define an external hive table on that directory. There it doesn't matter if you have a single file or mutiple files. But you most likely have to repair this table on a regular basis (msck repair table <db_name>.<table_name>;). This will update the meta-data and the new files will be available.
For bigger amounts of data I would recommend to partition the table and add the partitions on demand (This blogpost might give you a hint:

why use nifi putHDFS command?

since "load local" command can load data from local file system to hive table, I'm unsure why most of people would like to putHFDS + replaceText + HiveQL. isn't better to use "replaceText + HiveQL" only instead of adding 1 more processor:putHDFS in workflow?
Many times NiFi will be running on a server outside the Hadoop cluster where the Hadoop client doesn't exist, so PutHDFS is transferring the data from that server to HDFS, and then ReplaceText + PutHiveQL is a way to create a Hive external table on top of the data that just landed in HDFS.

Save and access table-like data structure in hadoop

I want to save and access a table like data structure in HDFS with MapReduce programming. Part of this DS is shown in the following picture. This DS have tens of thousands of columns and hundreds of rows and All nodes should have access to it.
My Question is: How can I save this DS in HDFS and access it with MapReduce programming. Should I use arrays? (Or Hive tables ? Or Hbase?)
Thank you.
HDFS is distributed file System which stores your big files in distributed servers.
You can copy your files from local system to HDFS using command
hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /source/local/path destincation/hdfs/path
Once copy completed an External hive table can be formed on destincation/hdfs/path.
This table can be queried using hive shell.
Do consider Hive for this scenario. If you want to do table type of processing like SAS dataset or R dataframe/dataTable or python pandas; almost always an equivalent thing is possible in SQL. Hive provides powerful SQL abstraction through MapReduce and Tez engines. If you want to graduate to Spark sometime then you can read Hive tables in dataframes. As #sumit pointed you just need to transfer your data from local to HDFS (using HDFS copyFromLocal or put command) and define an external Hive table on that.
If in case you want to write some custom map-reduce on this data then access the background hive table data (more likely at /user/hive/warehouse). After reading the data from stdin, parse it in mapper (separator could be find using describe extended <hive_table>) and emit in key-value pair format.

Hdfs and Hbase: how it works?

Hi everybody
I'm quite new with bigdata, I have installed a HDFS + Hbase test database and I use Talend Big Data (an ETL) to make my test.
I would like to know : if I put a file directly in the HDFS, without going via hbase, I could never request these data ? I mean, I have to read the entire file if I want to filter data I want to chose, is that right ?
Thanks a lot for any help !
HDFS is just a distributed file system, you cannot query your files without passing by an intermidiate component.
Hbase is a nosql database that persist your data on the HDFS, use it when you need a random access to your data.
If you want to store your files on the HDFS as they are and query them, you can create an external table upon them using Hive.
The best option is to use hive on the top of the files which are on the HDFS. You can use bucketing and partitioning in the hive for performance improvement.

how to efficiently move data from Kafka to an Impala table?

Here are the steps to the current process:
Flafka writes logs to a 'landing zone' on HDFS.
A job, scheduled by Oozie, copies complete files from the landing zone to a staging area.
The staging data is 'schema-ified' by a Hive table that uses the staging area as its location.
Records from the staging table are added to a permanent Hive table (e.g. insert into permanent_table select * from staging_table).
The data, from the Hive table, is available in Impala by executing refresh permanent_table in Impala.
I look at the process I've built and it "smells" bad: there are too many intermediate steps that impair the flow of data.
About 20 months ago, I saw a demo where data was being streamed from an Amazon Kinesis pipe and was queryable, in near real-time, by Impala. I don't suppose they did something quite so ugly/convoluted. Is there a more efficient way to stream data from Kafka to Impala (possibly a Kafka consumer that can serialize to Parquet)?
I imagine that "streaming data to low-latency SQL" must be a fairly common use case, and so I'm interested to know how other people have solved this problem.
If you need to dump your Kafka data as-is to HDFS the best option is using Kafka Connect and Confluent HDFS connector.
You can either dump the data to a parket file on HDFS you can load in Impala.
You'll need I think you'll want to use a TimeBasedPartitioner partitioner to make parquet files every X miliseconds (tuning the configuration parameter).
Addign something like this to your Kafka Connect configuration might do the trick:
# Don't flush less than 1000 messages to HDFS
flush.size = 1000
# Dump to parquet files
partitioner.class = TimebasedPartitioner
# One file every hour. If you change this, remember to change the filename format to reflect this change = 3600000
# Filename format
Answering that question in year 2022, I would say that solution would be streaming messages from Kafka to Kudu and integrate Impala with Kudu, as it has already tight integration.
Here is example of Impala schema for Kudu:
'kudu.table_name' = 'my_kudu_table'
Apache Kudu supports SQL inserts and it uses own file format under the hood. Alternatively you could use Apache Phoenix which supports inserts and upserts (if you need exactly once semantic) and uses HBase under the hood.
As long as the Impala is your final way of accessing the data, you shouldn't care about underlaying formats.
