LibGDX Build Model error - gradle

I am trying to create a LibGDX project using Gradle. I have already "created" the project using the Gradle setup app, but when I try to import it on Eclipse, I receive the following error:
I prompted me to see the error log, but (I know this is embarrassing) I can't locate the error log.
So I am stuck at the very last hurdle. One thing I may have done to cause the error was not downloading the Android component (I am not interested in creating apps, only desktop applications). I have unchecked the Android app box in the Gradle setup though. The "root folder" I created my project using the setup is in
Inside game were all my files like gradle, .gradle, core, desktop. The import box seemed to find it ok. It's just that build error that stops me (The progress bar barely went past %5 before giving me the error)

To develop your application via Eclipse, you need to install the following pieces of software. You can find an in depth guide HERE:
Java Development Kit 7+ (JDK) (6 will not work!):
Android SDK:
Android Development Tools for Eclipse: (use this link as update site for eclipse)
Eclipse Integration Gradle: (for
Eclipse 4.4) or (for
Eclipse < 4.4)
Then you will need to download the project generator from here:
Last but not least, you will need to import the project as Gradle project in Eclipse.
See also:,-Intellij-IDEA,-NetBeans)


Gradle compatibility between Android Studio 4.0.1 and IntelliJ 2020.2 IDE

Just an observation that AS4.0.1 no longer clobbers IntelliJ (2020.2) initiated project settings any more, and merely complains of 'unsupported Modules' being detected(Note *).
Is this the beginning of Détente with peaceful co-existence (I wouldn't want to be unhappily surprised in future)?
Just to give specific context, here is what I refer to: (both reject the last configuration - a failed hack) and utilise their preferred first or second one respectively: This is a GOOD thing)
From IDEA 2020.2:
Unsupported Modules Detected: Compilation is not supported for following modules:
Unfortunately you can't have non-Gradle Java modules and Android-Gradle modules in one project.
The IDE modules below were removed by the Gradle project reload:
You can open DIALOG to select the ones you need to restore.
Android App:
[v] (level: WORKSPACE)
[x] (level: WORKSPACE)
From AndroidStudio 4.0.1(somewhere between IDEA 2019.2 and 2019.3):
Unsupported Modules Detected: Compilation is not supported for following modules:
Unfortunately you can't have non-Gradle Java modules and Android-Gradle modules in one project.
Android App:
[x] (level: WORKSPACE)
[x] (level: WORKSPACE)
Suggested Update AS 4.1 (including - All improvements from IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1.4)
Note *: It turns out they both complain of an illegal configuration, not of each others working configuration.
The problem is in a different version of the IntelliJ Platform. Android Studio and IntelliJ Idea is developing separately because it's different products of different companies.
Google adopts the IntelliJ Platform in Android Studio - so we can think about it as about hacked IDEA.
So usually backward compatibility exists - it means that I can open in a new version of IntelliJ IDEA my older projects, but not vice versa.
So if look at AS 4.0 release notes we can mention that it is based on IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3.3 ( But your try to open a project of newer version IntelliJ Platform (2020.2). So it fails because your try to open a newer project version (2020.2) by old IDEA (2019.3.3)
But you can without issues open a project of AS 4.0 with IDEA 2020.2 - it will simply convert older project layout to new.

How to use ServiceCore framework from salesforce in a Xamarin forms app?

I am getting a warning in my console when I try building the app in Release configuration. The warning reads The ServiceSDK frameworks have not been prepared for release.
Please ensure the "prepare-framework" script is run after the "Embed Frameworks" build phase.
From the documentations, I understand that a build phase script has to be run to fix the issue.
Here is how I use the framework in my solution:
I am creating a binding library which refers the framework through a Native Reference. Then I run the library project and build a .dll with I use in the iOS project within my Xamarin forms application. All this is working fine. I am able to use the intended features from the framework.
However, there is this warning which appears in the console when I run the App in Release configuration. Also, when I tried submitting the App to App Store, it throws error, which is apparently the same mentioned above.
I tried by adding Custom commands which I think is the equivalent of Xcode build phase scripts, but the warning doesn't simply go away.
Any help would be really appreciated.
Sample Repos -
Youtube Video Link -
Gudie Here -

OSGI plugin development with Domino Designer 10

Up to date I was using IBM Domino Designer V9.0.1 FP8 to develop an OSGI plugin. With this version everything was working as intended. I've created a plugin project, a feature project and an update site project. Selecting "Build all" in the update site project created all the the corresponding jar files.
Today I've installed IBM (HCL) Domino Desinger V10 FP2 (fresh install i.e. I've deinstalled V9.0.1 and deleted the old "workspace" directory in NotesData, but I kept the NotesData itself).
Now if I open my plugin projects, I can edit the plugin, save the Java classes without any errors. Up to this point everything is working as usual. But now, if I use "Build all" in the update site project I see a screen with "generating ant script" and then the build process is finished, but no jar files are generated.
Any ideas why this is happening? Am I missing some files? Am I missing some configurations?
BTW: if I use standard eclipse to build the plugin all jar files are generated.
Domino Designer is a customised version of Eclipse. 9.0.1 FP9 and lower is a very old version of Eclipse, 9.0.1 FP10+ is a much newer version, so not comparable to what was happening before. It's possible there are differences in the customisation of Eclipse that are affecting it. But every Domino OSGi plugin developer I'm aware of uses standard Eclipse.
Follow the steps for setting up your environment here In the documentation there I've tried to document why steps are done and what they achieve, as well as just the steps themselves. The intention is to pass on understanding to a broader set of developers, for future proofing.

Halide HelloAndroid import method not found

I tried to import HelloAndroid project in Android Studio, but, when i try to build the apk and run it on a device, i get a gradle error:
Does anyone know how to solve this and run the app?
Original author of the build.gradle script here. As you can probably tell, our gradle build is pretty messy. It consists of three steps:
Build the Halide generators using gradle's native "cpp" plugin. That is, they're just regular C++ programs.
Run each Halide generator with per-architecture arguments to generate a set of .so files in the appropriate jni/libs/ directory.
Shell out to the ndk-build script to compile, which links the JNI portion of the app with the Halide-generated .so files.
The process is brittle, especially with both Gradle and the Android platform changing under us. I've been waiting for the platform to stabilize with the new Gradle Component Model that is still "incubating" as well as the New Android Build System and New Experimental Plugin.
In the meantime, everything should still build if you use Android Studio 1.5 and Gradle 1.2.2 (1.2.3 will probably work, but IIRC 1.2.4 is broken).

Checked Out New Project in XCode 6.1 but XCTest and other libraries are missing

Today I checked out a new copy of stable project from gitHub to my home computer using Xcode 6.1. After doing so, I see that many of the frameworks and libraries, including XCTest, are missing (shown in red). I have added Framework and Header Search Paths, but they are still not found.
To make things stranger, I can build the project to a simulator or device, but when I try to run an individual test, I get clang or missing file error for the libraries/frameworks shown in red.
As it turns out, the reason for my errors was that I had not run "Build for Testing" before trying to run the individual Unit Tests. As such, the proper library dependencies had not been generated.
