Xcode 6 - Issue with 4inch screen and iOS 7 - xcode

I have developed a new app from scratch using Xcode 6.
I have built the app in the "Base" and I set the constraints for all iphones and works perfect.
When I run the app on iPhone 5 or iPhone 5S for iOS 7 I have a black space from the top of the screen but the app is fine for theses devices on iOS8. (I added all the launchimages for all iOS(7+8) and for all sizes.
This is a screenshot with the issue:

The problem was with the constraints of the ImageView. I remove them all and then I set the UIImageView to have equal width and height with the parent UIView. Then I set constraints to keep the UIImageView on the center - both vertically and horizontally.


In Xcode, the phone simulator orientation is not in portrait form?

I'm using Swift SpriteKit. This is my scene for an app I am currently making:
I made the width and height of the frame so it works with the iphone 7, but when I run it in the iPhone 7 simulator it looks like this:
How do I fix this?
If you mean the simulator is in horizontal orientation:
Open up the simulator, in the menu bar go to Hardware > Rotate Left/Right

In Xcode 6.1, iPhone 6 plus, iPad slider black screen

In Xcode 6.1 when i load the iPhone 6plus simulator along with the huge iPad simulators that all take up the full screen there is a scroll slider in the simulator. When i scroll the simulator a little to the right there is about a quarter of an inch black screen that covers the part that slides. When i did work in Xcode 5.1.1 for this app and iPad simulator loaded full screen it didn't have a scroll slider and it didn't have a black screen for that little part. However, now when i load the same iPad simulator in Xcode 6.1 there is that slider and the quarter of an inch black screen. Inside the storyboard the UIImageView is placed 414 width by 736 height covering the full storyboard so that's why I don't understand.Is that 1/4 inch black screen after scroll supposed to be there or does it mean my background UIImageView is not big enough to fit the entire simulator even though my UIImageView fits the entire storyboard?
Horizontal scrolling not working is a bug in the iOS Simulator in Xcode 6.1. The only workaround is to decrease your window zoom such that the contents fit in the entire window (thus making it so you don't need to scroll).

Iphone Simulator Xcode 6 on IOS 8 visualize two black bars

I have tried new app in Xcode 6 and not use storyboard. But when I have ran the app, with Iphone 5,5s,6 and 6 plus, in Iphone Simulator visualize two black bars on the top and below. Only Iphone 4s there aren't black bars.
Do you have an idea to resolve my problem?
You need to add a Default-568h#2x.png image file that is 640x1136 to your project. I added an all black one that was in an older project. I didn't have to set anything else, which was nice. If you are building for iOS8 and later you can just use the LaunchScreen.xib instead.
In my case I was using jpg pictures for the default. Even though I had the correct file names and resolutions, it didn't work.
Switching from jpg to png solved it.
If you designed the app so that its views had the "old" screen size, and didn't design them to be responsive to different screen sizes, then the phone will add the black bars (known as a "letterbox", I think).

Weird UITabBar background issue on iPhone6 Simulator, iOS8

Hi I have weird problem on iPhone6, iOS8 in iPhone simulator (unfortunately I don't have actual device to test yet).
I have background view whose bottom edge is exactly to top edge of UITabBar 0px overlap, background is in golden colour.
This problem only occurs on iPhone6, on iPhone6 plus and iPhone5 all is ok.
Tab bar on iPhone6 simulator:
Same tabbar on iPhone6 Plus simulator:
Same on iPhone5:
Anyone experienced anything similar?
Do you have any suggestion how to fix this?
Should I ignore it, if its simulator only issue?
Did you check the #3x, #2x, #1x image size? sometimes is has an issue with those assets.

image position iOS 7 vs iOS 6

I have a background image issue for my app after I updated the project for iOS 7.
The app is navigation controller managed. I have a background image (UIImageView) created in IB. Since I place it a bit under the navigation menu I assume that the placement is calculated from the top of the view which in iOS 7 is beneath the Navigation Controller. When I run the app in iOS 6 the image is quite far down on the screen. Once again I assume this is because the top of the view in iOS 6 is below the Navigation Controller menu.
How do I fix so that the image has the same vertical distance from the navigation controller in iOS7 and iOS6?
Best regards
iOS 7 brings several changes to how you lay out and customize the appearance of your UI. The changes in view-controller layout, tint color, and font affect all the UIKit objects in your app. In addition, enhancements to gesture recognizer APIs give you finer grained control over gesture interactions.
Please refer answer here.
One solution what I did is : I hooked background image to a reference from my xib, and set the frame programmatically from ViewDidLoad. It works fine.Please note that not forget to check iPhone 5 and iPhone 4 and set height to 568 and 480 respectively.
