Go - How to test with http.NewRequest - go

I've got below code for testing http request:
func TestAuthenticate(t *testing.T) {
api := &ApiResource{}
ws := new(restful.WebService)
ws.Consumes(restful.MIME_JSON, restful.MIME_XML)
ws.Produces(restful.MIME_JSON, restful.MIME_JSON)
bodyReader := strings.NewReader("<request><Username>42</Username><Password>adasddsa</Password><Channel>M</Channel></request>")
httpRequest, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "/login", bodyReader)
// httpRequest.Header.Set("Content-Type", restful.MIME_JSON)
httpRequest.Header.Set("Content-Type", restful.MIME_XML)
httpWriter := httptest.NewRecorder()
restful.DefaultContainer.ServeHTTP(httpWriter, httpRequest)
I tried to use json as a string with same NewReader and also tried to use struct with json.Marshal.
Neither of them works.
Is there a method where I can code bodyReader for a valid third parameter for http.NewRequest?
Similar request as input for NewReader in JSON is:
bodyReader := strings.NewReader("{'Username': '12124', 'Password': 'testinasg', 'Channel': 'M'}")
Struct fields are is:
Username, Password, Channel

The JSON is invalid. JSON uses " for quoting strings, not '.
Use this line of code to create the request body:
bodyReader := strings.NewReader(`{"Username": "12124", "Password": "testinasg", "Channel": "M"}`)
I used a raw string literal to avoid quoting the " in the JSON text.


What is strfmt.Registry in go-swagger

I have a error model that looked like this
type: object
type: string
example: missing_field
description: This field contains a string succinctly identifying the problem.
type: string
example: The `first_name` field is required.
description: This field contain a plainly-written, developer-oriented explanation of the solution to the problem in complete, well-formed sentences.
type: string
format: url
example: https://docs.api.example.com/v2/users/create_user#first_name
description: This field SHOULD contain a publicly-accessible URL where information about the error can be read in a web browser.
$ref: '#/definitions/Error_target'
description: error model
I used go-swagger to generate server stub. In models/error.go file
import (
// swagger:model Error
type Error struct {
// This field contains a string succinctly identifying the problem.
// Example: missing_field
Code string `json:"code,omitempty"`
// This field contain a plainly-written, developer-oriented explanation of the solution to the problem in complete, well-formed sentences.
// Example: The `first_name` field is required.
Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
// This field SHOULD contain a publicly-accessible URL where information about the error can be read in a web browser.
// Example: https://docs.api.example.com/v2/users/create_user#first_name
MoreInfo string `json:"more_info,omitempty"`
// target
Target *ErrorTarget `json:"target,omitempty"`
// Validate validates this error
func (m *Error) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error {
var res []error
if err := m.validateTarget(formats); err != nil {
res = append(res, err)
if len(res) > 0 {
return errors.CompositeValidationError(res...)
return nil
func (m *Error) validateTarget(formats strfmt.Registry) error {
The function Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) takes in a parameter called formats of type strfmt.Registry. Not sure, how and where to use this validate function and what to pass a argument for formats. Any example is greatly appreciated.

http: superfluous response.WriteHeader call StatusOK

In my code, I've a loop that processing set of files (based on what available at pre-specified folder), and based on the output of each processed file, some info is sent to the client, so I wrote the below:
for i, file := range files {
uniqueSlice := unique(matches)
output = Output{MSG: "ok", File: file, Skills: uniqueSlice}
data, err := json.Marshal(output)
if err != nil {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) // -< Error from here
Above working correctly if the folder has a single file, but if has more than one, I got the error: http: superfluous response.WriteHeader call
I understood the error is due to using w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) which can not be used more than once to be set, but I need it to be set for the client to process the returned data.
How can I fix this code, so that I can return data directly to the client upon processing each file.
If I remove http.StatusOK as recommended in the comments below, then I get the returned as plain text not as JSON!
You can't just concatenate JSON documents together and expect the result to be valid json encoded. You'll have to put your output objects in an array and then output that array once at the end, otherwise the response won't be valid json.
If you output objects individually like your code did, the final data will look like
{"MSG": "ok", "File": "...", "Skills": [...]}{"MSG": "ok", "File": "...", "Skills": [...]}{"MSG": "ok", "File": "...", "Skills": [...]}
Each one of those outputs is valid by itself, but the entire output with the objects just concatenated together, is not.
Ideally, when outputting json to a stream like an HTTP response, instead of storing it in an intermediate buffer (data) for you, use json.NewEncoder(w) where w is the http response writer. Streaming is almost always better than rendering to a variable.
var outputs = make([]Output,0,len(files)
for i, file := range files {
uniqueSlice := unique(matches)
outputs = append(outputs, Output{MSG: "ok", File: file, Skills: uniqueSlice})
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
if err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(outputs); err != nil {

Passing nested JSON as variable in Machinebox GraphQL mutation using golang

Hi there Golang experts,
I am using the Machinebox "github.com/machinebox/graphql" library in golang as client for my GraphQL server.
Mutations with single layer JSON variables work just fine
I am, however, at a loss as to how to pass a nested JSON as a variable
With a single layer JSON I simply create a map[string]string type and pass into the Var method. This in turn populates my graphql $data variable
The machinebox (graphql.Request).Var method takes an empty interface{} as value so the map[string]string works fine. But embedded json simply throws an error.
func Mutate(data map[string]string, mutation string) interface{} {
client := GQLClient()
graphqlRequest := graphql.NewRequest(mutation)
graphqlRequest.Var("data", data)
var graphqlResponse interface{}
if err := client.Run(context.Background(), graphqlRequest, &graphqlResponse); err != nil {
return graphqlResponse
mutation createWfLog($data: WfLogCreateInput)
createWfLog (data: $data){
taskGUID {
data variable shape:
"data": {
"event": "Task Create",
"taskGUID": {
"connect": {"id": "606f46cdbbe767001a3b4707"}
"log": "my log and information",
"createdBy": "calvin cheng"
As mentioned, the embedded json (value of taskGUID) presents the problem. If value was simple string type, it's not an issue.
Have tried using a struct to define every nesting, passed in struct.
Have tried unmarshaling a struct to json. Same error.
Any help appreciated
I have figured it out... and it is a case of my noobness with Golang.
I didn't need to do all this conversion of data or any such crazy type conversions. For some reason I got in my head everything HAD to be a map for the machinebox Var(key, value) to work
thanks to xarantolus's referenced site I was able to construct a proper strut. I populated the strut with my variable data (which was a nested json) and the mutation ran perfectly!

Go-gin intercepting a request body

I am using go-gin as server and trying to decode the request body. When I send request which has both the strings
"name": "abc"
The following code decodes it correctly:
var decodedBody map[string]string
err = json.NewDecoder(c.Request.Body).Decode(&decodedBody)
But if I send
"id": 1
The following code gives me a blank map
var decodedBody map[string]int
err = json.NewDecoder(c.Request.Body).Decode(&decodedBody)
Not sure what am I missing here. Any pointers?
because you set the decodeBody's data type with string,if your value is not the string value, it will not decode the correct value,{"id":1},it's value's type is int,not the string.

Determine if POST data value matches struct field type

Using the gin framework I am trying to determine if POST'ed data does not match the struct field type and inform API user of their error.
type CreateApp struct {
LearnMoreImage string `db:"learn_more_image" json:"learn_more_image,omitempty" valid:"string,omitempty"`
ApiVersion int64 `db:"api_version" json:"api_version" valid:"int,omitempty"`
func CreateApps(c *gin.Context) {
var json models.CreateApp
So when I POST
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"learn_more_image":"someimage.jpg","api_version":"somestring"}' ""
I would like to determine whether the POST'ed data for field 'api_version' (passed as string) does not match the struct field it is being binded to (int). If the data doesnt match I'd like to send a message back to the user. Its for this reason I was hoping I could loop through the gin contexts data and check it.
The gin function 'c.Bind()' seems to omit invalid data and all subsequent data fields with it.
Gin has a built-in validation engine: https://github.com/bluesuncorp/validator/blob/v5/baked_in.go
but you can use your own or disable it completely.
The validator does not validate the wire data (json string), instead it validates the binded struct:
LearnMoreImage string `db:"learn_more_image" json:"learn_more_image,omitempty" binding:"required"`
ApiVersion int64 `db:"api_version" json:"api_version" binding:"required,min=1"`
Notice this: binding:"required,min=1"
err := c.Bind(&json)
or use a middleware and read c.Errors.
Three workarounds:
Validate the json string your own (it can not be done with enconding/json)
Validate if integer is > 0 binding:"min=1"
Use a map[string]interface{} instead of a Struct, then validate the type.
func endpoint(c *gin.Context) {
var json map[string]interface{}
struct, ok := validateCreateApp(json)
if ok { /** DO SOMETHING */ }
func validateCreateApp(json map[string]interface{}) (CreateApp, bool) {
learn_more_image, ok := json["learn_more_image"].(string)
if !ok {
return CreateApp{}, false
api_version, ok = json["api_version"].(int)
if !ok {
return CreateApp{}, false
return CreateApp{
learn_more_image, api_version,
