Disable Windows Firewall popup for automated tests - windows

We are running automated tests from Visual Studio. Some of these tests needs to communicate with a temporary Redis server and we therefore launch redis-server.exe in a JobObject during test execution.
The redis-server.exe executable file is deployed to the test run directory by declaring [DeploymentItem("redis-server.exe")].
This works fine except that for every test run an annoying Windows Firewall popup is displayed:
Is it possible to prevent this popup from being displayed?
Would it, for example, be possible to tell Windows that any redis-server.exe located under a specific directory is allowed to use the network?
This is particularly annoying because the dialog fulfills no purpose in this case. No matter whether I choose to click on Allow access or Cancel or even just ignore the popup, the tests will still complete. However, a new firewall rule is created every time.

No idea if it's actually possible, but the best solution would be to change the listening settings on the temporary server so that it listens on instead of, causing it to only accept connections from the local machine. For a test it's perfectly acceptable, and such a listening will never trigger firewall warnings.

I know that this post is related to VisualStudio, but I had exactly the same problem, but with Intellij and Java.
In Java, it is possible to configure the server like in the following piece of code to achieve the same thing (no firewall warning being displayed):
The trick is the setting value "bind".
With this configuration no more firewall warning appears.
I found the answer in the embedded-redis project on GitHub (here).


VS2015 Unable to connect remote debugger

I have VS2015 locally. Windows 2012 R2 server hosting an IIS8 test website.
I've put the updated DLL and PDB files in the BIN of the test website.
Step 1) On the remote server, I make sure the Remote Debugger is started.
Step 2) While in VS, I navigate to Debug => Attach to Process. Click "Find". Then click "Select"
This is when the error shows up "Unable to connect to 'address'. An operation is not legal in the current state."
I noticed the Qualifier port was changed, and is different than what shows in Step 1... so I try manually changing what's in the Qualifier to match.. but same issue.
I see the "Transport" is changed from Remote to WebKit. Not sure if this is a problem...
I figured it out. Instead of choosing Remote in the Transport dropdown. Select Default and then put your server in the textbox. Even though I am doing remote debugging, it solved the problem.
I got the same error while I tried to attached my solution with running localhost application hosted in iis. I just fixed it by selecting "Native code" in the "Attach to" field of the "Attach to Process" dialog.
In my scenario, a process running on a machine behind firewall had to be debugged. Usual steps did not help in discovering the machine or its process by selecting the Remote (No Authentication) option.
The following steps helped in remote debugging the process with firewalls on:
Run Remote Debugger on remote machine. The remote machine may have the firewall on. Leave Remote Debugger to run with Authentication Mode as Windows Authentication.
On the debugging machine, go to Debug->Attach to Process, and leave Default in Transport drop-down. Enter the IP of the remote machine for Qualifier and press Enter. This will ask to provide credentials to log into remote machine. Provide credentials. Processes running on the remote machine should now be listed under Available Processes
If the intended process on remote machine is not listed in Available Processes, check ""Show processes from all users"". This should show the process intended to be debugged.
If the break points are not loaded or hit when expected, go to Tools->Options->Debugging-> Uncheck Enable Just My Code. Break points should now hit.
Hope this helps.
Can a moderator add tags remote debugging and remote debugging with firewall to this post, and remove this line?

Windows service not stopping without restart?

I keep getting this error:
Error 1061: The service cannot accept control messages at this time
This happens when I attempt to stop the service installed using InstallUtil from this location: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\InstallUtil.exe
I am attempting to debug the windows service in question. My problem is that everytime I attempt to introduce changes to the codebase, the computer "A physical machine - Dell Precision T3500" requires that I restart the entire machine to completely uninstall the service, before I do a reinstall.
I have looked at this Link and it is not helpful in my scenario as I would first have to stop the service to be able to gain full access to the location where my build is generated to.
Whilst the service is attempting to restart before I do the restart of PC, when I attempt to build the service from my code, I get this interesting error from the compiler:
Error 16 Unable to copy file
"obj\x86\Debug\X_WindowsService.exe" to
"bin\x86\Debug\X_WindowsService.exe". The process cannot
access the file 'bin\x86\Debug\X_WindowsService.exe' because
it is being used by another process. X_WindowsService
Because of the error above I also think this is why I am not able to use the SO solution from here.
Does anyone have a clever idea for me to go through to bypass having to restart the machine as I debug and make changes to my codebase?
I also had a look at this link from SO but it has no marked solution, I also tried one of the Microsoft forums for a solution but it too has no applicable solution as they recommend the restart which I am trying to avert.
I feel so silly after finding this solution. I should most certainly have used the KISS principle for this one.
Turns out, all I had to do was look for the service's process from task manager and simply end the task. After that a refresh to my services list shows the service status as blank, meaning it has completely stopped without a restart of the machine.

WDS ImageUnattend does not run

We've successfully set-up WDS (Windows Deployment Services) and had it all working (it's serving an unattended Windows 7 x64 installation, the user only has to F12 then wait for the install to finish) but it no longer works the way it did before.
We're trying to F12 the exact same machine where it used to work. The WDS part of the installation is still automatic (unattended) but ImageUnattend.xml does not seem to run on the client at all now, it gets stuck at the language selection (everything after that is manual as well which is supposed to be automatic).
Inspecting C:\windows\panther on the client machine shows that WDS pops up with an error: WDS CallBack_WdsClient_CopyPrivatesDone: Failed to process client unattend variables.
Changing "%MACHINENAME%" to "*" in the ImageUnattend.xml file makes it all automatic again, however it then renames the computer incorrectly.
The variable %MACHINENAME% worked before, so why does it not work now? Has anyone else met this issue before?
Using a different user (domain administrator) in the ImageUnattend.xml file does not seem to change anything.
After countless of attempts with at least 15 new ImageUnattend.xml files, I decided to restart the server and use the original files I knew worked before.
This fixed it.

VS2010 specific port changes at random

I'm playing around with a WCF service.
The problem I'm having is that VS2010 keeps randomly assigning a new port number to it when starting the VS Development Server even though I have set it to a specific port through the project settings.
If I keep stopping and starting VS Development Server for a few times with this problem, I get an error that says Unable to launch the ASP.NET Development server because port 'xxxx' is in use.
Why is this happening?
edit: It was suggested that this could be caused by the Dev Server not stopping. Unfortunately, it happens on a freshly started computer as well, i.e. when no instances of it are running at all.
Also, after I get the error message, it doesn't matter if I change the port, or select the Auto-assign Port option. The result is the same.
I have seen it sometimes and it seems that the webserver doesn't stop at times. So next time you fire up your project, the previous server is running at the same port.
The solution is to explicitly close the previous one and retry.
On the project properties of the web app project (right click and select Properties) Web tab, change the radio button to 'Specific Port' from auto select. That should make the port number totally consistent.
It turns out that the problem was linked to the issue answered at Visual Studio Development Server using wrong port.
I didn't suspect this to be the cause because I didn't have a blanket problem. I could launch the WCF solution at times, but not at certain other times. I could also run an instance of the Dev Server for an MVC solution with a specific port applied without problems.

Visual Studio: Debugging non localhost domain, locally

I have an entry in my hosts file that points somesite.com to (localhost) so that I can test certain aspects of my web app (i goto http://somesite.com in a browser to test). Can someone suggest a way to debug a setup like this (in visual studio) that does not include using http://localhost?
I understand that this can most likely be done using remote debugger, if that is the best way can someone explain how thats setup (or a link to a good article).
Set up a virtual machine, and run the web app in the VM. If you have two network adapters in the machine, you can even set things up so the network traffic goes out one, to a switch, and back in the other to the VM (I've done this sometimes so I could capture the traffic with WireShark).
