Calling getCommunitySharedFiles returns error 'missing parameter communityCollectionID' - ibm-sbt

Calling getCommunitySharedFiles returns this Missing parameter communityCollectionID error in Greenhouse playground also.. According to the documentation, it should be the same as getCommunityfiles.

it's an issue which is found
String requestUrl = FileUrls.GET_COMMUNITY_COLLECTION.format(this,FileUrlParts.accessType.get(accessType), FileUrlParts.communityId.get(communityId));
Based on the Collection enum
GET_COMMUNITY_COLLECTION(new VersionedUrl(v4_0, "{files}/{authType}/{accessType}/communitycollection/{communityCollectionId}/feed")),
The community Collection ID is never being passed, and should be part of the format command
public String format(BaseService service, NamedUrlPart... args) {
return builder.format(service, args);
I asked the Developer to Fix


Spring-AOP Return value of Aspect #AfterReturn is not working

#AfterReturning(value = "anyPublicMethod() && applyPrivacy()", returning = "result")
public Object afterReturning(JoinPoint joinPoint, Object result) {
return someService.createNewObjectWithHelpOfResult(result);
My intention was to fill some null values in result fields. So in method createNewObjectWithHelpOfResult I'm creating a new Object and setting only the required values. But return value is not reflecting after afterReturning method is finished. But if I do mutations on result. They're very well reflected after aspect #AfterReturning method ends, but I want the return value to be used? Is this not possible? I'll have to do mutation only?
What #M.Deinum explained, is documented in the Spring manual, section "After Returning Advice". The end of the section reads:
Please note that it is not possible to return a totally different reference when using after returning advice.
Therefore, you cannot just make your #AfterReturning advice have a return type other than void and hope it will magically return something. As the advice type name implies, all 3 types of #After* advices run after the method has returned already. There is nothing you can do to change the result (except for altering internal state of an object instance). You can merely read (and e.g. log) it.
The solution, like #M.Deinum said, is an #Around advice, see also again the Spring manual.
It is generally a good idea to at least study the manual and learn some basics or take a look at examples before asking questions in public. I am sure you did not find any valid example for an #After* advice with non-void return type.
I am using #AfterReturning on the methods whose return type is String but instead of String I am getting null as result
#AfterReturning(value = "execution(*", returning = "result")
public void afterA(JoinPoint joinPoint, Object result) {"After method {} returned with value {}", joinPoint, result);
O/P - After method execution(void returned with value null

redissonClient.poll() only returning the first 8 characters of String type value

Currently using reddison, creating a redissonClient and trying to poll data from redis server. I can see the data in the redis db if I check via redis-cli but when I look at the string value in my java application it is always the first 8 characters of the string and no more. Not sure why it won't give me the whole value.
I've tried using the .peek() method as well and I see the same symptom in that I only get 8 characters of the string returned.
Here is the main part of the code I can provide more details as needed:
public class RedisConsumer {
RedisConfig redisConfig;
//RQueue<String> redisQueue;
RBlockingQueue<String> redisQueue;
RedisConsumer(RedisConfig redisConfig) {
this.redisConfig = redisConfig;
public void pollAuditQueue() {
redisQueue.add("{JSON string here snipped out for brevity}");
String item = redisQueue.poll();
if (!Objects.isNull(item)) {"I found this item: " + item);
} else {"Nothing in queue...");
private void init() throws Exception {
RedissonClient redissonClient = redisConfig.redisson();
redisQueue = redissonClient.getBlockingQueue("test");
while(true) {
When I look at the print statement in my console I see:
I found this item: {"AuditEv
When I check the redis-cli I can see the whole value:
1) "\xfc\t{\"AuditEvent\":{\"timestamp\":\"2018-11-27 04:31:47.818000+0000\" snipped the rest out for brevity}"
Lastly if I check that the item was removed from Redis after being polled in the Java app I can confirm that it is.
Any help would be great since it's not throwing any specific error I'm not finding any resources online to help address it.
I've found one thing I didn't notice in my earlier testing. When I manually insert using the redis cli I was replicating what my first tests through Java did which put the \xfc\t at the front which can be seen in my sample above.
Just now when I used redisQueue.add from within my application I noticed in redis it has \xfc\x80\x90\x01 instead and those do return the entire string to me in my application. I assume then this has to do with memory allocation somehow? I'm marking the question as resolved as I am no longer experiencing the issue. If anyone can drop on comment on what those letter/numbers mean though it may be meaningful for anyone that reads this post later. Once I have researched it I will add that comment myself if no one has beat me to it!
Add encoding:
RMap map = redisson.getMap("SessionMap"); -->
RMap map = redisson.getMap("SessionMap", new StringCodec("UTF-8"));

Find Error When Using Codec

I have a simple object named Tag that has an id, name, and three numeric properties. I also have a codec for the object. The folloing code executes without error.
MongoDatabase tagsDatabase =
MongoCollection<Tag> tagsCollection =
tagsDatabase.getCollection(tagsCollectionName, Tag.class);
ArrayList<Tag> tagsList = new ArrayList<Tag>();
FindIterable<Tag> tagsByAlpha =
Following this, the code
tagsByAlpha.forEach(new Consumer<Tag>() {
public void accept(Tag t) {
thows the exception "org.bson.BsonInvalidOperationException: readEndArray can only be called when ContextType is ARRAY, not when ContextType is DOCUMENT" at the first line (forEach). An alternative construct
MongoCursor<Tag> tagsCursor = tagsByAlpha.iterator();
throws the same exception. It seems to be implying that find() has returned Documents rather than Tag objects. At the same time, the code that does work suggests that what I'm trying is possible. What am I doing wrong?
Should have used org.bson.codecs.DoubleCodec

AWS Lex receives Invalid Response from lambda function - Can not construct instance of IntentResponse

Using Java8 in eclipse AWS SDK, I've created and uploaded a lambda function that is hooked in upon fulfillment of my lex intent.
Lambda has not problem receiving JSON request and parsing.
Then, I format a simple "Close" dialogAction response and send back to lex and receive the following error from the Test Bot page in the lex console:
An error has occurred: Received invalid response from Lambda:
Can not construct instance of IntentResponse:
no String-argument constructor/factory method to deserialize
from String value
{"contentType":"PlainText","content":"Thanks I got your info"}}}')
at [Source: "{\"dialogAction\":
{\"contentType\":\"PlainText\",\"content\":\"Thanks I got your
info\"}}}";line: 1, column: 1]
It seems to have a problem right away with the format (line 1, column 1), but my JSON string looks ok to me. Before returning the output string in the handleRequest java function, I am writing the it to the Cloudwatch log and it writes as follows:
"dialogAction": {
"type": "Close",
"fulfillmentState": "Fulfilled",
"message": {
"contentType": "PlainText",
"content": "Thanks I got your info"
Things I've tried:
Removing the message element as it's not required
Adding in non-required properties like sessionAttributes,
responseCard, etc
removing the double quotes
replacing double quotes with single quotes
hardcoding json from sample response format message in documentation
Is there something hidden at the http headers level or is java8 doing something to the JSON that is not visible?
Not sure if this is because I'm using Java8 or not, but a return value of "String" from the RequestHandler class handleRequest method will not work.
Yes, String is an object, but the constructors on the Lex side are expecting an "Object". I was converting my lex response POJO to a String before returning it in the handleRequest method. That was my mistake.
I fixed it by changing the return type of the handleRequest method to be "Object" instead of "String".
public Object handleRequest(Object input, Context context)
instead of
public String handleRequest(Object input, Context context)
You also have to implement the
public class LambdaFunctionHandler implements RequestHandler<Object, Object>
public class LambdaFunctionHandler implements RequestHandler<Object, String>
This solved my issue.
In my case I was facing exactly the same issue and was able to fix it by creating specific response POJO type and using this POJO as the return type for 'handleRequest' method. E.g. as follow:
public class BotResponse implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public DialogAction dialogAction = new DialogAction();
public DialogAction getDialogAction() {
return dialogAction;
public void setDialogAction(DialogAction dialogAction) {
this.dialogAction = dialogAction;
Note, I have also added the 'implements Serializable' just to be on safer side. Probably it is an overkill.
Not sure why but for me returning a well formatted JSON String object did not worked even after changing the return type of 'handleRequest' method to 'Object'.
I know this is an old question however thought this might help some else
#Mattbob Solution dint fix my issue, However he is in the right path. Best approach is to use a Response object, a custom response object and make the lambda return the custom response object. So i went to the Documentation and created a custom object that looks Response format here
At the time of answering question i couldnt find an object in SDK that matched the response Object so i had to recreate but if some one knows please comment below
Class xxxxx implements RequestHandler<Object, AccountResponse> {
public AccountResponse handleRequest(Object input, Context context) {
Lambda will look somewhat like this and just populate and return the object to match response structure and error goes away. Hope this helps.
Whenever we are returning the object to the bot from the backend make sure we need to pass content type along with content. But here we are passing wrong. So wE need to pass as like below. It is in Node.js
let message = {
contentType: "PlainText",
content: 'Testing bot'

WebAPI in memory testing - getting error serialize IQueryable

I have WebAPI implementation with method like this:
public IEnumerable<Device> GetAllDevices()
public Device GetDeviceById(int id)
Looks ok, it works when running in IIS or selfhosted. Returns JSON objects correctly.
However first method fails in my unit test where I attempt to use inmemory server.
System.InvalidOperationException : Cannot create and populate list type System.Linq.IQueryable`1[Test.Device].
This goes down to Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization assembly. An example of the test follow:
public void GET_AskingForListOfDevices_GettingOk200WithListOfDevicesInJSON()
var client = new HttpClient(InMemoryServer);
HttpRequestMessage request = CreateRequest("api/devices", "application/json", HttpMethod.Get);
using (HttpResponseMessage response = client.SendAsync(request).Result)
Assert.That(response.StatusCode, Is.EqualTo(HttpStatusCode.OK));
Assert.AreEqual("application/json", response.Content.Headers.ContentType.MediaType);
// next line throws exc
var content = response.Content.ReadAsAsync<IQueryable<Device>>().Result;
Assert.AreEqual(3, content.Count());
Any idea where to look?
The example below throws that error, however I found the solution to avoid it. Just by using IList<> instead of IQueryable<>. Still It does not answer me the question why it's working in Fiddler. Does it use the same trick?
I am running into same situation. IQueryable throws exception but if you use IEnumerable then it works.
