string to integer conversion omitting first character of charset - ruby

This is more of a general problem than a ruby specific one, I just happen to be doing it in ruby. I am trying to convert a string into an Integer/Long/Bigint, or whatever you want to call it, using a charset for example Base62 (0-9a-zA-Z).
Problem is when I try to convert a string like "0ab" into an integer and that integer back to a string I get "ab". This occurs with any string starting the first character of the alphabet.
Here is an example implementation, that has the same issue.
In action:
2.1.3 :001 > require 'base62'
=> true
2.1.3 :002 > Base62.decode "0ab"
=> 2269
2.1.3 :003 > Base62.encode 2269
=> "ab"
I might be missing the obvious.
How can I convert bidirectionally without that exception?

You're correct that this is a more general problem.
One solution is to use "padding", which fills in extra information such as indicating missing bits, or a conversion that isn't quite perfectly clean.
In your particular code for example, you are currently losing the leading character if it's the first primitive. This is because the leading character has a zero index, and you're adding the zero to your int, which doesn't change anything.
In your code, the padding could be accomplished a variety of ways.
For example, prepending a given leading character that is not the first primitive.
Essentially, you need to choose a way to protect the zero value, so it is not lost by the int.
An alternate solution is to change your storage from using an int to using any other object that doesn't lose leading zeros, such as a string. This is how a typical Base64 encoding class does it: the input is a string, and the storage is also a string.


In ruby, how do I turn a text representation of a byte in to a byte?

What is the best way to turn the string "FA" into /xFA/ ?
To be clear, I don't want to turn "FA" into 7065 or "FA".to_i(16).
In Java the equivalent would be this:
byte b = (byte) Integer.decode("0xFA");
So you're using / markers, but you aren't actually asking about regexps, right?
I think this does what you want:
# => "\xFA"
There is no actual byte type in ruby stdlib (I don't think? unless there's one I don't know about?), just Strings, that can be any number of bytes long (in this case, one). A single "byte" is typically represented as a 1-byte long String in ruby. #bytesize on a String will always return the length in bytes.
# => 1
Your example happens not to be a valid UTF-8 character, by itself. Depending on exactly what you're doing and how you're environment is set up, your string might end up being tagged with a UTF-8 encoding by default. If you are dealing with binary data, and want to make sure the string is tagged as such, you might want to #force_encoding on it to be sure. It should NOT be neccesary when using #pack, the results should be tagged as ASCII-8BIT already (which has a synonym of BINARY, it's basically the "null encoding" used in ruby for binary data).
=> #<Encoding:ASCII-8BIT
But if you're dealing with string objects holding what's meant to be binary data, not neccesarily valid character data in any encoding, it is useful to know you may sometimes need to do str.force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT") (or force_encoding("BINARY"), same thing), to make sure your string isn't tagged as a particular text encoding, which would make ruby complain when you try to do certain operations on it if it includes invalid bytes for that encoding -- or in other cases, possibly do the wrong thing
Actually for a regexp
Okay, you actually do want a regexp. So we have to take our string we created, and embed it in a regexp. Here's one way:
representation = "FA"
str = [representation].pack("H*")
# => "\xFA"
data = "\x01\xFA\xC2".force_encoding("BINARY")
regexp =
data =~ regexp
# => 1 (matched on byte 1; the first byte of data is byte 0)
You see how I needed the force_encoding there on the data string, otherwise ruby would default to it being a UTF-8 string (depending on ruby version and environment setup), and complain that those bytes aren't valid UTF-8.
In some cases you might need to explicitly set the regexp to handle binary data too, the docs say you can pass a second argument 'n' to to do that, but I've never done it.

ruby: representing binary string as Bignum

I need to have a numeric representation of a binary string of arbitrary length. This seemingly trivial task unexpectedly turned out to be complex. The best I could come up with so far is
but this operation lacks reversibility, because unpack may return a leading zero in the highest nibble:
['ABC'].pack('H*') == ['0ABC'].pack('H*') # false
Now I need to check if I got even number of nibbles after converting from integer, pad with zero if needed etc. It's all good and clear, but I just can't believe this must be so convoluted.
Update with example:
s = "\x01\x1D\x9A".force_encoding 'binary' # "\x01\x1D\x9A"
s.unpack('H*') # ["011d9a"]
s.unpack('H*')[0].to_i(16) # 73114
Now let's decode:
s.unpack('H*')[0].to_i(16).to_s(16) # "11d9a" — notice that leading zero is gone
[s.unpack('H*')[0].to_i(16).to_s(16)].pack('H*') # "\x11\xD9\xA0"
[s.unpack('H*')[0].to_i(16).to_s(16)].pack('H*') == s # false, obviously
In other words, we failed to decode to the same value we started with.
Unfortunately, I have zero knowledge in Ruby, though have an idea which you could check...
May be .to_s(16) method converts to string which have different default encoding and may be this matters when you make string comparison after .pack('H*')?
May be this will work:
[s.unpack('H*')[0].to_i(16).to_s(16)].pack('H*').force_encoding 'binary' == s
Otherwise it's difficult to imagine how nibble with leading zero could convert to string byte which is different from same string byte but converted from hex nibble without zero.

Split utf8 string regardless of ruby version

str = "é-du-Marché"
I get the first char via
How I can get the rest of the string regardless of my ruby version ?
String does not have a method first. So you need in addition a split. When you do the split in unicode-mode (exactly utf-8) you have acces to the first (and other characters).
My solution:
str = "é-du-Marché"
p str.split(//u, 2)
Test with ruby 1.9.2:
["\u00E9", "-du-March\u00E9"]
Test with ruby 1.8.6:
["\303\251", "-du-March\303\251"]
With first and last you get your results:
str.split(//u, 2).first is the first character
str.split(//u, 2).last is the string after the first character.
str[1..-1] should return you everything after the first digit normally.
The first number is the starting index, which is set to 1 to skip the first digit, the second is the length, which is set to -1, so ruby counts from the back
Note: that multibyte characters only work in Ruby 1.9. If you wish to mimic this behavior downwards, you'll have to loop over the bytes yourself and figure out what needs to be removed from the data, cause Ruby 1.8 does not support this.
You could try this as well, but I can't guarantee that it will work for every multibyte char:
str = "é-du-Marché"
substring = str.mb_chars[1..-1]
the mb_chars is a proxy class that directs the call to the appropiate implementation when dealing with UTF-8, UTF-32 or UTF-16 encoding of characters (e.g. multibyte chars).
More detailed info can be found here :
But I do not know if this exists in older rails versions
Ruby 1.8 treats any string just as a bunch of bytes, calling size() on it will return the amount of bytes that is used to store the data. To determine the characters regardless of the encoding try this:
char_array = str.scan(/./m)
substring = char_array[1..-1].join
This should do the trick normally. Try looking at who explains how to treat multibyte data in older ruby versions.
Playing around with the scan & join operations brings me closer to your problem & solution. I honestly don't have the time at to get the full solution working but if you play with the scan(/./mu) options you convert it to utf-8, which is supported by all ruby versions.

How do I escape a Unicode string with Ruby?

I need to encode/convert a Unicode string to its escaped form, with backslashes. Anybody know how?
In Ruby 1.8.x, String#inspect may be what you are looking for, e.g.
>> multi_byte_str = "hello\330\271!"
=> "hello\330\271!"
>> multi_byte_str.inspect
=> "\"hello\\330\\271!\""
>> puts multi_byte_str.inspect
=> nil
In Ruby 1.9 if you want multi-byte characters to have their component bytes escaped, you might want to say something like:
=> "\"hello\\xD8\\xB9!\""
In both Ruby 1.8 and 1.9 if you are instead interested in the (escaped) unicode code points, you could do this (though it escapes printable stuff too):
>> multi_byte_str.unpack('U*').map{ |i| "\\u" + i.to_s(16).rjust(4, '0') }.join
=> "\\u0068\\u0065\\u006c\\u006c\\u006f\\u0639\\u0021"
To use a unicode character in Ruby use the "\uXXXX" escape; where XXXX is the UTF-16 codepoint. see
If you have Rails kicking around you can use the JSON encoder for this:
require 'active_support'
x = ActiveSupport::JSON.encode('µ')
# x is now "\u00b5"
The usual non-Rails JSON encoder doesn't "\u"-ify Unicode.
There are two components to your question as I understand it: Finding the numeric value of a character, and expressing such values as escape sequences in Ruby. Further, the former depends on what your starting point is.
Finding the value:
Method 1a: from Ruby with String#dump:
If you already have the character in a Ruby String object (or can easily get it into one), this may be as simple as displaying the string in the repl (depending on certain settings in your Ruby environment). If not, you can call the #dump method on it. For example, with a file called unicode.txt that contains some UTF-8 encoded data in it – say, the currency symbols €£¥$ (plus a trailing newline) – running the following code (executed either in irb or as a script):
s ="unicode.txt", :encoding => "utf-8") # this may be enough, from irb
puts s.dump # this will definitely do it.
... should print out:
Thus you can see that € is U+20AC, £ is U+00A3, and ¥ is U+00A5. ($ is not converted, since it's straight ASCII, though it's technically U+0024. The code below could be modified to give that information, if you actually need it. Or just add leading zeroes to the hex values from an ASCII table – or reference one that already does so.)
(Note: a previous answer suggested using #inspect instead of #dump. That sometimes works, but not always. For example, running ruby -E UTF-8 -e 'puts "\u{1F61E}".inspect' prints an unhappy face for me, rather than an escape sequence. Changing inspect to dump, though, gets me the escape sequence back.)
Method 1b: with Ruby using String#encode and rescue:
Now, if you're trying the above with a larger input file, the above may prove unwieldy – it may be hard to even find escape sequences in files with mostly ASCII text, or it may be hard to identify which sequences go with which characters. In such a case, one might replace the second line above with the following:
encodings = {} # hash to store mappings in
s.split("").each do |c| # loop through each "character"
c.encode("ASCII") # try to encode it to ASCII
rescue Encoding::UndefinedConversionError # but if that fails
encodings[c] = $!.error_char.dump # capture a dump, mapped to the source character
# And then print out all the captured non-ASCII characters:
encodings.each do |char, dumped|
puts "#{char} encodes to #{dumped}."
With the same input as above, this would then print:
€ encodes to "\u20AC".
£ encodes to "\u00A3".
¥ encodes to "\u00A5".
Note that it's possible for this to be a bit misleading. If there are combining characters in the input, the output will print each component separately. For example, for input of 🙋🏾 ў ў, the output would be:
🙋 encodes to "\u{1F64B}".
🏾 encodes to "\u{1F3FE}".
ў encodes to "\u045E".
у encodes to "\u0443". ̆
encodes to "\u0306".
This is because 🙋🏾 is actually encoded as two code points: a base character (🙋 - U+1F64B), with a modifier (🏾, U+1F3FE; see also). Similarly with one of the letters: the first, ў, is a single pre-combined code point (U+045E), while the second, ў – though it looks the same – is formed by combining у (U+0443) with the modifier ̆ (U+0306 - which may or may not render properly, including on this page, since it's not meant to stand alone). So, depending on what you're doing, you may need to watch out for such things (which I leave as an exercise for the reader).
Method 2a: from web-based tools: specific characters:
Alternatively, if you have, say, an e-mail with a character in it, and you want to find the code point value to encode, if you simply do a web search for that character, you'll frequently find a variety of pages that give unicode details for the particular character. For example, if I do a google search for ✓, I get, among other things, a wiktionary entry, a wikipedia page, and a page on, which I find to be a useful site for getting details on specific unicode characters. And each of those pages lists the fact that that check mark is represented by unicode code point U+2713. (Incidentally, searching in that direction works well, too.)
Method 2b: from web-based tools: by name/concept:
Similarly, one can search for unicode symbols to match a particular concept. For example, I searched above for unicode check marks, and even on the Google snippet there was a listing of several code points with corresponding graphics, though I also find this list of several check mark symbols, and even a "list of useful symbols" which has a bunch of things, including various check marks.
This can similarly be done for accented characters, emoticons, etc. Just search for the word "unicode" along with whatever else you're looking for, and you'll tend to get results that include pages that list the code points. Which then brings us to putting that back into ruby:
Representing the value, once you have it:
The Ruby documentation for string literals describes two ways to represent unicode characters as escape sequences:
\unnnn Unicode character, where nnnn is exactly 4 hexadecimal digits ([0-9a-fA-F])
\u{nnnn ...} Unicode character(s), where each nnnn is 1-6 hexadecimal digits ([0-9a-fA-F])
So for code points with a 4-digit representation, e.g. U+2713 from above, you'd enter (within a string literal that's not in single quotes) this as \u2713. And for any unicode character (whether or not it fits in 4 digits), you can use braces ({ and }) around the full hex value for the code point, e.g. \u{1f60d} for 😍. This form can also be used to encode multiple code points in a single escape sequence, separating characters with whitespace. For example, \u{1F64B 1F3FE} would result in the base character 🙋 plus the modifier 🏾, thus ultimately yielding the abstract character 🙋🏾 (as seen above).
This works with shorter code points, too. For example, that currency character string from above (€£¥$) could be represented with \u{20AC A3 A5 24} – requiring only 2 digits for three of the characters.
You can directly use unicode characters if you just add #Encoding: UTF-8 to the top of your file. Then you can freely use ä, ǹ, ú and so on in your source code.
try this gem. It converts Unicode or non-ASCII punctuation and symbols to nearest ASCII punctuation and symbols
example usage:
=> "100%"
the gem uses the reference in for the conversion.

How to get a Ruby substring of a Unicode string?

I have a field in my Rails model that has max length 255.
I'm importing data into it, and some times the imported data has a length > 255. I'm willing to simply chop it off so that I end up with the largest possible valid string that fits.
I originally tried to do field[0,255] in order to get this, but this will actually chop trailing Unicode right through a character. When I then go to save this into the database, it throws an error telling me I have an invalid character due to the character that's been halved or quartered.
What's the recommended way to chop off Unicode characters to get them to fit in my space, without chopping up individual characters?
Uh. Seems like truncate and friends like to play with chars, but not their little cousins bytes. Here's a quick answer for your problem, but I don't know if there's a more straighforward and elegant question I mean answer
def truncate_bytes(string, size)
count = 0
string.chars.take_while{|c| (a += c.bytes.to_a.length) <= size }.join
Give a look at the Chars class of ActiveSupport.
Use the multibyte proxy method (mb_chars) before manipulating the string:
Note that until Rails 2.1 the method was "chars".
