Practical use of ApplicationContextAware in spring - spring

I have had chance of working on only one project using spring , and the way it worked was
Make a singleton class (lets say MySpringHelper), that has method like getBean(String beanName)
What getBean(String) does is, it first checks existence of applicationContext, if it exists uses same to get the bean , else creates new applicationContext and returns the bean
Wherever in you project you need a bean simply call MySpringHelper.getBean("abc")
Keeping this in mind , when i was studying spring , i noticed interface "ApplicationContextAware" ... I am not sure when will this be needed, uses above pattern such interface seems not of any use. Or the above Singleton MySpringHelper pattern/approach is incorrect ??
Looking forward to learn from your experience
To give more details on application , its like a pdf file generator, 1 pdf file having 12-15 different charts, so the main method runs 1 thread for each chart , and inside these chart logic we are using singleton MySpringHelper

Why are you checking the existance of applicationContext? It should be there if your helper bean is configured in xml and has setter method in it. There is no need to create application context in that case.
For your case, I would suggest you get applicationContext injected by Spring rather than by using ApplicationContextAware.


Initialise autowired service in spring boot

I am running 100 JUnit tests with a single autowired service. I have a service named createArray this service adds values in the ArrayList.
The problem is the values persist in the array list. When a new test case runs it adds its own value to the array.
I want to clear the autowired creatArray object whenever new test case runs.
Spring beans by default are singleton, this is why this is happening.
In order to have a different behaviour you should check the different "bean scope".
This is a quick explanation of it:
I believe that if you use the prototype scope ( as per this tutorial ) you might end up with the solution you want.
Regarding how to do this, it really depends if your beans are defined by xml or annotation.
You can check google a lot of examples.
In case you using XML it should be easy, on the bean add the "scope=prototype".
For annotation use under #Bean the annotation #Scope("prototype")

Kotlin instance variable is null when accessed by Spring proxied class

I have a service class that is being proxied by Spring, like so:
open class MyService { ... }
If I remove the open modifier, Spring complains that it needs to proxy the class to apply the #Transactional annotation tweaks.
However, this is causing issues when calling a function on the proxied service, which attempts to access a variable:
open class MyService {
protected val internalVariable = ...
fun doWork() {
internalVariable.execute() // NullPointerException
The internalVariable is assigned as part of its declaration, does not have any annotations (like #Autowired, etc.), and works fine when I remove the #Transactional annotation and the requirement for Spring to proxy the class.
Why is this variable null when Spring is proxying/subclassing my service class?
I hit a similar issue and the above comments by Rafal G & Craig Otis helped me-- so I'd like to propose that the following write up be accepted as an answer (or the comments above be changed to an answer and they be accepted).
The solution: open the method/field.
(I hit a similar case where it was a closed method that caused the problem. But whether it is a field/method the solution is the same, and I think the general cause is the same...)
Why this is the solution is more complicated and definitely has to do with Spring AOP, final fields/methods, CGLIB proxies, and how Spring+CGLIB attempts to deal with final methods (or fields).
Spring uses proxies to represent certain objects to handle certain concerns dealt with by Aspect Oriented Programming. This happens with services & controllers (especially when #Transactional or other advice is given that requires AOP solutions).
So a Proxy/Wrapper is needed with these beans, and Spring has 2 choices-- but only CGLIB is available when the parent class is not an interface.
When using CGLIB to proxy classes Spring will create a subclass called
something like myService$EnhancerByCGLIB. This enhanced class will
override some if not all of your business methods to apply
cross-cutting concerns around your actual code.
Here comes the real surprise. This extra subclass does not call super
methods of the base class. Instead it creates second instance of
myService and delegates to it. This means you have two objects now:
your real object and CGLIB enhanced object pointing to (wrapping) it.
From: spring singleton bean fields are not populated
Referenced By: Spring AOP CGLIB proxy's field is null
In Kotlin, classes & methods are final unless explicitly opened.
The magic of how Spring/CGLib when & how chooses to wrap a Bean in an EnhancerByCGLIB with a target delegate (so that it can use finalized methods/fields) I don't know. For my case, however the debugger showed me the 2 different structures. When the parent methods are open, it does not create a delegate (using subclassing instead) and works without NPE. However, when a particular methods is closed then for that closed method Spring/CGLIB uses a wrapped object with delegation to a properly initialized target delegate. For some reason, the actual invocation of the method is done with the context being the wrapper with its uninitialized field values (NULLs), causing NPE. (Had the method on the actual target/delegate been called, there should not have been a problem).
Craig was able to solve the problem by opening the property (not the method)-- which I suspect had a similar effect of allowing Spring/CGLib to either not use a delegate, or to somehow use the delegate correctly.

Unable to load Alfresco bean

I'm hoping to make some calls to solr using Alfresco's class. However that bean search.solrAdminHTTPCLient does not seem to be accessible to me from the standard application context. Attempting to add a dependency and property reference for my own bean (via xml) has failed as well. Any reason this is not accessible?
public class MyClass extends DeclarativeWebScript implements ApplicationContextAware{
SolrAdminHTTPClient adminClient = (SolrAdminHTTPClient) appContext.getBean("search.solrAdminHTTPCLient");
Would like to avoid creating my own clients for standard solr admin queries.
Judging by the folder tree leading to this file, I would say that bean is available in the search SubSystem which means it lives completely in a different context, a child context in fact.
So you need to lookup that context first, before trying to retrieve your bean !
UPDATE: I have done some digging, and I guess that your window to that child context is in this particular bean.
So I think you can do the following :
SwitchableApplicationContextFactory search = (SwitchableApplicationContextFactory)applicationContext.getBean("Search");
ApplicationContext searchCtx = search.getApplicationContext();
SolrAdminHTTPClient adminClient = (SolrAdminHTTPClient) searchCtx.getBean("search.solrAdminHTTPCLient");
A friend from the IRC channel has however suggested an alternative solution:
Set up a seperate ChildApplicationContextFactory for Each and every bean you which to access in your child context, and he suggested you get some inspiration from this.

getting bean id of target class in advice

I have a few classes that interact with databases (more than one). Some classes are reused so for example "obs.table1" is used to interact with table1 in database "obs" while "ref.table1" is used to interact with table1 in database "ref". These databases are at different URLs and each gets its own connection pool, etc... obs.table1 and ref.table1 are both instances of MyTable1Class, defined in beans file.
I have a pointcut that intercepts calls to methods annotated with #Transactional or with a custom annotation #MyTablesAnnotation and have it set so those calls will all get routed into a #Around advice.
This all works and the flow through the advice is correct.
What I am trying to add is reporting on what is going on in there. Currently I can tell where in there I am, but I can't tell if it was obs.table1 or ref.table1 object that got me there.
Is there a way to extract the bean id of the object on whose method the advice was invoked on?
ProceedingJoinPoint that is passed to the method the only thing I do with it is call a .proceed on it and the rest is just various checks and catches. I see that I can get either the target class or proxy class out of it, but... not sure how to go from there to knowing what the bean id was.
Is it possible?
Firstly it is not recommended to depend on bean id as it creates tight coupling with framework.
To quote from docs Note that it is not usually recommended that an object depend on its bean name, as this represents a potentially brittle dependence on external configuration, as well as a possibly unnecessary dependence on a Spring API.
Now to answer your question yes it is possible to fetch the name of bean via org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanNameAware.
The class for which you require the bean name should implement it and spring will auto-magically inject the name of the bean. However there is a gotcha which you should be aware and is mentioned in docs here

object creation in spring

If I am using spring frame work in my application does creating an object like this Test test = new Test() a bad way for creating an instance? Should I always use the bean config to get the objects/bean that I need? If yes, does that means I should have all the object/bean definition in spring applicationContext xml file?
If you want your object to be managed by Spring (this means that dependencies are injected, among other things) you have to use the ApplicationContext.
Calling Test test = new Test() isn't illegal, or even bad practice. It just means that Spring will have no awareness of this object, and it won't bother autowiring it's dependencies, or doing anything else that you'd expect Spring to do.
You don't necessarily need to use the applicationContext.xml file for ALL of your bean declarations. Many people favor annotations, which allow you to declare beans outside of the applicationContext.xml file.
It's worth nothing that Spring-managed beans are by default singletons (think of Servlets). If you want stateful beans that are Spring aware, you could use an ObjectFactoryCreatingFactoryBean to do something like this:
private ObjectFactory myWidgetFactory;
public void doStuff() {
Widget w = myWidgetFactory.getObject();
You can read more about this behaviour here:
For me there's a big difference between objects that represent components of my application -- services, controllers, DAOs, utilities, etc. -- and objects that represent entities within my application -- Person, Order, Invoice, Account, etc. The former type of objects should absolutely be managed by Spring and injected. The latter type are typically created on the fly by the application, and that frequently will involve calling new. This is not a problem.
Test test = new Test() a bad way for
creating an instance?
Yes it is bad practice.
Should I always use the bean config
to get the objects/bean that I need?
Yes, if you are using Spring for dependency injection.
If yes, does that means I should have
all the object/bean definition in
spring applicationContext xml file?
Always! You could use Annotations too.
