Magento - How do i transfer from local to live`? - magento

I know this question has been ask quite a few times, but nothing seems to be working for me...
I really need help. I have made my entire website on my localhost, but hos do i get it up and running live? I've tried everything :( I've copied all of my files onto the live server and looked at endless tutorials, but nothings working. Can you maybe do a video about this or tell med what to do? I really don't want to start ALL OVER on creating all the pages and static blocks and so on.

You have to just change the url in database table. Run the query
FROM `core_config_data`
WHERE `value` LIKE 'http://%';
and change the url from localhost to live server url. Hopefully that'll work. Thanks

I guess that you already created many blocks, cms pages and did a lot customizations in backend in local system. You have to do next:
Copy your magento code completely to server.
On server, delete app/etc/local.xml
Create empty mysql database on the server
Backup your local database
Import that local database into database on server (which you created in step 3.)
Run magento site via browser
because you deleted local.xml file, magento will start installing process and ask you for params for db in server (here, enter data which you used for creation db in step 3, like db nambe, username, password,..). And that's it. Magento will make connection with that db and you will have everything you had in local.
One more thing which I forgot:
you have to change in database on field (you will change this on live database after importing local database, that means after step 5). There should be table core_config_data. Do search in that table, and wherever you find you local url like:
or something like that, you should change to your real domain, for example to:


No Database Instance in nopcommerce 3.90

I am facing error in nopcommerce 3.90 when run the project at that also at sometimes it is working good but after sometimes it shows the error of "no database instance". I am surprised it shows this type of error. Because the normal thing I have done to run the nopcommerce project.
I have done these things:
set the setting file by installation of nopcommerce.
delete the bin folder of nopcommerce.
clean the solution and rebuild it.
But still facing the same issues.
"no database instance" this type of error occures when the Nopcommerce is not able to connect with the database. If you have created database locally then try to find SQL service and restart the service. But if you are having database being hosted on any other server then check you network connection.
There are some of summery solution that i have mention as below
=> Since i had moved a live cart to a test server, the settings in the database for that cart had force ssl and also force www before any url. Also under Store settings i still had the domain info for that site which was now difrent in the test server. Once i noticed this and updated the database it all started working.
You try change settings.txt file:
DataConnectionString: Data Source=localhost/IP;Initial Catalog=DBName;Integrated Security=False;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=DBUser;Password=DBPass;MultipleActiveResultSets=True
In my case I need config application pool for nopcomerce
my connection string
DataProvider: sqlserver
DataConnectionString: Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=nopcommerce370;Integrated Security=True;Persist Security Info=False
I need set Application Pool Identity to user has access right to db
Check the image to details.
=> Check also db permission.
=> try with
Data Source=9X.2XX.7X.XX\"yoursqlservenameinstance"
Data Source="yournamemachine"
Data Source="yournamemachine"\"yoursqlservenameinstance"
You can do some thing like
Check setting file on App_data existing or not
Check connectionstring is correct or not
Check your SQL server working or stop by try connect
Clear cache your browser
Try This ``
Right click on the downloaded file (nopCommerce_3.40_Source.rar) ->select properties -> press "Unblock".
and change connection string in Settings.txt file.

What are the final step for transporting joomla project from server to computer

I tried to transport a joomla! project from an online server to my local WAMP server. I followed this tutorial of how to do it and everything went well. I downloaded all the joomla! files from servers public_html folder, then I set up the database (dowloaded .sql file from phpMyAdmin, and exported it to my local wamp sql server), then I set up the configuration.php file as in the tutorial (changed the $log_path and
$tmp_path, and everything else stayed the same.) Then it worked fine, localhost loaded all the website, all links worked, it just threw out strickt standart and notice errors, so I just turned them off - in config file $error_reporting value changed to "E_ALL | E_STRICT". And then everything worked except the user accounts. I can't log into the joomla/administrator, I can't register to website, and it seems it doesn't store / take the data from database. What should I do to? It clearly has connection to it, because there is no more error about that. What else should I do? Any help would be much appreciated and if there is need for more information, please just ask, I'll give it.

How can I clear Magento Cache when using a Memcached server

I've been running on a problem for about two weeks.
I Have a magento which is configured to use a memcache server.
Recently, I got to change the server storing my magento application.
I installed my new server, and just get my magento app up and running on the new server, with one change : I changed the database user and password used to connect to the database server.
I changed from userold to usernew.
This change takes place in my local.xml file.
But now, when I active the magento cache, Magento tries to connect to my database with the old username : userold.
I've tried all things :
rm -fR var/
/etc/init.d/memcache restart
killall memcached
reboot the entire server running memcached!
I still have my cache problem ! I can't get my
Where does this "userold" value is fuc*** stored ?
Any help would really be appreciated ! :)
telnet into the memcache instance and issue a flush_all command. Restarting the memcache server should have already flushed it, but sometimes its worth a try...
Magento uses TwoLevels backend for caching.
Cache stores to both of them.
And according to Zend's code, Magento reads from fast, and then from slow, if nothing returns.
You have to flush memcache and remove /var/cache at the same time.
start a new instance of memcache on a new port eg 11212
now specify this new port in local.xml
that should ensure that it is talking to a new instacne not the old.. or
use htop / top find find the psid of memcache and kill xxxx

Problems with Database Deployment using VS2010 (Package/Publish SQL tab)

I am using the deployment tools in Visual Studio 2010.
I right clicked my project and selected Package/Publish settings. Put all my settings in there ...
I am then using "web deploy" to tranfer the files to my remote server running a remote agent service and this is working fine. The transforms i have on my Web.Release.config do their thing and the server can access the database I created manually.
My next step was to get the Database Deployment working too.
I went into the Package / Publish SQL tab and entered my Connection string for the destination database.
(Data Source=MyDBServer;Initial Catalog=Database2;User ID=User;Password=pass)
This database is empty ready to accept the import.
I also enter in the connection string for the source database. This lives on the same server.
(Data Source=MyDBServer;Initial Catalog=Database;User ID=User;Password=pass)
Database Scripting options are set to Schema and Data (changing this makes no difference) and the database scripts are set to [Auto Generated Schema and Data]
When i deploy this now, i get the error:
Error 4 Web deployment task
failed.((09/06/2010 16:41:51) An error
occurred when the request was
processed on the remote computer.)
(09/06/2010 16:41:51) An error
occurred when the request was
processed on the remote computer. The
entry type 'Unknown' was not expected
at this time. The serialization stream
may be corrupted.
Additional Info:
I can successfully create a package with no problems. I looked at the contents in the zip and can see the SQL is generated fine (so no problems connecting to the database). I can then copy this SQL and run it as a new query on the new database and the tables and data are created fine.
I can not seem to work out where this is going wrong, i googled the error and there are no entries on the whole internet. Anyone have any ideas?
To get some further idea of what might be going on, i sent the package across to the server and imported it using IIS. It told me i needed SQL Server Management Objects. So I installed that.
Next attempt it told me my user did not have permission to create the database, I thought excellent this must be the problem. :Granted access - Re-run. Passed!
So i deleted all the tables and went back to VS2010 clicked publish and i get the same error. :(
Sorted it!
Thank goodness, i was totally out of ideas when i went back to a video by hanselman. He mentioned that the Web Deployment Agent can have permissions. I went in had a look and there was a tab in it's properties called log on.
I entered the detials of an account with a decent level of access and clicked okay.
I then restarted the service as requested to enable the changes.
I then went back to VS 2010 and clicked Publish Web.
Music to my eyes, i see the words "Publish succeeded", I check the database and the tables are there. Excellent!
I think i scared the office by getting a little over excited, if you get this problem and this solution fixes it for you, try to hold in the temptation to shout out "YES!, yes, get in!" while laughing maniacally or people will think you're weird like me.

Good way to demo a classic ASP web site

What is the best way to save data in session variables in a classic web site?
I am maintaining a classic web site and want to be able to allow my users to demo all functionality of the site, this means allowing them to delete records.
The closet example I have seen so far are the demos of Telerik controls where they are saving the dataset in sessions on first load and allowing the user to manipulate the data.
How can I achieve the same in ASP with an MS Access backend?
If you want to persist the state over multiple pages (e.g. to demo you complete application) then it's a bit tricky.
I would suggest copying the MDB file for each session and using the copied version. This would ensure that every session uses its own data.
create a version of your access db which will be used as a fresh template for each user
on session copy the template and name it after the users session ID
use the individual MDB
Note: Then only drawback I can see here is that you need to remove the unused MDB files as it can get a lot after sometime. You could do it with a scheduled task or even on session start before you create a new one.
I am not sure what you can use to check if it's used or not but check the files creation date or maybe the LDF file can help you as well (if it does not exist = unused).
You can store a connection or inclusive an object in a session variable as far you remember what kind of variable are you storing at the retrieving time. I had never stored a dataset in a session variable but I had stored a lot of arrays in session variables so you can use the ADO Getrows method to locate a complete dataset into a session variable.
How big is the Access database? If your database is small enough (relative to the server capacity, expected number of users, and so forth) then I like the idea of using a fresh copy of the database for each user that runs the demo.
With this approach, you simplify your possible code paths. Otherwise this "are we in demo mode or not?" logic will permeate a heck of a lot of your code.
I'd do it like this...
When the user begins the demo, make a copy of the Access DB for that user to use. If your db is foo.mdb, copy it to /tempdb/foo_1234567890.mdb where 1234567890 is the user's session ID.
Alter the user's connection string to point to the fresh database copy. From this point on, your app can operate like "normal" with no further modifications.
Have a scheduled task that deletes all files in /tempdb with last-modified times more than __ hours in the past. If you don't have the ability to schedule tasks on the server (perhaps you're in a shared hosting environment, etc) then you could do this at the same time you do step #1.
