Please walk me through this code from ruby monk - ruby

def random_select(array, n)
result = []
n.times do
# I do not fully understand how this line below works or why. Thank you
result.push array[rand(array.length)]

You are probably confused by this part:
n.times do
n.times says it should loop n times.
result.push says to basically "push" or "put" something in the array. For example:
a = []
p a #=> [1]
In array[rand(array.length)] , rand(array.length) will produce a random number as an index for the array. Why? rand(n) produces a number from 0 to n-1. rand(5) will produce either 0,1,2,3 or 4, for example.
Arrays use 0-based indexing, so if you have an array, say a = ['x', 'y', 'z'], to access 'x' you do a[0], to access y you do a[1] and so on. If you want to access a random element from a, you do a[rand(array.length)], because a.length in this case is 3, and rand(3) will produce a number that is either 0, 1 or 2. 0 is the smallest index and 2 is the largest index of our example array.
So suppose we call this method:
random_select([6,3,1,4], 2)
Try to see this code from the inside out. When the code reaches this part:
it will first execute array.length which will produce 4. It will then execute rand(array.length) or rand(4) which will get a number between 0 and 3. Then, it will execute array[rand(array.length)] or array(some_random_number_between_0_and_3) which will get you a random element from the array. Finally, result.push(all_of_that_code_inside_that_got_us_a_random_array_element) will put the random element from the array in the method (in our example, it will be either 6, 3, 1 or 4) in the results array. Then it will repeat this same process once again (remember, we told it to go 2 times through the iteration).

The code can be rewritten to be much simpler, using the block-form Array constructor:
def random_select(array, n) {array.sample}
This creates a new array of size n and fills it with random samples from the array.
Note that the above solution, like your sample code, selects from the entire array each time which allows duplicate selections. If you don't want any duplicate selections, it's even simpler, since it is the default behavior of Array#sample:
def random_select(array, n)


Find the odd int - Ruby Nested Loop Error

I was doing this question on codewars: "Given an array, find the int that appears an odd number of times. There will always be only one integer that appears an odd number of times."
def find_it(seq)
int = []
for a in seq do
count = 0
for b in seq do
if a == b
count += 1
if count % 2.0 != 0
int << b
puts int.uniq[0].to_i
It was tested against a couple inputs, but the answers were wrong for these two arrays:
find_it([1,1,2,-2,5,2,4,4,-1,-2,5]) - returns 5 instead of -1
find_it([1,1,1,1,1,1,10,1,1,1,1]) - returns 1 instead of 10
What went wrong with my code?
if count % 2.0 != 0
int << b
The problem you have here is that your pushing b instead of a into the integer array, so what's happening is that instead of the value that you counted being pushed in, your pushing in the last value of b which is the last value element in the array regardless as long as the condition that the counter is an odd number, although b and counter have nothing to do with each other. so to fix it you replace b with a so that it pushes in the value you are testing comparing with the other elements in the second loop
if count % 2.0 != 0
int << a
a similar yet simpler code that does a similar job except in a shorter and more understandable way is:
def find_it(seq)
numberWithOddCount = 0
seq.each do |currentElement|
counter = 0
seq.each { |elementToCompare| counter += 1 if currentElement == elementToCompare}
numberWithOddCount = currentElement if counter % 2 != 0
Just added a few tid-bits that you could also utilize to shorten and simplify code.
Happy Coding!
You could utilize built in ruby methods in creative ways to make the code do what you want in very few lines (or even one line) such as what #iGian did in the questions comments, but if your still new to ruby then its best to utilize those methods one by one when learning them otherwise you'll be confused. But if your willing to take the time now to learn them, I suggest you take his code and separate each method execution into its own line and output what each method had done to know what's doing what. and practice using each separately.
#aimen_alt is right about your mistake
but let's decompose your problem.
First, you need to calculate the appearances of each number.
Second, you need to find the one with the odd count of the appearances.
Accordingly to the problem, there is only one such number, so you can return it right away.
You can go your way and do it in O(N^2) complexity by scanning your sequence for each item in the sequence (so N items in the sequence multiply by the size of the sequence N = N*N). You can do it linearly* by constructing a Hash and than you'll be able to get the key with odd value:
def find_it(seq)
numbers = {}
seq.each do |item|
numbers[item] = numbers[item].to_i + 1
end{ |k,v| v.odd? }.first.first
to be more idiomatic you can use group_by to group the numbers themselves:
seq = [1, 2, 6, 1, 2]
seq.group_by{ |item| item }
#=> {1=>[1, 1], 2=>[2, 2], 6=>[6]}
You can see that each value is an Array, and you just need to get one with the odd amount of items:
seq = [1, 2, 6, 1, 2]
seq.group_by{ |item| item }.select{ |k, v| v.size.odd? }
#=> {6=>[6]}
And the last thing you would like to do is to get the value of the key:
seq.group_by{ |item| item }.select{ |k, v| v.size.odd? }.keys.first
So, the final solution would be
def find_it(seq)
seq.group_by{ |item| item }
.select{ |k, v| v.size.odd? }
as #pascalbetz mentioned:
def find_it(seq)
seq.group_by{ |item| item }
.find{ |k, v| v.size.odd? }
def find_it(seq)
seq.group_by{|x| x}.select{|k, v| (v.count % 2.0 !=0)}.first[0]
The above code will take a sequence in an array. Here we are grouping by elements:
For example:
[1,1,2,-2,5,2,4,4,-1,-2,5].group_by{|x| x}
# => {1=>[1, 1], 2=>[2, 2], -2=>[-2, -2], 5=>[5, 5], 4=>[4, 4], -1=>[-1]}
after getting the above results, we are finding the whose elements count not odd with the select condition.
[1,1,2,-2,5,2,4,4,-1,-2,5].group_by{|x| x}.select{|k, v| (v.count % 2.0 !=0)}
we will get the results as {-1=>[-1]}
we are taking the key as result element.
What about this one
def find_it(seq)
^ -> this symbol is bitwise XOR.
reduce function is taking each value and doing whatever work assigned inside. In this case, it's taking each element and doing an XOR operation. the first element is doing XOR with zero and the next element doing XOR with the previous result and so on.
In this way, we found the odd element.
How XOR operation work
0 ^ 2 = 2
4 ^ 4 = 0
If you want to know more about XOR. kindly refer to this.
Thank you for all the detailed answers, I'm going over everyone's answers now. I'm new to Ruby, and I'm still in the process of learning the methods/rules of using them/Big O notation, so I much appreciated everyone's input. Codewar listed some top ranked solutions. This seems to be the fastest so far:
def find_it(seq)
seq.detect { |n| seq.count(n).odd? }

Why do I get a 'typeerror' when using inject in Ruby?

I am using this inject method to make a running total of values into an array. I am trying to figure out why I am getting an error.
def running_totals(myarray)
results = []
myarray.inject([]) do |sum,n|
results << sum + n
p running_totals([1,2,3,4,5])
I am getting the error
in `+': no implicit conversion of Fixnum into Array (TypeError)
When breaking this method down, isn't this the same as adding two integers and adding that into an array? I'm a bit confused here. Thanks for the help.
In the first iteration sum will be an array (as you specified an array as the default when calling inject([])) and you try to add a number to it. in the results << sum + n statement
Instead, set the initial value to 0, then add, then add the result to the array, then make sure you let sum get passed into the next iteration of inject.
def running_totals(myarray)
results = []
myarray.inject(0) do |sum,n| # First iteration sum will be 0.
sum += n # Add value to sum.
results << sum # Push to the result array.
sum # Make sure sum is passed to next iteration.
p running_totals([1,2,3,4,5]) #=> [1, 3, 6, 10, 15]
The result of results << sum + n is an array results and it's this that's replacing the sum value and so the next iteration you're trying to add a fixnum n into an array sum ... plus it doesn't help that you're initializing the value of sum to be an array.
Make sure that the last executed statement in your inject block is what you want the accumulated value to be.
def running_totals(myarray)
results = []
results << myarray.inject do |sum, n|
results << sum
sum + n
p running_totals([1,2,3,4,5])
=> [1, 3, 6, 10, 15]
Note that I moved the result of the inject into results array as well, so that the final value is also included, otherwise you'd only have the four values and would be missing the final (15) value.
The return value of the inject block is passed as the first argument the next time the block is called, so those have to match. In your code, you're passing an array as an intital value, and then returning an array; so far, so good. But inside the code block you treat that array parameter (sum) as a number, which won't work. Try this:
def running_totals(myarray)
myarray.inject([]) do |results,n|
results << n + (results.last || 0)
The [] passed as an argument to inject becomes the first value of results; the first array element (1 in your example) becomes the first value of n. Since results is empty, results.last is nil and the result of (results.last || 0) is 0, which we add to n to get 1, which we push onto results and then return that newly-modified array value from the block.
The second time into the block, results is the array we just returned from the first pass, [1], and n is 2. This time results.last is 1 instead of nil, so we add 1 to 2 to get 3 and push that onto the array, returning [1,3].
The third time into the block, results is [1,3], and n is 3, so it returns [1,3,6]. And so on.
According to ri, you have to return result of the computation from inject's block.
From: enum.c (C Method):
Owner: Enumerable
Visibility: public
Signature: inject(*arg1)
Number of lines: 31
Combines all elements of enum by applying a binary
operation, specified by a block or a symbol that names a
method or operator.
If you specify a block, then for each element in enum
the block is passed an accumulator value (memo) and the element.
If you specify a symbol instead, then each element in the collection
will be passed to the named method of memo.
In either case, the result becomes the new value for memo.
At the end of the iteration, the final value of memo is the
return value for the method.
If you do not explicitly specify an initial value for memo,
then uses the first element of collection is used as the initial value
of memo.
# Sum some numbers
(5..10).reduce(:+) #=> 45
# Same using a block and inject
(5..10).inject {|sum, n| sum + n } #=> 45
# Multiply some numbers
(5..10).reduce(1, :*) #=> 151200
# Same using a block
(5..10).inject(1) {|product, n| product * n } #=> 151200
# find the longest word
longest = %w{ cat sheep bear }.inject do |memo,word|
memo.length > word.length ? memo : word
So your sample would work if you return computation result for each iteration, something like this:
def running_totals(myarray)
results = []
myarray.inject do |sum,n|
results << sum + n
results.last # return computation result back to Array's inject
Hope it helps.

sorting programme on Ruby

I've seen a following sorting programme on Ruby but I don't think I fully understand how it actually works:
def sort arr
rec_sort arr, []
def rec_sort unsorted, sorted
if unsorted.length <= 0
return sorted
smallest = unsorted.pop
still_unsorted = []
unsorted.each do |tested|
if tested < smallest
still_unsorted.push smallest
smallest = tested
still_unsorted.push tested
sorted.push smallest
rec_sort still_unsorted, sorted
puts sort ["satoshi", "Bitcoin", "technology", "universe", "smell"]
=> Bitcoin
But when I change the first argument of the "rec_sort" method from "still_unsorted" (as indicated above) to "unsorted", the programme gives :
=> Bitcoin
I understand that the each loop selects the word "Bitcoin" first (because it would indeed come first when sorted), and "Bitcoin" would be put into the array "sorted". What I dont't quite understand is why there are several "Bitcoin" here, since it should have been excluded from the "unsorted" array in the first iteration of the each loop and, therefore, could not appear in the following iterations, making it impossible for "Bitcoin" to be in the "sorted" array several times.
Could you tell me what makes the two so different?
Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thank you.
The still_unsorted array has the smallest element removed, but the unsorted array only has its last element removed.
as far as I understand its a recursive implementation of bubble sort. and for you confusion unsorted is not being modified except for the statement unsorted.pop but only is being replicated into the still_unsorted except for the smallest element in that array
I am dry running this on [3,1,2] for you
unsorted = [3,1,2]
sm = unsorted.pop # sm = 2 unsorted = [3,1]
still_unsorted = []
#after loop unsorted.each
# still_unsorted = [2,3]
# unsorted = [3,1]
# sm = 1
# sorted = [1]
do the next 2 iterations you'll understand what's happening

Ruby Exercise: Count the numbers in an array between a given range

So working through the above exercise and found this solution on GitHub.
def count_between arr, lower, upper
return 0 if arr.length == 0 || lower > upper
return arr.length if lower == upper
range = (lower..upper).to_a { |value| range.include?(value) }.length
I understand what the first three lines mean and why they return the values they do. What I'd like to understand are the following lines of code.
Line 4 (below) is defining "range" as a variable and uses the lower...upper as the range variables (just discovered you don't need to put an integer value in a range. What does '.to_a' mean, can't seem to find it in the ruby docs, and what does it do?
range = (lower..upper).to_a
Line 5 (below) is using an Array#select method and its saying select this value if the value is included in this range and then give me the Array#length of all selected values, but I don't quite understand A. what |value| is doing and what it means. B. range.include?(value) means is this value included in this range I am assuming. { |value| range.include?(value) }.length
Actually, I'd simplify to this:
def count_between arr, lower, upper
return 0 if lower > upper
arr.count{|v| (lower..upper).include?(v)}
to_a is documented here; it returns an Array containing each element in the Range. However, there's no reason to call to_a on the Range before calling include?.
There's also no reason to special-case the empty array.
Returning the length of the array when lower equals upper makes no sense.
value is the name given to the value the block is called with. I think a simple v is better for such a trivial case.
select calls the block for each value in arr and returns a new Array containing the elements for which the block returns true, so the length of that new Array is the number of matching values. However, count exists, and makes more sense to use, since the count is all we care about.
Update: As #steenslag points out in the comments, Comparable#between? can be used instead of creating a Range on which to call include?, and this eliminates the need to ensure that lower is less than or equal to upper:
def count_between arr, lower, upper
arr.count{|v| v.between?(lower, upper)}
to_a means convert to array
irb(main):001:0> (1..5).to_a
=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
select method passes each element to the block and Returns a new array containing all elements of ary for which the given block returns a true value.. In your case it simply checks if the value is contained in the range array. range is an array not a range.
## if arr is [1,5] for eg:
irb(main):005:0> [1,5].select {|value| range.include?(value)}
=> [1, 5]
irb(main):006:0> [1,5].select {|value| range.include?(value)}.length
=> 2
so the elements of arr are contained in the |value| variable inside the block.
It's a block.
As the documentation says: select "Returns a new array containing all elements of ary for which the given block returns a true value."
So for each object in arr it is passed to the block in which you provide whatever code you want to that returns true or false, and the select statement uses this result to add the value to the the array that it returns. And after that, length is called on the array.
So you have an array, you filter the array to contain only the numbers that are in the range, and then you take the length - effectively counting the number of elements.

Ruby: How to multiply several numbers?

I am trying to multiply any number of unknown arguments together to make a total.
def multiply(*num)
num.each { |i| puts num * num}
Another attempt:
def multiply(num)
i = 0
while i < num.length
total = num * num
return total
I keep running into errors:
(eval):73: undefined local variable or method `num_' for main:Object (NameError)
from (eval):81
Some saying that Array needs to be Integer.
I've tried doing something I thought was suppose to be very simple program to write.
def multiply(*num) captures all arguments given to the method in an array. If you run multiply(1, 2, 3, 4) then num will equal [1, 2, 3, 4]. So in both your attempts you're trying to multiply a whole array with itself (num * num), which is not going to work.
Others have suggested solutions to how to write the multiply method correctly, but let me give you a correct version of your first attempt and explain it properly:
def multiply(*numbers)
result = 1
numbers.each { |n| result = result * n }
As in your attempt I capture all arguments in an array, I call mine numbers. Then I declare a variable that will hold the result of all the multiplications. Giving it the value of 1 is convenient because it will not affect the multiplications, but I could also have shifted off the first value off of the numbers array, and there are other solutions.
Then I iterate over all the numbers with each, and for each number I multiply it with the current result and store this as the new result (I could have written this shorter with result *= n).
Finally I return the result (the last value of a method is what will be returned by the method).
There are shorter ways of doing the same thing, others have suggested using numbers.reduce { |n, result| n * result }, or even numbers.reduce(:*), but even though they are shorter, they are pretty cryptic and I assume they don't really help you get things working.
What you want is the #inject method
def multiple(*nums)
Inject will combine all of the elements in nums, using the operation specified ( * in this case ).
You can try this:
num.reduce(1) {|x, y| x*y }
