twitter card image from external website - image

I have a twitter share button on a webpage. I have submitted my website for twitter cards, and it is approved. I am using the twitter card tags correctly, but I have troubles to get the images appear on the time-line. On the twitter timeline I only see text and the URL. Only when clicking on the tweet, an image appears below (the tweet expands).
I would like to have this image appear on the timeline, without needing to expand the tweet. Is this possible, or am is it necessary to use a service like twitpic or flickr to make this happen?
My first thought is that this is not possible because twitter only accepts certain image websites to publish their images on the twitter timeline, but I cannot find a twitter dev source that confirms this.

This is the normal behaviour for the twitter card.
Please read
The second point of the troubleshooting might be the solution you're looking for: "For photos and animated GIFs, upload the media directly with the Tweet or consider using the Twitter API to upload media." You can also explore the other solutions offered.
UPDATE: It looks like the solution I was proposing refers to sharing content directly from twitter, so it's not an option. See this twitter community thread


Overly broad permission ask for google youtube API

I'm using the YouTube API to create a webpage that allows users to view a specific set of YouTube videos, and then LIKE those videos, using YouTube like/dislike rating system, and It's working fine, but when the user triggers the process, after logging into their google account, they are presented with a permission dialog that basically says
"Hey, this site wants complete and total control over your YouTube account!".
I DO NOT want that, I only want the user to be able to rate the videos.
I'm using the PHP Client library to pull the list of videos into the page and display them, and this requires no permissions or interaction from the user. I am also using the JS library to handle the "like" functionality, and it's basically the javascript example from, but with my credentials.
Can I change this somewhere, or does YouTube just lump all of it's permissions under one giant "I can do anything" permission group?
I figured it out. It's about the OAuth 2 scopes, which the example lets you change for the DEMO, but it doesn't actually change the code in the sample.
For reference, the list of scopes is here:

Allow user to share image on Twitter

Is it possible to have a twitter button that a user can select on a web page and have it populated with an image and a tweet. Then provided they are already logged in, allow them to tweet it?
I know there are various libraries around for doing this to your own twitter account, but I want to let the user preview the image then tweet it.
I can get the user to tweet a phrase, and a link to an image, but I want them to have the image embedded in their tweet.
I have managed to write some back end code to authorise ourselves and push an image up to the upload end point, and extract a media_id for it for us to use. And I was hoping I could use this media_id somehow with the tweet button, but it doesn't seem to allow this.
Is it worth keeping with this idea, or is it not actually possible?

Generate Google Photo link from Google Picasa Web API data call

I am currently trying to generate a url to link to a public Google Photos gallery. I am aware from some research that all calls regarding Google Photos go through the Picasa API. So, by running file_get_contents on the following URL, I have retrieved a full listing of all public albums on my user account<USERNAME>?alt=json&kind=album&hl=en_US
This works perfectly and includes links to the gallery in Picasa. However, I would much prefer to be able to generate a link to the corresponding Google Photos gallery. On sharing Google photos, a shortened url is generated, like
I was wondering if there was any possible way, given the album ID from the API call that such a link could be generated
Previous questions on this subject haven't generated much response unfortunately - is anyone aware of any such Google link generation capability?

Get Google Page main photo?

I am using Google Places to render some hotels from a specific area in a website. I was able to get the details like:[google_key]
If you see the result, it also has a url to official google page.
Is there any way to get the photo of this place from there?
Because the icon parameter does not have the image from here but a specific google image which is the same for all lodging types places.
The Google Places API does not currently support this feature. If you believe this would be a useful feature you can submit a `Places API - Feature Request' here:
Google Places API Photos like Google Maps Photo. It is not Business Photo.

Post a photo on Facebook wall

Please recommend an image sharing service that can be called programmatically to upload a photo. I want to use the returned response and post a link to that photo or album in a Facebook message on wall.
The problem is that Facebook doesn't allow to use an uploaded photo within Facebook to be used in the wall message whereas external domains are allowed.
Can flickr be used? I don't want the users to login to flickr though.
Have you tried Imgur?
