Is there a way I can make a structure for 2 different functions using the same where clauses?
My code:
bonusColBullet :: Bonus -> Bullet -> World -> World
bonusColBullet bn#(Bonus{bnpos=pos}) b w#(World{bullets=bs, bonuses=bns, score=s})
| doBoxesCollide bnlp bnrp blp brp = w{bullets=delete b bs, bonuses=delete bn bns, score=incVal s}
| otherwise = w
blp = bpos' - bSizeH --bullet corners
brp = bpos' + bSizeH
bnlp = pos - bnSizeH --bonus obj corners
bnrp = pos + bnSizeH
bpos' = bpos b
incVal s#(Score{sval=sv, multiplier}) = s{sval=sv+multiplier}
enemyColBullet :: Enemy -> Bullet -> World -> World
enemyColBullet e#(Enemy{epos=pos}) b w#(World{bullets=bs, enemies=es, score=s})
| doBoxesCollide elp erp blp brp = w{bullets=delete b bs, enemies=delete e es, score=incVal s}
| otherwise = w
blp = bpos' - bSizeH -- bullet corners
brp = bpos' + bSizeH
elp = pos - eSizeH -- enemy corners
erp = pos + eSizeH
bpos' = bpos b
incVal s#(Score{sval=sv, multiplier}) = s{sval=sv+multiplier}
Because like this it looks very inefficient to me, so I figured there should be a way to only have to write the where clause ones and to somehow make it includeable for both functions?
If anyone could help me out on this it'd be much appreciated!
Best regards,
Yep! You're right that this can be factored out. One cool feature in Haskell which may help you is ambiguity. Haskell has two sorts of ambiguity, and you can use either one in this case. The first sort of ambiguity is called parametric types, for example the list type [x] exists for all x no matter what x is, so there are actually a lot of different functions reverse :: [x] -> [x], one for every type which you can put inside those lists. The only problem is that sometimes you want a constraint on these parameters, so that you can do stuff with them (reverse is constrained by the total ambiguity; it can't do anything to the elements but can only reorder them and possibly drop or repeat them). The constrained ambiguity is a feature called type classes. Here's how I'd use them to fit your case:
type Size = ____ -- fill this in with whatever that type actually is.
class Sprite s where
kill :: s -> World -> World
position :: s -> Size
size :: s -> Size
instance Sprite Bullet where
kill b w = w{bullets = delete b (bullets w)}
position = bpos
size = const bSizeH -- constant for all bullets, right?
instance Sprite Bonus where
kill bn w = w{bonuses = delete bn (bonuses w)}
position = bnpos
size = const bnSizeH
instance Sprite Enemy where
kill e w = w{enemies = delete e (enemies w)}
position = epos
size = const eSizeH
Now you can write something more generic:
collides :: (Sprite x, Sprite y) => x -> y -> Bool
collides x y = doBoxesCollide (px - sx) (px + sx) (py - sy) (py + sy)
where px = position x
py = position y
sx = size x
sy = size y
addScore :: World -> World
addScore w = w{score = s{sval = sval s + multiplier s}} where s = score w
killCollision :: (Sprite x, Sprite y) => x -> y -> World -> World
killCollision x y = if collides x y then addScore . kill x . kill y else id
We've gone up from your 22 lines up to 27 lines, but we now have a lot of smaller parts interacting in clearer ways, and no repeating ourselves. It's an artistic choice whether this is worth it or not -- it often helps longer-term maintenance of a program, but if you're just trying to get a program out there often copy-paste is faster.
So now where you would have written bonusColBullet bn b w you can just write killCollision bn b w and it does the same thing, and so does killCollision e b w for enemies e. But you've got a little more power. Suppose you want to have enemies eat bonuses that they collide with: but you do not get a score for that. Then that would be if collides e bn then kill bn else id. Or you might decide that different sprites have different points which they are worth; then you add to the Sprite class points :: x -> Points (where Points is whatever Num type your points are -- presumably Integer but I didn't want to assume). You modify addScore to become:
addScore :: (Sprite x, Sprite y) => x -> y -> World -> World
addScore x y w = w{score = s{sval = newscore}
where s = score w
newscore = sval s + multiplier s * (points x + points y)
and you modify killCollision by replacing addScore with addScore x y. That's it. Now different enemies or bonuses can be worth different amounts. With a little more work, you can have an enemy who eats a bonus get the points from that bonus (so that if you kill them you still get the bonus points). Stuff like that.
Is there a way I can make a structure for 2 different functions using the same where clauses
where gives you a binding with local scope. So to share that between two functions, they have to be "inside" the where scope.
Easier is to float the where clause out. E.g. calculate it once and pass x and y to your functions.
main = do
let x = func a - c
y = func' b - c
someFunc x y
someOtherFunc x y
As shown in the image below, I'm creating a program that will make a 2D animation of a truck that is made up of two articulated parts.
The truck pulls the trailer.
The trailer moves according to the docking axis on the truck.
Then, when the truck turns, the trailer should gradually align itself with the new angle of the truck, as it does in real life.
I would like to know if there is any formula or algorithm that does this calculation in an easy way.
I've already seen inverse kinematics equations, but I think for just 2 parts it would not be so complex.
Can anybody help me?
Let A be the midpoint under the front axle, B be the midpoint under the middle axle, and C be the midpoint under the rear axle. For simplicity assume that the hitch is at point B. These are all functions of time t, for example A(t) = (a_x(t), a_y(t).
The trick is this. B is moving directly towards A with the component of A's velocity in that direction. Or in symbols, dB/dt = (dA/dt).(A-B)/||A-B|| And similarly, dC/dt = (dB/dt).(B-C)/||B-C|| where . is the dot product.
This turns into a non-linear first-order system in 6 variables. This can be solved with normal techniques, such as
UPDATE: Added code
Here is a Python implementation. You can replace it with for your favorite language and your favorite linear algebra library. Or even hand-roll that.
For my example I started with A at (1, 1), B at (2, 1) and C at (2, 2). Then pulled A to the origin in steps of size 0.01. That can be altered to anything that you want.
#! /usr/bin/env python
import numpy
# Runga Kutta method.
def RK4(f):
return lambda t, y, dt: (
lambda dy1: (
lambda dy2: (
lambda dy3: (
lambda dy4: (dy1 + 2*dy2 + 2*dy3 + dy4)/6
)( dt * f( t + dt , y + dy3 ) )
)( dt * f( t + dt/2, y + dy2/2 ) )
)( dt * f( t + dt/2, y + dy1/2 ) )
)( dt * f( t , y ) )
# da is a function giving velocity of a at a time t.
# The other three are the positions of the three points.
def calculate_dy (da, A0, B0, C0):
l_ab = float(numpy.linalg.norm(A0 - B0))
l_bc = float(numpy.linalg.norm(B0 - C0))
# t is time, y = [A, B, C]
def update (t, y):
(A, B, C) = y
dA = da(t)
ab_unit = (A - B) / float(numpy.linalg.norm(A-B))
# The first term is the force. The second is a correction to
# cause roundoff errors in length to be selfcorrecting.
dB = ( + float(numpy.linalg.norm(A-B))/l_ab - l_ab) * ab_unit
bc_unit = (B - C) / float(numpy.linalg.norm(B-C))
# The first term is the force. The second is a correction to
# cause roundoff errors in length to be selfcorrecting.
dC = ( + float(numpy.linalg.norm(B-C))/l_bc - l_bc) * bc_unit
return numpy.array([dA, dB, dC])
return RK4(update)
A0 = numpy.array([1.0, 1.0])
B0 = numpy.array([2.0, 1.0])
C0 = numpy.array([2.0, 2.0])
dy = calculate_dy(lambda t: numpy.array([-1.0, -1.0]), A0, B0, C0)
t, y, dt = 0., numpy.array([A0, B0, C0]), .02
while t <= 1.01:
print( (t, y) )
t, y = t + dt, y + dy( t, y, dt )
By the answers I saw, I realized that the solution is not really simple and will have to be solved by an Inverse Kinematics algorithm.
This site is an example and it is a just a start, although it still does not solve everything, since the point C is fixed and in the case of the truck it should move.
Based on this Analytic Two-Bone IK in 2D article, I made a fully functional model in Geogebra, where the nucleus consists of two simple mathematical equations.
In this question, I asked how to perform a similar operation using PowerPack.
I have decided to use MathNet instead as it is designed for .Net in general, not just F#.
I need a function that takes 2 matrices and outputs the percentage of agreement. The values in the matrices are all either 1.0 or -1.0. Apparently matrices of type Matrix(int) are not supported.
I have come up with a function that accomplishes this but I suspect there is a more direct route to do this, preferably using functionality of the Matrix class.
This is what I've got:
let percentageTheSame (a:Matrix<float>) (b:Matrix<float>) =
let seqA = a |> Matrix.toSeq
let seqB = b |> Matrix.toSeq
let sames = Seq.map2 (fun a b -> (a,b)) seqA seqB |> Seq.filter (fun (a, b) -> a = b)
Here's a solution similar to the one using PowerPack:
let percentageTheSame (a:Matrix<float>) (b:Matrix<float>) =
let z,t = Matrix.fold (fun (z,t) e -> (if e = 0. then z+1 else z), t+1) (0,0) (a-b)
float z / float t
Or using foldi, instead of subtracting matrices, might be more efficient for big matrices since it doesn't need to allocate an intermediate matrix:
let percentageTheSame (a:Matrix<float>) (b:Matrix<float>) =
let z,t =
Matrix.foldi (fun i j (z,t) e -> (if e = b.[i,j] then z+1 else z), t+1) (0,0) a
float z / float t
I am interrested in different ways of implementing a constant grid in a functional language. A perfect solution should provide traversal in pesimistic constant time per step and not use imperative constructs (laziness is ok). Solutions not quite fulfilling those requirements are still welcome.
My proposal is based on four-way linked nodes like so
A fundamental operation would be to construct a grid of given size. It seems that this operation will determine the type, i.e. which directions will be lazy (obviously this data structure cannot be achieved without laziness). So I propose (in OCaml)
type 'a grid =
| GNil
| GNode of 'a * 'a grid Lazy.t * 'a grid Lazy.t * 'a grid * 'a grid
With references ordered: left, up, right, down. Left and up are suspended. I then build the grid diagonal-wise
Here is a make_grid function that constructs a grid of given size with the coordinate tuples as node values. Please note that gl, gu, gr, gd functions allow walking on a grid in all directions and if given GNil, will return GNil.
let make_grid w h =
let lgnil = Lazy.from_val GNil in
let rec build_ur x y ls dls = match ls with
| l :: ((u :: _) as ls') ->
if x = w && y = h then
GNode ((x, y), l, u, GNil, GNil)
else if x < w && 1 < y then
let rec n = lazy (
let ur = build_ur (x + 1) (y - 1) ls' (n :: dls) in
let r = gd ur in
let d = gl (gd r)
in GNode ((x, y), l, u, r, d)
in force n
else if x = w then
let rec n = lazy (
let d = build_dl x (y + 1) (n :: dls) [lgnil]
in GNode ((x, y), l, u, GNil, d)
in force n
let rec n = lazy (
let r = build_dl (x + 1) y (lgnil :: n :: dls) [lgnil] in
let d = gl (gd r)
in GNode ((x, y), l, u, r, d)
in force n
| _ -> failwith "make_grid: Internal error"
and build_dl x y us urs = match us with
| u :: ((l :: _) as us') ->
if x = w && y = h then
GNode ((x, y), l, u, GNil, GNil)
else if 1 < x && y < h then
let rec n = lazy (
let dl = build_dl (x - 1) (y + 1) us' (n :: urs) in
let d = gr dl in
let r = gu (gr d)
in GNode ((x, y), l, u, r, d)
in force n
else if y = h then
let rec n = lazy (
let r = build_ur (x + 1) y (n :: urs) [lgnil]
in GNode ((x, y), l, u, r, GNil)
in force n
else (* x = 1 *)
let rec n = lazy (
let d = build_ur x (y + 1) (lgnil :: n :: urs) [lgnil] in
let r = gu (gr d)
in GNode ((x, y), l, u, r, d)
in force n
| _ -> failwith "make_grid: Internal error"
in build_ur 1 1 [lgnil; lgnil] [lgnil]
It looks pretty complicated as it has to separately handle case when we're going up and when we're going down – build_ur and build_dl auxiliary functions respectively. The build_ur function is of type
build_ur :
int -> int ->
(int * int) grid Lazy.t list ->
(int * int) grid Lazy.t list -> (int * int) grid
It construct a node, given the current position x and y, the list of suspended elements of previous diagonal ls, the list of suspended previous elements of current diagonal urs. The name ls comes from the fact that the first element on ls is the left neighbour of current node. The urs list is needed for construction of the next diagonal.
The build_urs function proceeds with building the next node on the up-right diagonal, passing the current node in a suspension. The left and up neighbour are taken from ls and the right and down neighbours can be accessed through the next node on the diagonal.
Note that I put a bunch of GNils on the urs and ls lists. This is made to always ensure that build_ur and build_dl can consume at least two elements from those lists.
The build_dl function works analogously.
This implementation seems overly complicated for such a simple data structure. In fact I'm suprised it works cause I was driven by faith when writing it and am unable to comprehend completely why it works. Therefore I would like to know a simpler solution.
I was considering building the grid row-wise. This approach has less border cases but I can't eliminate the need of building subsequent rows in different directions. It's because when I go to the end with a row and would like to start building another from the beginning, I would have to somehow know the down node of the first node in current row, which I seemingly can't know until I return from the current function call. And if I can't eliminate bi-directionality, I would need two inner node constructiors: one with suspended left and top and the other with suspended right and top.
Also, here is a gist of this implementation along with omitted functions:
The datastructure you are looking for if you want a functional solution is a zipper. I've written the rest of the code in Haskell because I find it more to my taste but it's easily ported to OCaml. Here's a gist without the interleaved comments.
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Grid where
import Data.Maybe
We can start by understanding the datastructure for just lists: you can think of a zipper as a pointer deep inside a list. You have wathever is on the left of the element you point at, then the element you point at and finally whatever is on the right.
type ListZipper a = ([a], a, [a])
Given a list and an integer n, you can focus on the element which is at position n. Of course, if n is greater than the lenght of the list, then you just fail. One important thing to notice is that the left part of the list is stored backwards: moving the focus to the left will therefore be possible in constant time. As will moving to the right.
focusListAt :: Int -> [a] -> Maybe (ListZipper a)
focusListAt = go []
go _ _ [] = Nothing
go acc 0 (hd : tl) = Just (acc, hd, tl)
go acc n (hd : tl) = go (hd : acc) (n - 1) tl
Let's move on to Grids now. A Grid will just be a list of rows (lists).
newtype Grid a = Grid { unGrid :: [[a]] }
A zipper for a Grid is now given by a grid representing everything above the current focus, another representing everything below it, and a list zipper (advanced level: notice that this looks a bit like nested list zippers & could be reformulated in more generic terms).
data GridZipper a =
GridZipper { above :: Grid a
, below :: Grid a
, left :: [a]
, right :: [a]
, focus :: a }
By focusing on the right row first, and then the right element we may focus a Grid at some coordinates x and y.
focusGridAt :: Int -> Int -> Grid a -> Maybe (GridZipper a)
focusGridAt x y g = do
(before, line , after) <- focusListAt x $ unGrid g
(left , focus, right) <- focusListAt y line
let above = Grid before
let below = Grid after
return GridZipper{..}
Once we have a zipper, we can move around easily. The code for going either left or right is not suprisingly rather similar:
goLeft :: GridZipper a -> Maybe (GridZipper a)
goLeft g#GridZipper{..} =
case left of
[] -> Nothing
(hd:tl) -> Just $ g { focus = hd, left = tl, right = focus : right }
goRight :: GridZipper a -> Maybe (GridZipper a)
goRight g#GridZipper{..} =
case right of
[] -> Nothing
(hd:tl) -> Just $ g { focus = hd, left = focus : left, right = tl }
When going up or down, we have to be a bit careful because we need to focus on the spot right above (or below) the one we left in the new row. We also have to reassemble the previous row we were focused onto into a good old list (by appending the reversed left to focus : right).
goUp :: GridZipper a -> Maybe (GridZipper a)
goUp GridZipper{..} = do
let (line : above') = unGrid above
let below' = (reverse left ++ focus : right) : unGrid below
(left', focus', right') <- focusListAt (length left) line
return $ GridZipper { above = Grid above'
, below = Grid below'
, left = left'
, right = right'
, focus = focus' }
goDown :: GridZipper a -> Maybe (GridZipper a)
goDown GridZipper{..} = do
let (line : below') = unGrid below
let above' = (reverse left ++ focus : right) : unGrid above
(left', focus', right') <- focusListAt (length left) line
return $ GridZipper { above = Grid above'
, below = Grid below'
, left = left'
, right = right'
, focus = focus' }
Finally, I've also added a couple of helper functions to generate grids (with every cell containing a pair of its coordinates) and instances to be able to display grids and zippers in a terminal.
mkGrid :: Int -> Int -> Grid (Int, Int)
mkGrid m n = Grid $ [ zip (repeat i) [0..n-1] | i <- [0..m-1] ]
instance Show a => Show (Grid a) where
show = concatMap (('\n' :) . concatMap show) . unGrid
instance Show a => Show (GridZipper a) where
show GridZipper{..} =
concat [ show above, "\n"
, concatMap show (reverse left)
, "\x1B[33m[\x1B[0m", show focus, "\x1B[33m]\x1B[0m"
, concatMap show right
, show below ]
main creates a small grid of size 5*10, focuses on the element at coordinates (2,3) and moves around a bit.
main :: IO ()
main = do
let grid1 = mkGrid 5 10
print grid1
let grid2 = fromJust $ focusGridAt 2 3 grid1
print grid2
print $ goLeft =<< goLeft =<< goDown =<< goDown grid2
A simple solution for implementing infinite grids consists in using a hash table indexed by the coordinate pairs.
The following is a sample implementation that doesn't check for integer overflow:
type 'a cell = {
x: int; (* position on the horizontal axis *)
y: int; (* position on the vertical axis *)
value: 'a;
type 'a grid = {
cells: (int * int, 'a cell) Hashtbl.t;
init_cell: int -> int -> 'a;
let create_grid init_cell = {
cells = Hashtbl.create 10;
let hashtbl_get tbl k =
try Some (Hashtbl.find tbl k)
with Not_found -> None
(* Check if we have a cell at the given relative position *)
let peek grid cell x_offset y_offset =
hashtbl_get grid.cells (cell.x + x_offset, cell.y + y_offset)
(* Get the cell at the given relative position *)
let get grid cell x_offset y_offset =
let x = cell.x + x_offset in
let y = cell.y + y_offset in
let k = (x, y) in
match hashtbl_get grid.cells k with
| Some c -> c
| None ->
let new_cell = {
x; y;
value = grid.init_cell x y
} in
Hashtbl.add grid.cells k new_cell;
let left grid cell = get grid cell (-1) 0
let right grid cell = get grid cell 1 0
let down grid cell = get grid cell 0 (-1)
(* etc. *)
I was reading on perceptrons and trying to implement one in haskell. The algorithm seems to be working as far as I can test. I'm going to rewrite the code entirely at some point, but before doing so I thought of asking a few questions that have arosen while coding this.
The neuron can be trained when returning the complete neuron. let neuron = train set [1,1] works, but if I change the train function to return an incomplete neuron without the inputs, or try to pattern match and create only an incomplete neuron, the code falls into neverending loop.
tl;dr when returning complete neuron everything works, but when returning curryable neuron, the code falls into a loop.
module Main where
import System.Random
type Inputs = [Float]
type Weights = [Float]
type Threshold = Float
type Output = Float
type Trainingset = [(Inputs, Output)]
data Neuron = Neuron Threshold Weights Inputs deriving Show
output :: Neuron -> Output
output (Neuron threshold weights inputs) =
if total >= threshold then 1 else 0
where total = sum $ zipWith (*) weights inputs
rate :: Float -> Float -> Float
rate t o = 0.1 * (t - o)
newweight :: Float -> Float -> Weights -> Inputs -> Weights
newweight t o weight input = zipWith nw weight input
where nw w x = w + (rate t o) * x
learn :: Neuron -> Float -> Neuron
learn on#(Neuron tr w i) t =
let o = output on
in Neuron tr (newweight t o w i) i
converged :: (Inputs -> Neuron) -> Trainingset -> Bool
converged n set = not $ any (\(i,o) -> output (n i) /= o) set
train :: Weights -> Trainingset -> Neuron
train w s = train' s (Neuron 1 w)
train' :: Trainingset -> (Inputs -> Neuron) -> Neuron
train' s n | not $ converged n set
= let (Neuron t w i) = train'' s n
in train' s (Neuron t w)
| otherwise = n $ fst $ head s
train'' :: Trainingset -> (Inputs -> Neuron) -> Neuron
train'' ((a,b):[]) n = learn (n a) b
train'' ((a,b):xs) n = let
(Neuron t w i) = learn (n a) b
train'' xs (Neuron t w)
set :: Trainingset
set = [
([1,0], 0),
([1,1], 1),
([0,1], 0),
([0,0], 0)
randomWeights :: Int -> IO [Float]
randomWeights n =
g <- newStdGen
return $ take n $ randomRs (-1, 1) g
main = do
w <- randomWeights 2
let (Neuron t w i) = train w set
print $ output $ (Neuron t w [1,1])
return ()
Edit: As per comments, specifying a little more.
Running with the code above, I get:
perceptron: <<loop>>
But by editing the main method to:
main = do
w <- randomWeights 2
let neuron = train w set
print $ neuron
return ()
(Notice the let neuron, and print rows), everything works and the output is:
Neuron 1.0 [0.71345896,0.33792675] [1.0,0.0]
Perhaps I am missing something, but I boiled your test case down to this program:
module Main where
data Foo a = Foo a
main = do
x ← getLine
let (Foo x) = Foo x
putStrLn x
This further simplifies to:
main = do
x ← getLine
let x = x
putStrLn x
The problem is that binding (Foo x) to something that depends on x
is a cyclic dependency. To evaluate x, we need to know the value of
x. OK, so we just need to calculate x. To calculate x, we need to
know the value of x. That's fine, we'll just calculate x. And so on.
This isn't C, remember: it's binding, not assignment, and the binding
is evaluated lazily.
Use better variable names, and it all works:
module Main where
data Foo a = Foo a
main = do
line ← getLine
let (Foo x) = Foo line
putStrLn x
(The variable in question, in your case, is w.)
This is a common mistake in Haskell. You cannot say things like:
let x = 0
let x = x + 1
And have it mean what it would in a language with assignment, or even nonrecursive binding. The first line is irrelevant, it gets shadowed by the second line, which defines x as x+1, that is, it defines recursively x = ((((...)+1)+1)+1)+1, which will loop upon evaluation.
How would you make the folowing code functional with the same speed? In general, as an input I have a list of objects containing position coordinates and other stuff and I need to create a 2D array consisting those objects.
let m = Matrix.Generic.create 6 6 []
let pos = [(1.3,4.3); (5.6,5.4); (1.5,4.8)]
pos |> List.iter (fun (pz,py) ->
let z, y = int pz, int py
m.[z,y] <- (pz,py) :: m.[z,y]
It could be probably done in this way:
let pos = [(1.3,4.3); (5.6,5.4); (1.5,4.8)]
Matrix.generic.init 6 6 (fun z y ->
pos |> List.fold (fun state (pz,py) ->
let iz, iy = int pz, int py
if iz = z && iy = y then (pz,py) :: state else state
) []
But I guess it would be much slower because it loops through the whole matrix times the list versus the former list iteration...
PS: the code might be wrong as I do not have F# on this computer to check it.
It depends on the definition of "functional". I would say that a "functional" function means that it always returns the same result for the same parameters and that it doesn't modify any global state (or the value of parameters if they are mutable). I think this is a sensible definition for F#, but it also means that there is nothing "dis-functional" with using mutation locally.
In my point of view, the following function is "functional", because it creates and returns a new matrix instead of modifying an existing one, but of course, the implementation of the function uses mutation.
let performStep m =
let res = Matrix.Generic.create 6 6 []
let pos = [(1.3,4.3); (5.6,5.4); (1.5,4.8)]
for pz, py in pos do
let z, y = int pz, int py
res.[z,y] <- (pz,py) :: m.[z,y]
Mutation-free version:
Now, if you wanted to make the implementation fully functional, then I would start by creating a matrix that contains Some(pz, py) in the places where you want to add the new list element to the element of the matrix and None in all other places. I guess this could be done by initializing a sparse matrix. Something like this:
let sp = pos |> (fun (pz, py) -> int pz, int py, (pz, py))
let elementsToAdd = Matrix.Generic.initSparse 6 6 sp
Then you should be able to combine the original matrix m with the newly created elementsToAdd. This can be certainly done using init (however, having something like map2 would be maybe nicer):
let res = Matrix.init 6 6 (fun i j ->
match elementsToAdd.[i, j], m.[i, j] with
| Some(n), res -> n::res
| _, res -> res )
There is still quite likely some mutation hidden in the F# library functions (such as init and initSparse), but at least it shows one way to implement the operation using more primitive operations.
EDIT: This will work only if you need to add at most single element to each matrix cell. If you wanted to add multiple elements, you'd have to group them first (e.g. using Seq.groupBy)
You can do something like this:
[1.3, 4.3; 5.6, 5.4; 1.5, 4.8]
|> Seq.groupBy (fun (pz, py) -> int pz, int py)
|> (fun ((pz, py), ps) -> pz, py, ps)
|> Matrix.Generic.initSparse 6 6
But in your question you said:
How would you make the folowing code functional with the same speed?
And in a later comment you said:
Well, I try to avoid mutability so that the code would be simple to paralelize in the future
I am afraid this is a triumph of hope over reality. Functional code generally has poor absolute performance and scales badly when parallelized. Given the huge amount of allocation this code is doing, you're not likely to see any performance gain from parallelism at all.
Why do you want to do it functionally? The Matrix type is designed to be mutated, so the way you're doing it now looks good to me.
If you really want to do it functionally, though, here's what I'd do:
let pos = [(1.3,4.3); (5.6,5.4); (1.5,4.8)]
let addValue m k v =
if Map.containsKey k m then
Map.add k (v::m.[k]) m
Map.add k [v] m
let map =
|> (fun (x,y) -> (int x, int y),(x,y))
|> List.fold (fun m (p,q) -> addValue m p q) Map.empty
let m = Matrix.Generic.init 6 6 (fun x y -> if (Map.containsKey (x,y) map) then map.[x,y] else [])
This runs through the list once, creating an immutable map from indices to lists of points. Then, we initialize each entry in the matrix, doing a single map lookup for each entry. This should take total time O(M + N log N) where M and N are the number of entries in your matrix and list respectively. I believe that your original solution using mutation takes O(M+N) time and your revised solution takes O(M*N) time.