'export' is not recognized as an internal or external command - maven

I need to set Maven options in machine. I ran following command and I got 'export' is not recognized as an internal or external command
export MAVEN_OPTS=-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n

'export' command is valid only for unix shells.
In Windows - use 'set' instead of 'export'

I tried set, didn't work for me, in the end:
worked. But you have to put your string in quotes like:

SET does work as mentioned above.
In case anyone wants to know how to use the data stored in variable use %variable%.
if you want to print value in command prompt use echo %variable%
SET myVar = testsite.co.uk
To print in command prompt:
echo %myVar%
To use in code, just use %myVar%

Was facing the same issue.Turned out I was doing a rookie mistake. Try this instead:
set MAVEN_OPTS=-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n

I am using this way:

Use "git bash here" on Windows it will work. You can install git from https://git-scm.com/downloads


How is it possible to view windows environment variable without executing arguments within it?

Basically I would like to export my exact PATH variable to a file automatically. It contains things like %ANT_HOME%/bin and I would like to keep it that way. From what I could find, using both set and echo will execute that argument and give me the absolute path. Is there something I'm missing?
To get a copy of your PATH without expansion of environment variables you could save the following as "rawPath.vbs"...
Option Explicit
Dim wsh
Set wsh = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Wscript.Echo wsh.RegRead("HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment\Path")
...and then issue the following command to pipe the output to a file
cscript -nologo rawPath.vbs > myPath.txt
Do you see %ANT_HOME% when you execute SET from the prompt?
If so,
>filename echo %path%
should export the path as desired.
If the PATH variable does not actually contain the "%" characters, then it's already been resolved. And remember, "%" is actually a legitimate (but annoying) filename character...
You CAN set a "%" character into an environment variable
set var=%%something%%
will set var to %something%
You need to escape the % good sir, example
>echo %path%
>echo ^%path^%

Difficulty executing shell script with directory reference

I have a simple script
echo $dir
cd ./selenium-grid-1.0.8/
CMD="ant -Dport=$1 -Dhost=$2 -DhubURL= -Denvironment="$3"-DseleniumArgs="-firefoxProfileTemplate C:/software/rc_user_ffprofile -multiWindow" launch-remote-control"
echo $CMD
$CMD 2>&1
Whenever i run this command, i get: ./register_rc.sh: line 16: C:/software/rc_user_ffprofile: is a directory
this directory has to be an argument to the -firefoxProfileTemplate option. How do i include that in this string without it baffing??
I believe your command should read:
CMD="ant -Dport=$1 -Dhost=$2 -DhubURL= -Denvironment=\"$3\"-DseleniumArgs=\"-firefoxProfileTemplate C:/software/rc_user_ffprofile -multiWindow\" launch-remote-control"
The backslashes are used to "escape" the quotation marks.
The answers here telling to escape your quotes are wrong. That will pass those quotes directly to ant, I doubt that's what you want.
What's the reason to store the command in a variable? It's a very bad idea. Why can't you just write that command as is? If you want to achieve modularity or code reuse, then define a function.
If you want to display executed commands, use set -x.
Looks like you're mixing your quotes up. Take a look at the syntax highlighting that StackOverflow did for you.
I recommend generating the CMD variable in multiple steps, and make sure you \-escape your quotes.

Bash script doesn't set variable when run from script, but works fine from prompt

Why does the following work from the prompt but fail when stuck inside a bash script? The bash script produces one empty line leading me to believe the variable isn't being set:
echo "red sox" | read my_var
echo $my_var
UPDATE: Since I guess my example isn't working, what I'm really trying to do is take I/O and pipe it into a variable to so I can do things with it. How do I do this? I thought this should be taken care of by the read command, but maybe there's another way?
If you are asking this because you simplified from a more general problem such as:
someprog args | read my_var
you should be using command substitution:
my_var=$(someprog args)
The reason read doesn't work in a pipe the way you have it is that it creates a subshell. Variables set in a subshell don't persist to their parents. See BashFAQ/024.
You can store the output of a command in a variable using either backticks or $() syntax:
my_var=`cat /some/file.txt`
Now the content of /some/file.txt is stored in $my_var. Same thing, with different syntax:
my_var=$(cat /some/file.txt)
It doesn't work at the prompt. My guess is you already have my_var set in your CLI, and are just retrieving that at the prompt.
Try this:
$ my_var="nothing"; echo "red sox" | read my_var; echo $my_var
If you want the my_var variable to have a constant value, as in your question, why not just do:
my_var="red sox"
What are you trying to do? Please explain what you wan't to do first.
If you're trying to set a variable this is what you need:
my_var="red sox"
echo $my_var
If you need it globally you should set it in env:
export my_var

Problem in running a script

i have unix shell script which is need to be run like below
test_sh XYZ=KLMN
the content of the script is
echo $XYZ
for using the value of XYZ i have do set -k before i run the script.
is there a way where i can do this without doint set -k before running the script. or is there something that i can do in the script where i can use value of the parameter given while running the script in the below way
test_sh XYZ=KLMN
i am using ksh.
Any help is appreciated.
How about running this?
XYZ=KLMN ./test_sh //running from directory where test_sh is
If your script needs no other arguments, a quick and dirty way do to it is to put
eval "$#"
at the start of your script. This will evaluate the command line arguments as shell commands. If those commands are to assign a shell/environment variable, then that's what it will do.
It's quick-and-dirty since anything could be put on the command line, causing problems from a syntax error to a bad security hole (if the script is trusted).
I'm not sure if "$#" means the same in ksh as it does in bash - using just $* (without quotes) would work too, but is even dirtier.
It looks like you are trying to use the environment variable "INSTANCE" in your script.
For that, the environment variable must be set in advance of executing your script. Using the "set" command sets exportable environment variables. Incidentally, my version of ksh dates from 1993 and the "-k" option was obsolete back then.
To set an environment variable so that it is exported into spawned shells, simply use the "export" command like so:
export INSTANCE='whatever you want to put here'
If you want to use a positional parameter for your script -- that is have the "KLMN" value accessed within your script, and assuming it is the first parameter, then you do the following in your script:
echo $1
You can also assign the positional parameter to a local variable for later use in your script like so:
echo $param_one
You can call this with:
test_sh KLMN
Note that the spacing in the assignment is important -- do not use spaces.
I am tring this option
echo $1
awk '{FS="=";print $2}' $1
and on the command line
but awk is failing.is there any problem over here?
Probably #!/bin/ksh -k will work (untested).

Windows Command Line: Non Evaluation of Environment Variable

I would like to provide the raw text referring to an environment variable to a command instead of evaluating the environment variable.
I need this to configure BizTalk from the command line, for example:
BTSTask.exe AddResource -ApplicationName:App1
-Type:System.BizTalk:BizTalkAssembly -Overwrite
This command adds a resource to a BizTalk application. I want the destination to be %BTAD_InstallDir%\App1.Schemas.dll, however at present it is evaluating the environment variable (to nothing) and using \App1.Schemas.dll.
Is it possible to escape or disable the evaluation of this environment variable while parsing\executing this command?
I have tried escaping the first and both percentage characters with a carrot (^), however this did not stop the evaluation.
[EDIT] When I execute this at the command prompt it doesn't replace the environment variable, however it does when I run it as a script, any thoughts as to why this is different?
Try echo ^%path^% in a command prompt it prints...
instead of expanding the environment variable so I guess the following should work for you as suggested by Mikeage
BTSTask.exe AddResource -ApplicationName:App1 -Type:System.BizTalk:BizTalkAssembly -Overwrite -Source:..\Schemas\bin\development\App1.Schemas.dll -Destination:^%BTAD_InstallDir^%\App1.Schemas.dll
Did you try:
in your script ?
That should prevent the script to interpret the variable, and it would pass %BTAD_InstallDir% to the program.
Try ^% instead of %.
C:\PrgCmdLine\Unix\echo.exe "%"JAVA_HOME"%"
[EDIT] Indeed, C:\PrgCmdLine\Unix\echo.exe ^%JAVA_HOME^% works too, and is simpler...
[EDIT 2] For the record: I used UnxUtils' echo to have the behavior of a plain program. Built in echo has a slightly different behavior, at least for quoted % signs.
Not sure if it's the same as my case, but i was troubling to use a batch file to create a script which has %temp% variable inside.
The workaround i found:
set test=%temp;
echo {command} %test%%>>path_to_my_batch_file;
Hope this helps someone:)
