Xpages multiple file attachment conflict with partial/full update - validation

I am using the multiple file attachment from openntf but it seems it's a problem when on the same page it is a validation on a field (a required field).
When I click the button to upload the files, I get the error message on the validation field.
Question: How can I have some kind of "Process data without validation" on the file uploader? How can I do this with Javascript?

You have two possibilities to upload files without getting validation error:
Don't include fields with validation into the partial refresh area set by xc:ynUploadFilesHTML5's parameter refreshID
Select "Process data without validation" in custom control ynUploadFilesHTML5's button "refresh"


Missing "List of response notifications..." in Microsoft Flow automation

I am trying to create a simple automation of survey data into an excel spreadsheet. Based on other how-tos, it should be as simple as adding the form and workbook then mapping the fields from the form to the headers of the spreadsheet. Mine is only displaying "Response ID" when it should be displaying "List of response notifications..." I thought maybe it was due to me not being the original creator of the Microsoft Form, but I've tried on some I've created too with no luck. The "Apply to each" action does not work either, it does not show the "List" option. Anyone have an idea?
Turns out you have to have the Form/Survey in your "My Forms" section, it cannot just be shared. Now I have to figure out the non-question responses, i.e. name and timestamps.

Printable templates for Custom Modules

I have a requirement to setup customized printable for few Custom Modules to let the record owner print  the details of the currently opened record, similar to Invoice Template or Sales Order Template. 
Use Case:
Record Owner opens a record from Custom Module
A custom button Print Record will appear when a record is opened
On clicking the Print Record button, a PDF document with data of the opened record must be generated  based on a template (similar to Invoice template) and either download the generated PDF record owner's local drive or send the generated PDF to a specific email address 
Is there a way to set up Invoice Templates for Custom modules? It can be achieved with Mail Merge but I need the outcome as a PDF document and with Mail Merge doing that would require several clicks. I need the PDF to be generated on a single button click.
Also, can the aforementioned use case be automated? Automatically generate a PDF based on a template periodically and send it by email without the user having to navigate the record and print the PDF manually?
I would appreciate any guidance on this use case.

MVC 3 Client Side Validation Catches Some ValidationAttributes but not others?

I'm confused by this behavior:
I have an out-of-the-box MVC3 app. I haven't really done any customization from the what the scaffolding template gives me.
In web.config, clientsidevalidationenabled and unobtrusivevalidation are both true.
I have a class with one field using the Required annotation, one using StringLength and one using RegularExpression. When I'm editing an object, the textboxes for the properties marked with StringLength & Regex report problems instantly in the UI, but the textbox for the Required doesn't.
If I hit SAVE, then "Model.IsValid" is the controller sess the problem with the missing Required and I get the UI error message next to the text box.
If I view the source of the page, I can see that the markup for the required property does have the dataval-req and other related attributes generated by the Unobtrusive validation.
Is this expected behavior? If it is, what's the reason? If it's not, what might I be doing wrong?
Thanks! :)
As long as the page is not posting back to the server, this should be the correct behavior. The required client-validation will fire only if:
You don't enter data and try to post to the server.
You enter data in the text box and then remove it.
Otherwise the user would be inundated with error messages.
I've gotten to the bottom of this behavior, just by banging on the keyboard some more. It's as expected. In the Create view, the behavior is as #Beavis describes. In the edit view, unobtrusive validation prevents the required property from being validated on tabbing BEFORE the first attempt at hitting SAVE. SAVE then does a UI validation (no postback occurs) and shows the error message next to the property. Once I've hit save that first time, that property responds to tabbing. So now if I make it valid, the message disappears on tab. If I erase the contents of the text box, the message reappears on tab.
Thanks for everyone's help.

How to retrieve CCK Fields that have been created using ajax call in draft module?

I have drupal 6.22 website.
I have custom CCK fields in one the content types in my website.. i have set the number of values for it in its "Global Settings" to "Unlimited".
so, drupal will show two by default and once i click "Add another Item", an ajax call is sent to create new field.
now i have tried to load this node from draft modeul (http://drupal.org/project/draft) by going to
and i got all fields except those who have been created by ajax calls. any idea of how to retrieve them??
Thanks for your help

people editor no match text

I am creating one sharepoint webpart and it has one sharepoint people editor control. this is an required field. So i am using required field validator for validating the people editor control. But my problem is that when i am entering some junk data (eg: njhdfhfb), and then hit enter, it shows the validation message of "No exact match was found.". and also my validation message Select an employee or group. In my case i needs only my own validation message. But not the control message. How we can avoid this control validation message. Please help me for this. i had tried many ways.. but its not working. Thanks in advance..
In the above case the validator did not find any users and that is why it showed you the error message. You don't have to use a required field validator use AllowEmpty property and set its value to True.
You can disable to Validator using ValidatorEnabled property.
