Inkscape: Unable to find verb ID 'AlignHorizontalLeft' specified on the command line - command-line-arguments

inkscape --version
Inkscape 0.48.4 r9939 (Jan 22 2014)
I'm running the following inkscape command:
inkscape -f test.svg \
--select=hanzi --verb=AlignHorizontalLeft --verb=EditDeselect \
--select=pinyin --verb=AlignHorizontalRight --verb=EditDeselect \
--select=hanzi --select=pinyin \
--verb=AlignVerticalCenter --verb=SelectionUnion \
--verb=FileSave --verb=FileQuit
And get the error:
Unable to find: AlignHorizontalLeft
Unable to find verb ID 'AlignHorizontalLeft' specified on the command line.
Unable to find: AlignHorizontalRight
Unable to find verb ID 'AlignHorizontalRight' specified on the command line.
Unable to find: AlignVerticalCenter
Unable to find verb ID 'AlignVerticalCenter' specified on the command line.
I can find related verbs when reading inkscape --verbs-list output.
What is the replacement for those verbs ? I need a solution as a cli command.

From IRC channel #inkscape:
ed8 | Any help for a replacement to the following verbs:
AlignHorizontalLeft, AlignHorizontalRight, AlignVerticalCenter in 0.48
su_v | ed8: those verbs only exist in trunk (i.e. they will be available in the next major release)
So you need to install using the PPA Inkscape trunk.


Gitlab CI not displaying complete output in terminal

I have created a pipeline which performs ansible-lint on $CI_PROJECT_DIR. The problem is the complete output is not shown in UI as compared to running on my local machine.
You can notice the difference in output for both.
Below is the output from my local machine (Ubuntu with ansible-lint installed)
**ansible-lint create-dir.yaml -v**
WARNING Overriding detected file kind 'yaml' with 'playbook' for given positional argument: create-dir.yaml
INFO Executing syntax check on create-dir.yaml (0.31s)
WARNING Listing 1 violation(s) that are fatal
syntax-check: 'file' is not a valid attribute for a Play
create-dir.yaml:4:3 [WARNING]: No inventory was parsed, only implicit localhost is available
[WARNING]: provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available. Note that the implicit localhost does not match 'all'
ERROR! 'file' is not a valid attribute for a Play
The error appears to be in '/tmp/create-dir.yaml': line 4, column 3, but may be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- name: Create a directory if it does not exist
^ here
Finished with 1 failure(s), 0 warning(s) on 1 files.
Below is output from Gitlab CI :
$ find ./ -not \( -name "*.ansible-lint" -o -name ".gitlab-ci.yml" \) \( -name "*yml" -o -name "*yaml" \) | xargs ansible-lint -v
WARNING Overriding detected file kind 'yaml' with 'playbook' for given positional argument: ./ansible/create-dir.yaml
INFO Executing syntax check on ansible/create-dir.yaml (0.39s)
Cleaning up project directory and file based variables 00:01
Job succeeded
I would like to know why there is difference in output and how to print the complete message on Gitlab CI
Job logs in GitLab CI/CD have a limited length. It's designed for operational reasons, as the jobs can create arbitrary outputs so one could - by mistake or by purpose - output even gigabytes or terabytes of text.
But if you scroll up in the output, you have the abillity to view the full logs by pressing 'Complete Raw'.

how to download file VIA wget while target path include Wildcards

here is elegant example how to download file and copy it to
/etc/yum.repo.d folder
wget -nd -r -P /etc/yum.repos.d/ -A ".repo" "http://$REPOSITORY_SERVER/ambari/centos7/"
after above command ambari.repo file will copied to /etc/yum.repos.d/
note: the file amabri.rep path is
ls -ltr /var/www/html/ambari/centos7/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root users 304 Jun 11 2018 /var/www/html/ambari/centos7/
so this is the simple case
now what about path could be as ( with diff path's )
then how to use the cli with Wildcards
we try the following
wget -nd -r -P /etc/yum.repos.d/ -A ".repo" "http://$REPOSITORY_SERVER/ambari/centos7/*/ambari.repo"
but we get
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2021-11-28 18:40:07 ERROR 404: Not Found.
or even with backslash
wget -nd -r -P /etc/yum.repos.d/ -A ".repo" "http://$REPOSITORY_SERVER/ambari/centos7/\*/ambari.repo"
any idea how to resolve this issue?
how to use the cli with Wildcards
It is not possible to perform a glob expansion with HTTP protocol. These are very unrelated technologies.
how to resolve this issue?
Devise and implement a method of getting the available files under certain path from an HTTP server. For example, contact the server administrator and ask him about it. Potentially, if the HTTP server supports serving a directory listing, recursively filter the listing to find all matching paths. Or find and query some other site that contains all the links and filter the obtained answer to extract all links, for example. Etc.

Bash HTTPie works when calling STRAVA script through command line but not through crontab

I'm new to shell scripting and I have a Bash script pulling in data from the Strava API and manipulating/reading it using jq.
When I copy and paste in the first line of code (the one calling in data) into the command line, it works. When I run bash the entire program works. But when I execute the program through crontab, I'm getting the following error:
usage: http [--json] [--form] [--pretty {all,colors,format,none}]
[--style STYLE] [--print WHAT] [--headers] [--body] [--verbose]
[--all] [--history-print WHAT] [--stream] [--output FILE]
[--download] [--continue]
[--session SESSION_NAME_OR_PATH | --session-read-only SESSION_NAME_OR_PATH]
[--auth USER[:PASS]] [--auth-type {basic,digest}]
[--proxy PROTOCOL:PROXY_URL] [--follow]
[--max-redirects MAX_REDIRECTS] [--timeout SECONDS]
[--check-status] [--verify VERIFY]
[--ssl {ssl2.3,tls1,tls1.1,tls1.2}] [--cert CERT]
[--cert-key CERT_KEY] [--ignore-stdin] [--help] [--version]
[--traceback] [--default-scheme DEFAULT_SCHEME] [--debug]
http: error: unrecognized arguments: client_id=xxx client_secret=xxx refresh_token=xxx grant_type=refresh_token
Here's what the line looks like in my script:
access_token=$(http POST "" client_id="xxx" client_secret="xxx" refresh_token="xxx" grant_type="refresh_token" | jq -r '.access_token')
When running through crontab, the above error is printed on the first line (i.e. line given above), so I'm fairly certain the problem lies in that line. What am I doing wrong?
The httpie manual ( advises to use of:
For "non-interactive invocations".
Possibly a path issue - are there multiple copies of http installed?
Is there a "%" anywhere in your parameters? Crontab interprets % as a newline, so if you'll have to escape it - "%%".
As an aside - please put your subshell inside "s, lest one day strava returns something like "AC0f4;rm * 0cd-4b203"
access_token="$( http POST ...

how to fix featureCounts in miniconda (Linux) with error "featureCounts: invalid option -- 'r'"

featureCounts was called under minconda in Linux subsystem on a Windows 10 computer.
featureCounts -a /mnt/d/.../__.txt -F SAF -readExtensions3 200 -o ___.tsv -O file1.bam file2.bam file3p.bam file4.bam file5.bam file6.bam file7.bam file8.bam
This always results in an error message
featureCounts: invalid option -- 'r'
Version 2.0.1
Usage: featureCounts [options] -a <annotation_file> -o <output_file> input_file1 [input_file2] ...
## Mandatory arguments:
-a <string> Name of an annotation file. GTF/GFF format by default. See...
And then reprinting the required and optional arguments for featureCounts function.
Does anyone know what does the error message "invalid option --'r'" mean? And how can I fix it?
Is there any difference between calling featureCounts in command prompt (or Terminal on Mac) and calling it in Linux/miniconda3?
It seems that you mistyped option name, it should be --readExtension3 with two dashes in front of it and without 's' in the end. I had a similar problem with --fraction which led me here!

ImageMagick Errors: Convert PDF to Images

When I run the following command to convert a PDF to Image using ImageMagic Convert util with the following parameters :
C:\Windows\system32>"C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.5.8-Q16\convert.exe" "D:\RealDocs.pptx.pdf" "d:\hello.jpg"
I get the following error :
convert.exe: `%s': %s "gswin32c.exe" -q -dQUIET -dPARANOIDSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dNOPROMPT -dMaxBitmap=500000000 -dEPSCrop -dAlignToPixels=0 -dGridFitTT=0 "-sDEVICE=pnmraw" -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 "-r72x72" "-sOutputFile=C:/Users/Nupitch/AppData/Local/Temp/magick-xwOF7jbV" "-fC:/Users/Nupitch/AppData/Local/Temp/magick-BescEsek" "-fC:/Users/Nupitch/AppData/Local/Temp/magick-XfLll9WM" # utility.c/SystemCommand/1964.convert.exe: Postscript delegate failed `D:\RealDocs.pptx.pdf': No such file ordirectory # pdf.c/ReadPDFImage/634.convert.exe: missing an image filename `d:\hello.jpg' # convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2838.
please help me ~
ImageMagick cannot handle PostScript and PDF files itself and by its own. For this it uses a third party software called Ghostscript as a 'delegate'.
Has your Windows system Ghostscript installed properly? Or is not installed at all?
Try to download and install the latest version from here.
Probably you'd get a different error message if the problem is caused by a missing Ghostscript installation. But your error is:
D:\RealDocs.pptx.pdf': No such file or directory
# pdf.c/ReadPDFImage/634.convert.exe: missing an image filename `d:\hello.jpg'
This could mean that the user account you run this command under does not have permission to write to the root of the D: drive.
To test this, you could run the conversion command in a cmd.exe window in a slightly modified way:
"C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.5.8-Q16\convert.exe" ^
"D:\RealDocs.pptx.pdf" ^
(On Windows XP, %userprofile% usually points to c:\documents and settings\<your username>\...)
