Error when building GRUB2 module with efi's "grub_efi_get_variable" function - grub

This is in my Makefile.core.def:
module = {
name = mymod;
common = net/mymod.c;
When I tried to build I get:
mv syminfo.lst
cat syminfo.lst | sort | gawk -f /build/boot_project/src/grub/grub2/grub-core/genmoddep.awk > moddep.lst || (rm -f moddep.lst; exit 1)
grub_efi_get_variable in mymod is not defined
make[5]: *** [moddep.lst] Error 1
mymod.c has "#include <grub/efi/efi.h>" and tries to use "grub_efi_get_variable" function. I see that in syminfo.lst
> more syminfo.lst
undefined mymod grub_efi_get_variable
Can someone shed a light on the error and how to fix?
P.S I edited Makefile.core.def and in /build/boot_project/src/grub/grub2/grub-core/ to include my module and ran in /build/boot_project/src/grub/ to regenerate, then I ran dmake in /build/boot_project/src/grub/

Configuration was ran with --with-platform=efi. Anyhow, I noticed has all platform enabled for module mymod. So I edited Makefile.core.def to: module = { name = mymod; common = net/mymod.c; enable = efi}; After re-running, only platform with efi were added to and the build works.


How to compile the device tree from Cubemx with the STM32MP1 Distribution Package?

I have a STM32MP1 SBC and i am using it with yocto project. STM provides Cubemx tool which is used to generate the device tree etc.
I have followed the instructions from this article but unable to compile the device tree..
my layer.conf look like this..
# We have a conf and classes directory, add to BBPATH
# We have recipes-* directories, add to BBFILES
BBFILES += "${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bb \
BBFILE_COLLECTIONS += "meta-my-demo-layer"
BBFILE_PATTERN_meta-my-demo-layer = "^${LAYERDIR}/"
BBFILE_PRIORITY_meta-my-demo-layer = "6"
EULA_FILE_ST_stm32mpmydemo = "${LAYERDIR}/conf/eula/${MACHINE}"
EULA_FILE_ST_MD5SUM_stm32mpmydemo = "8b505090fb679839cefbcc784afe8ce9"
#Inform bitbake for adding another location to search for licenses
LICENSE_PATH += "${LAYERDIR}/files/licenses"
# Set a variable to get the STM32MP MX BSP location
# This should only be incremented on significant changes that may
# cause compatibility issues with other layers
LAYERVERSION_meta-my-demo-layer = "1"
LAYERDEPENDS_meta-my-demo-layer = "stm-st-stm32mp-mx"
# OpenEmbedded compatibility information
# This should only be incremented on significant changes that will
# cause compatibility issues with other layers
LAYERVERSION_meta-my-demo-layer = "1"
LAYERDEPENDS_meta-my-demo-layer = "core"
LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_meta-my-demo-layer = "dunfell"
and my machine file look like this..
##TYPE: Machine
##NAME: stm32mp1-mx
##DESCRIPTION: Configuration for STM32CubeMX generated project
##NEEDED_BSPLAYERS: layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe layers/meta-openembedded/meta-python layers/meta-st/meta-st-stm32mp-addons
# Default machine configuration sections
include conf/machine/include/
include conf/machine/include/
# Define specific common machine name
MACHINEOVERRIDES .= ":stm32mpmydemo"
# =========================================================================
# Chip architecture
# =========================================================================
DEFAULTTUNE = "cortexa7thf-neon-vfpv4"
include conf/machine/include/
# =========================================================================
# Machine settings
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
# Machine features (default for stm32mp1 like)
# =========================================================================
MACHINE_FEATURES += "splashscreen"
MACHINE_FEATURES += "watchdog"
MACHINE_FEATURES += "${#'gpu' if d.getVar('ACCEPT_EULA_'+d.getVar('MACHINE')) == '1' else ''}"
# =========================================================================
# Device Storage
# =========================================================================
# Enable the board device storage support with CUBEMX_DTB according to BOOTDEVICE_LABELS
DEVICE_BOARD_ENABLE_SDCARD += "${#bb.utils.contains('BOOTDEVICE_LABELS', 'sdcard', '${CUBEMX_DTB}', '', d)}"
# =========================================================================
# Flashlayout
# =========================================================================
FLASHLAYOUT_TYPE_LABELS_sdcard = "${#bb.utils.contains('BOOTDEVICE_LABELS', 'sdcard', '${CUBEMX_DTB}', '', d)}"
# Specific settings for 'extensible' and 'deleteall' configurations
FLASHLAYOUT_CONFIG_LABELS_deleteall = "cubemx"
# =========================================================================
# CubeMX extra config
# =========================================================================
# Set specific subdir path by components for each device tree file location
# within CUBEMX_PROJECT project folder
# User machine customization sections
# Boot Scheme
# =========================================================================
# WORKAROUND to generate U-BOOT SPL for DDR Tuning tools usage
UBOOT_CONFIG += "basic"
# Boot Device Choice
# =========================================================================
# Define the boot device supported
# Support Feature Choice
# =========================================================================
# Define the features to enable on board
#MACHINE_FEATURES += "bluetooth"
# Specific firmwares and kernel modules configuration
# =========================================================================
# Set the list of kernel module to be auto-loaded during boot
# Set Bluetooth related package list needed when 'bluetooth' feature is enabled
# Set Wifi related package list needed when 'wifi' feature is enabled
WIFI_LIST += "linux-firmware-bcm43430"
# CubeMX Project Config
# =========================================================================
# Assign CubeMX Board devicetree and project path name
CUBEMX_DTB = "stm32mp153c-my_stm-mx"
but in the end all the packages tf-a, kernel, u-boot are unable to compile with some errors...
ERROR: tf-a-stm32mp-2.2.r1-r0 do_compile: oe_runmake failed
ERROR: tf-a-stm32mp-2.2.r1-r0 do_compile: Execution of '/home/user/build-openstlinux-weston/tmp-openstlinux_weston-glibc/work/stm32mp1_demo-ostl-linux-gnueabi/tf-a-stm32mp/2.2.r1-r0/temp/run.do_compile.6449' failed with exit code 1:
make: Entering directory '/home/user/build-openstlinux-weston/tmp-openstlinux_weston-glibc/work-shared/stm32mp1-demo/tfa-source'
Including bl32/sp_min/
HOSTCC stm32image.c
make: *** No rule to make target 'fdts/stm32mp153c-my_stm-mx.dts', needed by '/home/user/build-openstlinux-weston/tmp-openstlinux_weston-glibc/work/stm32mp1_demo-ostl-linux-gnueabi/tf-a-stm32mp/2.2.r1-r0/build/trusted/fdts/stm32mp153c-my_stm-mx.dtb'. Stop.
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
HOSTLD stm32image
Built stm32image successfully
make: Leaving directory '/home/user/build-openstlinux-weston/tmp-openstlinux_weston-glibc/work-shared/stm32mp1-demo/tfa-source'
WARNING: exit code 1 from a shell command.
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/user/build-openstlinux-weston/tmp-openstlinux_weston-glibc/work/stm32mp1_demo-ostl-linux-gnueabi/tf-a-stm32mp/2.2.r1-r0/temp/log.do_compile.6449
Log data follows:
| DEBUG: Executing python function tfaconfig_env
| DEBUG: Python function tfaconfig_env finished
| DEBUG: Executing shell function do_compile
| NOTE: make -j 4 CROSS_COMPILE=arm-ostl-linux-gnueabi- DEBUG=1 LOG_LEVEL=40 PLAT=stm32mp1 ARCH=aarch32 ARM_ARCH_MAJOR=7 STM32MP_SDMMC=1 STM32MP_EMMC=1 STM32MP_SPI_NOR=1 STM32MP_RAW_NAND=1 STM32MP_SPI_NAND=1 -C /home/user/build-openstlinux-weston/tmp-openstlinux_weston-glibc/work/stm32mp1_demo-ostl-linux-gnueabi/tf-a-stm32mp/2.2.r1-r0/git DTB_FILE_NAME=stm32mp153c-my_stm-mx.dtb BUILD_PLAT=/home/user/build-openstlinux-weston/tmp-openstlinux_weston-glibc/work/stm32mp1_demo-ostl-linux-gnueabi/tf-a-stm32mp/2.2.r1-r0/build/trusted AARCH32_SP=sp_min
| make: Entering directory '/home/user/build-openstlinux-weston/tmp-openstlinux_weston-glibc/work-shared/stm32mp1-demo/tfa-source'
| Including bl32/sp_min/
| HOSTCC stm32image.c
| make: *** No rule to make target 'fdts/stm32mp153c-my_stm-mx.dts', needed by '/home/user/build-openstlinux-weston/tmp-openstlinux_weston-glibc/work/stm32mp1_demo-ostl-linux-gnueabi/tf-a-stm32mp/2.2.r1-r0/build/trusted/fdts/stm32mp153c-my_stm-mx.dtb'. Stop.
| make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
| HOSTLD stm32image
| Built stm32image successfully
| make: Leaving directory '/home/user/build-openstlinux-weston/tmp-openstlinux_weston-glibc/work-shared/stm32mp1-demo/tfa-source'
| ERROR: oe_runmake failed
| WARNING: exit code 1 from a shell command.
| ERROR: Execution of '/home/user/build-openstlinux-weston/tmp-openstlinux_weston-glibc/work/stm32mp1_demo-ostl-linux-gnueabi/tf-a-stm32mp/2.2.r1-r0/temp/run.do_compile.6449' failed with exit code 1:
| make: Entering directory '/home/user/build-openstlinux-weston/tmp-openstlinux_weston-glibc/work-shared/stm32mp1-demo/tfa-source'
| Including bl32/sp_min/
| HOSTCC stm32image.c
| make: *** No rule to make target 'fdts/stm32mp153c-my_stm-mx.dts', needed by '/home/user/build-openstlinux-weston/tmp-openstlinux_weston-glibc/work/stm32mp1_demo-ostl-linux-gnueabi/tf-a-stm32mp/2.2.r1-r0/build/trusted/fdts/stm32mp153c-my_stm-mx.dtb'. Stop.
| make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
| HOSTLD stm32image
| Built stm32image successfully
| make: Leaving directory '/home/user/build-openstlinux-weston/tmp-openstlinux_weston-glibc/work-shared/stm32mp1-demo/tfa-source'
| WARNING: exit code 1 from a shell command.
ERROR: Task (/home/user/layers/meta-st/meta-st-stm32mp/recipes-bsp/trusted-firmware-a/ failed with exit code '1'
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 720 tasks of which 650 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed.
NOTE: Writing buildhistory
NOTE: Writing buildhistory took: 2 seconds
I know it's an old post but i had the same problem and this solution can help futur users:
First you need to follow this tutorial on
How to manage OpenSTLinux project in STM32CubeIDE (You need to be on a linux machine)
Then simply run the CA7 project from STM32CubeIDE or manually copy generated .dtb to "/boot/stm32mp157a-dk1.dtb" (set correct card name)

Eiffel compilation through Makefile and `dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc` generating an error

Am trying to create a debian package of my Eiffel application.
Either make or make -j4 (which is the called one from dpkg-buildpackage) within the root structure does the job without error
but when called from dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc which calls the Makefile it exits with an error
In file included from big_file_C7_c.c:40:0:
lo322.c: In function ‘inline_F425_4447’:
lo322.c:97:5: error: format not a string literal and no format arguments [-Werror=format-security]
syslog(arg1, arg2);
cc1: some warnings being treated as errors
My makefile for info is as following:
#Build variables
MY_EC = $(shell which ec)
# This target will compile all files
all: build
# Checks eiffel compiler
# #echo "MY EC IS: ${MY_EC}"
#if [ -z "${MY_EC}" ]; then
echo "Compiler not found";
echo "Eiffel compiler found";
# Compilation
echo '---------->finalizing'
ec -finalize -config $(APP_NAME).ecf -target $(TARGET_NAME) || (echo "last command failed $$="; exit 1)
cd $(FINAL_EXE_DIR); \
echo '---------->Finish freezing';\
finish_freezing || (echo "A problem occured during finish_freezing!!!"; exit 1)
The issue is caused by the feature c_logging_write_log of the class LOG_WRITER_SYSTEM in EiffelStudio 18.11 and earlier that makes the following call:
syslog($priority, $msg);
Replacing it with
syslog($priority, "%s", (char *) $msg);
(in $ISE_EIFFEL/library/runtime/logging/writers/log_writer_system.e) and recompiling the system (from scratch, if the logging library is marked as read-only) should fix the problem.

stack build error: attribute ‘ghc822’ missing, at (string):1:53

I am attempting to build my haskell project on NixOS.
Running $ stack build gives the following error.
$ stack build
error: attribute ‘ghc822’ missing, at (string):1:53
(use ‘--show-trace’ to show detailed location information)
What does this error mean and how could I proceed? When I run $ stack build --show-trace as suggested, I get the following output, which I do not understand either.
$ stack build --show-trace
Invalid option `--show-trace'
Usage: stack build [TARGET] [--dry-run] [--pedantic] [--fast]
[--ghc-options OPTIONS] [--flag PACKAGE:[-]FLAG]
([--dependencies-only] | [--only-snapshot] |
[--only-dependencies]) ([--file-watch] | [--file-watch-poll])
[--exec CMD [ARGS]] [--only-configure] [--trace] [--profile]
[--no-strip] [--[no-]library-profiling]
[--[no-]executable-profiling] [--[no-]library-stripping]
[--[no-]executable-stripping] [--[no-]haddock]
[--haddock-arguments HADDOCK_ARGS] [--[no-]open]
[--[no-]haddock-deps] [--[no-]haddock-internal]
[--[no-]haddock-hyperlink-source] [--[no-]copy-bins]
[--[no-]copy-compiler-tool] [--[no-]prefetch]
[--[no-]keep-going] [--[no-]force-dirty] [--[no-]test]
[--[no-]rerun-tests] [--ta|--test-arguments TEST_ARGS]
[--coverage] [--no-run-tests] [--[no-]bench]
[--ba|--benchmark-arguments BENCH_ARGS] [--no-run-benchmarks]
[--[no-]reconfigure] [--[no-]cabal-verbose]
[--[no-]split-objs] [--skip ARG] [--help]
Build the package(s) in this directory/configuration
I tried changing my channel to nixos-17.09 instead of nixos-unstable (and running nix-channel --update), but still get the same error.
Output of $ nix-channel --list is shown below.
$ nix-channel --list
The output of $ nix-env -qaPA 'nixos.haskell.compiler' shows ghc822 to be found.
$ nix-env -qaPA 'nixos.haskell.compiler'
warning: name collision in input Nix expressions, skipping ‘/home/matthew/.nix-defexpr/channels_root/nixos’
nixos.haskell.compiler.ghc6102Binary ghc-6.10.2-binary
nixos.haskell.compiler.ghc704 ghc-7.0.4
nixos.haskell.compiler.ghc704Binary ghc-7.0.4-binary
nixos.haskell.compiler.ghc7102 ghc-7.10.2
nixos.haskell.compiler.integer-simple.ghc7102 ghc-7.10.2
nixos.haskell.compiler.ghc7103 ghc-7.10.3
nixos.haskell.compiler.integer-simple.ghc7103 ghc-7.10.3
nixos.haskell.compiler.integer-simple.ghc742 ghc-7.4.2
nixos.haskell.compiler.ghc742 ghc-7.4.2
nixos.haskell.compiler.ghc742Binary ghc-7.4.2-binary
nixos.haskell.compiler.ghc763 ghc-7.6.3
nixos.haskell.compiler.ghc783 ghc-7.8.3
nixos.haskell.compiler.integer-simple.ghc783 ghc-7.8.3
nixos.haskell.compiler.ghc784 ghc-7.8.4
nixos.haskell.compiler.integer-simple.ghc784 ghc-7.8.4
nixos.haskell.compiler.ghc801 ghc-8.0.1
nixos.haskell.compiler.integer-simple.ghc801 ghc-8.0.1
nixos.haskell.compiler.ghc802 ghc-8.0.2
nixos.haskell.compiler.integer-simple.ghc802 ghc-8.0.2
nixos.haskell.compiler.integer-simple.ghc821 ghc-8.2.1
nixos.haskell.compiler.ghc821 ghc-8.2.1
nixos.haskell.compiler.integer-simple.ghc822 ghc-8.2.2
nixos.haskell.compiler.ghc822 ghc-8.2.2
nixos.haskell.compiler.integer-simple.ghcHEAD ghc-8.3.20170808
nixos.haskell.compiler.ghcHEAD ghc-8.3.20170808
nixos.haskell.compiler.ghcjs ghcjs-0.2.0
nixos.haskell.compiler.ghcjsHEAD ghcjs-0.2.020170323
nixos.haskell.compiler.jhc jhc-0.8.2
nixos.haskell.compiler.uhc uhc-
I installed ghc8.2.2 via $ nix-env -iA nixos.haskell.compiler.ghc822, and $ ghc --version now returns
$ ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 8.2.2
However, I still get the error error: attribute ‘ghc822’ missing, at (string):1:54 when attempting to run $ stack build.
Also, I attempted to see what ghc version my stack is using after this install, and this led to the same attribute ‘ghc822’ missing error.
$ stack ghc -- --version
error: attribute ‘ghc822’ missing, at (string):1:54
(use ‘--show-trace’ to show detailed location information)
It seems like your stack wants to retrieve the haskell.packages.ghc822 attribute or perhaps haskell.compiler.ghc822, which is not present in your version of <nixpkgs>.
Please check your channel configuration using sudo nix-channel --list (NixOS) or nix-channel --list. Releases 17.03 and older do not have this attribute. 17.09 and unstable should be fine. To switch your default <nixpkgs> to 17.09, note the name of the channel and run
nix-channel --add <NAME>
Also run nix-channel --update to make sure you have a recent version. GHC 8.2.2 was added on Oct 31st.
If you don't want to change your channel configuration, I suppose you can set the NIX_PATH environment variable
NIX_PATH=nixpkgs= stack build
Another option is to use a shell.nix. nixos-18.03 comes with ghc 8.2.2, so you can create a shell.nix like:
with import (builtins.fetchGit {
url =;
ref = "nixos-18.03";
rev = "cb0e20d6db96fe09a501076c7a2c265359982814";
}) {};
haskell.lib.buildStackProject {
name = "my-project";
buildInputs = [ ghc <otherlibs-here> ];
And add the following to your stack.yaml:
shell-file: shell.nix
Then stack build as usual.
You can provide an old GHC version using a shell.nix file place in the root of your project:
with import (fetchTarball {};
let ghc = haskell.compiler.ghc802;
in haskell.lib.buildStackProject {
inherit ghc;
name = "myEnv";
buildInputs = [ pcre ];
Use a tar url from for a version of nixpkgs that contains the GHC version you need.
Then run nix-shell in the root of the project. This will put you into a shell in which you can perform stack build successfully since it would have access to the correct GHC version.
As palik commented, changing the resolver version -- in my case changing
resolver: lts-11.3
resolver: lts-9.1
in stack.yaml is a work-around. I do not know what the deeper issue is but would be interested to know.
Update: this post provides a thorough explanation with excellent tips on how to use stackage and nix in concert, including how to reach agreement between package versions of the stack resolver and nix channel.
How to know which resolver to specify in stack.yaml?
Go to this url, which shows stackage snapshots containing ghc:
This will tell you the resolver corresponding to the ghc version you have. For example, I have ghc 8.10.7,
$ ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 8.10.7
and doing a find '8.10.7' on that page shows me that corresponds to LTS Haskell 18.28 (ghc-8.10.7). So I would specify resolver: lts-18.28 in my stack.yaml.
(How to find resolvers for a given package was found in an answer here.)
based on #steve-chávez answer
resolver: lts-13.19
system-ghc: true
install-ghc: false
enable: true
path: [nixpkgs=./nix/nixpkgs/default.nix]
shell-file: shell.nix
spec = builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./revision.json);
src = import <nix/fetchurl.nix> {
url = "${spec.owner}/${spec.repo}/archive/${spec.rev}.tar.gz";
inherit (spec) sha256;
nixcfg = import <nix/config.nix>;
nixpkgs = builtins.derivation {
system = builtins.currentSystem;
name = "${}-unpacked";
builder = builtins.storePath;
inherit src;
args = [
(builtins.toFile "builder" ''
$coreutils/mkdir $out
cd $out
$gzip -d < $src | $tar -x --strip-components=1
coreutils = builtins.storePath nixcfg.coreutils;
tar = builtins.storePath nixcfg.tar;
gzip = builtins.storePath nixcfg.gzip;
import nixpkgs
#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
#!nix-shell -i bash -p nix curl jq
SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$BASH_SOURCE")")
full_rev=$(curl --silent$owner/$repo/git/refs/heads/$rev | jq -r .object.sha)
echo "full_rev=$full_rev"
cat >"$SCRIPT_DIR/revision.json" <<EOL
"owner": "$owner",
"repo": "$repo",
"rev": "$full_rev",
"sha256": "$expected_sha"
# there are 2 ways of using stack with nix
# - define custom packages in `stack.yaml` `packages` option (
# - define custom package in `shell.nix` AND `shell-file: ...` in `stack.yaml` (
# we are using second option
ghc # stack expect this file to define a function of exactly one argument that should be called ghc
# pkgs = import ./nix/nixpkgs/default.nix {}
pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
with pkgs;
haskell.lib.buildStackProject {
inherit ghc;
name = "myEnv";
buildInputs = [ cabal-install ];

Package xkbcommon was not found in the pkg-config search path. when building Yocto image

On Ubuntu 14.04
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
Release: 14.04
Codename: trusty
Building a Yocto Poky image using the fido branch
inherit core-image
IMAGE_FEATURES += "x11-base x11-sato package-management ssh-server-dropbear"
IMAGE_INSTALL += "chromium \
lsb \
kernel-modules \
alsa-utils \
... and I am getting this sort of message
I look like it related to the Chromium recipe /meta-browser/recipes-browser/chromium/ which starts as such
DESCRIPTION = "Chromium browser"
DEPENDS += "libgnome-keyring"
and I get this message
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/joel/yocto/build-fido/tmp/work/cortexa7hf-vfp-vfpv4-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/chromium/45.0.2454.85-r0/temp/log.do_configure.28622
Log data follows:
| DEBUG: Executing python function sysroot_cleansstate
| DEBUG: Python function sysroot_cleansstate finished
| DEBUG: Executing shell function do_configure
| Updating projects from gyp files...
| Package xkbcommon was not found in the pkg-config search path.
| Perhaps you should add the directory containing `xkbcommon.pc'
| to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
| No package 'xkbcommon' found
| gyp: Call to 'pkg-config --cflags xkbcommon' returned exit status 1.
| WARNING: exit code 1 from a shell command.
What I have tried
Installed the library
$ sudo apt-get install libxkbcommon-x11-dev
Search for xkbcommon.pc
$ apt-file search xkbcommon.pc
libxkbcommon-dev: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/xkbcommon.pc
joel#linux-Lenovo-G50-70:~/yocto/build-fido$ pkg-config --cflags xkbcommon
<=== Return is EMPTY (?)
joel#linux-Lenovo-G50-70:~/yocto/build-fido$ pkg-config --libs xkbcommon
-lxkbcommon <=== Looks correct
$ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/
$ env | grep PKG
but I am still getting the same message when running bitbake
Any suggestions?
Find xkbcommon
$ find /usr/lib/ -name *xkbcommon*
In this case, it was the chromium recipe that failed to find libxkbcommon. As the error occurred when building a recipe for the target system, we need to tell the build system that the chromium recipe has a dependency on libxkbcommmon.
This can be done by adding
DEPENDS += "libxkbcommon"
to the chromium recipe.
It's worth noting, that libxkbcommon quite likely is an optional dependency, and in that case, it should be handled by a suitable PACKAGECONFIG. (See PACKAGECONFIG in ref.manual).
Note: I've never built chromium myself, thus I'd prefer to not suggest any suitable PACKAGECONFIG.
I think the Chromium_45 recipe is taken down since the last time I saw it (don't see it anymore).
Anyway, this is what I did to Chromium_40.
I have disabled Wayland (ozone-wayland in Chromium) so that it will only use x11.
In local.conf, I added
By doing this, I will bypass CHROMIUM_WAYLAND_DEPENDS = "wayland libxkbcommon"
CHROMIUM_X11_DEPENDS = "xextproto gtk+ libxi libxss"
CHROMIUM_WAYLAND_DEPENDS = "wayland libxkbcommon"
CHROMIUM_WAYLAND_GYP_DEFINES = "use_ash=1 use_aura=1 chromeos=0 use_ozone=1"
python() {
if d.getVar('CHROMIUM_ENABLE_WAYLAND', True) == '1':
d.appendVar('DEPENDS', ' %s ' % d.getVar('CHROMIUM_WAYLAND_DEPENDS', True))
d.appendVar('GYP_DEFINES', ' %s ' % d.getVar('CHROMIUM_WAYLAND_GYP_DEFINES', True))
d.appendVar('DEPENDS', ' %s ' % d.getVar('CHROMIUM_X11_DEPENDS', True))
d.appendVar('GYP_DEFINES', ' %s ' % d.getVar('CHROMIUM_X11_GYP_DEFINES', True))
P.S.: One more thing I found weird is use-egl.
PACKAGECONFIG[use-egl] = ",,virtual/egl virtual/libgles2" is overrided with PACKAGECONFIG[use-egl] = "" so I have removed PACKAGECONFIG[use-egl] = "" from
PACKAGECONFIG ??= "use-egl"
# this makes sure the dependencies for the EGL mode are present; otherwise, the configure scripts
# automatically and silently fall back to GLX
PACKAGECONFIG[use-egl] = ",,virtual/egl virtual/libgles2"
# Additional PACKAGECONFIG options - listed here to avoid warnings
PACKAGECONFIG[component-build] = ""
PACKAGECONFIG[disable-api-keys-info-bar] = ""
PACKAGECONFIG[ignore-lost-context] = ""
PACKAGECONFIG[impl-side-painting] = ""
PACKAGECONFIG[use-egl] = ""
PACKAGECONFIG[kiosk-mode] = ""

Mozilla firefox build fails with 'does not match the static pattern 'c:/C''

I've followed the simple firefox build instructions, but the following error occured:
Gabor#AMANDA /c/dev/mozilla-central
$ ./mach build
0:00.36 C:/mozilla-build/msys/bin/sh.exe -c c:/mozilla-build/python/python.exe
c:/dev/mozilla-central/build/pymake/ -f -s
0:03.79 Adding options from c:/dev/mozilla-central/.mozconfig:
0:03.79 MOZ_OBJDIR=$(TOPSRCDIR)/obj-ff
0:03.79 FOUND_MOZCONFIG := c:/dev/mozilla-central/.mozconfig
0:04.83 c:\dev\mozilla-central\obj-ff\backend.RecursiveMakeBackend.pp:1:0:Targe
t 'backend.RecursiveMakeBackend' does not match the static pattern 'c:/C'
0:04.83 c:\dev\mozilla-central\ command 'c:/mozilla-build/pytho
n/python.exe c:/dev/mozilla-central/build/pymake/pymake/../ -j4 -C c:/dev
/mozilla-central/obj-ff' failed, return code 2
0:04.83 c:\dev\mozilla-central\ command 'c:/mozilla-build/pytho
n/python.exe c:/dev/mozilla-central/build/pymake/pymake/../ -f c:/dev/moz
illa-central/ realbuild' failed, return code 2
0:04.95 0 compiler warnings present.
Anyone knows what can be the problem?
Mozconfig only contains this:
mk_add_options MOZ_OBJDIR=#TOPSRCDIR#/obj-ff
