How do I translate Joomla! 3.x System Messages? - joomla

I need to translate Joomla 3 system message.
The system would give you error saying: "Invalid field: ...".
I'm trying to translate the "invalid field: " for other language.
Witch language file and constant name should I look for ?

Juo have to go to your language folder (e.g.: language/lt_LT) and find file lt_LT.lib_joomla.ini and input there:
JLIB_FORM_FIELD_INVALID="Whatever you want to apear instead of Invalid field"


How to upload a csv file from local diretory using Curb library

I have been strugling for a few days to be able and manage file upload with curb library that is the ruby version of curl. The thing that was most worrying and blurry was the :
" Curl::PostField.file" part where the documentation is kind of fuzzy at least to my eyes.
The documentation says :
Curl::PostField.file(name, local_file_name) ⇒ #<Curl::PostField...>
Which does not say prety much anything by itself and it really does not work.
So the main idea is to figure out what goes in there in the file parameter, what is the "name" and what is the local_file_name ?
So after too many tries the correct use is this :
Ok the 'filename' is something you get from the html form and is important as a parameter. Each application may call this filename or image or .. whatever
Now the second parameter filename is a dummy name that will be displayed as uploaded
The path parameter is the location where this local file lives and can be a csv or.. image or.. etc.
Other than that uploading a form would likely use also more parameters that would be inserted with " Curl::PostField.content('param_name','param_value')" and can be easily be inspected within the html

Convert non-standard yml localization files to php array or other format usable for web translation

I tried to translate online with Transifex Stellaris localization files but it doesn't import it correctly because they don't follow localization standard:
Here for example there is one file:
I tried to convert it to php array or other formats usable on Transifex with some online (and offline) tools/scripts but i didn't find anything that convert it without an error, here for example with Symfony it gave me the error:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException' with message 'Unable to parse at line 8 (near "DERELICT_SHIP_PROJECT:0 "Derelict Ship"").' in /usr/share/php/Symfony/Component/Yaml/Parser.php:246
Can someone give me an advice on how to convert it correctly to a format usable in Transifex please?
Thanks for any reply.
The file you linked contains lines like
You probably want it to be a key-value pair:
I don't know what the 0 is for and how it got there, but if you delete it from every line, you'll have a proper YAML source.

How to make full translations in Magento?

I have uploaded the "ro_RO" folder (for roumanian language) in the 'app/locale' folder but some words are still in english. For example, in the create account form, i got the field "email" translated but the "First name" and "Last name" are still in english. The mesages generated by javascript are still in English. What more do I have to do get a full translation? (if I open the .csv files those words appears as translated)
Check the template files for strings output with __(). Those are the exact strings that need to be translated in csv

Java Playframework Internationalization doesn't work

I used the instructions from here:
and created files for different languages.
I call play.i18n.Lang.change method to change the language file,
and it still takes the captions from the English file ("messages" without a suffix),
Any ideas why?
It is hard to know from your description exactly what the problem may be, so I have outlined how you should do a multi-lingual app.
There are a number of steps you must follow to get internationalisation to work. Firstly, you must change your application.conf file to declare your supported languages.
So, if you are supporting English and French, you would do
You must then create the language file for your French translation called The English language would just stay in the standard messages file. In this new file, add your name value pairs for the key and message.
The way Play processes the messages, is to look first in the locale specific message file first (so for english it would be messages.en, which does not exist, and for french it would be If the message cannot be found in the locale specific message file, it will look at the global message file. So your global messages file acts as the catch all.
Then, in your code, set the language for your particular user, using
Lang.change("fr"); // change language to French
Remember, that this will save a cookie for the particular user in a PLAY_LANG cookie, so check that this cookie is being created for the user.
Final note, make sure that your files are UTF8 encoded. It causes problems if it is not.
In my specific case I had
set to something else other than localhost while testing.

WiX: Invalid Language Id

Some executable files have resources marked "language neutral".
Is it possible to package these binaries using WiX?
The error I receive is: error LGHT0204 : ICE03: Invalid Language Id; Table: File, Column: Language, Key(s)
Setting the Product.Language attribute to '0' does not fix the problem.
You can suppress the retrieval of file information by passing this option to light.exe:
Suppress file information: do not get hash, version, language and
other file properties
To fix the original cause of the error, compare the incorrect language ID to the ones here.
Alternatively, if you verify that the Language Id is truly valid (I've never seen a case where the ICE was wrong though) then I would suppress the ICE before suppressing the hash information (-sh). The hash information is very important for your install. Instead use "light.exe -sice ICE03" to skip that ICE.
Also note that the ICE03 checks are pretty important so make sure you solve all the other issues befor supressing this it. There is a feature request out there to suppress only specific errors instead of the whole ICE.
