Rethinkdb: Including a subdocument for nested doc - rethinkdb

I am performing an operation, and it works, but I want to know if there is a better or more efficient way to do what I want.
I have an object in my db that looks like this:
"id": "testId",
"name": "testName",
"products": [
"name": "product1"
"info": "sampleInfo",
"templateIds": [
"name": "product2"
"info": "sampleInfo",
"templateIds": [
As you can see, each "product" in the "products" array has a sub-array of templateIds. These match templates stored in another table. What I want to do is create a query that merges those templates onto each product object before I send it all back.
Currently I am doing this with sub-merges:
return {
products: suite('products').merge(function(product){
return {
templates: r.expr(product('templateIds')).map(function(id) {
return r.table('templates').get(id)
My question is: is there a more efficient way to do this? Or is there a completely different way of thinking I should employ to do this?
Thanks guys!

That looks right to me. The only thing I can think of is that r.table('templates').get_all(r.args(product('templateIds'))) is shorter than product('templateIds').map(function(id){ return t.table('templates').get(id);}) and might well be faster.
EDIT: If you have a small number of templates, another thing that would make this run faster would be to do the substitution in the client instead and cache the retrieved templates by ID. RethinkDB will have to do a separate read for each template ID, even if it sees the same one over and over again, because it doesn't know enough to know whether or not caching those values is safe.


GraphQL: Explore API without a wildcard (*)?

I am new to GraphQL and I wonder how I can explore an API without a possible wildcard (*) (
I am currently setting up a headless Craft CMS with GraphQL and I don't really know how my data is nested.
Event with the REST API I have no chance of just getting all the data, because I have to setup all the endpoints and therefore I have to know all field names as well.
So how could I easily explore my CraftCMS data structure?
Thanks for any hints on this.
------ Edit -------
If I use #simonpedro s suggestion:
__schema {
types {
fields {
I can see a lot of types (?)/fields (?)...
For example I see:
"name": "FlexibleContentTeaser",
"kind": "OBJECT",
"fields": [
"name": "id"
"name": "enabled"
"name": "teaserTitle"
"name": "text"
"name": "teaserLink"
"name": "teaserLinkConnection"
But now I would like to know how a teaserLink ist structured.
I somehow found out that the teaserLink (it is a field with the type Entries, where I can link to another page) has the properties url & title.
But how would I set up query to explore the properties available within teaserLink?
I tried all sorts of queries, but I am always confrontend with messages like this:
I would be really glad if somebody could give me another pointer how I can find out which properties I can actually query...
Thank you
As far as I'm concerned currently there is no graphql implementation with that capability. However, if what you want to do is to explore the "data structure", i.e, the schema, you should use schema instrospection, which was thought for that (explore the graphql schema). For example, a simple graphql instrospection query would be like this:
__schema {
types {
fields {
UPDATE for edit:
What you want to do I think is the following:
Make a query like this
__schema {
types {
fields {
type {
fields {
And then find the wished type field to grab more information (the fields) from it. Something like this (I don't know if this works, just an idea):
const typeFlexibleContentTeaser = data.__schema.types.find(t => t === "FlexibleContentTeaser")
const teaserLinkField = typeFlexibleContentTeaser.fields.find(f => === "teaserLink")
const teaserLinkField = teaserLinkField.type.fields;
i.e, you have to transverse recursively through the type field.

ACID update of ElasticSearch Document

I'm trying to build a Tinder-like system right now. Here I need to know which cards have already been seen.
If I save the cards in ElasticSearch, and then have such a document:
{ nama: David, location: {lat, lon}, seenFromUsers: [] }
I'm just wondering if it makes sense to create a list in the object itself. Probably there are 2000 entries in it.
But if I do an update in ElasticSearch, then I always have to pass all 2000 entries. If two users do this at the same time, does one get lost? How can I simply add another ID to the array? Is that even possible?
What other solutions are there?
One other solution would be a complete different approach. Instead if creating documents like this
"name": "David",
"location": { "lat": ..., "lon": ...},
"seenFromUsers": ["Laura", "Simone"]
think in Relations like this:
"name": "David",
"seenBy": "Laura"
"name": "David",
"seenBy": "Simone"
this approach will give you simpler queries, and the ACID problem is solved. New profile views are simply new documents...
As a benefit, you´ll get rid of inner objects and it will be more easy to add additional data to this relation:
"name": "David",
"seenBy": "Laura",
"timestamp": ...,
"liked": true
"name": "David",
"seenBy": "Simone",
"timestamp": ...,
"liked": false
And now you´ll be able to do a simple query for all positive likes of a profile, or bi-directional likes/matches...

How to get name/confidence individually from classify_text?

Most of the other methods in the language api, such as analyze_syntax, analyze_sentiment etc, have the ability to return the constituent elements like
etc etc etc....
but I have not found a way to return name and confidence in isolation from classify_text. It doesn't look like it's possible but that seems weird. Am missing something? Thanks
The language.documents.classifyText method returns a ClassificationCategory object which contains name and confidence. If you only want one of the fields you can filter by categories/name or categories/confidence. As an example I executed:
"document": {
"content": "this is a test for a StackOverflow question. I get an error because I need more words in the document and I don't know what else to say",
"type": "PLAIN_TEXT"
Which returns:
"categories": [
"name": "/Science/Computer Science"
"name": "/Computers & Electronics/Programming"
"name": "/Jobs & Education"
Direct link to API explorer for interactive testing of my example (change content, filters, etc.)

Using GraphQL structures to build complex database queries

I would like to specify inner constraints in a GraphQL query that would limit the results of the outermost query as part of a query / predicate builder I'm working on. I'm not sure if this is considered to be within GraphQL's capabilities but it makes sense to me as something that people would want to do.
For example, I might want to show a list of blog posts that were recently commented on like this:
comments(since: $earliestDate){
author {
The normal behaviour of this would be to bring back all blog posts and only comments that met the criteria.
"posts": [
"title": "Post 1",
"date": "2017-07-31"
"comments": [
"title": "Post 2",
"date": "2017-06-10",
"comments": [
"body": "Comment text",
"date": "2017-08-09",
"author": {
"name": "Michael"
But I want my query to prevent the retrieval of "Post 1" because it has no comments in the last month, but I'm not sure that's something GraphQL will make easy to do.
Is there functionality within GraphQL to support returning this result?
"posts": [
"title": "Post 2",
"date": "2017-06-10",
"comments": [
"body": "Comment text",
"date": "2017-08-09",
"author": {
"name": "Michael"
TL;DR - In general, you want the behavior of a field to only be defined by:
The arguments passed to that field
The identity of the object that is being queried
The global context of the query (eg, the identity of the user executing the query)
I think that the behavior you're after is not really ideal for GraphQL. At least as I've seen, GraphQL tends to treat fields as relatively independent from each other (even though they're nested).
For example, you would not expect arguments passed to a child field to change the behavior of its parent. And similarly, I think you would not expect the presence or absence of a child field to change the behavior of its parent.
The best way to accomplish the behavior you're after would be to add an argument to the posts field, indicating that only posts with comments should be returned:
posts(withCommentsOnly: true) {
comments(since: $earliestDate) {
author {
To understand the reasons why, just think about these kinds of scenarios:
authors {
posts {
comments { body }
If this query has the behavior you describe, for each author, you would only get the posts which also have comments. But then imagine that you re-query one of those authors later:
node(id: "author_id") {
... on Author {
posts { title }
Now would you get a different set of posts? That kind of behavior would make it very difficult for people to query your GraphQL schema using standard GraphQL clients, because client-side caching mechanisms would probably not be able to correctly update their caches.

Index main-object, sub-objects, and do a search on sub-objects (that return sib-objects)

I've an object like it (simplified here), Each strain have many chromosomes, that have many locus, that have many features, that have many products, ... Here I just put 1 of each.
The structure in json is:
"name": "my strain",
"public": false,
"authorized_users": [1, 23, 51],
"chromosomes": [
"name": "C1",
"locus": [
"name": "locus1",
"features": [
"name": "feature1",
"products": [
"name": "product1"
I want to add this object in Elasticsearch, for the moment I've add objects separatly: locus, features and products. It's okay to do a search (I want type a keyword, watch in name of locus, name of features, and name of products), but I need to duplicate data like public and authorized_users, in each subobject.
Can I register the whole object in elasticsearch and just do a search on each locus level, features and products ? And get it individually ? (no return the Strain object)
Yes you can search at any level (ie, with a query like "").
But as you have arrays at each level, you will have to use nested objects (and nested query) to get exactly what you want, which is a bit more complex:
For your last question, no, you cannot get subobjects individually, elastic returns the whole json source object.
If you want only data from subobjects, you will have to use nested aggregations.
