is forelse remove in laravel 4.2.4? - laravel-4

I was trying to use the #forelse in laravel but it give me this error
Undefined variable: data
is #forelse remove from laravel 4.2.4? because that's the version that i am using. This is my code
in my view
#forelse ($result as $data)
<tr><td> $data->name </td></tr>
<tr><td>No name match</td></tr>
in my controller
$result = User::find(1)->get();
return View::make('view')->with('result', $result);

I don't think #forelse has been around since Laravel 3. I could be wrong. I know it was removed at some point though. You need to use a standard #if and #foreach now.
#if (empty($result))
<tr><td>No name match</td></tr>
#foreach ($result as $data)
<tr><td> $data->name </td></tr>
As pointed out by Antonio it was brought back and is available in v4.2.7+, so you'll need to update if you want it.

I found the same thing. In the laracast video on Laravel 5 it is mentioned. Although right after he explains that a better practice is using the if else with the count function:
#if (count($result))
has result
has no result


How to iterate nested data in laravel blade view?

I have below the draft implementation. The spec is to show the parent information and children-grandchildren information.
#foreach ($parent as $children)
<h1>{{ $parent->name }}</h1>
// go back at the top for nested for each
One solution that you may recommend is to create an iterative function. But my problem for that, it does not completely render my component-icon chevron-right.
function showHTML($person) {
$html = '';
foreach($person as $children) {
$html .= `
if ($person->has('children')) {
$html .= showHTML($person->children);
return $html;
{!! showHTML($person) !!}
Just wondering if you guys have other solution for this to show nested with a component icon? I would appreciate any answer.
I encountered the same thing, and it did not take me long to figure out that we can re-iterate a component.
In my case, I just created a root component and re-iterated it if it had children.
So I don't need to loop it any longer.
So my usage would like this below:
<x-parent person="$person"></x-parent>
And my root component parent.blade.php. So If there is person has children I just re-iterate the component and pass his children as a prop:
<h1>{{ $person->name }}</h1>
<x-parent person="$person->children"></x-parent>
You can try => value on your foreach, that will fetch data array value from backend.
Or can you show your code on backend (controller), that can easy to help you
#foreach ($parent as $children => $value)
<h1>{{ $parent->name }}</h1>
<h3>{{ $value->data }}<h3>

Handling errors when variable is null - Laravel

I'm querying a model in a method in my controller to get all messages.
public function index(){
$messages = Message::where('sender_id', Auth::user()->id)->orWhere('recipient_id', Auth::user()->id)->get();
return view('/pages/message/index', compact('messages'));
If the model is null and has now entries, I get an error of 'can get method of non object or something like that.
What's the best way to handle errors like this. Ideallly in the controller
if collection in loop. Forelse statement is cool for that.
#forelse ($messages as $message)
<li>{{ $message->content }}</li>
<p>There is no messages</p>
in your view
//your code
//your code

How to set null if relations doesn't exist?

In Model I have:
public function publisher()
return $this->belongsTo('App\User', 'user_id', 'id');
In template blade I try to show data User:
#foreach($announcement->offers as $key => $item)
<img src="{{url($item->publisher->photo)}}">
The Problem is that if there is no data in the User table, the program crashes because I can not get the property $item->publisher->photo.
How to fix it?
You can do something like this:
#if (empty($item->publisher))
It's empty
<img src="{{ url($item->publisher->photo) }}">
Working on memory here, but you could use #forelse/ #empty. These directives can be used if the object your'e iterating over is empty:
#forelse($announcement->offers as $key => $item)
<img src="{{url($item->publisher->photo)}}">
//default image or message?

What is the best way to delete a record and then return to same view with slug and data?

I have an app that has articles to which comments can be attached. I now want to give the user the function to delete a comment. What I am struggling with is then returning the user to the same view after the delete.
I could do this in js but am trying to see if I can avoid it.
The article link is like this myapp/articles/1. The slug (1) being the article id. I pass along with this all comments with the same article id.
In my article view I have;
#if (count($comments) > 1)
#foreach ($comments as $comment)
<p><i class="fa fa-trash" aria-hidden="true"></i> {{ $comment['details'] }}</p>
In my controller I have;
public function deleteComment($id)
$comment= Comment::where('id', $id)->first();
return view ('myapp/articles/'); //This is where I am puzzled. How do I return user to myapp/articles/1?

Laravel 5.1 - compare Carbon dates

Here I need to check does auction for article in my app is live so I write in Article model:
public function scopeCloseauction($query){
and view I have:
#if ($article->Closeauction())
auction is live
auction is closed
but I have a problem becouse I got error:
I also try:
in model to add function:
public function isLive($to,$auction_end) {
$first = Carbon::create($to).subDays($auction_end);
$second = Carbon::now();
return ($first->lte($second));
and in view:
#if ($article->isLive($article->to,$article->auction_end))
but now give me this error:
ErrorException in Carbon.php line 425: Unexpected data found.
Unexpected data found. Unexpected data found. Trailing data (View:
You can do something add such function into your Article model:
public function isLive()
$first = Carbon::parse($this->to)->subDays($this->auction_end);
$second = Carbon::now();
return $first->lte($second);
and now in your view you can use:
#if ($article->isLive())
I think your problem is here : Carbon::parse('to'). What do you want to do here ? the Carbon::parse method try to convert a string date into a Carbon date. See the doc. I dont think that Carbon can parse the string 'to'. If you want to check the diff between dates, you should have a look to the appropriated methods like diffInDays.
