Janrain social login UI issue - joomla

I have issue Janrain social login UI. I have used two column layout but it renders one column layout.
It should look like image 1
but it is looking like as image 2
Please suggest

Ok i found the issue. There was no issue with janrain. It was mine template css that was conflicting with the css of jainrain.
i am happy that i managed to fix it


Bootstrap 4 `col-lg-4` staying stacked on Custom Domain but not on Heroku

This is the most bizarre bug.
I have a basic bootstrap col-lg-4 situation on my app. It works as expected on localhost and on my Heroku link (here, if you want to troubleshoot. It's the three blog columns at the bottom of the page).
However, when you look on the custom domain name to which the Heroku site maps (here, for troubleshooting), the columns stay on top of each other regardless of page width.
I tried this both with the domain hosted by Google and with the nameservers pointed at DNSimple. I can't transfer the domain for another 51 days because it's new, but I can't imagine that should be necessary.
Has anyone experienced anything like this? Does anyone have a workaround?
I'm getting the same behaviour whether I look at the Heroku link or the custom domain. I think the problem is that within the row you have an <a> tag outside of your <div class="col-lg-4"> tag, which is interfering with the Bootstrap grid.
I copied that element from your site into this JSFiddle, which seems to replicate the problem you're talking about. Then I moved the link inside the column div and it seems to now give the behaviour you were looking for. I hope this solves your problem!

What's happening behind the scenes with v-container, v-layout, and v-flex?

I'm new to UI frameworks and am slightly familiar with CSS and Flexbox. I'm starting to piece together Vuetify tags to create my components but I would like a detailed description of what's happening on the backend when using these tags. Also, it would be nice to see a few differing examples that show how they can be used to create components.
Thanks in advance.

How to display Tabs in MVC 3

I want to Create a MVC application which will contain 3 tabs on a page and each tab will hold a different web grid. If any one is aware of this than please guide me.
in addition to #heads5150's answer have a look at http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/components.html#navs
This would be a starting point for you to research using jQuery UI to help with the UI requirements of a tabbed interface.
Th following will help with the web grid requirement

Facebook Like Button Comments Not Working - https issue

I'm using FBML and everything was working before, then I noticed that when you click like the comment box would not show up anymore. I checked out the dev site and saw that the way it's done now has changed.
I updated my code but it still doesn't show the comments box but the actual liking action works fine.
Here is a link: http://fez.nu/Oniir
EDIT 2: I'm using XFBML, I don't know if that makes a difference. I've heard that FBML is deprecated
EDIT 3: I browse with https on Facebook. I turned it off and the comment boxes show up on my site. So that problem is solved but how do I make it work with users that are using secure browsing on Facebook when my site is not?
You can use an HTML inline frame.
<iframe src="https://mytab.example.com/tabs/"></iframe>
This question has produced an accepted solution to what appears to be your problem.
You can avoid SSL warnings for domains that support SSL by not being
specific about the transport protocol. e.g. instead of including
http:// or https:// use //
<!-- Instead of this: -->
<iframe src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?params"></iframe>
<!-- Do this: -->
<iframe src="//www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?params"></iframe>
Security considerations
Please note that there are some security considerations to this approach. I recommend you read the below articles and questions.
Are there security issues with embedding an https iframe on an http page (SE question)
HTTP and HTTPS iframe (SO question)
Other considerations when serving mixed (http/https) content (external site)
Edit 1
In the FAQ for the Like Button, it's stated that it will need 400 pixels in width to give the user the option to add a comment. If you don't have 400 pixels available, I think you would have to sacrifice the option to post a comment, or use a popup-window instead.
This problem started last night.
I thought it was my code at first but a quick rollback to code I KNOW (QA Tested) worked manifested the issue.
I went to the source itself, Facebook's OWN Like button generation tool and THEY have the same problem.
Then I picked BOTH a random CNN & Yahoo news article and that is what you call a trifecta. All 3 sites could not properly render the comments UI elements for the like button.
If it walks, quacks and moves its head like a duck... WTF? :))

Wordpress: Add / relate an image to a page

I’m looking for an easy and simple way to attach an image to a page. Right now I’m using Custom Fields where I insert the image path and then I have some PHP code in my page.php where it finds and displays the image but the people I’m creating the site for are having a seemingly hard time figure out how to do it right. So, I was wondering if there were any plugin available where you simply could select a image (possible from the media library) as the default page image and then be able to call something like get_page_image or some like that on the page?
Hope I’ve explained everything alright otherwise, please let me know.
- Mestika
This is what "Post Thumbnails" are used for. See http://codex.wordpress.org/Post_Thumbnails
