Get into Intellij debug-view without actually starting the debugger? - debugging

Intellij is driving me crazy... is there any way I can open the debugs-view (so I can see a list of breakpoints, and edit them) without actually having to launch a program in debug-mode?
If there is a way or button or short-cut, I have failed to see it till now.
After finding my breakpoints thanks to Bohuslav Burghardt, is there a way to mute them all without the debug-pane being visible?

Enable the Favorites tool Window
View -> Tool Windows -> Favorites
Or using keyboard shortcut (Alt + 2)
This will show you the Favorites tool window, which contains your bookmarks and breakpoints.
You can edit breakpoint by right clicking on it and choosing Edit breakpoint.
As for muting all the breakpoints without the debug panel being visible. You have two choices:
Hit CTRL+SHIFT+A and search for Mute breakpoints (invoke this action again to unmute the breakpoints)
Go to Settings/Keymap and bind a keyboard shortcut to the Mute Breakpoints action


Can't open settings window in uniface debugger

I can't open the settings windows in the debugger of uniface 9.7 any more.
If i click on the menu "Settings" nothing happens.
see debugger settings menu
Have someone an idea what i can do to fix the problem?
You must have made it too small by acciden and now you cannot resize it anymore.
Use regedit to delete the settings for the uniface debugger window/pane sizes.
I found an answer in the uniface forum from the user 'Iain Sharp' that works for me.
"Try resetting the app layout.
Click the uniface icon on the very top left of the debugger window, then settings then go to the state tab, and tick "Delete current layout.....".
Then close out of the debugger, and try again." (Iain Sharp)
See here: In the debugger enviroment the 'Settings' window can't be open

Xcode: How to keep IB & Assistant editor opened when app crashes in simulator or debug is enabled

During editing I keep open Interface Builder on left and Assistant editor on right side. When a breakpoint is added or when the app crashes during runtime, the Interface Builder pane disappears, and it shows file which has breakpoint or crash. It's annoying as I've to go back to IB after each such instance and it takes too much of my time.
Is there anyway I can stop Interface Builder disappearing and crash/breakpoint file to be shown on Assistant editor or in any other window?
A simple workaround would be simply to duplicate the current window by using keyboard shortcut Command + Shift + T before hitting run.
That way when the breakpoint hits the offending line, it will happen in the new window which you can simply close, and resume work in your old, organised editor environment.

Xcode: On debug, is there any way to prevent it from opening the navigator on the front-most window?

I'm trying to figure out how to use Xcode in a multi-window setup. I would like to have one window be my main window, and then have others that I use to do occasional spot editing. Here's the rub: I never want to have the navigator (or the debug console, for that matter) open in those other windows. I only want the navigator and console to open in the main window.
Right now, when I run the app the debug navigator and console open up in whichever window is frontmost (causing me to have both the main window and the secondary window with console pains and navigator open). Is there anyway to prevent the console and issue navigator from opening on the secondary window while preserving this behavior for the main window?
I'm not sure I fully understand what you want - but you can configure some of these things in the Xcode preferences under "Behaviors". Under "Running" you can click on "Starts" and it will show you the behaviors for when you run your application. You can set it to show a particular tab in the active window or a separate window. You can set up that tab to contain just the debugger. If it does show the debugger in the other tabs, you can minimize the debugger panes, and I believe it will save that state for the next time it launches. See here for more details.
Go to Xcode -> Behaviors -> edit behaviors. Now under build and running uncheck shows Navigator.
In Xcode Preferences > Behaviours > Runnings > Generates output, uncheck Show debugger with Current Views.

Xcode 4 - detach the console/log window

Is it possible to detach the console/log window in Xcode 4?
Even better, how?
Go to Xcode preferences, and open the Behavior tab.
Tell Xcode to open a tab called "Debugger" when "Run Pauses" or "Run Starts". Then run it, and break that Debugging tab out into another window (drag it off the tab bar into its own window by just letting it drop outside the current window). Now reform it to your hearts content; it will stay that way. Also don't forget the little controls at the top right of the console window that slide the local variable display out of the way so you can have a full-width console on demand. I am not sure about keyboard shortcuts for that yet.
I usually keep the Debugging tab and one other tab in a separate window, for debugging tasks, and all my other editing tabs in a different window (and the debugging window on a separate monitor with the simulator). With the settings above it also means that, while editing a debugger reaching a breakpoint, it will not interrupt my editing by suddenly bringing forth the console.
Sure, create a new tab, drag it off the original window, and expand the debugger area to be the whole tab. Now, whether Xcode will remember that tab and its placement is another matter. File a bug with Apple to let them know your displeasure.
Taking jshier's advice a step further, you can do File -> New Window, and expand the debug window to take up the entire window. But you have to manually expand it every time you open it. Ugh.

Where is Xcode 3.0's output window?

I'm learning Xcode off a slightly older (10.2) book that deals with Project Builder. I've been using Xcode for ansi C for a while, but I can't find the output window that appears when you Build & Run an app. I am launching my apps from the commandline, but of course that doesn't help me if I want to set breakpoints or something. Where is the program output window that should appear when I build & run. Do I have it hidden or something ? Why can't I find it ?
Shift-Cmd-R brings up the output window.
There are a few windows that you should know about:
Debugger Console (keyboard shortcut = Shift-Cmd-R): This will show you any console output and you can click the breakpoints button to break into the GDB console debugger
Debugger (keyboard shortcut = Shift-Cmd-Y): This is the debugger window that shows your breakpoints with the source and includes table views for local variables and the stack
Breakpoints window (keyboard shortcut = Option-Cmd-B): This is a nifty window to find and manage breakpoints in a project
This cocoaheads talk has a lot of useful info about debugging with xcode.
Hope this helps.
