Releasing the project with Maven: different release versions of artifacts - maven

I have a maven project with multiple modules. When I release it I just change the versions of the modules from SNAPSHOT to release's version and its ok. This can be done with Maven Release Plugin.
The problem arises because some of the dependencies I have are actually the artifacts, developed by other groups of our programmers. Thus their versions may often change, which is a behaviour opposite to other dependencies, for example hibernate's artifact versions. At the moment of release I would like to use some available versions of that rapidly changing libraries. Probably the last one. May be they will release a new version of their library specially for my release.
Note that their library is a separate Maven project with separate version controlled by them.
All I can do now is just to check manually which version of the that dependency is the last and put it down manually into my POM. Its not that convenient. May be there is a better way to organize it with Maven and TeamCity? Can I update the versions of that other group's artifacts too? Their version should be derived from their Snapshot version, or from the last release they have deployed into the Nexus.

You can use versions-maven-plugin to automate updating external dependencies.

As mentioned, you can use Versions Maven Plugin, and more specifically you need versions:update-properties. As you can read the manual, it
Sets properties to the latest versions of specific artifacts.
The condition is that you work with repository manager (e.g. Artifactory). Maven knows to search this repo for the most updated aritfacts.
Before you run the maven-release-plugin, you run the versions-plugin that updates your dependencies. For example, you run versions:update-properties with the relevant parameters.
If you would like to print latest versions of artifacts, the same versions-plugin is your friend. Have a look and read the link I've sent you above; the relevant command is versions:display-dependency-updates.
If you would like to print selectively, only your artifacts latest versions, you can set their version using a property. for example, if you have dependency JAR X, write in the main pom something like this:
Then you use versions:display-property-updates -DincludeProperties="x.version"


Dependencies between projects in module

Let's say you have 4 projects depending on each other in chain:
A depends on B, B depends on C, C depends on D.
All projects are built using maven.
What's the best practice for keeping their versions in sync so that when someone updates project D or C it doesn't break the build of project A?
The idea behind Maven was to include modularity in different projects. This makes teams working on these projects independent and they can work on their respective modules without worrying about other teams.
But we may run into situations where a new version of dependent project has been published and we are not aware of it. If you are running Maven 2 to resolve this issue, you can use <version>LATEST</version> command in the pom.xml for that particular dependency. So it would be like -
But this was discontinued from Maven 3. As per official note from Maven -
Plugin Metaversion Resolution Internally, Maven 2.x used the special
version markers RELEASE and LATEST to support automatic plugin version
resolution. These metaversions were also recognized in the
element for a declaration. For the sake of reproducible
builds, Maven 3.x no longer supports usage of these metaversions in
the POM. As a result, users will need to replace occurrences of these
metaversions with a concrete version.
So it is advisable to always use concrete versions.
However, if you still want the latest versions of dependencies to be used, you can use below command in Maven command prompt -
mvn versions:use-latest-versions

Manage dependency version centralized

I've got multiple projects using a certain Dependency of Version XX, if I release a new version, I have to touch every project to change it to version XX.Y.
I've came across an approach to edit my m2 settings <version>${my.version}</version>, to add a parameter and bind it into my POM.xml, but this implicit means, everyuser has to manage their m2 settings when I do a new release.
Is there a way to central (user independant) manage the versions as in SVN, so none has to change anything and it always uses the up2date version, if I release a new version?
In general, the maintainer of every project should decide for themselves if they update the version or not. Updating the version might break things, so they may choose to stay on the older version. Particularly, it is important that the maintainers notice that something has changed, so that tests are run.
For development, though, there are Snapshot versions. A Snapshot dependency always references the newest version, but the -SNAPSHOT indicates this to the maintainer of the project. Snapshot versions should not go to production - the builds are not reproducible.
If artifacts are so tightly coupled that they are build together, think about using multi module projects.
You can use a pattern called "Bill of Material".
I think your question is somehow similar to this question (but not exactly a duplicate), and my answer applies here aswell:
You create a new maven project (the bill of material) that only consists of a pom with dependency management block. Here you declare all your dependencies and their versions. The packaging should be set to pom.
This bill of material (bom) project is now used as parent of all other projects. When using a dependency, only group id and artifact id is specified, the version tag is ommited. In that way, the version will be taken from the bom and you have one central place to manage the versions of the dependencies.
More details with examples are here (in the lower part of the page) or here.

Need to control Maven Version Numbers for multiple projects

It's a long story. My current place uses Ant for builds. They create about 20 different foundation class jars that are used in multiple projects. Originally, the projects would check in the particular versions of the various jars they needed and then never updated them. That meant that each application had incompatible jars with other projects and our servers. Hilarity ensued.
To handle this, I immediately brought in a Maven repository, and integrated Ivy into our Ant builds. No more checking in jars. Instead, you fetch the correct version from the Maven repository. Originally, I expected the developers to keep the version numbers in the ivy.xml up to date, but they never did. Instead, the Ivy integration and setup depends upon an external Subversion project. This allowed me to integrate Ivy with minimal changes to the old build.xml files. I added a file to that external ivy project and maintain the version numbers of various jars in there. There's a corporate wide version number.
The various projects use the ${corporate.version} property for our foundation jars version numbers. When I update that file, all projects get updated with the right version number for our foundation classes. We use <ivy:makepom> to generate a pom.xml for our projects and use this to deploy our jars and wars into our Maven repository.
The result: I no longer have to worry about the developers keeping the version numbers of their projects in sync. I, as the release engineer handle that by updating that one file. All projects are in sync.
Now, we're moving to Maven, and I want to be able to do the same thing. I doubt developers will remember to update their pom.xml with the correct version numbers, so I want to read that in from another file, and use that.
There are two issues: One is that Maven first reads in the version number of a project before it executes any goal. No version number in the pom.xml, no version number for the generated jar.
Even if I manage to get by that first step, we have the fact that the pom.xml has no version number in it for foundation classes. When Maven pulls down the pom.xml to get the dependencies, it can't figure out which revision.
Yes, I could put that into a corporate pom.xml and have that as a parent project for all of the other projects. We already have a parent project to help set up various aspect of all projects. I could put a foundation class version number in there. However, that means that the developers now have to update the parent project's version number with each release. If developers can't be trusted to update the version number of their project with each release, what makes you think they'll do that with the parent's version for each release?
I know other people must have run into a similar issue. How do you handle this?
I could have an Ant script that generates the pom.xml from a template pom.xml, but that seems a bit silly.
I was wondering if is it possible for Maven to generate a pom.xml on the fly and then to use that to continue the executing the right goal. For example, I type in mvn package, and Maven will take a template.pom.xml file, fill in the missing version numbers to generate a generated.pom.xml file, then execute mvn package on that generated pom.
Or, is there a better way to solve this issue? Basically, I need to control the version number of our releases across all projects. This way, all projects are using the same version of our foundation classes. Also, I control some other versions of other jars (like log4j) this way. I've done this with Ant and Ivy, and now I want to move to Maven.
I think the best option is to create a pom.xml with all the dependencies to your packages in its and then import it in your developer project paren pom.xml using import
So, in the project parent POM:
So for new set of foundation libraries, you deploy a new pom.xml with all the versions in it and update the ${corporate.version} in the relevant parent pom.xml file. You can even have when the versions are not yet fixed define a -SNAPSHOT artifact with these version numbers.
for more information, see:
We actually have the same kind of problem and I know that there is trade-off between "lazy programmers" who never update their poms and the stability aspect: Changing the versions of the foundation jars "suddenly" which may cause unexpected build fails.
If you really want the behaviour you describe, I would put the desired dependencies into a SNAPSHOT pom and use it either as a parent pom or import it as a BOM. In this way, you can change the content and everybody pulls in the new content with the next update.
I've decided that this a stupid idea and should never have been done. It's the developers' responsibility to update their own damn POM and make sure they're pulling the correct version. This is the way it really should be and developers should simply learn to do it (what's the technical term? ...oh yeah) the Correct Way.
I originally implemented this because the company had something like this (which wasn't working) and I had problems getting the developers to do what should be their job. And, the developers liked it because I was now officially responsible when something goes wrong rather than them. It's what you get when you do someone else's job.
I've convinced the company to stop trying to keep all our core jars (the jars used in our other projects) and our releases at the same version number. Instead, every project will have its own versioning. Jars will version only when there's an actual change and not when we force an upgrade to the version. And, the developers must know what versions of the various jars they depend upon.
Use the maven-release-plugin. This plugin can stamp a version number on all pom.xml files. The plugin also understands version control and knows how to tag a maven project for release (or branching).

How do I automate the update of SNAPSHOT dependencies to the latest released versions when using maven

I am trying to define a release process for our project.
I was able to use the maven release plugin to accomplish the release but I had to manually update all of our internal SNAPSHOT dependencies to release versions prior to the prepare and then again back to SNAPSHOT versions after the release.
I have used the maven versions plugin and it detects my corporate dependencies that are SNAPSHOT builds and lists the correct release build to use.
I tried the maven release plugin, prepare goal, and complains about the SNAPSHOT versions in my dependencies.
Is there a way to do a release that updates the SNAPSHOT depenedencies to latest released versions and then back to SNAPSHOT versions after the release? Or maybe this is just not the way you are supposed to be using maven with releases and SNAPSHOTS.
When you create a realease with maven: it must be definitive. i.e. once it is created it cannot change anymore (i.e. the sources cannot change and the dependencies cannot change).
So when you create a release of moduleA and moduleA having a dependency on moduleB. moduleB must be released before moduleA is released, and moduleA MUST depends on a released version of moduleB.
One important thing is that you shouldn't go back to SNAPSHOT version. At least as I understand it means :
create moduleB-1.0.0 release
changing dependency to moduleB-1.0.0
create moduleA-1.0.0 release
then change the dependency back to moduleB-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
It must be clear that once moduleB-1.0.0 exists (i.e. is released): the artifact moduleB-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT shouldn't be used anymore.
Instead of go back to SNAPSHOT should update dependency to next SNAPSHOT version (for instance moduleB-SNAPSHOT-1.0.1)
That being said, releasing a module depending on many SNAPSHOT artifacts is not an easy process, since every dependency must be released prior to releasing your main artifact.
What we have, most of the time, is a main artifact depending on many other artifacts (let's call them the corporate-modules) having the same versionning strategy. And so you can define a property corporate-module-version holding the version used by many dependencies in one place.
The release process is the following:
release every snapshot dependency with version number 1.0.0 (using the maven-release-plugin: after this step all pom.xml of your corporate-module in SCM are 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT) (see important remark at the end of this post to facilitate this step)
manually changing the corporate-module-version property to "1.0.0" in the main artifact (so that all SNAPSHOT dependencies are replaced by just released versions)
commit the modified pom.xml holding the corporate-module-version
with maven-release-plugin: releasing the main artifact (and after that, the new version in the SCM will be something like 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT)
manually changing the corporate-module-version property to "1.0.1-SNAPSHOT" in the main artifact (so that all dependencies are replaced by latest snapshot versions)
Important remark: having a multi-module parent project holding all your corporate modules is a must to perform at once the release of of all corporate modules. To not having too much trouble with the maven-release-plugin and the multi-module parent project be sure to put your parent pom.xml one directory upper all your child pom.xml (it's the designed recommend by maven, but unfortunately, sometimes, eclipse users don't follow it because eclipse don't like hierarchical projects)

Is there a way to tell maven to always use the latest _stable_ version of a dependency?

How can I tell maven to always use the latest stable version of a dependency?
I know that I can depend on latest release version or just the latest version whatever that is from this question. I also know I can use the dependency plugin (also from that link).
However, I use google's guava library which seems to get an update every week. I find myself updating the version all the time. It's the google versioning system where it is more an incremental update than a big bang update and thus it is very unlikely that it will break anything especially given the nature of this library.
So I Would like to not have to keep changing the version identifier of my maven dependency.
So I could do this:
Which would give me version 12.0.1 and later... and since I don't depend on any repos that are going to supply any snap shot versions of this dependency this will ensure I always have the latest release version.
However, it will also give me the "rc" versions as well (13.0-rc1 and 13.0-rc2). This is what I want to avoid.
Is it possible to make maven only depend on the stable release? i.e. that don't have any "rc" or "beta" or "alhpa" in their name and are just plain "13.0".
You can use RELEASE value in version element for your dependency to make Maven use the latest released version. However this is not the best practice, because it can break build reproduceability.
Also, Maven don't make logical differences between versions like 12.0.1 and 13.0-rc1. From Maven's point of view both of them are released versions and basically what you're trying to do is breaking Maven releases ideology in several ways.
So, instead of versioning artifacts like 13.0-rc1, you should do a regular releases and use special repositories and artifact promotion process as par of your release. So, you could have a release-candidates repository that can be used during testing and once test pass you'll promote those artifacts to a final release repository. But if you need to make changes, you'll just update released version, so 13.0, 13.0.1, etc...
mvn versions:use-latest-releases -Dexcludes="*:*:*:*:*-M*,*:*:*:*:*RC*,*:*:*:*:*rc*,*:*:*:*:*-alpha*,*:*:*:*:*-beta*,*:*:*:*:20030203.000550,*:*:*:*:*Beta*"
