Spring MongoRepository query adding _class field to queries - spring

I have a domain class called User. It uses an object of MyUserId as the Id
#Document(collection = "users")
public class User implements Serializable {
private MyUserId id;
private Integer version;
private String firstName;
// Setters, getters
The MyUserId class:
public class MyUserId implements Serializable{
private String userId;
private String sampleId;
// setters, getters
Inside my Mongo, documents are getting stored as {_id:{userId:....., sampleId:....}, <more fields here>}
My userRepository is like this:
public interface UserRepository extends MongoRepository<User, MyUserId> {
#Query("{'_id': {$in: ?0}}")
List<User> findByUserIds(Collection<MyUserId> userIds);
When I'm querying my userRepository, The query is being fired as:
{_id: {$in: [ {_class:"com.sampleuser.MyUserId", userId:"....", sampleId:"...."}, {_class:"com.sampleuser.MyUserId", userId:"....", sampleId:"...."}]}}
It's obvious that it's adding the _class field while querying, but not while storing. Can someone throw some light at how to fix this? It's causing all my queries to fail. Thank you!

There actually exists an issue when using #Query whith complex id types. I'd suggest to use a custom repository implementation until DATAMONGO-1078 is resolved.
Within the custom implementation you could use MongoTemplate to execute the query somehow like this
public List<User> findByUserIds(Collection<MyUserId> userIds) {
return template.find(query(where("id").in(userIds)), User.class);


How to do a Findby In Springboot Mongo repository for Nested Objects

Need your help here in a Spring Data CrudRepository on how to do a findby of nested fields.
My class is of following structure and I need to query using truckId which is of the nested objects
#Document(collection = "unt-truck")
public class TruckModelDTO {
private String type;
private TestDTO testDTO;
Class TestDTO.java
public class TestDTO{
private TruckDTO truckDTO;
Private String version;
Class TruckDTO.java
public class TruckDTO {
private String truckId;
private String legacySystem;
Class TruckRepository.java
public interface TruckRepository extends MongoRepository<TruckModelDTO, String> {
// TruckModelDTO findByTruckId(String truckid);
So how should I use findby for truckId which is inside a nested class?
You can use with either Entity or DTO as response. but you have to mention the relation between two or three Entity based on you requirement.
I have created Entity. you have to create DTO with same based on entity then apply main DTO as return type in JPA Repository query.
public class TruckModel {
private String type;
// mention the relation based on your requirement
private Test test;
public class Test {
// here mention the relation based on you requirement
private Truck truck;
Private String version;
public class Truck {
private String truckId;
private String legacySystem;
public interface TruckModelRepository extends MongoRepository<TruckModel, String> {
TruckModelDTO findByTestTruckTruckId(String truckid);

How can I add a tenant condition to Spring Data JPA Default and Dervied Queries

I have a Springboot Application with Repositories having Spring Data JPA Queries like findOne, findAll and also derived ones like findByID or findByName etc.
What I want to achieve is multitenancy. All entities have an "account_id" column which holds the tenant.
How do I add a filter like "account_id" to all the queries metioned above without using derived queries that contains those name slike findIdAndAccountid (which would be findone)
public interface CategoryRepository extends JpaRepository<Category, Long> {
Category findByName(String name);
Here's the corresponding entity
#Table(name = "unit")
public class Unit {
private Long id;
private String name;
#Column(name = "account_id")
private Long account_id;
I know most people use schemas as tenant separation but that's impossible for me. Is there a way (I didn't find one) to add such a tenant filter condition on those queries without writing NamedQueries or using DerivedQueries. An elegeant solution like annotate the repository or entity or maybe the queries that all queries should add the additional filter "account_id"?
You can add Where clause on your Entity classes (Didnt had time to test )
#Table(name = "unit")
#Where(clause = "account_id= :account_id")
public class Unit {
private Long id;
private String name;
#Column(name = "account_id")
private Long account_id;
Update and Solution
1. Create a Filter & FilterDef on the entity like so
#FilterDef(name="accountFilter", parameters=#ParamDef( name="accountId", type="long" ) )
#Filters( {
#Filter(name="accountFilter", condition=":accountId = account_id")
} )
public class Category {
private Long id;
private String name;
#Column(name = "account_id")
private Long account_id;
enable filtering in the controller by autowiring entitymanager, writing a method to enable the filter and activate the filter in #ModelAttribute for each request
#RequestMapping(path = "/categories",produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE )
public class CategoryController {
private final CategoryRepository repository;
private EntityManager entityManager;
CategoryController(CategoryRepository repository) {
this.repository = repository;
private void activateFilter() {
Session session = entityManager.unwrap(Session.class);
Filter filter = session.enableFilter("accountFilter");
filter.setParameter("accountId", Long.valueOf(TenantContext.getCurrentTenant()));
public void initFilter() {
... your rest methods here

Select one column using Spring Data JPA

Does anyone have any idea how to get a single column using Spring Data JPA? I created a repository like below in my Spring Boot project, but always get the {"cause":null,"message":"PersistentEntity must not be null!"} error when accessing the Restful URL.
#RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel = "users", path = "users")
public interface UsersRepository extends CrudRepository<Users, Integer> {
#Query("SELECT u.userName FROM Users u")
public List<String> getUserName();
Then if I access the Restful URL like ../users/search/getUserName, I get the error:
{"cause":null,"message":"PersistentEntity must not be null!"}
Create a Projection interface
public interface UserNameOnly {
String getUserName();
Then in your repository interface return that type instead of the user type
public interface UserRepository<User> extends JpaRepository<User,String> {
List<UsernameOnly> findNamesByUserNameNotNull();
The get method in the projection interface must match a get method of the defined type on the JPA repository, in this case User.
The "findBySomePropertyOnTheObjectThatIsNotNull" allows you to get a List of the entities (as opposed to an Iterable) based on some criteria, which for a findAll can simply be if the unique identifier (or any other NonNull field) is not null.
Concept is : In your entity class create a constructor with only required instant variables. And use that constructor in the repository method shown below.
Lets say you have a interface Repository like below
Repository implementation:
public interface UserRepository<User> extends JpaRepository<User,String>
#Query(value = "select new com.org.User(usr.userId) from User usr where usr.name(:name)")
List<User> findUserIdAlone(#Param("name") String user);
In Controller
public class UserController
private UserRepository<User> userRepository;
public ResponseEntity<User> getUser(#PathVariable("usrname") String userName)
User resultUser = usrRepository.findUserIdAlone(userName);
return ResponseEntity.ok(resultUser);
public class User
private String userId,userName;
public User(String userId)
// setter and getters goes here
This Works for me.
public interface UserDataRepository extends JpaRepository<UserData, Long> {
#Query(value = "SELECT emp_name FROM user_data", nativeQuery = true)
public List<Object[]> findEmp_name();
System.out.println("data"+ userDataRepository.findEmp_name());
The above line gave me this result :
data[abhijeet, abhijeet1, abhijeet2, abhijeet3, abhijeet4, abhijeet5]
If you want to only return a single column you should look at Projections and Excerpts which will allow you to filter specific columns and other things that are usefule.
If you need list all of the users, try select userName from Users, if you need one user use "where" look at spring data JPA http://docs.spring.io/spring-data/jpa/docs/current/reference/html/ , try change CrudRepository to JpaRepository
It is possible to provide custom implementations of methods in a Spring Data JPA repository, which enables complete control on queries and return types. The approach is as follows:
Define an interface with the desired method signatures.
Implement the interface to achieve the desired behavior.
Have the Repository extend both JpaRepository and the custom interface.
Here is a working example that uses JpaRepository, assuming a user_table with two columns, user_id and user_name.
UserEntity class in model package:
#Table(name = "user_table")
public class UserEntity {
#Column(name = "user_id")
private Long userId;
#Column(name = "user_name")
private String userName;
protected UserEntity() {}
public UserEntity(String userName) {
this.userName = userName;
// standard getters and setters
Define interface for the custom repository in the repository package:
public interface UserCustomRepository {
List<String> findUserNames();
Provide implementation class for the custom interface in the repository package:
public class UserCustomRepositoryImpl implements UserCustomRepository {
// Spring auto configures a DataSource and JdbcTemplate
// based on the application.properties file. We can use
// autowiring to get a reference to it.
JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
public void setJdbcTemplate(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) {
this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate;
// Now our custom implementation can use the JdbcTemplate
// to perform JPQL queries and return basic datatypes.
public List<String> findUserNames() throws DataAccessException {
String sql = "SELECT user_name FROM user_table";
return jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql, String.class);
Finally, we just need to have the UserRepository extend both JpaRepository and the custom interface we just implemented.
public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<UserEntity, Long>, UserCustomRepository {}
Simple test class with junit 5 (assuming the database is initially empty):
class UserRepositoryTest {
private static final String JANE = "Jane";
private static final String JOE = "Joe";
UserRepository repo;
void shouldFindUserNames() {
UserEntity jane = new UserEntity(JANE);
UserEntity joe = new UserEntity(JOE);
List<UserEntity> users = repo.findAll();
assertEquals(2, users.size());
List<String> names = repo.findUserNames();
assertEquals(2, names.size());

Is there a repostiory implementation for cross store entities (#Entity #NodeEntity(partial = true))

I have an entity which would be stored in both relational(MySql) and graph database(Neo4j).
#NodeEntity(partial = true)
public class User {
#Column(name = "UserName", unique = true)
private String userName;
String firstName;
I know we have JpaRepository and GraphRepository.
public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> { }
public interface UserGraphRepository extends GraphRepository<User> { }
But is there any repository implementation for handling such a cross store entity? So I could do something like this.
public interface UserRepository extends CrossStoreRepository<User, Long> { }
So when I call save, it should save in both the databases.
I did some searching and found nothing.So started writing one myself.
If no such thing exist, is there a plan to add one in the future?
Is there any reason why you can't use spring-data-neo4j-cross-store as it is part of the spring-data-neo4j distribution?

How to write custom query in Mongo Spring Data JPA

import org.springframework.data.mongodb.repository.MongoRepository;
import org.springframework.data.mongodb.repository.Query;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
public interface PersonRepository extends MongoRepository<Person, String> {
#Query("{ 'firstname' : ?0 }")
List<Person> findByFirstname(String firstname);
I am using spring data jpa with MongoDB. I am able to save, delete or retrieve (all records) using repository.
I am trying to retrieve record based on a property value. (Custom Query shown above). This does not work.
Can someone help me in finding out how to write custom Queries in MongoRepository where I can pass a column value and get the matching rows.
Adding Code.
#Document/*(collection = "person")*/
public class Person {
private String id;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private Address address;
// gettters and setters
public class PersonServiceImpl{
private PersonRepository personRepository;
public Person findPersonByFirstName(String firstName) {
List<Person> person = personRepository.findAllByFirstName(firstName);
System.out.println("** Data Retrieved **" );
return person.get(0);
You don't need a custom query for this kind of query.
Following should just work (provided your field in Person class is "firstname" - is that righ?)
List<Person> findAllByFirstname(String firstname);
Does your query work from a mongo console?
