Multiplying with divide and conquer - ruby

Below I've posted the code to a non-working "divide and conquer" multiplication method in ruby(with debug prints). I cannot tell if its broken code, or a quirk in Ruby like how the L-shift(<<) operator doesn't push bits into the bit-bucket; this is unexpected compared to similar operations in C++.
Is it broken code (doesn't match the original algorithm) or unexpected behavior?
Pseudo code for original algorithm
def multiply(x,y,n, level)
#print "Level #{level}\n"
if n == 1
#print "\tx[#{x.to_s(2)}][#{y.to_s(2)}]\n\n"
return x*y
mask = 2**n - 2**(n/2)
xl = x >> (n / 2)
xr = x & ~mask
yl = y >> (n / 2)
yr = y & ~mask
print " #{n} | x = #{x.to_s(2)} = L[#{xl.to_s(2)}][#{xr.to_s(2)}]R \n"
print " #{n} | y = #{y.to_s(2)} = L[#{yl.to_s(2)}][#{yr.to_s(2)}]R \n"
#print "\t[#{xl.to_s(2)}][#{yr.to_s(2)}]\n"
#print "\t[#{xr.to_s(2)}][#{yr.to_s(2)}]\n"
#print "\t([#{xl.to_s(2)}]+[#{xr.to_s(2)}])([#{yl.to_s(2)}]+[#{yr.to_s(2)}])\n\n"
p1 = multiply( xl, yl, n/2, level+1)
p2 = multiply( xr, yr, n/2, level+1)
p3 = multiply( xl+xr, yl+yr, n/2, level+1)
return p1 * 2**n + (p3 - p1 - p2) * 2**(n/2) + p2
x = 21
y = 22
print "x = #{x} = #{x.to_s(2)}\n"
print "y = #{y} = #{y.to_s(2)}\n"
print "\nDC_multiply\t#{x}*#{y} = #{multiply(x,y,8, 1)} \nregular\t#{x}*#{y} = #{x*y}\n\n "

I am not familiar with the divide and conquer algorithm but i don't think it contains parts you can't do in Ruby.
Here is a quick attempt:
def multiplb(a,b)
#Break recursion when a or b has one digit
if a < 10 || b < 10
a * b
#Max number of digits of a and b
n = [a.to_s.length, b.to_s.length].max
# Steps to split numbers to high and low digits sub-numbers
# (1) to_s.split('') => Converting digits to string then arrays to ease splitting numbers digits
# (2) each_slice => Splitting both numbers to high(left) and low(right) digits groups
# (3) to_a , map, join, to_i => Simply returning digits to numbers
al, ar = a.to_s.split('').each_slice(n/2)
bl, br = b.to_s.split('').each_slice(n/2)
p1 = multiplb(al, bl)
p2 = multiplb(al + ar, bl + br)
p3 = multiplb(ar, br)
p1 * (10**n) + (p2 - p1 - p3) * (10**(n/2)) + p3
puts multiplb(1980, 2315)
# => 4583700 yeah that's correct :)
Here are some references to further explain part of the code:
Finding max of numbers => How do you find a min / max with Ruby?
Spliting an array to half => Splitting an array into equal parts in ruby
Turning a fixnum into array => Turning long fixed number to array Ruby
Hope it hepls !


Dynamic Programming for shortest subsequence that is not a subsequence of two strings

Problem: Given two sequences s1 and s2 of '0' and '1'return the shortest sequence that is a subsequence of neither of the two sequences.
E.g. s1 = '011' s2 = '1101' Return s_out = '00' as one possible result.
Note that substring and subsequence are different where substring the characters are contiguous but in a subsequence that needs not be the case.
My question: How is dynamic programming applied in the "Solution Provided" below and what is its time complexity?
My attempt involves computing all the subsequences for each string giving sub1 and sub2. Append a '1' or a '0' to each sub1 and determine if that new subsequence is not present in sub2.Find the minimum length one. Here is my code:
My Solution
def get_subsequences(seq, index, subs, result):
if index == len(seq):
if subs:
get_subsequences(seq, index + 1, subs, result)
get_subsequences(seq, index + 1, subs + [seq[index]], result)
def get_bad_subseq(subseq):
min_sub = ''
length = float('inf')
for sub in subseq:
for char in ['0', '1']:
if len(sub) + 1 < length and sub + char not in subseq:
length = len(sub) + 1
min_sub = sub + char
return min_sub
Solution Provided (not mine)
How does it work and its time complexity?
It looks that the below solution looks similar to:
def set_nxt(s, nxt):
n = len(s)
idx_0 = n + 1
idx_1 = n + 1
for i in range(n, 0, -1):
nxt[i][0] = idx_0
nxt[i][1] = idx_1
if s[i-1] == '0':
idx_0 = i
idx_1 = i
nxt[0][0] = idx_0
nxt[0][1] = idx_1
def get_shortest(seq1, seq2):
len_seq1 = len(seq1)
len_seq2 = len(seq2)
nxt_seq1 = [[len_seq1 + 1 for _ in range(2)] for _ in range(len_seq1 + 2)]
nxt_seq2 = [[len_seq2 + 1 for _ in range(2)] for _ in range(len_seq2 + 2)]
set_nxt(seq1, nxt_seq1)
set_nxt(seq2, nxt_seq2)
INF = 2 * max(len_seq1, len_seq2)
dp = [[INF for _ in range(len_seq2 + 2)] for _ in range(len_seq1 + 2)]
dp[len_seq1 + 1][len_seq2 + 1] = 0
for i in range( len_seq1 + 1, -1, -1):
for j in range(len_seq2 + 1, -1, -1):
for k in range(2):
if dp[nxt_seq1[i][k]][nxt_seq2[j][k]] < INF:
dp[i][j] = min(dp[i][j], dp[nxt_seq1[i][k]][nxt_seq2[j][k]] + 1);
res = ""
i = 0
j = 0
while i <= len_seq1 or j <= len_seq2:
for k in range(2):
if (dp[i][j] == dp[nxt_seq1[i][k]][nxt_seq2[j][k]] + 1):
i = nxt_seq1[i][k]
j = nxt_seq2[j][k]
res += str(k)
return res
I am not going to work it through in detail, but the idea of this solution is to create a 2-D array of every combinations of positions in the one array and the other. It then populates this array with information about the shortest sequences that it finds that force you that far.
Just constructing that array takes space (and therefore time) O(len(seq1) * len(seq2)). Filling it in takes a similar time.
This is done with lots of bit twiddling that I don't want to track.
I have another approach that is clearer to me that usually takes less space and less time, but in the worst case could be as bad. But I have not coded it up.
Here is is all coded up. With poor choices of variable names. Sorry about that.
# A trivial data class to hold a linked list for the candidate subsequences
# along with information about they match in the two sequences.
import collections
SubSeqLinkedList = collections.namedtuple('SubSeqLinkedList', 'value pos1 pos2 tail')
# This finds the position after the first match. No match is treated as off the end of seq.
def find_position_after_first_match (seq, start, value):
while start < len(seq) and seq[start] != value:
start += 1
return start+1
def make_longer_subsequence (subseq, value, seq1, seq2):
pos1 = find_position_after_first_match(seq1, subseq.pos1, value)
pos2 = find_position_after_first_match(seq2, subseq.pos2, value)
gotcha = SubSeqLinkedList(value=value, pos1=pos1, pos2=pos2, tail=subseq)
return gotcha
def minimal_nonsubseq (seq1, seq2):
# We start with one candidate for how to start the subsequence
# Namely an empty subsequence. Length 0, matches before the first character.
candidates = [SubSeqLinkedList(value=None, pos1=0, pos2=0, tail=None)]
# Now we try to replace candidates with longer maximal ones - nothing of
# the same length is better at going farther in both sequences.
# We keep this list ordered by descending how far it goes in sequence1.
while candidates[0].pos1 <= len(seq1) or candidates[0].pos2 <= len(seq2):
new_candidates = []
for candidate in candidates:
candidate1 = make_longer_subsequence(candidate, '0', seq1, seq2)
candidate2 = make_longer_subsequence(candidate, '1', seq1, seq2)
if candidate1.pos1 < candidate2.pos1:
# swap them.
candidate1, candidate2 = candidate2, candidate1
for c in (candidate1, candidate2):
if 0 == len(new_candidates):
elif new_candidates[-1].pos1 <= c.pos1 and new_candidates[-1].pos2 <= c.pos2:
# We have found strictly better.
new_candidates[-1] = c
elif new_candidates[-1].pos2 < c.pos2:
# Note, by construction we cannot be shorter in pos1.
# And now we throw away the ones we don't want.
# Those that are on their way to a solution will be captured in the linked list.
candidates = new_candidates
answer = candidates[0]
r_seq = [] # This winds up reversed.
while answer.value is not None:
answer = answer.tail
return ''.join(reversed(r_seq))
print(minimal_nonsubseq('011', '1101'))

Finding the continued fraction of 2^(1/3) to very high precision

Here I'll use the notation
It is possible to find the continued fraction of a number by computing it then applying the definition, but that requires at least O(n) bits of memory to find a0, a1 ... an, in practice it is a much worse. Using double floating point precision it is only possible to find a0, a1 ... a19.
An alternative is to use the fact that if a,b,c are rational numbers then there exist unique rationals p,q,r such that 1/(a+b*21/3+c*22/3) = x+y*21/3+z*22/3, namely
So if I represent x,y, and z to absolute precision using the boost rational lib I can obtain floor(x + y*21/3+z*22/3) accurately only using double precision for 21/3 and 22/3 because I only need it to be within 1/2 of the true value. Unfortunately the numerators and denominators of x,y, and z grow considerably fast, and if you use regular floats instead the errors pile up quickly.
This way I was able to compute a0, a1 ... a10000 in under an hour, but somehow mathematica can do that in 2 seconds. Here's my code for reference
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_int.hpp>
namespace mp = boost::multiprecision;
int main()
const double t_1 = 1.259921049894873164767210607278228350570251;
const double t_2 = 1.587401051968199474751705639272308260391493;
mp::cpp_rational p = 0;
mp::cpp_rational q = 1;
mp::cpp_rational r = 0;
for(unsigned int i = 1; i != 10001; ++i) {
double p_f = static_cast<double>(p);
double q_f = static_cast<double>(q);
double r_f = static_cast<double>(r);
uint64_t floor = p_f + t_1 * q_f + t_2 * r_f;
std::cout << floor << ", ";
p -= floor;
//std::cout << floor << " " << p << " " << q << " " << r << std::endl;
mp::cpp_rational den = (p * p * p + 2 * q * q * q +
4 * r * r * r - 6 * p * q * r);
mp::cpp_rational a = (p * p - 2 * q * r) / den;
mp::cpp_rational b = (2 * r * r - p * q) / den;
mp::cpp_rational c = (q * q - p * r) / den;
p = a;
q = b;
r = c;
return 0;
The Lagrange algorithm
The algorithm is described for example in Knuth's book The Art of Computer Programming, vol 2 (Ex 13 in section 4.5.3 Analysis of Euclid's Algorithm, p. 375 in 3rd edition).
Let f be a polynomial of integer coefficients whose only real root is an irrational number x0 > 1. Then the Lagrange algorithm calculates the consecutive quotients of the continued fraction of x0.
I implemented it in python
def cf(a, N=10):
a : list - coefficients of the polynomial,
i.e. f(x) = a[0] + a[1]*x + ... + a[n]*x^n
N : number of quotients to output
# Degree of the polynomial
n = len(a) - 1
# List of consecutive quotients
ans = []
def shift_poly():
Replaces plynomial f(x) with f(x+1) (shifts its graph to the left).
for k in range(n):
for j in range(n - 1, k - 1, -1):
a[j] += a[j+1]
for _ in range(N):
quotient = 1
# While the root is >1 shift it left
while sum(a) < 0:
quotient += 1
# Otherwise, we have the next quotient
# Replace polynomial f(x) with -x^n * f(1/x)
a = [-x for x in a]
return ans
It takes about 1s on my computer to run cf([-2, 0, 0, 1], 10000). (The coefficients correspond to the polynomial x^3 - 2 whose only real root is 2^(1/3).) The output agrees with the one from Wolfram Alpha.
The coefficients of the polynomials evaluated inside the function quickly become quite large integers. So this approach needs some bigint implementation in other languages (Pure python3 deals with it, but for example numpy doesn't.)
You might have more luck computing 2^(1/3) to high accuracy and then trying to derive the continued fraction from that, using interval arithmetic to determine if the accuracy is sufficient.
Here's my stab at this in Python, using Halley iteration to compute 2^(1/3) in fixed point. The dead code is an attempt to compute fixed-point reciprocals more efficiently than Python via Newton iteration -- no dice.
Timing from my machine is about thirty seconds, spent mostly trying to extract the continued fraction from the fixed point representation.
prec = 40000
a = 1 << (3 * prec + 1)
two_a = a << 1
x = 5 << (prec - 2)
while True:
x_cubed = x * x * x
two_x_cubed = x_cubed << 1
x_prime = x * (x_cubed + two_a) // (two_x_cubed + a)
if -1 <= x_prime - x <= 1: break
x = x_prime
cf = []
four_to_the_prec = 1 << (2 * prec)
for i in range(10000):
q = x >> prec
r = x - (q << prec)
if True:
x = four_to_the_prec // r
x = 1 << (2 * prec - r.bit_length())
while True:
delta_x = (x * ((four_to_the_prec - r * x) >> prec)) >> prec
if not delta_x: break
x += delta_x

split rectangle in cells / random coordinates / store in array in FORTRAN

I would like to split a rectangle in cells. In each cell it should be create a random coordinate (y, z).
The wide and height of the rectangle are known (initialW / initalH).
The size of the cells are calculated (dy / dz).
The numbers, in how many cells the rectangle to be part, are known. (numberCellsY / numberCellsZ)
Here my Code in Fortran to split the rectangle in Cells:
yRVEMin = 0.0
yRVEMax = initialW
dy = ( yRVEMax - yRVEMin ) / numberCellsY
zRVEMin = 0.0
zRVEMax = initialH
dz = ( zRVEMax - zRVEMin ) / numberCellsZ
do i = 1, numberCellsY
yMin(i) = (i-1)*dy
yMax(i) = i*dy
end do
do j = 1, numberCellsZ
zMin(j) = (j-1)*dz
zMax(j) = j*dz
end do
Now I would like to produce a random coordinate in each cell. The problem for me is, to store the coodinates in an array. It does not necessarily all be stored in one array, but as least as possible.
To fill the cells with coordinates it should start at the bottom left cell, go through the rows (y-direction), and after the last cell (numberCellsY) jump a column higher (z-dicrection) and start again by the first cell of the new row at left side. That should be made so long until a prescribed number (nfibers) is reached.
Here a deplorable try to do it:
call random_seed
l = 0
do k = 1 , nfibers
if (l < numberCellsY) then
l = l + 1
l = 1
end if
call random_number(y)
fiberCoordY(k) = yMin(l) + y * (yMax(l) - yMin(l))
end do
n = 0
do m = 1 , nfibers
if (n < numberCellsZ) then
n = n + 1
n = 1
end if
call random_number(z)
fiberCoordZ(m) = zMin(n) + z * (zMax(n) - zMin(n))
end do
The output is not what I want! fiberCoordZ should be stay on (zMin(1) / zMax(1) as long as numberCellsY-steps are reached.
The output for following settings:
nfibers = 9
numberCellsY = 3
numberCellsZ = 3
initialW = 9.0
initialH = 9.0
My random output for fiberCoordY is:
1.768946 3.362770 8.667685 1.898700 5.796713 8.770239 2.463412 3.546694 7.074708
and for fiberCoordZ is:
2.234807 5.213032 6.762228 2.948657 5.937295 8.649946 0.6795220 4.340364 8.352566
In this case the first 3 numbers of fiberCoordz should have a value between 0.0 and 3.0. Than number 4 - 6 a value between 3.0 and 6.0. And number 7 - 9 a value bewtween 6.0 - 9.0.
How can I solve this? If somebody has a solution with a better approach, please post it!
Looking at
n = 0
do m = 1 , nfibers
if (n < numberCellsZ) then
n = n + 1
n = 1
end if
call random_number(z)
fiberCoordZ(m) = zMin(n) + z * (zMax(n) - zMin(n))
end do
we see that the z coordinate offset (the bottom cell boundary of interest) is being incremented inappropriately: for each consecutive nfibers/numberCellsZ coordinates n should be constant.
n should be incremented only every numberCellsY iterations, so perhaps a condition like
if (MOD(m, numberCellsY).eq.1) n=n+1
would be better.
Thanks francescalus! It works fine.
I added a little more for the case that nfibers > numberCellsY*numberCellsZ
do m = 1 , nfibers
if (MOD(m, numberCellsY).eq.1 .and. (n < numberCellsY)) then
end if
if (MOD(m, numberCellsY*numberCellsZ).eq.1 ) then
n = 1
end if
call random_number(z)
fiberCoordZ(m) = zMin(n) + z * (zMax(n) - zMin(n))
end do

Find all possible combinations of a String representation of a number

Given a mapping:
A: 1
B: 2
C: 3
Z: 26
Find all possible ways a number can be represented. E.g. For an input: "121", we can represent it as:
ABA [using: 1 2 1]
LA [using: 12 1]
AU [using: 1 21]
I tried thinking about using some sort of a dynamic programming approach, but I am not sure how to proceed. I was asked this question in a technical interview.
Here is a solution I could think of, please let me know if this looks good:
A[i]: Total number of ways to represent the sub-array number[0..i-1] using the integer to alphabet mapping.
Solution [am I missing something?]:
A[0] = 1 // there is only 1 way to represent the subarray consisting of only 1 number
for(i = 1:A.size):
A[i] = A[i-1]
if(input[i-1]*10 + input[i] < 26):
A[i] += 1
print A[A.size-1]
To just get the count, the dynamic programming approach is pretty straight-forward:
A[0] = 1
for i = 1:n
A[i] = 0
if input[i-1] > 0 // avoid 0
A[i] += A[i-1];
if i > 1 && // avoid index-out-of-bounds on i = 1
10 <= (10*input[i-2] + input[i-1]) <= 26 // check that number is 10-26
A[i] += A[i-2];
If you instead want to list all representations, dynamic programming isn't particularly well-suited for this, you're better off with a simple recursive algorithm.
First off, we need to find an intuitive way to enumerate all the possibilities. My simple construction, is given below.
let us assume a simple way to represent your integer in string format.
a1 a2 a3 a4, for instance in 121 a1 -> 1 a2 -> 2, a3 -> 1
We need to find out number of possibilities of placing a + sign in between two characters. + is to mean characters concatenation here.
a1 - a2 - a3 - .... - an, - shows the places where '+' can be placed. So, number of positions is n - 1, where n is the string length.
Assume a position may or may not have a + symbol shall be represented as a bit.
So, this boils down to how many different bit strings are possible with the length of n-1, which is clearly 2^(n-1). Now in order to enumerate the possibilities go through every bit string and place right + signs in respective positions to get every representations,
For your example, 121
Four bit strings are possible 00 01 10 11
1 2 1
1 2 + 1
1 + 2 1
1 + 2 + 1
And if you see a character followed by a +, just add the next char with the current one and do it sequentially to get the representation,
x + y z a + b + c d
would be (x+y) z (a+b+c) d
Hope it helps.
And you will have to take care of edge cases where the size of some integer > 26, of course.
I think, recursive traverse through all possible combinations would do just fine:
mapping = {"1":"A", "2":"B", "3":"C", "4":"D", "5":"E", "6":"F", "7":"G",
"8":"H", "9":"I", "10":"J",
"11":"K", "12":"L", "13":"M", "14":"N", "15":"O", "16":"P",
"17":"Q", "18":"R", "19":"S", "20":"T", "21":"U", "22":"V", "23":"W",
"24":"A", "25":"Y", "26":"Z"}
def represent(A, B):
if A == B == '':
return [""]
ret = []
if A in mapping:
ret += [mapping[A] + r for r in represent(B, '')]
if len(A) > 1:
ret += represent(A[:-1], A[-1]+B)
return ret
print represent("121", "")
Assuming you only need to count the number of combinations.
Assuming 0 followed by an integer in [1,9] is not a valid concatenation, then a brute-force strategy would be:
if (s[n-1] is valid)
if (s[n-2] concat s[n-1] is valid)
return x+y
A better strategy would be to use divide-and-conquer:
if (len is even)
//split s into equal left and right part, total count is left count multiply right count
x=Count(s,start,n/2) + Count(s,start+n/2,n/2);
if (s[start+len/2-1] concat s[start+len/2] is valid)
//if middle two charaters concatenation is valid
//count left of the middle two characters
//count right of the middle two characters
//multiply the two counts and add to existing count
return x+y;
//there are three cases here:
//case 1: if middle character is valid,
//then count everything to the left of the middle character,
//count everything to the right of the middle character,
//multiply the two, assign to x
//case 2: if middle character concatenates the one to the left is valid,
//then count everything to the left of these two characters
//count everything to the right of these two characters
//multiply the two, assign to y
//case 3: if middle character concatenates the one to the right is valid,
//then count everything to the left of these two characters
//count everything to the right of these two characters
//multiply the two, assign to z
return x+y+z;
The brute-force solution has time complexity of T(n)=T(n-1)+T(n-2)+O(1) which is exponential.
The divide-and-conquer solution has time complexity of T(n)=3T(n/2)+O(1) which is O(n**lg3).
Hope this is correct.
Something like this?
Haskell code:
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
combs str = f str [] where
charMap = M.fromList $ zip (map show [1..]) ['A'..'Z']
f [] result = [reverse result]
f (x:xs) result
| null xs =
case M.lookup [x] charMap of
Nothing -> ["The character " ++ [x] ++ " is not in the map."]
Just a -> [reverse $ a:result]
| otherwise =
case M.lookup [x,head xs] charMap of
Just a -> f (tail xs) (a:result)
++ (f xs ((fromJust $ M.lookup [x] charMap):result))
Nothing -> case M.lookup [x] charMap of
Nothing -> ["The character " ++ [x]
++ " is not in the map."]
Just a -> f xs (a:result)
*Main> combs "121"
Here is the solution based on my discussion here:
private static int decoder2(int[] input) {
int[] A = new int[input.length + 1];
A[0] = 1;
for(int i=1; i<input.length+1; i++) {
A[i] = 0;
if(input[i-1] > 0) {
A[i] += A[i-1];
if (i > 1 && (10*input[i-2] + input[i-1]) <= 26) {
A[i] += A[i-2];
return A[input.length];
Just us breadth-first search.
for instance 121
Start from the first integer,
consider 1 integer character first, map 1 to a, leave 21
then 2 integer character map 12 to L leave 1.
This problem can be done in o(fib(n+2)) time with a standard DP algorithm.
We have exactly n sub problems and button up we can solve each problem with size i in o(fib(i)) time.
Summing the series gives fib (n+2).
If you consider the question carefully you see that it is a Fibonacci series.
I took a standard Fibonacci code and just changed it to fit our conditions.
The space is obviously bound to the size of all solutions o(fib(n)).
Consider this pseudo code:
Map<Integer, String> mapping = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
List<String > iterative_fib_sequence(string input) {
int length = input.length;
if (length <= 1)
if (length==0)
return "";
else//input is a-j
return mapping.get(input);
List<String> b = new List<String>();
List<String> a = new List<String>(mapping.get(input.substring(0,0));
List<String> c = new List<String>();
for (int i = 1; i < length; ++i)
int dig2Prefix = input.substring(i-1, i); //Get a letter with 2 digit (k-z)
if (mapping.contains(dig2Prefix))
String word2Prefix = mapping.get(dig2Prefix);
foreach (String s in b)
int dig1Prefix = input.substring(i, i); //Get a letter with 1 digit (a-j)
String word1Prefix = mapping.get(dig1Prefix);
foreach (String s in a)
b = a;
a = c;
c = new List<String>();
return a;
old question but adding an answer so that one can find help
It took me some time to understand the solution to this problem – I refer accepted answer and #Karthikeyan's answer and the solution from geeksforgeeks and written my own code as below:
To understand my code first understand below examples:
we know, decodings([1, 2]) are "AB" or "L" and so decoding_counts([1, 2]) == 2
And, decodings([1, 2, 1]) are "ABA", "AU", "LA" and so decoding_counts([1, 2, 1]) == 3
using the above two examples let's evaluate decodings([1, 2, 1, 4]):
case:- "taking next digit as single digit"
taking 4 as single digit to decode to letter 'D', we get decodings([1, 2, 1, 4]) == decoding_counts([1, 2, 1]) because [1, 2, 1, 4] will be decode as "ABAD", "AUD", "LAD"
case:- "combining next digit with the previous digit"
combining 4 with previous 1 as 14 as a single to decode to letter N, we get decodings([1, 2, 1, 4]) == decoding_counts([1, 2]) because [1, 2, 1, 4] will be decode as "ABN" or "LN"
Below is my Python code, read comments
def decoding_counts(digits):
# defininig count as, counts[i] -> decoding_counts(digits[: i+1])
counts = [0] * len(digits)
counts[0] = 1
for i in xrange(1, len(digits)):
# case:- "taking next digit as single digit"
if digits[i] != 0: # `0` do not have mapping to any letter
counts[i] = counts[i -1]
# case:- "combining next digit with the previous digit"
combine = 10 * digits[i - 1] + digits[i]
if 10 <= combine <= 26: # two digits mappings
counts[i] += (1 if i < 2 else counts[i-2])
return counts[-1]
for digits in "13", "121", "1214", "1234121":
print digits, "-->", decoding_counts(map(int, digits))
13 --> 2
121 --> 3
1214 --> 5
1234121 --> 9
note: I assumed that input digits do not start with 0 and only consists of 0-9 and have a sufficent length
For Swift, this is what I came up with. Basically, I converted the string into an array and goes through it, adding a space into different positions of this array, then appending them to another array for the second part, which should be easy after this is done.
//test case
let input = [1,2,2,1]
func combination(_ input: String) {
var arr = Array(input)
var possible = [String]()
//... means inclusive range
for i in 2...arr.count {
var temp = arr
//basically goes through it backwards so
// adding the space doesn't mess up the index
for j in (1..<i).reversed() {
temp.insert(" ", at: j)
//["1 221", "12 21", "1 2 21", "122 1", "12 2 1", "1 2 2 1"]
def stringCombinations(digits, i=0, s=''):
if i == len(digits):
total = 0
for j in range(i, min(i + 1, len(digits) - 1) + 1):
total = (total * 10) + digits[j]
if 0 < total <= 26:
stringCombinations(digits, j + 1, s + alphabet[total - 1])
if __name__ == '__main__':
digits = list()
n = input()
d = list(n)
for i in d:
i = int(i)

Bit interleaving optimized for Ruby

Granted, optimizing bit twiddling in Ruby is a bit of a mismatch to begin with. That aside, I'm looking for a snippet or a gem that can interleave two arbitrary integer coords optimized as best can be for MRI (1.9) or a native gem.
Some approaches in C are:
As an example or starting point, here's "Interleave bits the obvious way" in Ruby, somewhat uglified to keep it from creating temp arrays (which increase the runtime by about 2X per array) and with a binary length method inlined for a further 6% decrease (If you know neither input is ever zero, you can omit that check for a few percent more..)
def interleave(y)
z = 0
bl = self > 0 ? Math.log2(self) : 1
ybl = y > 0 ? Math.log2(y) : 1
((((bl <=> ybl) == -1) ? ybl : bl).floor + 1).times{|i| z |= (self & 1 << i) << i | (y & 1 << i) << (i + 1)}
return z
Results from a 2.66Ghz i5 with 1.9.2p180:
x = y = 0b11111111_11111111_11111111_11111111{|bm|{1000000.times{x.interleave(y)}}}
user system total real
18.360000 0.010000 18.370000 ( 18.356196)
Surely there's a better way?
I included the zero fix from #Wayne Conrad, albeit far uglier than his and only marginally faster. Also moved the floor and + 1 so as to be executed once instead of twice per.
Here is a Gist of this with matching de-interleave.
Here's a quick & cheesy implementation to get you going until a good one comes along:
def mortanize(x, y)
xs, ys = [x, y].map do |n|
nbits = [xs, ys].map(&:size).max
xs, ys = [xs, ys].map do |n|
('0' * (nbits - n.size) + n).chars
As you might expect, it's no speed deamon. On my box, with MRI 1.8.7, it computes about 35,000 16-bit results per second. Yours computes 68,000 16-bit results per second. Or, see the next algorithm for 256,000 16-bit results per second.
If you're willing to trade a little memory and startup time for speed, then:
def base_mortanize(x, y)
xs, ys = [x, y].map do |n|
nbits = [xs, ys].map(&:size).max
xs, ys = [xs, ys].map do |n|
('0' * (nbits - n.size) + n).chars
base_mortanize(x, 0)
base_mortanize(0, y)
def mortanize(x, y)
z = []
while (x > 0 || y > 0)
z << (MORTON_TABLE_X[x & 0xff] | MORTON_TABLE_Y[y & 0xff])
x >>= 8
y >>= 8
z.reverse.inject(0) do |result, word|
result << 16 | word
This one computes 256,000 16-bit results per second.
There's a bug in your answer if either argument is zero. Here's one possible fix for it. First define this function:
def bit_size(x)
return 1 if x == 0
Math.log2(x).floor + 1
And then, inside interleave, replace:
z, bl, ybl = 0, (Math.log2(self)).floor + 1, (Math.log2(y)).floor + 1
z = 0
bl = bit_size(x)
ybl = bit_size(y)
Here is the rspec test case I used:
describe "mortanize" do
it "should interleave integers" do
mortanize(0, 0).should eql 0
mortanize(0, 1).should eql 2
mortanize(1, 0).should eql 1
mortanize(0xf, 0x3).should eql 0x5f
mortanize(0x3, 0xf).should eql 0xaf
mortanize(0xf, 0x0).should eql 0x55
mortanize(0x0, 0xf).should eql 0xaa
mortanize(0x3, 0xc).should eql 0xa5
mortanize(0xf, 0xf).should eql 0xff
mortanize(0x1234, 0x4321).should eql 0x210e0d12
Here's another solution, benchmarked about 50% faster than the accepted one, and for 16-bit integers (where the first one only does 8-bit):
Magic = [0x55555555, 0x33333333, 0x0F0F0F0F, 0x00FF00FF]
# Interleave lower 16 bits of x and y, so the bits of x
# are in the even positions and bits from y in the odd;
# z gets the resulting 32-bit Morton Number.
# x and y must initially be less than 65536.
# Rubyfied from
def _interleave_bits_16b(x,y)
x = (x | (x << 8)) & Magic[3]
x = (x | (x << 4)) & Magic[2]
x = (x | (x << 2)) & Magic[1]
x = (x | (x << 1)) & Magic[0]
y = (y | (y << 8)) & Magic[3]
y = (y | (y << 4)) & Magic[2]
y = (y | (y << 2)) & Magic[1]
y = (y | (y << 1)) & Magic[0]
z = x | (y << 1)
If you have an implementation already in C, you can use FFI, otherwise you can write it directly with the help of RubyInline
