Homebrew Issue with bundled libgit2 and git2go - go

I have a go application I am trying to distribute using Homebrew. When compiling without Homebrew everything works as expected. When using Homebrew I get a compile error.
Compile Error:
cannot load DWARF output from $WORK/github.com/libgit2/git2go/_obj//_cgo_.o: decoding dwarf section info at offset 0x0: too short
This can be replicated by building my repo (which uses libgit2) on a mac from homebrew using:
$ brew install jwaldrip/utils/git-get -v --HEAD
The formula can be viewed at:
The Makefile the formula uses at:


./configure doesn't find Qt5Core, QT5GUI, QT5Widgets

I've recently replaced Win10 by Linux Debian 11.2 on my PC (hence I'm a newbee in Linux). Now, not all programs are available as deb-Files.
I tried to compile source code - here a synthesizer ams-2.2.0 - from a tar.gz files (after unzipping into a separate folder) with steps (as written in the INSTALL.TXT to this source, and obviously usual)
make install
I get a bunch of error messages for missing files, when running ./congigure most resolved by installation of missing packages, but at last it fails with error message:
checking for QTCore Qt5Gui Qt5Widgets >= 5.0... no
configure: error: cannot find Qt5 library >= 5.0
(hope to get all written correctly, because I can't copy from the terminal ... Ctrl-Shift-C doesn't seem to work)
I checked the installation in synaptics and found that Qt-Version is 5.12. So what's wrong here?
I'm afraid to have this error message everytime I try to compile different source codes.
You need to install libqtcore and libqtwidgets with development headers, they are in qtbase5-dev package.
sudo apt install build-essential qtbase5-dev qtchooser

error installing ruby old version 2.0.0-p247

I am trying to run command
rbenv install 2.0.0-p247
I tried to follow several steps by googling the errors that I faced but I am still not able to resolve the error
I got this error
BUILD FAILED (macOS 11.4 using ruby-build 20210804)
Inspect or clean up the working tree at /var/folders/xm/rfncj90s56x8d1wdj0sl_0w40000gn/T/ruby-build.20210814020658.2987.F4rCnt
Results logged to /var/folders/xm/rfncj90s56x8d1wdj0sl_0w40000gn/T/ruby-build.20210814020658.2987.log
Last 10 log lines:
compiling ancdata.c
compiling raddrinfo.c
installing default socket libraries
compiling constants.c
1 warning generated.
linking shared-object ripper.bundle
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/Users/username/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p247/lib'
linking shared-object socket.bundle
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/Users/username/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p247/lib'
make: *** [build-ext] Error 2
The log file mentioned above has content:
Ruby 2.0.0 is very much past its end of life, so I'm assuming you have a specific reason you need install it. Otherwise, you are much better off installing a modern, supported version such as 2.7.x or 3.0.x.
Older versions of ruby were built with openssl#1.0. After 1.0 went end of life, ruby-build had a breaking change to require openssl#1.1. This means that ruby versions < 2.4 can no longer be installed/built directly using ruby-build (i.e., rbenv). This GitHub issue has details.
Homebrew has removed its openssl#1.0 formula, but you can still install it via an rbenv tap. The following might work for you, though the comments in the issue report mixed results depending on the version of Command Line Tools being used.
brew install rbenv/tap/openssl#1.0
RUBY_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--with-openssl-dir=$(brew --prefix openssl#1.0)" 2.0.0-p247
Note: if you are running on an M1 (Apple Silicon) Mac, you might be out of luck. AFIK, there's no intention of getting openssl#1.0 to to work on Apple Silicon.

Installing Cairo on Mac - Could not find libpng in the pkg-config search path

checking whether cairo's PNG functions feature could be enabled... no
I have been following the setup for configuring node canvas. Cairo is needed but i am having issues trying to set it up. https://github.com/Automattic/node-canvas/wiki/Installation---OSX
If libpng fails and you get the error "error: recommended PNG functions feature could not be enabled", try installing this binary and re-running the configure step.
I followed above by installing the binaries on Mac OS 9 and run the configuration command and still no luck. I am running the install shell script in node-canvas repository:
In my /usr/local/lib I currently have:
dtrace libjpeg.8.dylib libpng.a libpng14.a
libfreetype.6.dylib libjpeg.a libpng.dylib libpng14.dylib
libfreetype.a libjpeg.dylib libpng.la libpng14.la
libfreetype.dylib libjpeg.la libpng12.0.dylib libpng15.15.dylib
libfreetype.la libpixman-1.0.dylib libpng12.0.dylib.dSYM libpng15.15.dylib.dSYM
libgif.4.1.6.dylib libpixman-1.a libpng12.a libpng15.a
libgif.4.dylib libpixman-1.dylib libpng12.dylib libpng15.dylib
libgif.a libpixman-1.la libpng12.la libpng15.la
libgif.dylib libpng.3.dylib libpng14.14.dylib node_modules
libgif.la libpng.3.dylib.dSYM libpng14.14.dylib.dSYM pkgconfig
Libpng-1.6.10 has been replaced by libpng-1.6.12.
In your install script, change
I have a set of detailed instructions for building cairo here:
There resulting libraries are here:

Error Installing GLFW-b on OS X

So I'm trying to install Lamdu, and because it relies on GLFW (brew install glfw3)I've had to install that, and the GLFW bindings for Haskell. I cloned the Lamdu repository, cd lamdu, cabal configure, and the only dependencies that it says I don't have are GLFW-b. cabal install glfw-b gets the same error, every time (I've tried reinstalling the Haskell Platform with a binary and rebuilding from source, nothing changed)
What I think are the most important lines of the error: unknown symbol '__objc_empty_vtable'
ghc: unable to load package 'bindings-GLFW-'
You can find the full error here

How do I get the Haskell Platform's ghc-pkg to work on MAC OSX

I have installed the latest Haskell Platform for MAC OSX and I get the error "Setup: failed to parse output of 'ghc-pkg dump'" when I do anything with Cabal.
So I looked at my versions:
ralphtq$ ghc-pkg list Cabal
ralphtq-mac-mini:cabal-install-0.6.4 ralphtq$ cabal --version
cabal-install version 0.6.2
using version of the Cabal library
This is telling me that even though I have Cabal 1.8 the cabal-instal is at version 0.6.2. I have tried to correct that using darcs to get the latest version of cabal-install, but I cannot get passed the error:
ralphtq$ sh bootstrap.sh
Checking installed packages for ghc-6.12.1...
parsec is already installed and the version is ok.
network is already installed and the version is ok.
Cabal is already installed and the version is ok.
mtl is already installed and the version is ok.
HTTP is already installed and the version is ok.
zlib is already installed and the version is ok.
Linking Setup ...
Configuring cabal-install-0.9.1...
Setup: At least the following dependencies are missing:
Cabal ==1.9.*
It is expecting Cabal to be >= 1.9.
I tried to install a previous version of Cabal but got the following error:
[50 of 51] Compiling Distribution.Simple ( Distribution/Simple.hs, Distribution/Simple.o )
[51 of 51] Compiling Main ( Setup.hs, Setup.o )
Linking Setup ...
Configuring Cabal-
Setup: failed to parse output of 'ghc-pkg dump'
I am back to the same problem.
I have also tried a complete re-install of the platform.
What are my next options? Help appreciated, thx.
Either you have installed an old version of the Haskell Platform, or you have a mixed up environment where you have installed over the top of an existing, older install, and so now have a mixture of ghc-pkg versions from 6.10.x and 6.12.x
Try removing those ghc-pkg and cabal binaries, and then installing the Platform. That way you won't have those old executables lying around.
