hadoop and elasticsearch integration - hadoop

I would like to integrate apache Hadoop and elasticsearch for my project.Where the data will be stored into HDFS at the same time will be also be available on elastic search.
Any changes which I perform on the data in elastic search should also be reflected and stored in the HDFS. So basically I am looking for bidirectional flow between elastic search and hdfs. I have tried searching web for any useful documentation but didn't find anything helpful. Any help in this regard will be really helpful.

See Elasticsearch for hadoop and Map Reduce You can index the data from HDFS into ES in real time for new, modified and deleted data. But from ES into HDFS may not possible, because HDFS is based on Write-once-read-many architecture HDFS Design.


Solr HBase search engine

I need to use SolrCloud as the search engine on top of HBase and HDFS for searching a very large num of documents.
Currently these docs are in different data sources. I am getting confused whether Solr should search, index and store these docs within itself or Solr should just be used for indexing and docs along with their metadata of the docs should reside in HBAse/HDFS layer.
I have tried searching how the Solr HBase integration works best (meaning what should be done at the Solr level and what at the Hadoop level) but in vain. Anyone has done this kind of Big Data search earlier and can give some pointers? Thanks
Solr provides fast search via its indexes. Solr uses inverted indexes for this. So, you index documents to solr, it creates the indexes. Based on how you have defined the schema.xml, solr decides how the indexes has to be created. The indexes and the field values are stored in HDFS (based on your config in solrconfig.xml)
With respect to Hbase, you can directly query run you query on hbase without having to use Solr. SolrBase is an SOLR and Hbase integration available. Also have a look at liliy
The good design followed is search for things in solr, get the id of the records quickly, and then if needed, fetch the entire record from Hbase. You need to make sure that entire data is there in hbase, and only sufficient data is indexed. Needless to say that both solr and hbase should be in sync. One ready made framework, is NGDATA/hbase indexer here.
Solr works wonders to get the counts, grouping counts, stats. So once you get those numbers and their id's, Hbase can take over. once u have row key in hbase(id), you get low latency search results, that suits well with web applications too

Is it possible to put elasticsearch indexed data into hdfs?

Can elastic search indexed data be put into HDFS. Not sure about the fact so thought to get expert view on it.
Not certain exactly what you are looking for. If you want to backup/restore data into HDFS from Elasticsearch the answer is answer is the Hadoop HDFS snapshot/restore plugin for Elasticsearch:
This allows you to back up and restore data from ES into HDFS.
If on the other hand you want to run MapReduce jobs in Hadoop that access Elasticsearch data the answer is Elasticsearch for Apache Hadoop:

How can I copy hadoop data to SOLR

I've a SOLR search which uses lucene index as a backend.
I also have some data in Hadoop I would like to use.
How do I copy this data into SOLR ??
Upon googling the only likns I can find tell me how to use use an HDFS index instead of a local index, in SOLR.
I don't want to read the index directly from hadoop, I want to copy them to SOLR and read it from there.
How do I copy? And it would be great if there is some incremental copy mechanism.
If you have a standalone Solr instance, then you could face some scaling issues, depending on the volume of data.
I am assuming high volume given you are using Hadoop/HDFS. In which case, you might need to look at SolrCloud.
As for reading from hdfs, here is a tutorial from LucidImagination, that addresses this issue, and recommends the use of Behemoth
You might also want to look at Katta project, that claims to integrate with hadoop and provide near real-time read access of large datasets . The architecture is illustrated here
Solr has an open ticket for this. Support for HDFS is scheduled for Solr 4.9. You can apply the patch if you feel like it.
You cannot just copy custom data to Solr, you need to index* it. You data may have any type and format (free text, XML, JSON or even binary data). To use it with Solr, you need to create documents (flat maps with key/value pairs as fields) and add them to Solr. Take a look at this simple curl-based example.
Note, that reading data from HDFS is a different question. For Solr, it doesn't matter where you are reading data from as long as you provide it with documents.
Storing index on local disk or in HDFS is also a different question. If you expect your index to be really large, you can configure Solr to use HDFS. Otherwise you can use default properties and use local disk.
* - "Indexing" is a common term for adding documents to Solr, but in fact adding documents to Solr internal storage and indexing (making fields searchable) are 2 distinct things and can be configured separately.

Analytics + Full text search - Big data

I need to implement a system which derives analytics/insights from data (Text-only) as well as can do complex search queries.
So I have shortlisted Solr(search) and Hadoop(Analytics). I am unable to decide which base should I use to start. Can we integrate HDFS cluster with Solr? I will be mainly dealing with aggregation queries and data will not update frequently.
I know this question is too broad and general. I just need a expert's opinion on this matter.
Look at Cloudera Search and this
Cloudera Search = SOLR + Hadoop
Using Cloudera Search, you can query the data in Hadoop or HBase using SOLR.

LUCENE and Hadoop

i am using lucene for providing indexing and searching on text file.can i use HDFS for storing index file.
You interchange tasks: instead of thinking where to use Hadoop, first think what you need to implement your project. And if you see that you need Hadoop, it will become obvious where and how to use it.
One tip. Most probably you don't need neither Hadoop, nor even Lucene itself: Solr - search server created on top of Lucene - now has distributed setup, which is specifically designed for indexing and searching; Nutch may be used as front-end for Solr to crawl the web; and Tika may help you to parse all types of offline files.
Lucene comes into picture after all your data is ready in form of lucene documents ( lucene cache ).
Looks like you know Lucene already. The purpose of Hadoop is to reduce a big task into small chunks. I think first usage of Hadoop can be to gather data. Each hadoop node can keep collecting data; and create lucene documents
