Has anyone been able to make physion passenger working under windows? - passenger

I am trying to use https://www.phusionpassenger.com It says there that it is not supported in Windows. However, just out of curiousity and mauybe possiblity of less than 0, can it be made possible or has anyone had any luck? The video that he had seemed interesting. So just asking...

Phusion Passenger author here. The answer is no, unless someone is willing to pay us a very large sum of money.


Is it possible to perform audio conversions on Heroku using oggenc and mpg321?

Is it possible to use the audio conversion tools oggenc and mpg321 on Heroku?
If not, are there any ruby gems that can handle this kind of conversion. Much Googling has turned up nothing helpful.
Any advise would be greatly appreciated!
You'll probably want to look at Heroku buildpacks, and maybe give ffmpeg-heroku a try.
FFmpeg appears to have a library for oggenc, and you can appear to install mpg321 on Linux, so it may be doable.
Maybe someone with more experience can provide a better answer than me. At least I've given you a couple things to look at in the meantime!
If you don't mind paying for a 3rd party encoding service, I'd also add that I love Zencoder's service. You may want to see if their supported formats meet your requirements.

Collaborative Ruby resources for novices

I am very much a Ruby newb - hoping to migrate to Ruby on Rails (although I have walked through Mike Hartl's Tutorial, which was excellent). I just want to solidify my Ruby knowledge first.
I am working on a hobby Ruby project to help me learn. I am pretty happy with how far I have got so far, but wanted to discuss/share it with other like-minded novice/beginner programmers.
Can anyone point me to a 'community' that promotes collaboration, critisim and discussion on code (ideally Ruby, obvs)?
If such a community doesn't exist, does anyone have any advice on how to find other like-minded programmers working on small-scale scripts/programs?
I have an account on Github, and on here (obviously!). Whilst Github is great for navigating around, cloning and looking at people's code, I don't feel anywhere near the level where I can start to actually contribute to anything and likewise request people look at my code. Maybe I am just being a wuss and I should just jump in the deep end? Perhaps I am not using GitHub correctly as a 'social network'.
Also, from what I can see, StackOverflow is not the place to send out 'Hey, check this out and let me know what you think' type requests either.
Not meant to be a discussion - just whether anyone knows if such 'networks' exist.
It depends on where you're located, but hacknights (Ruby or otherwise) are probably up your alley. There are different flavors (Are you solving a stated problem? Working on something general?) but usually you can work with others in a collaborative and low-stakes environment. I'd suggest searching for "hacknight" in your area and look at any past or upcoming nights.
As an example, see http://www.meetup.com/torontoruby/events/53887372/
RailsCasts - very interesting project for knowing ruby-technologies.
Also you can going to software-company and start working, and you get criticism, discussions and collaboration :)

Is there a good Fogbugz client for Windows

Funnily enough, I already found some pointers and a thread to an OSX client for Fogbugz. Here
I am looking for a Windows client.
I know there are web browsers for Windows, but I am looking for fast editing; fast changing of attributes ("one click"); zapping through cases and edits in milliseconds; no waiting for HTTP round trips, just pure speed.
Are there any solutions for this?
Not that we're aware of. Sorry.
Anyone looking to develop something like this, though, should contact us at Fog Creek.
We can certainly help you with any questions.

Do you use online or local help in Visual Studio / Are there downsides of one over the other?

Well I am sure that most people have seen the following:
This time, I did not install the local MSDN so I do not have the option of Local help, however I usually always use the first option of look online anyway.
I was wondering if there are any downsides to not installing MSDN?
The only one I have found so far is that dynamic help does not seem to work. As this is a feature I love, I think I will install MSDN.
I was just wondering, are there any other downsides and what do others use?
Edit -
It is hard to really select one answer here and I did various experiments and came up with my own conclusion. They are all good points so +1 to everyone - I was going to put this as an answer and mark it, but that feels rather cheap... so I have edited the question and will have to think about who to mark as answer.
I have been experimenting with different combinations and it is weird to say the least. On a new project, I just pressed F1 at random places and it is amazing that the differences are huge in the pages which are returned - For example, just selecting a <form> tag and pressing F1 came up with 100% different results between online and offline help.
I love the dynamic help feature but I always have an internet connection... I am confused and just not sure what I should do! Another benefit I have found is that through offline help, you can sync the sidebar and navigate around VERY quickly and find other articles - which is much harder online.
I think I will install help, but I am really not that happy... I hope the help feature is improved in VS2010 (haven't had a chance to play around or see) because it shouldn't be this hard to try and choose!
#blaketaylor.nameindex.ht - I personally find Google a bit mucky when I just want to figure out one property or item etc... I like looking in MSDN / Documentation first as there is usually a good example and then just look at Google after if I cannot figure it out - the dynamic help feature is a brilliant feature which I love and skips straight to the correct part in the library, and you do not get this without installing help.
#Shiraz Bhaiji - Agreed with your points, however, I think 2GB's is not really huge. I like your comparison.
#Yassir - It disabled the dynamic help feature, 2GB's isn't huge, I do like Google and SO but I like to try and get it done on my own first.
#Stephen Nutt - Agreed about speed, but it isn't really by much. How do you see local and online help at the same time? I love Dynamic help but when I click a link, it goes straight to local help and I see no options.
I have never found the local help to be of any use. I stopped installing it years ago and have never looked back.
Google is my help.
The main downside to not installing local help is that you do not have access to help if you do not have access to the internet.
The benefits of not having it local are:
Always up to date
Does not use space on your harddisk
I really don't think you might need it unless you don't have no internet connection all the time
also it takes about 2Gb of your hard drive !!
All you need is google and SO :)
I always use local help - it is much faster to navigate around in. When I do a search it always brings up the results count in my local help and online, if I see nothing in my local help I just click on the online tab and see the online search results.

Project in Ruby

I've been coding alot of web-stuff all my life, rails lately. And i can always find a website to code, but i'm kind of bored with it. Been taking alot of courses of Java and C lately so i've become a bit interested in desktop application programming.
Problem: I can't for the life of me think of a thing to code for desktop. I just can't think of anything i can code that isn't already out there for download. So what do i do?
I need some project suggestions that i can set as a goal.
I would say you should roam through github or some other open source site and find an existing young or old project that you can contribute to. Maybe there is something that is barely off the ground, or maybe there is a mature project that could use some improvement.
I find to complete a project, it needs to be something I am passionate about. I feel you need to find your own project I'm afraid.
There is always the Netflix Prize though!
I would write a ray tracer.
Oops, sorry... you're looking for an original idea. :) Ray tracers are still cool, though, and easy to get started on. Maybe you'll get an idea for a game while you're working on it.
Visit shoooes.net for a UI toolkit that's easy and fun, and then the-shoebox.org to see the kinds of things people are doing with it.
If you could make a Ruby ANSI (and xbin, and idf, and adf...) Editor, I would love you. Because that means you would have written ANSI parsing routines that I can hope you release to the open source community.
... but that is a selfish answer. Oh, and a cross-platform editor would be nice as well (although TundraDraw somewhat takes care of that).
