How to import a pfx using certutil without prompt? - windows

I want to import a pfx using cmd. I am using certutils for that. But I am getting a prompt asking to trust the certificate. I want to automatize import so I want to skip the warning prompt. How can I accomplish that?
I am using command
certutil -f -user -p PASSWORD -importpfx c:\cert.pfx

The reason you got a prompt dialog is that you are trying to add a "CA certificate" into the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" store. In fact, when you use "certutil -f -user -p PASSWORD -importpfx c:\cert.pfx" to import a PFX certificate, two actions happen:
Add a personal certificate(which includes the private key) into the "Personal" store.
Add a CA certificate into the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" store.
It is the second action that cause the UAC to prompt a warning dialog, since you are trying to add one CA certificate into the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" store and this means that any web host that holds this certicate will be trusted in the future, this is a very important action and should be treated very discreetly by the user, shouldn't it? So the UAC will warn the user to comfirm this action.
There is only one way to suppress the warning dialog, that is "you don't add the CA certificate into the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" store by doing so:
certutil -f -user -p PASSWORD -importpfx c:\cert.pfx NoRoot
Add personal certificate into "Personal" store will not prompt any warning dialog. However, by this way, the web host that holds the CA certificate will not be trusted any more and this can be very frustrating if you use HTTPS to access the web host.


Windows 10 pro importing certificate through command line create a duplicate store

I am trying to import a certificate into my "Local computer" account under "Personal" certificate store.
Though when running one of the below 2 commands, the certificate is imported into a new certificate store called also Personal.
First command:
Import-Certificate -FilePath "C:\Users\myUser\Desktop\LabCert.cer" -CertStoreLocation 'Cert:\LocalMachine\Personal' -Verbose
Second command:
CertUtil -v -addstore "Personal" "C:\Users\myUser\Desktop\LabCert.cer"
Can someone please advise how can I import my certificate into the original Personal store?

How to install self signed certificate that was created by Makecert.exe in windows for IIS Express?

I'm trying to add https to my local development environment in IIS express for a custom domain. I first created new certificate using the following command in a elevated developer command prompt
Makecert -r -pe -n CN="" -a sha512 -eku -ss my -sr localmachine -sky exchange -sp "Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider" -sy 12
The problem now is that the is now installed in the local certificate personal store and is telling me that this CA root certificate is not trusted and that I need to install this in the trusted root certification authorities store.
Would simply copying the certificate into the trusted root certification authorities store without the private key be enough? If not, what should I do?

CertUtil importpfx Keyset does not exist

I have a p12 file, 'test.p12,' that has a certificate, the CA cert (self-signed), and private key for the certificate. The p12 file is generated using the BouncyCastle's C# API.
When trying to import the certificate by using 'CertUtil', i.e., 'CertUtil -f -p password -importpfx test.p12,' CertUtil generates the following error:
CertUtil: -importPFX command FAILED: 0x80090016 (-2146893802 NTE_BAD_KEYSET)
CertUtil: Keyset does not exist
Any clues as to what may be wrong? (I'm using Windows 10)
Using openssl, I can see that 'test.p12' does include the certificate, CA cert, and private key. The certificate is using an EC keypair, but I doubt that's a problem since I have a reference p12 file that uses the same algorithm and is imported by CertUtil without problem. Unfortunately, I have no detail on how the reference file is generated.
In my google searches, many seem to suggest that this may be a permission problem, but I doubt that's the case as I'm running the CertUtil as the Administrator.
When importing the same file using 'MMC' with the certificate snap-ins, the certificate is "successfully" imported if I force the MMC to store it in a specific store, e.g., Personal; otherwise, it prompts to select a Smart Card for the certificate. Could this be a related problem?

Teamcity: Mac build agent unable to sign .pkg file using productsign. SignData failed: CSSMERR_CSP_NO_USER_INTERACTION (-2147415840)

I have a .pkg file that needs to be signed using TeamCity after our TeamCity build has completed.
Ideally this could be a build step or script that runs at the end. After research, I tried the following:
Script INPUT:
security import applicationkey.p12 -k login.keychain -P "password"
security import installerkey.p12 -k login.keychain -P "password"
security -v unlock-keychain -p "password" /Users/administrator/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
security -v unlock-keychain -u /Library/Keychains/System.keychain
productsign --keychain /Users/administrator/Library/Keychains/login.keychain --sign 'Developer ID Installer: Company LLC' CompanyInstaller.pkg CompanyInstallerSigned.pkg
pkgutil --check-signature CompanyInstallerSigned.pkg
unlock-keychain "-p" "mypassword" "/Users/administrator/Library/Keychains/login.keychain"
unlock-keychain "-u" "/Library/Keychains/System.keychain"
productsign: using timestamp authority for signature
productsign: signing product with identity "Developer ID Installer: Company LLC" from keychain /Users/administrator/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
productsign: adding certificate "Developer ID Certification Authority"
productsign: adding certificate "Apple Root CA"
2016-10-05 14:57:11.484 productsign[9385:29611120] SignData failed: CSSMERR_CSP_NO_USER_INTERACTION (-2147415840)
Error signing data.
productsign: error: Failed to sign the product.
I've noticed many solutions to this mentioning to click the "Always Allow" from the dialog prompt the first time it appears in reference to the Keychain's Access Control, however my only known interaction with this build agent is through SSH. Is there a means to sign a .pkg using productsign on Teamcity mac build agent without gui interaction with this "Always Allow" prompt? Or, is there a way to login to the build agent and view a gui so I could click on this "Always Allow" to enable this?
Note: I've also tried saving the (local signing machine) private key's Access Control to "Allow all application to access this item", exported it, imported it to the build agent's login.keychain, then tried the above again, to only have the same output. When I do the same process on my macbookpro, everything works, however I do not recall if I did click "Alway Allow" from long ago.
Any thoughts? Much appreciated.
We ran into this problem as well - we are using TeamCity to sign packages on a Mac build agent.
The first time we set up the build agent, we imported the certificate into the keychain and granted the 'always allow' permission; this seemed to work. At some point the build agent was rebooted and then signing packages no longer worked, whatever we tried with permission & trust settings. We kept getting the SignData failed: CSSMERR_CSP_NO_USER_INTERACTION error.
We fixed this (hopefully for good!) by moving the certificate into the 'System' keychain (it was previously in the 'login') keychain. We didn't need to change our call to productsign at all - it picked up the system keychain correctly. I imagine that if you had the certificate in both keychains then you would need to tell productsign which keychain to use (--keychain ...).

How to add certificates to SonarLint in Eclipse

A certificate is required to connect my SonarQube server. I have installed the SonarLint plugin, but it does not have any option to add certificates to connect my SonarQube server. It has only URL, username , password options. Is there any way to set certificates ?
SonarLint does not permit the configuration of certificates, but you can add certificate to JRE or JDK.
Copied text from the Oracle documentation:
Import the Certificate as a Trusted Certificate
Before you can grant the signed code permission to read a specified file, you need to import Susan's certificate as a trusted certificate in your keystore.
Suppose that you have received from Susan
the signed JAR file sCount.jar, which contains the Count.class file, and
the file Example.cer, which contains the public key certificate for the public key corresponding to the private key used to sign the JAR file.
Even though you created these files and they haven't actually been transported anywhere, you can simulate being someone other than the creater and sender, Susan. Pretend that you are now Ray. Acting as Ray, you will create a keystore named exampleraystore and will use it to import the certificate into an entry with an alias of susan.
A keystore is created whenever you use a keytool command specifying a keystore that doesn't yet exist. Thus we can create the exampleraystore and import the certificate via a single keytool command. Do the following in your command window.
Go to the directory containing the public key certificate file Example.cer. (You should actually already be there, since this lesson assumes that you stay in a single directory throughout.)
Type the following command on one line: keytool -import -alias susan -file Example.cer -keystore exampleraystore
Since the keystore doesn't yet exist, it will be created, and you will be prompted for a keystore password; type whatever password you want.
The keytool command will print out the certificate information and ask you to verify it, for example, by comparing the displayed certificate fingerprints with those obtained from another (trusted) source of information. (Each fingerprint is a relatively short number that uniquely and reliably identifies the certificate.) For example, in the real world you might call up Susan and ask her what the fingerprints should be. She can get the fingerprints of the Example.cer file she created by executing the command
keytool -printcert -file Example.cer
If the fingerprints she sees are the same as the ones reported to you by keytool, the certificate has not been modified in transit. In that case you let keytool proceed with placing a trusted certificate entry in the keystore. The entry contains the public key certificate data from the file Example.cer and is assigned the alias susan.
