Visual Studio 2010/2012 crashes when adding service/web reference - visual-studio-2010

in a project I am working on, I need to use a java webservice that has been created by another company. Each time I try to reference the "wsdl" of this webservice, in order to import all the information, my Visual Studio crashes. This happens in VS 2010, VS2012, and also adding service reference, or web reference doesn't change anything.
Has this occured to anybody else ?

The reason Visual Studio was crashing, was that the WSDL did contain a circular reference. Once this had been fixed, I managed to import the WSDL correctly.
This webpage might talk about this problem, though it seems quite old.
explanation on microsoft website


Visual Studio IDE Error On Launch When Loading Project

I am loading my project into Visual Studio 2019 IDE. When I go into the forms designer within the IDE
Visual Studio Forms Designer has been gives me the following error:
An attempt was made to load an assembly from a network location which would have caused the assembly to be sandboxed in previous versions by default, so this load may be dangerous. If this load is not intended to sandbox the assembly, please enable the loadFromRemoteSources switch.
There is no code associated with it. All referenced DLLs haven't changed.
Has anyone else experienced this or have a work around as the Google searches I have done have given me to help. Is there a way to narrow down the error? I have also checked all the security dlls to make sure they are correct and are referenced locally to help. Maybe something to do with the CAS policy?
I have also tried on my installed versions of 2012, 2015, & 2017.
UPDATE: Updated the error above as I had the wrong error added.

VS 2010 Problems Referencing COM Objects

I'm trying to create a SSIS project with a Script Task that uses Visual Basic Code.
In it, I'm trying to use the Microsoft Scripting Runtime COM object. My VS 2010 has installed the .NET 4.5 Framework but whenever I try to add the Reference it comes with this problem:
*Edit #2: Visual Studio actually pops up an error:
After checking the References Properties of the Project, the Path says: "The System cannot find the reference path". Even then you can manually reach it yourself.
Upon further investigation I found that ALL COM objects encounter the same issue:
I have seen a number of solutions pointing to a re-install of Visual Studio and the like. Which I have done with no success.
Does anyone have an idea of what could be causing the problem?
*Edit: I think it bears to point, i have tried some funny business with the Interop (setting it to true and to false does nothing). I saw some answers online but this made no difference.

Error registering package in Visual Studio 11

When I try to register a visual studio package using regpkg in Visual Studio 11 RC, I get the following error:
regpkg.exe /root:Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0 /codebase myvspackage.dll
Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The
system cannot find the file specified.
This worked fine with previous versions of Visual Studio. I'm working in a clean virtual machine that only has Visual Studio 2012 RC.
I've been surfing the web looking for a solution with no success.
If I just copy the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.dll in my app location it works fine, but this dll is not redistributable, so... what's the right way of registering a package in Visual Studio 11?
Thanks in advance for your help,
I'll assume you also posted this to the MSDN forums since a question with identical text was posted there which I answered yesterday.
In short it sounds like you have an explicit reference to v2 of Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.dll, James is incorrect in saying you aren't supposed to use this, this is simply MPF from 2005. Referencing it is perfectly fine. If you have an explicit version in the reference in the project file try dropping it, if not try adding the binding redirect mentioned in my MSDN forum post.
I have started a mail with the SDK team about this issue though I don't know if they will be taking any changes this close to release. Also, as an FYI, since Shell.dll is from 2005, it is nearing the end of its supported life, we generally support three versions of previous VS releases.
On release of 2012 the support will be 2008,2010, 2012. I suspect in the next release (after 2012) we may stop including Shell.dll (the 2005 version) entirely in the shipped product. Unless you need to run downlevel on say 2005 I would update the reference to one of the newer shell assemblies (like 9.0, 10.0 or 11.0)

Developing in Visual Studio 2010 and Sharepoint 2007. Using new SPSite throws errors

I'm re-writing a console application using Visual Studio 2010. The original application was written using Visual Studio 2008 and works OK, but has no tests associated with it. Hence, the idea of re-writing it with tests.
Both applications are working with a Sharepoint 2007 site.
The project compiles but when I try and run it the code below is throwing errors.
SPSite spsite = null;
SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate() {
spsite = new SPSite("http://sharepointdev");
return spsite;
I'm running this on Windows Server 2008. I've set the platform target of the build to be x86 (this is in the properties of my project) and in Security I've checked that this is a full trust application. I'm also running the project as an administrator. I've also set the .NET Framework to be 3.5
Is it just a case that SharePoint 2007 just doesn't want to play with Visual Studio 2010, or is there something else I've not yet considered?
I've tried searching on the web and stackoverflow but all the articles I've seen deal with trying to get Visual Studio 2010 to work with Sharepoint 2010.
The exact error I get is 'Object reference not set to an instant of an object' with the debugger high-lighting the SPSecurity call.
If I just use this code
using(SPSite spsite = new SPSite("http://sharepointdev")){
Then I get a FileNotFoundException, which isn't exactly true! I've got plenty of applications that do find a site using that URL. What I suspect the error message is trying to say is that my 2010 application is not being allowed to access the site, but I've not found any clues as to why that should be.
Any clues, hints or suggestions gratefully accepted.
I've lifted the code from my VS 2010 project and dropped it into a new VS 2008 project and it ran straight-away.
I created a simple little console application in VS 2010. By default it uses .NET Framework 4, I had to set this to .NET Framework 3.5. I also set the platform target to be 'Any CPU' and it works. This makes me wonder if there is an issue with the Test Project associated with my first application?
I re-created the console application but this time without a Test Project associated with it (the test project was a class library and worked with NUnit). It ran with no problems. I guess the problem lies within the test project and something there that the solution doesn't like. Probably there's a build there it doesn't like
TL;DR; answer: Switch to Any CPU build - don't choose x86.
I've run into this problem before with a console utility. I got the same FileNotFound error but it's referring to the DLL, not your SharePoint site. Digging a bit I discovered a deeper error of BadImageFormat and realized it was complaining about a DLL or EXE. I guessed it was due to the linking from x86 to MSIL. There's a lot of things that have to happen to marshal calls between the two and I guess it led to an incompatibility. When I switched it (and verified all my support library projects) built to MSIL/Any CPU the application worked with no problems and no other changes.
I use Visual Studio 2010 to develop for SharePoint 2007 all day for a long time now and the only problems I've encountered aren't related to that combination. More often than not it's a quirk of a 3rd party add-on I'm using. For almost all of my development I start with the WSP Builder templates but they are buggy and have a few quirks you have to work around (some severe enough to take down your SharePoint server) so I don't blame VS 2010 directly.

Using Saxon .NET XSLT processor does not work with intellisense in Visual Studio

I am using the open source Saxon XSLT processor for .NET to execute some 2.0 transforms.
I reference the saxon9api.dll as I would any other dll, and can compile code against this. However Visual Studio does not show any intellisense making the IDE as useful as notepad.
The saxon9api.dll is using the IKVM Java for .NET platform, and I wonder if this is the causing VS a problem. Reflector can inspect the DLL without issue, but I suspect VS is not happy for some reason.
Any ideas?
Surprised that no one else has encountered this behaviour seeing as Microsoft recommends (link is now dead) the use of Saxon in the absense of built in functionality in the framework.
I think I will reword the question to be about assemblies running under IKVM not showing intellisense although I will need to find another IKVM based project to prove that this is the case first...
To make compiling, running and intellisense work in Visual Studio, you need to do the following:
Reference saxon9api.dll, as you already did
Reference IKVM.OpenJDK.Core.dll
Reference IKVM.Runtime.dll (not sure this is needed, but I always include it)
If you are also referencing vjslib, you may run into issues, because it uses a lot of the same namespaces and classnames, leading to ambiguities that can cause Visual Studio's intellisense to get into problems. Perhaps other libraries exist that show the same namespace clashes. In that case, try this on a fresh project first and add the references one by one, starting with Saxon's dependencies first.
After you do this, at least in Visual Studio 2010, 2012 and 2013, you will find that the context-sensitive help is working (image is of VS 2012 with R#):
Note: since this post is old, it may have only applied to Visual Studio 2008 at the time, I have not tested that as I am not using it anyore.
