I can't get the following data to parse in Pig. It's what the twitter API returns after getting all tweets from a certain user.
source data: (I removed some numbers to not invade on anyone's privacy by accident)
[{"created_at":"Sat Nov 01 23:15:45 +0000 2014","id":5286804225,"id_str":"5286864225","text":"#Beace_ your nan makes me laugh with some of the things she comes out with","source":"\u003ca href=\"http:\/\/twitter.com\/download\/iphone\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eTwitter for iPhone\u003c\/a\u003e","truncated":false,"in_reply_to_status_id":52812992878592,"in_reply_to_status_id_str":"522","in_reply_to_user_id":398098,"in_reply_to_user_id_str":"3","in_reply_to_screen_name":"Be_","user":{"id":425,"id_str":"42433395","name":"SAINS","screen_name":"sa3","location":"Lincoln","profile_location":null,"description":"","url":null,"entities":{"description":{"urls":[]}},"protected":false,"followers_count":92,"friends_count":526,"listed_count":0,"created_at":"Mon May 25 16:18:05 +0000 2009","favourites_count":6,"utc_offset":0,"time_zone":"London","geo_enabled":true,"verified":false,"statuses_count":19,"lang":"en","contributors_enabled":false,"is_translator":false,"is_translation_enabled":false,"profile_background_color":"EDECE9","profile_background_image_url":"http:\/\/abs.twimg.com\/images\/themes\/theme3\/bg.gif","profile_background_image_url_https":"https:\/\/abs.twimg.com\/images\/themes\/theme3\/bg.gif","profile_background_tile":false,"profile_image_url":"http:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/profile_images\/52016\/DGDCj67z_normal.jpeg","profile_image_url_https":"https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/profile_images\/526\/DGDCj67z_normal.jpeg","profile_banner_url":"https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/profile_banners\/424395\/13743515","profile_link_color":"088253","profile_sidebar_border_color":"D3D2CF","profile_sidebar_fill_color":"E3E2DE","profile_text_color":"634047","profile_use_background_image":true,"default_profile":false,"default_profile_image":false,"following":false,"follow_request_sent":false,"notifications":false},"geo":null,"coordinates":null,"place":null,"contributors":null,"retweet_count":0,"favorite_count":1,"entities":{"hashtags":[],"symbols":[],"user_mentions":[{"screen_name":"e_","name":"\u2601\ufe0f effy","id":3998,"id_str":"398","indices":[0,15]}],"urls":[]},"favorited":false,"retweeted":false,"lang":"en"}, {another one goes here ....} ]
I have tried a lot of things but this is the current code I have:
REGISTER 'hdfs:///user/cloudera/elephant-bird-pig-4.1.jar';
REGISTER 'hdfs:///user/cloudera/elephant-bird-core-4.1.jar';
REGISTER 'hdfs:///user/cloudera/elephant-bird-hadoop-compat-4.1.jar';
--Load Json
loadJson = LOAD '/user/cloudera/tweetwall' USING com.twitter.elephantbird.pig.load.JsonLoader() AS (json:map []);
describe loadJson;
--dump loadJson;
--a = FOREACH loadJson GENERATE json#'text' AS ParsedInput;
dump loadJson;
c = FOREACH loadJson GENERATE flatten(json#'text') as (m:map[]);
If I'm not getting erros, I just get no returns (as in 0 bytes returned after the script is done running)
for instance:
Successfully read 0 records (532459 bytes) from: "/user/cloudera/tweetwall"
Successfully stored 0 records in: "hdfs://quickstart.cloudera:8020/tmp/temp-988640258/tmp-846532109"
Total records written : 0
Total bytes written : 0
Spillable Memory Manager spill count : 0
Total bags proactively spilled: 0
Total records proactively spilled: 0
1. You need to give the root name for your input json
I added "tweets" as your root name
{"tweets":[<your input>]}
2. This is nested json, so you need to load your json file with 'nested' option in the loader
{"tweets":[{"created_at":"Sat Nov 01 23:15:45 +0000 2014","id":5286804225,"id_str":"5286864225","text":"#Beace_ your nan makes me laugh with some of the things she comes out with","source":"\u003ca href=\"http:\/\/twitter.com\/download\/iphone\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eTwitter for iPhone\u003c\/a\u003e","truncated":false,"in_reply_to_status_id":52812992878592,"in_reply_to_status_id_str":"522","in_reply_to_user_id":398098,"in_reply_to_user_id_str":"3","in_reply_to_screen_name":"Be_","user":{"id":425,"id_str":"42433395","name":"SAINS","screen_name":"sa3","location":"Lincoln","profile_location":null,"description":"","url":null,"entities":{"description":{"urls":[]}},"protected":false,"followers_count":92,"friends_count":526,"listed_count":0,"created_at":"Mon May 25 16:18:05 +0000 2009","favourites_count":6,"utc_offset":0,"time_zone":"London","geo_enabled":true,"verified":false,"statuses_count":19,"lang":"en","contributors_enabled":false,"is_translator":false,"is_translation_enabled":false,"profile_background_color":"EDECE9","profile_background_image_url":"http:\/\/abs.twimg.com\/images\/themes\/theme3\/bg.gif","profile_background_image_url_https":"https:\/\/abs.twimg.com\/images\/themes\/theme3\/bg.gif","profile_background_tile":false,"profile_image_url":"http:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/profile_images\/52016\/DGDCj67z_normal.jpeg","profile_image_url_https":"https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/profile_images\/526\/DGDCj67z_normal.jpeg","profile_banner_url":"https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/profile_banners\/424395\/13743515","profile_link_color":"088253","profile_sidebar_border_color":"D3D2CF","profile_sidebar_fill_color":"E3E2DE","profile_text_color":"634047","profile_use_background_image":true,"default_profile":false,"default_profile_image":false,"following":false,"follow_request_sent":false,"notifications":false},"geo":null,"coordinates":null,"place":null,"contributors":null,"retweet_count":0,"favorite_count":1,"entities":{"hashtags":[],"symbols":[],"user_mentions":[{"screen_name":"e_","name":"\u2601\ufe0f effy","id":3998,"id_str":"398","indices":[0,15]}],"urls":[]},"favorited":false,"retweeted":false,"lang":"en"}]}
REGISTER '/tmp/json-simple-1.1.jar';
REGISTER '/tmp/elephant-bird-hadoop-compat-4.1.jar';
REGISTER '/tmp/elephant-bird-pig-4.1.jar';
loadJson = LOAD 'input.json' USING com.twitter.elephantbird.pig.load.JsonLoader('-nestedLoad') AS (json:map []);
B = FOREACH loadJson GENERATE flatten(json#'tweets') as (m:map[]);
(#Beace_ your nan makes me laugh with some of the things she comes out with)
I have the following data sample:
I created the following Pig Latin/hadoop script:
sensitive = LOAD '/mdsba' using PigStorage(',') as (AGE,EDU,SEX,SALARY);
*--Filtered the data by the salary
Data_filter1 = FILTER sensitive by (SALARY matches '<=50K');
Data_filter2 = FILTER sensitive by (SALARY matches '>50K');
--group both filters
B= foreach(group Data_filter1 by(AGE,EDU,SEX))
generate Data_filter1;
C= foreach(group Data_filter2 by(AGE,EDU,SEX))
generate Data_filter2;
Dump B ;
Dump C ;
Is there any way to determine whether the queries B,C, Data_filter1, or Data_filter2 run on Map or Reduce process. Since the following report is generated at the end of the job:
Elapsed: 35sec
Average Map Time: 12sec
Average Shuffle Time: 10sec
Average Merge Time: 0sec
Average Reduce Time: 2sec
With many thanks
Yes, when you are launching the job you'll see a string
org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.MapReduceLauncher - detailed locations: M: Alias1[73,14] C: Alias2[20, 9] R: Alias3[90, 78]
M stands for mapper, C for combiner, R for reducer. But in general case there is a possibility that your queries will run on both mapper and reducer
I want to realize multiple processes. I have to send the data which bubble-sorted in different child processes back to parent process then merge data. This is part of my code:
rd1,wt1 = IO.pipe # reader & writer
pid1 = fork {
numbers = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(copylist[0,p]))
sList[0] = numbers.clone
wt1.write Marshal.dump(sList[0])
pid5 = fork {
a = Marshal.load(rd1.gets)
b = Marshal.load(rd2.gets)
mList[0] = merge( a,b).clone
wt5.write Marshal.dump(mList[0])
There are pid1...pid7, rd1...rd7, wt1...wt7. pid1...pid4 are bubble-sort 4 part of data. pid5 and 6 merge data from pid1, 2 and pid 3, 4. Finally, pid7 merges the data from pid5 and 6.
When data size is small, it succeeds, but when I input larger data (10000):
Data example : 121 45 73 89 11 452 515 32 1 99 4 88 41 53 159 482 2013 2 ...
then, errors occur: :in 'load': marshal data too short (ArgumentError) and another kind error: in 'load': instance of IO needed (TypeError). The first error line is in pid5: a = ... and pid6: b = .... The other kind of error line is in pid7: b = .... Are my data too big for this method?
Marshal.load and Marshal.dump work with binary data. The problem with the short reads is here:
a = Marshal.load(rd1.gets)
b = Marshal.load(rd2.gets)
#gets reads up to a new-line (or end of file) and then stops. The trouble is that new-line may be present in the binary data created by Marshal.dump.
Change gets to read in both lines.
grunt> a = load '/cleartrip/prodqueue_cleartrip-quick-Nov05th14-morning.txt' USING PigStorage('\t') AS
>> (col0:chararray, col1:chararray, col2:chararray, col3:chararray, col4:chararray, col5:chararray, col6:chararray, col7:chararray);
grunt> b = limit a 10;
grunt> dump b;
Failed to read data from "/cleartrip/prodqueue_cleartrip-quick-Nov05th14-morning.txt"
Total records written : 0
Total bytes written : 0
Spillable Memory Manager spill count : 0
Total bags proactively spilled: 0
Total records proactively spilled: 0
Job DAG:
null -> null,
try to Copy ur Sample.txt to Home Folder..It might help you clearly
then get into the pig in Hadoop
or better do one thing
Run Pig in local file system
Pig -x local
I am starting a discussion, which I hope, will become one place to discuss data loading method using mutators Vs. loading using flat file via 'LOAD DATA INFILE'.
I have been baffled to get enormous performance gain using mutators (using batch size = 1000 or 10000 or 100K et cetera).
My project involved loading close to 400 million rows of social media data into HyperTable to be used for real time analytics. It took me close to 3 days to just load just 1 million row of data (code sample below). Each row is approximately 32 byte. So, in order to avoid taking 2-3 weeks to load this much data, I prepared a flat file with rows and used DATA LOAD INFILE method. Performance gain was amazing. Using this method, loading rate was 368336 cells/sec.
See below for actual snapshot of action:
hypertable> LOAD DATA INFILE "/data/tmp/users.dat" INTO TABLE users;
Loading 7,113,154,337 bytes of input data...
0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%
Load complete.
Elapsed time: 508.07 s
Avg key size: 8.92 bytes
Total cells: 218976067
Throughput: 430998.80 cells/s
Resends: 2210404
hypertable> LOAD DATA INFILE "/data/tmp/graph.dat" INTO TABLE graph;
Loading 12,693,476,187 bytes of input data...
0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%
Load complete.
Elapsed time: 1189.71 s
Avg key size: 17.48 bytes
Total cells: 437952134
Throughput: 368118.13 cells/s
Resends: 1483209
Why is performance difference between 2 method is so vast? What's the best way to enhance mutator performance. Sample mutator code is below:
my $batch_size = 1000000; # or 1000 or 10000 make no substantial difference
my $ignore_unknown_cfs = 2;
my $ht = new Hypertable::ThriftClient($master, $port);
my $ns = $ht->namespace_open($namespace);
my $users_mutator = $ht->mutator_open($ns, 'users', $ignore_unknown_cfs, 10);
my $graph_mutator = $ht->mutator_open($ns, 'graph', $ignore_unknown_cfs, 10);
my $keys = new Hypertable::ThriftGen::Key({ row => $row, column_family => $cf, column_qualifier => $cq });
my $cell = new Hypertable::ThriftGen::Cell({key => $keys, value => $val});
$ht->mutator_set_cell($mutator, $cell);
I would appreciate any input on this? I don't have tremendous amount of HyperTable experience.
If it's taking three days to load one million rows, then you're probably calling flush() after every row insert, which is not the right thing to do. Before I describe hot to fix that, your mutator_open() arguments aren't quite right. You don't need to specify ignore_unknown_cfs and you should supply 0 for the flush_interval, something like this:
my $users_mutator = $ht->mutator_open($ns, 'users', 0, 0);
my $graph_mutator = $ht->mutator_open($ns, 'graph', 0, 0);
You should only call mutator_flush() if you would like to checkpoint how much of the input data has been consumed. A successful call to mutator_flush() means that all data that has been inserted on that mutator has durably made it into the database. If you're not checkpointing how much of the input data has been consumed, then there is no need to call mutator_flush(), since it will get flushed automatically when you close the mutator.
The next performance problem with your code that I see is that you're using mutator_set_cell(). You should use either mutator_set_cells() or mutator_set_cells_as_arrays() since each method call is a round-trip to the ThriftBroker, which is expensive. By using the mutator_set_cells_* methods, you amortize that round-trip over many cells. The mutator_set_cells_as_arrays() method can be more efficient for languages where object construction overhead is large in comparison to native datatypes (e.g. string). I'm not sure about Perl, but you might want to give that a try to see if it boosts performance.
Also, be sure to call mutator_close() when you're finished with the mutator.
I set up a test integration of Cassandra + Pig/Hadoop. 8 nodes are Cassandra + TaskTracker nodes, 1 node is the JobTracker/NameNode.
I fired up the cassandra client and created a the simple bit of data listed in the Readme.txt in the Cassandra distribution:
[default#unknown] create keyspace Keyspace1;
[default#unknown] use Keyspace1;
[default#Keyspace1] create column family Users with comparator=UTF8Type and default_validation_class=UTF8Type and key_validation_class=UTF8Type;
[default#KS1] set Users[jsmith][first] = 'John';
[default#KS1] set Users[jsmith][last] = 'Smith';
[default#KS1] set Users[jsmith][age] = long(42)
Then I ran the sample pig query listed in CASSANDRA_HOME (using pig_cassandra):
grunt> rows = LOAD 'cassandra://Keyspace1/Users' USING CassandraStorage() AS (key, columns: bag {T: tuple(name, value)});
grunt> cols = FOREACH rows GENERATE flatten(columns);
grunt> colnames = FOREACH cols GENERATE $0;
grunt> namegroups = GROUP colnames BY (chararray) $0;
grunt> namecounts = FOREACH namegroups GENERATE COUNT($1), group;
grunt> orderednames = ORDER namecounts BY $0;
grunt> topnames = LIMIT orderednames 50;
grunt> dump topnames;
It took about 3 minutes to complete.
HadoopVersion PigVersion UserId StartedAt FinishedAt Features
1.0.0 0.9.1 root 2012-01-12 22:16:53 2012-01-12 22:20:22 GROUP_BY,ORDER_BY,LIMIT
Job Stats (time in seconds):
JobId Maps Reduces MaxMapTime MinMapTIme AvgMapTime MaxReduceTime MinReduceTime AvgReduceTime Alias Feature Outputs
job_201201121817_0010 8 1 12 6 9 21 21 21 colnames,cols,namecounts,namegroups,rows GROUP_BY,COMBINER
job_201201121817_0011 1 1 6 6 6 15 15 15 orderednames SAMPLER
job_201201121817_0012 1 1 9 9 9 15 15 15 orderednames ORDER_BY,COMBINER hdfs://xxxx/tmp/temp-744158198/tmp-1598279340,
Successfully read 1 records (3232 bytes) from: "cassandra://Keyspace1/Users"
Successfully stored 3 records (63 bytes) in: "hdfs://xxxx/tmp/temp-744158198/tmp-1598279340"
Total records written : 3
Total bytes written : 63
Spillable Memory Manager spill count : 0
Total bags proactively spilled: 0
Total records proactively spilled: 0
There were no errors or warnings in the logging.
Is this normal, or is there something wrong?
Yes this is normal because running a Map/Reduce job on Hadoop usually takes about 1 minute just for startup. Pig generates multiple Map/Reduce jobs dependent on the complexity of the script.