How do I link directly to an alias through afp? - macos

I'm working on an intranet web application with a file sharing server set up using AFP.
My goal is to create a link on the page that will open up Finder to a specific folder on the share network, but it has to go through an alias. I think it'd be easier to explain with an example.
For this share, there is a folder called Objects that contains a bunch of folders with unpredictable names, and a folder called Alias that contains a bunch of aliases to folders in Objects. So a link to afp://server/share/Alias/obj1 should open the folder at afp://server/share/Objects/unpredictableName, where obj1 is an alias pointing to unpredicableName.
On OSX 10.8 this works as expected, however on 10.9 and later that link opens the Finder at the Alias folder, instead of actually going into unpredictableName. What changed, and is there any way to restore the previous behavior? Thanks.


How can I download the large file from google drive using rclone?

Now I want to download the dataset on the website(, it's in google drive and filesize is 2TB. the website recommend using rclone to download the file but not said how to use.
As the picture shows
This was asked a while back already but I'd like to keep it recorded here as it seems hard to find.
Unfortunately I don't know if there's a way to automate this process but it's still easy.
What you can do is create a new remote with the link's root_folder_id.
The Root Folder ID is present in the url e.g:
in the example link
the root_folder_id is the string after the slash /folders/ so in this case it would be "a1b2c3deFgHi4JKlm56nOpqrStuv7w8xy9". If the Google Drive shared link you got is a folder all you have to do is copy that id and use it in the rclone's new remote setup. Now if the shared link points directly to a file, like the one in the OP, there's no folder to download it from, so we gotta create our own! The whole process would look like:
get the folder_id from Google Drive's link. If it is a link to a direct file then first we have to create a new folder anywhere inside our own Google Drive, it's name doesn't matter as we will point directly to it using the ID. After creating this new folder, open it and note the url, it should look something like
just copy everything after /folders/ and save it for later.
now go back to the link of the direct file. Add a shortcut for that file to inside your recently created folder, so say the folder was named dl-with-rclone, click the "Add shortcut to Drive" icon and navigate to the "dl-with-rclone" folder to add the shortcut there.
heading to rclone, do:
rclone config <to open settings>
On the prompt e/n/d/r/c/s/q> hit n (the key relative to creating a new remote)
On name> give it a name like sharedWithMe or anything else for personal reference later
On the prompt Storage>, the possible remotes to connect to, write down drive or the number relative to it (currently 15)
if you set up your own client_id and client_secret you put them next
On the scope> prompt option 2 "Read-only" is enough
now this is the important one:
on the root_folder_id> prompt input the ID of the folder of the shared link or the folder you created and pointed the file shortcut to, e.g. Fdrcv3nQvxQqXUGEEyvacwUxdYXpV33Ct
Now you can pretty much hit enter for everything, once you reach Use auto config? you will be redirected for a browser to login. Make sure the logged in account is the same that you created the folder for the shortcut. If the shared link is for a folder already your logged in account doesn't matter.
After finishing your remote setup you can exit rclone config
The command you would need would be something like rclone copy sharedWithMe: destination/folder
This being rclone you would surely be able to copy from one remote to another, that's up to the user.
In summary: I did test this method on your link, creating a folder in my Drive, pointing the file shortcut to it and using the root_folder_id to setup the rclone remote and it did begin to download:
rclone test download screenshot

Distinguish things like .app/.xcodeproj and actual folders in Cocoa

I am trying to build an alternative file manager that works similar to the default Finder in Cocoa.
As you can imagine, the app needs to show a list of files/subfolders in certain directory, and when the user click on an item, it checks whether it's a folder or a file that a user has clicked. If it's a folder, the app simply shows the content of the folder. If it's a file, it will be opened with the default application.
I used NSFileManager.file​Exists(at​Path:​is​Directory:​) to determine if an item at certain path is a folder. This works well in most cases, but for things like or project.xcodeproj, they are also considered as directories according to the method.
I know it's true that technically they are just folders, but is there a way in Cocoa to distinguish them from actual folders?
Use (NS)URL.
Get the values for resource keys isDirectoryKey and isPackageKey via resourceValues(forKeys.
In case of bundles isPackage is true.

Writing to derived data in an archived app

I produced a .aiff file in my app and it's in my derived data folder, somewhere deep in the /Library. When I run the app in Xcode everything works fine. However when I archive it, the program crashes when it tries to write. How do I solve this? Do I need to learn to use Core Data or is there a easy fix?
Are you trying to write to the current working directory?
(If you're trying to do something like [foo writeToFile:#"output.aiff" …], you are.)
When you run within Xcode, the CWD is the build products directory within DerivedData where your application's bundle gets created.
When you run outside of Xcode, the CWD is the root of the startup disk, which you do not ordinarily have write access to and should never touch without explicit orders and permission to do from the user (via an Open panel or similar).
Either way, the CWD is the wrong place to put things.
You probably should run a Save panel, then write the file in your completion handler to the URL the Save panel has for you.
If you want to stash the file in some constant directory, ask an NSFileManager for the Caches folder in the user domain (~/Library/Caches), then tell it to create a folder inside that folder whose name is your main bundle's bundleIdentifier, then write the file in that directory.

"Virtual Files" in OSX Finder that only appear when my Application runs, possible?

is there a way to "hook" into the OSX Finder to perform the following:
When my Application starts, the User sees a Folder in his Finder which is created by my application. Inside this Folder the User sees Files from several Folders...a unified view to several Files in several Folders that the User specified in my Application.
So, in this "Unified Folder" are not the real Files, they are still in there original Folder but the User sees them in this one Folder as if there were all his real Files in this new Folder. So there is no copying or moving involved.
To be honest, I've no Idea if it's possible and what I should looking for inside the Cocoa SDK. Maybe there is an API for the Finder itself or some other way?!
First option is your application could create aliases to the original files. The Finder will show these with a small arrow "badge" over the icon, so it is clear they are not the original files but aliases of them.
If you don't like the badges on the icons creating hard links may give you what you want.
Mac OS X presents a view of the HFS+ (Mac) filesystem which matches the UFS (Unix) one and you have access to hard and symbolic links. The latter are treated by the Finder similar to aliases but the former are indistinguishable from the original files as they are the original files - under the Unix filesystem a file in a directory is just a reference (the inode number) to the real file, each entry in a directory is just a hard link to the actual file, and a file can have any number of hard links to it (a file is deleted when the link count drops to 0, think of the retain/release model if that helps).
At the Cocoa level NSFileManager has methods to create hard links, or you can use the Unix level link(2) function.

Eclipse workspace as htdocs in XAMPP not working in Mac?

I've bought a MacBook Air(I've been converted from a PC guy to a Mac) today and I have recently installed XAMPP and Eclipse for Mac and I try to set the workspace for Eclipse as the htdocs folder in XAMPP. I always get the warning:
Workspace in use or cannot be created, choose a different one!
The directory i try to set is /Applications/XAMPP/htdocs
I've been trying to set an another directory it works fine as long as it is not the one above. What have I done wrong? I want the directory above. Pls. help
The solution is this:
Go into the htdocs folder and hit CMD+I to bring up the "Get Info" window
In this window, go to the bottom right and click on the padlock icon, enter your password to unlock the permissions settings in the window
You'll see a list of users and their respective permissions. Change the "admin"'s permission to "Read & Write"
Click the padlock once more to save your changes and lock the permissions for the htdocs folder
Start up Eclipse and then select htdocs as your workspace, and
Voila! You're done.
Hope that helps.
It's likely a permissions issue. The application may not be requesting admin rights to write to (or in some way control) that directory, it may just be silently failing. Generally, you need to supply admin rights to modify anything under /Applications/.
I wouldn't recommend using /Applications/XAMPP/htdocs/ as your workspace anyway. Your workspace should either be in your home directory (Documents or perhaps even Library though the former would be more intuitive), or in some other shared location if multiple users need to access it. Bundling it with the application itself would risk losing the data during an application upgrade, or in some other way confusing the issue.
Why do you want your data in the /Applications/ directory?
The problem here is that this workspace is locked. The quick solution is to delete /Applications/XAMPP/htdocs/.metadata/.lock
The slightly longer solution is to try the following command whenever such a situation occurs:
find /Applications/XAMPP/htdocs -name "lock" -exec echo {} \;
This will show you any file in that directory that has lock in the name. Remember that hidden files start with a . (such as .lock or .metadata).
The even longer answer is that /Applications is outside of the userspace and should not be used for user documents (like code files). These should ideally be moved to somewhere in /Users or into a directory specifically created for this purpose (such as /home or /shared). I'm particularly fond of having a /Users/Shared directory for sharing files between accounts.
