Getting User Email For Old Users On Yammer - yammer

I am trying to get historical data for all of our Yammer posts. We are very active, and like to look back sometimes. The data is loaded into a data warehouse.
For current messages, I get a list of users and then match messages against the user list. I can then use the email address as a unique identifier for the user (our users likes to change their names on the network to goofy names, or to someone else's name) to match it up with the rest of the user information we have for them.
The problem is that I when I start going back in time with the messages, the only information I get about a user is the ID and the username for users that are suspended or deleted. I can't seem to establish a way to match the username against a person. Some of the usernames contain periods (firstname.lastname), and other don't.
Is there any way to get the email address of the suspended/deleted user?


What is the "customer's user ID"?

In the Preventing duplicate Items article, it mentions that you can use a specific combination of fields to determine if there are duplicate items or not. And specifically OAuth institutions, it says the combination of fields are: customer's user ID and institution_id. I'm confused what the customer's user ID is. I'm not familiar with this identifier. Can somebody explain?
The customer's user ID would be a value in your own application's business logic, not part of the Plaid API. In most Plaid use cases, alongside an Item, you would typically store some kind of user id that associates it with a specific user in your system. The logic here is saying that if the same end user in your system has multiple Items with the same institution, they are probably duplicate Items.

How to store sessions of a telegram bot user in my db

I wanna code a telegram bot, so when I gonna receive messages from a user I should know about last message he/she sent to me and in which step does he/she located. So I should store sessions of the user (I understood this when I searched) but I don't know what exactly should I do?
I know I need a table in a db that stores UserId, ChatId but I don't know these:
How to make a root for steps and store them in db (I mean how do I understand where the user is located now)
What are other columns that I need to store as a session?
How many messages should I store in the database? And do I need one row for each message?
If you just have to store session in your database you don't need to store messages. Maybe you could want to store also messages but it's not necessarily related.
Let's assume you have a "preferences" menu in your bot where the user can write his input. You ask for the name, age, gender etc.
How do your know when the user writes the input of it's about the name or the gender etc?
You save sessions in your db. When the bot receives the message you check in what session the user is in to run the right function.
An easy solution could be a sql database.
The primary key column is the telegram user ID ( you additionally can add a chat id column if it's intended to work both in private and group chats) and a "session" column TEXT where you log user steps. The session column can be NULL by default. If the bot expects the gender (because the user issued /gender command) you can update the column "session" with the word "gender" so when the message arrives you know how to handle it checking the gender column of that user id and as soon as you runned the right function, you update to NULL again the column "session".
you can create a db with these columns.
UserID, ChatID, State, Name, Age, Gender ...
on each incoming update you will check if user exists on you db then check the user's State and respond appropriately and update the state at the end.

Apps activities - uniquely identify user

Is there any way how to uniquely identify user who caused an event? I want to extract all events from Appsactivity service, which belongs to specific user.
The problem is, that service.activities().list() returns also activities of other users of shared file, even if this request has set userId which indicates the user to return activity for. It returns all visible activities to given user and therefore it contains activities of other users.
I tried to filter list, but it seems to be impossible - events contains simple User object which does not have userId or userEmail.
One way is to compare user's photo url which is avalaible in appactivity User object. Note, that this can be done only if url is not null, otherwise it won't uniquely identify user.

Registering unique users on basis of emailid

I want to register users on the basis of their emaild ids on my website, assuming that there is one to one relationship between users and their emailid strings. But gmail doesn't recongnize .s in email ids. That means and are the same users (or emaild ids).
My concern is not just this one use case, it could be overcome by simply stripping the string of dots. Different email providers might be having different policies regarding email aliases and notations.
My question to community is is there any de facto rules/guidelines for creating unique users based on their email ids as their unique identifiers? Or has someone implemented this successfully before?
NOTES: I have checked a few websites that registers on the basis of email id. They seem consider two gmail ids with different combinations with .s as different email ids. That means same email account holder can possess two accounts on the same site, which I want to avoid.
IMPORTANT: Oauth/OpenID is not an option.
Try facebook login and get username from the facebook API. But if you dont want to access any secondary service for auth, then you might as well ask users to choose a username, and constrain uniqueness there. As far as i know there is nothing more you can do!
Hotmail for example allows you to have any string after a +
for eg. is same as

MVC3 User Authentication link

In my application I have an administrator who can create Tournament objects. When the object is created the service also creates a user (based on the tournament director's info which was entered at creation). The username for the user is the director's e-mail, the password is randomly generated and then mailed to the director.
When the director logs on with his e-mail address and password, I need to be able to link him to his own tournament, in order to only allow him to edit his own tournament's details. I have tried to find a way to store the TournamentId in the default ASP Net Users database, but was unsuccessful.
I had a look at this SO question which would certainly help me, but I can't figure out how it would apply to my problem. When the user logs on, I can't put the TournamentId in the userdata seeing as I don't know it.
Should I then do a lookup in the Tournament table to see which ID corresponds to the email address entered at login and store that in the userData? It seems quite unelegant this way.
I guess you should have a CreatedBy column in your Tournament table where you store the ID of the user who created the tournament. Then when the user logged in, get his id ( may be from session ,if you store it there), Do a select query where CreatedBy=loggedInUserId .That should do the trick.
