Ruby idiom for sorting on two fields - ruby

I need the Ruby idiom for sorting on two fields. In Python if you sort a list of two-element tuples, it sorts based on the first element, and if two elements are equal then the sort is based on the second element.
One example is the following sorting code in Python (word sort from longest to shortest and consider second element to break ties) from
txt = 'but soft what light in yonder window breaks'
words = txt.split()
t = list()
for word in words:
t.append((len(word), word))
res = list()
for length, word in t:
print res
What I came up in Ruby is the following code that uses structs
txt = 'but soft what light in yonder window breaks'
words = txt.split()
t = []
tuple =, :word)
for word in words
tpl =
tpl.len = word.length
tpl.word = word
t << tpl
t = t.sort {|a, b| a[:len] == b[:len] ?
b[:word] <=> a[:word] : b[:len] <=> a[:len]
res = []
for x in t
res << x.word
puts res
I would like to know if there are better ways (less code) to achieve this stable sort.

I think you're overthinking this.
txt = 'but soft what light in yonder window breaks'
lengths_words = {|word| [ word.size, word ] }
# => [ [ 3, "but" ], [ 4, "soft" ], [ 4, "what" ], [ 5, "light" ], ... ]
sorted = lengths_words.sort
# => [ [ 2, "in" ], [ 3, "but" ], [ 4, "soft" ], [ 4, "what" ], ... ]
If you really want to use Struct, you can:
tuple =, :word)
tuples = {|word|, word) }
# => [ #<struct length=3, word="but">, #<struct length=4, word="soft">, ... ]
sorted = tuples.sort_by {|tuple| [ tuple.length, tuple.word ] }
# => [ #<struct length=2, word="in">, #<struct length=3, word="but">, ... ]
This is equivalent:
sorted = tuples.sort {|tuple, other| tuple.length == other.length ?
tuple.word <=> other.word : tuple.length <=> other.length }
(Note that it's sort this time, not sort_by.)
...but since we're using a Struct we can make this nicer by defining our own comparison operator (<=>), which sort will invoke (the same works in any Ruby class):
tuple =, :word) do
def <=>(other)
[ length, word ] <=> [ other.length, other.word ]
tuples = {|word|, word) }
# => [ #<struct length=2, word="in">, #<struct length=3, word="but">, ... ]
There are other options for more complex sorting. If you wanted to get longest words first, for example:
lengths_words = {|word| [ word.size, word ] }
sorted = lengths_words.sort_by {|length, word| [ -length, word ] }
# => [ [ 6, "breaks" ], [ 6, "window" ], [ 6, "yonder" ], [ 5, "light" ], ... ]
tuple =, :word) do
def <=>(other)
[ -length, word ] <=> [ -other.length, other.word ]
end {|word|, word) }.sort
# => [ #<struct length=6, word="breaks">, #<struct length=6, word="window">, #<struct length=6, word="yonder">, ... ]
As you can see, I'm relying a lot on Ruby's built-in ability to sort arrays based on their contents, but you can also "roll your own" if you prefer, which might perform better with many, many items. Here's a comparison method that's equivalent to your t.sort {|a, b| a[:len] == b[:len] ? ... } code (plus a bonus to_s method):
tuple =, :word) do
def <=>(other)
return word <=> other.word if length == other.length
length <=> other.length
def to_s
"#{word} (#{length})"
sorted = {|word|, word) }.sort
puts sorted.join(", ")
# => in (2), but (3), soft (4), what (4), light (5), breaks (6), window (6), yonder (6)
Finally, a couple comments on your Ruby style:
You pretty much never see for in idiomatic Ruby code. each is the idiomatic way to do almost all iteration in Ruby, and "functional" methods like map, reduce and select are also common. Never for.
A great advantage of Struct is that you get accessor methods for each property, so you can do tuple.word instead of tuple[:word].
Methods with no arguments are called without parentheses:, not txt.split().map

Ruby makes this easy, using Enumerable#sort_by will and Array#<=> for sorting.
def sort_on_two(arr, &proc) { |e| [proc[e], e] }.reverse
txt = 'but soft what light in yonder window breaks'
sort_on_two(txt.split) { |e| e.size }
#=> ["yonder", "window", "breaks", "light", "what", "soft", "but", "in"]
sort_on_two(txt.split) { |e| e.count('aeiou') }
#=> ["yonder", "window", "breaks", "what", "soft", "light", "in", "but"]
sort_on_two(txt.split) { |e| [e.count('aeiou'), e.size] }
#=> ["yonder", "window", "breaks", "light", "what", "soft", "but", "in"]
Note that in recent versions of Ruby, can be written proc[e], proc.yield(e) or proc.(e).

UPDATE: my first answer was wrong (this time!), thanks to #mu is too short comment
Your code is ok to sort on two criteria, but if you just want to achieve the same result, the best is to do the following:
txt.split.sort_by{|a| [a.size,a] }.reverse
=> ["breaks", "window", "yonder", "light", "soft", "what", "but", "in"]
The first check will use the size operator, and if the result is zero, it will use the second one....
If you really want to keep your data structure, it's same principle:
t.sort_by{ |a| [a[:len],a[:word]] }.reverse


Convert a matrix into a hash data strucutre

i have a matrix like this
["name", "company1", "company2", "company3"],
["hr_admin", "Tom", "Joane", "Kris"],
["manager", "Philip", "Daemon", "Kristy"]
How can I convert into this data structure?
"company1" => {
"hr_admin"=> "Tom",
"manager" => "Philip"
"Company2" => {
"hr_admin"=> "Joane",
"manager" => "Daemon"
"company3" => {
"hr_admin"=> "Kris",
"manager" => "Kristy"
I have tried approach like taking out the first row of matrix (header) and zipping the rest o
f the matrix to change their position. It worked to some extent but it doesnt looks very good. So I am turning up here for help.
matrix[0][1...matrix[0].length] do |x,i|
values = matrix[1..matrix.length].map do |x|
[x[0], x[i+1]]
[x, values]
matrix[0].length and matrix.length could be omittable depending on ruby version.
First you take all elements of first row but first.
then you map them with index to e.g. [["hr_admin", "Tom"],["manager", "Phil"]] using the index
then you call to_h on every element and on whole array.
arr = [
["name", "company1", "company2", "company3"],
["hr_admin", "Tom", "Joane", "Kris"],
["manager", "Philip", "Daemon", "Kristy"]
Each key-value pair of the hash to be constructed is formed from the "columns" of arr. It therefore is convenient to compute the transpose of arr:
(_, *positions), *by_company = arr.transpose
#=> [["name", "hr_admin", "manager"],
# ["company1", "Tom", "Philip"],
# ["company2", "Joane", "Daemon"],
# ["company3", "Kris", "Kristy"]]
I made use of Ruby's array decomposition (a.k.a array destructuring) feature (see this blog for elabortion) to assign different parts of the inverse of arr to variables. Those values are as follows1.
_ #=> "name"
#=> ["hr_admin", "manager"]
#=> [["company1", "Tom", "Philip"],
# ["company2", "Joane", "Daemon"],
# ["company3", "Kris", "Kristy"]]
It is now a simple matter to form the desired hash. Once again I will use array decomposition to advantage.
by_company.each_with_object({}) do |(company_name, *employees),h|
h[company_name] =
#=> {"company1"=>{"hr_admin"=>"Tom", "manager"=>"Philip"},
# "company2"=>{"hr_admin"=>"Joane", "manager"=>"Daemon"},
# "company3"=>{"hr_admin"=>"Kris", "manager"=>"Kristy"}}
When, for example,
company_name, *employees = ["company1", "Tom", "Philip"]
#=> "company1"
#=> ["Tom", "Philip"]
h[company_name] =
h["company1"] = ["hr_admin", "manager"].zip(["Tom", "Philip"]).to_h
= [["hr_admin", "Tom"], ["manager", "Philip"]].to_h
= {"hr_admin"=>"Tom", "manager"=>"Philip"}
Note that these calculations do not depend on the numbers of rows or columns of arr.
1. As is common practice, I used the special variable _ to signal to the reader that its value is not used in subsequent calculations.

Ruby: Scanning strings for matching adjacent vowel groups

I am building a script to randomly generate words that sound like english. I have broken down a large number of english words into VCV groups.
...where the V's represent ALL the adjacent vowels in a word and the C represents ALL the adjacent consonants. For example, the English word "miniature" would become
"-mi", "inia", "iatu", and "ure". "school" would become "-schoo" and "ool".
These groups will be assembled together with other groups from other words with
the rule being that the complete set of adjacent ending vowels must match the
complete set of starting vowels for the attached group.
I have constructed a hash in the following structure:
pieces = {
:starters => { "-sma" => 243, "-roa" => 77, "-si" => 984, ...},
:middles => { "iatu" => 109, "inia" => 863, "aci" => 229, ...},
:enders => { "ar-" => 19, "ouid-" => 6, "ude" => 443, ...}
In order to construct generated words, a "starter" string would need to end with the same vowel grouping as the "middle" string. The same applies when connecting the "middle" string with the "ender" string. One possible result using the examples above would be "-sma" + "aba" + "ar-" to give "smabar". Another would be "-si" + "inia" + "iatu" + "ude" to give "siniatude".
My problem is that when I sample any two pieces, I don't know how to ensure that the ending V group of the first piece exactly matches the beginning V group of the second piece. For example, "utua" + "uailo" won't work together because "ua" is not the same as "uai". However, a successful pair would be "utua" + "uado" because "ua" = "ua".
def match(first, second)
end_of_first = first[/[aeiou]+$|[^aeiou]+$/]
start_of_second = second[/^[aeiou]+|^[^aeiou]+/]
end_of_first == start_of_second
match("utua", "uailo")
# => false
match("inia", "iatu")
# => true
EDIT: I apparently can't read, I thought you just want to match the group (whether vowel or consonant). If you restrict to vowel groups, it's simpler:
end_of_first = first[/[aeiou]+$/]
start_of_second = second[/^[aeiou]+/]
Since you're already pre-processing the dictionary, I suggest doing a little more preprocessing to make generation simpler. I have two suggestions. First, for the starters and middles, separate each into a tuple (for which, in Ruby, we just use a two-element array) of the form (VC, V), so e.g. "inia" becomes ["in", "ia"]:
starters = [
[ "-sm", "a" ],
[ "-r", "oa" ],
[ "-s", "i" ],
# ...
We store the starters in an array since we just need to choose one at random, which we can do with Array#sample:
starter, middle1_key = starters.sample
puts starter # => "-sm"
puts middle1_key # => "a"
We want to be able to look up middles by their initial V groups, so we put those tuples in a Hash instead, with their initial V groups as keys:
middles = {
"ia" => [
[ "iat", "u" ],
[ "iabl", "e" ],
"i" => [
[ "in", "ia" ],
# ...
"a" => [
[ "ac", "i" ],
# ...
# ...
Since we stored the starter's final V group in middle1_key above, we can now use that as a key to get the array of middle tuples whose initial V group matches, and choose one at random as we did above:
possible_middles1 = middles[middle1_key]
middle1, middle2_key = possible_middles1.sample
puts middle1 # => "ac"
puts middle2_key => "i"
Just for kicks, let's pick a second middle:
middle2, ender_key = middles[middle2_key].sample
puts middle2 # => "in"
puts ender_key # => "ia"
Our enders we don't need to store in tuples, since we won't be using any part of them to look anything up like we did with middles. We can just put them in a hash whose keys are the initial V groups and whose values are arrays of all of the enders with that initial V group:
enders = {
"a" => [ "ar-", ... ],
"oui" => [ "ouid-", ... ],
"u" => [ "ude-", ... ],
"ia" => [ "ial-", "iar-", ... ]
# ...
We stored the second middle's final V group in ender_key above, which we can use to get the array of matching enders:
possible_enders = enders[ender_key]
ender = possible_enders.sample
puts ender # => "iar-"
Now that we have four parts, we just put them together to form our word:
puts starter + middle1 + middle2 + ender
# => -smaciniar-
The data structures above omit the relative frequencies (I wrote the above before I had a chance to read your answer to my question about the numbers). Obviously it's trivial to also store the relative frequencies alongside the parts, but I don't know off the top of my head a fast way to then choose parts in a weighted fashion. Hopefully my answer is of some use to you regardless.
You can do that using the methods Enumerable#flat_map, String#partition, Enumerable#chunk and a few more familiar ones:
def combine(arr)
arr.flat_map { |s| s.partition /[^aeiou-]+/ }.
chunk { |s| s }.
map { |_, a| a.first }.
combine ["-sma", "aba", "ar-"]) #=> "smabar"
combine ["-si", "inia", "iatu", "ude"] #=> "siniatude"
combine ["utua", "uailo", "orsua", "uav-"] #=> "utuauailorsuav"
To see how this works, let's look at the last example:
arr = ["utua", "uailo", "orsua", "uav-"]
a = arr.flat_map { |s| s.partition /[^aeiou-]+/ }
#=> ["u", "t", "ua", "uai", "l", "o", "o", "rs", "ua", "ua", "v", "-"]
enum = a.chunk { |s| s }
#=> #<Enumerator: #<Enumerator::Generator:0x007fdd14963888>:each>
We can see the elements of this enumerator by converting it to an array:
#=> [["u", ["u"]], ["t", ["t"]], ["ua", ["ua"]], ["uai", ["uai"]],
# ["l", ["l"]], ["o", ["o", "o"]], ["rs", ["rs"]], ["ua", ["ua", "ua"]],
# ["v", ["v"]], ["-", ["-"]]]
b = { |_, a| a.first }
#=> ["u", "t", "ua", "uai", "l", "o", "rs", "ua", "v", "-"]
s = b.join
#=> "utuauailorsuav-"
#=> "utuauailorsuav"

Ruby: Sorting an array of strings, in alphabetical order, that includes some arrays of strings

Say I have:
a = ["apple", "pear", ["grapes", "berries"], "peach"]
and I want to sort by:
a.sort_by do |f|
f.class == Array ? f.to_s : f
I get:
[["grapes", "berries"], "apple", "peach", "pear"]
Where I actually want the items in alphabetical order, with array items being sorted on their first element:
["apple", ["grapes", "berries"], "peach", "pear"]
or, preferably, I want:
["apple", "grapes, berries", "peach", "pear"]
If the example isn't clear enough, I'm looking to sort the items in alphabetical order.
Any suggestions on how to get there?
I've tried a few things so far yet can't seem to get it there. Thanks.
I think this is what you want:
a.sort_by { |f| f.class == Array ? f.first : f }
I would do
a = ["apple", "pear", ["grapes", "berries"], "peach"] { |e| Array(e).join(", ") }.sort
# => ["apple", "grapes, berries", "peach", "pear"]
Array#sort_by clearly is the right method, but here's a reminder of how Array#sort would be used here:
a.sort do |s1,s2|
t1 = (s1.is_a? Array) ? s1.first : s1
t2 = (s2.is_a? Array) ? s2.first : s2
t1 <=> t2 {|e| (e.is_a? Array) ? e.join(', ') : e }
#=> ["apple", "grapes, berries", "peach", "pear"]
#theTinMan pointed out that sort is quite a bit slower than sort_by here, and gave a reference that explains why. I've been meaning to see how the Benchmark module is used, so took the opportunity to compare the two methods for the problem at hand. I used #Rafa's solution for sort_by and mine for sort.
For testing, I constructed an array of 100 random samples (each with 10,000 random elements to be sorted) in advance, so the benchmarks would not include the time needed to construct the samples (which was not insignificant). 8,000 of the 10,000 elements were random strings of 8 lowercase letters. The other 2,000 elements were 2-tuples of the form [str1, str2], where str1 and str2 were each random strings of 8 lowercase letters. I benchmarked with other parameters, but the bottom-line results did not vary significantly.
require 'benchmark'
# n: total number of items to sort
# m: number of two-tuples [str1, str2] among n items to sort
# n-m: number of strings among n items to sort
# k: length of each string in samples
# s: number of sorts to perform when benchmarking
def make_samples(n, m, k, s)
s.times.with_object([]) { |_, a| a << test_array(n,m,k) }
def test_array(n,m,k)
a = ('a'..'z').to_a
r = []
(n-m).times { r << a.sample(k).join }
m.times { r << [a.sample(k).join, a.sample(k).join] }
# Here's what the samples look like:
#=> [["bloj", "izlh", "tebz", ["lfzx", "rxko"], ["ljnv", "tpze"], "ryel"],
# ["jyoh", "ixmt", "opnv", "qdtk", ["jsve", "itjw"], ["pnog", "fkdr"]],
# ["sxme", ["emqo", "cawq"], "kbsl", "xgwk", "kanj", ["cylb", "kgpx"]],
# [["rdah", "ohgq"], "bnup", ["ytlr", "czmo"], "yxqa", "yrmh", "mzin"]]
n = 10000 # total number of items to sort
m = 2000 # number of two-tuples [str1, str2] (n-m strings)
k = 8 # length of each string
s = 100 # number of sorts to perform
samples = make_samples(n,m,k,s)'sort_by'.size) do |bm| 'sort_by' do
samples.each do |s|
s.sort_by { |f| f.class == Array ? f.first : f }
end 'sort' do
samples.each do |s|
s.sort do |s1,s2|
t1 = (s1.is_a? Array) ? s1.first : s1
t2 = (s2.is_a? Array) ? s2.first : s2
t1 <=> t2
user system total real
sort_by 1.360000 0.000000 1.360000 ( 1.364781)
sort 4.050000 0.010000 4.060000 ( 4.057673)
Though it was never in doubt, #theTinMan was right! I did a few other runs with different parameters, but sort_by consistently thumped sort by similar performance ratios.
Note the "system" time is zero for sort_by. In other runs it was sometimes zero for sort. The values were always zero or 0.010000, leading me to wonder what's going on there. (I ran these on a Mac.)
For readers unfamiliar with Benchmark, Benchmark#bm takes an argument that equals the amount of left-padding desired for the header row (user system...). takes a row label as an argument.
You are really close. Just switch .to_s to .first.
irb(main):005:0> b = ["grapes", "berries"]
=> ["grapes", "berries"]
irb(main):006:0> b.to_s
=> "[\"grapes\", \"berries\"]"
irb(main):007:0> b.first
=> "grapes"
Here is one that works:
a.sort_by do |f|
f.class == Array ? f.first : f
["apple", ["grapes", "berries"], "peach", "pear"] { |b| b.is_a?(Array) ? b.join(', ') : b }.sort
# => ["apple", "grapes, berries", "peach", "pear"]
Replace to_s with join.
a.sort_by do |f|
f.class == Array ? f.join : f
# => ["apple", ["grapes", "berries"], "peach", "pear"]
Or more concisely:
a.sort_by {|x| [*x].join }
# => ["apple", ["grapes", "berries"], "peach", "pear"]
The problem with to_s is that it converts your Array to a string that starts with "[":
"[\"grapes\", \"berries\"]"
which comes alphabetically before the rest of your strings.
join actually creates the string that you had expected to sort by:
which is alphabetized correctly, according to your logic.
If you don't want the arrays to remain arrays, then it's a slightly different operation, but you will still use join. {|x| [*x].join(", ") }.sort
# => ["apple", "grapes, berries", "peach", "pear"]
Sort a Flattened Array
If you just want all elements of your nested array flattened and then sorted in alphabetical order, all you need to do is flatten and sort. For example:
["apple", "pear", ["grapes", "berries"], "peach"].flatten.sort
#=> ["apple", "berries", "grapes", "peach", "pear"]

Ruby easy search for key-value pair in an array of hashes

Suppose I have this array of hashes:
{"href"=>"", "name"=>"Company", "id"=>123456789, "product"=>"campfire"},
{"href"=>"", "name"=>"Company", "id"=>123456789, "product"=>"bcx"},
{"href"=>"", "name"=>"Company", "id"=>123456789, "product"=>"highrise"}
How can I parse the "href" value of the hash where "product"=>"bcx"
Is there any easy way to do this in Ruby?
ary = [
{"href"=>"", "name"=>"Company", "id"=>123456789, "product"=>"campfire"},
{"href"=>"", "name"=>"Company", "id"=>123456789, "product"=>"bcx"},
{"href"=>"", "name"=>"Company", "id"=>123456789, "product"=>"highrise"}
p ary.find { |h| h['product'] == 'bcx' }['href']
# => ""
Note that this only works if the element exists. Otherwise you will be calling the subscription operator [] on nil, which will raise an exception, so you might want to check for that first:
if h = ary.find { |h| h['product'] == 'bcx' }
p h['href']
puts 'Not found!'
If you need to perform that operation multiple times, you should build yourself a data structure for faster lookup:
href_by_product = Hash[ { |h| h.values_at('product', 'href') }]
p href_by_product['campfire'] # => ""
p href_by_product['bcx'] # => ""

"natural" sort an array of hashes in Ruby

There are workable answers for sorting an array of hashes and for natural sorting, but what is the best way to do both at once?
my_array = [ {"id":"some-server-1","foo":"bar"},{"id":"some-server-2","foo":"bat"},{"id":"some-server-10","foo":"baz"} ]
I would like to sort on "id" such that the final ordering is:
I feel like there must be a clever and efficient way to do this, though personally I don't need to break any speed records and will only be sorting a few hundred items. Can I implement a comparison function in sort_by?
First of all, your my_array is JavaScript/JSON so I'll assume that you really have this:
my_array = [
{"id" => "some-server-1", "foo" => "bar"},
{"id" => "some-server-2", "foo" => "bat"},
{"id" => "some-server-10", "foo" => "baz"}
Then you just need to sort_by the numeric suffix of the 'id' values:
my_array.sort_by { |e| e['id'].sub(/^some-server-/, '').to_i }
If the "some-server-" prefixes aren't always "some-server-" then you could try something like this:
my_array.sort_by { |e| e['id'].scan(/\D+|\d+/).map { |x| x =~ /\d/ ? x.to_i : x } }
That would split the 'id' values into numeric and non-numeric pieces, convert the numeric pieces to integers, and then compare the mixed string/integers arrays using the Array <=> operator (which compares component-wise); this will work as long as the numeric and non-numeric components always match up. This approach would handle this:
my_array = [
{"id" => "some-server-1", "foo" => "bar"},
{"id" => "xxx-10", "foo" => "baz"}
but not this:
my_array = [
{"id" => "11-pancakes-23", "foo" => "baz"},
{"id" => "some-server-1", "foo" => "bar"}
If you need to handle this last case then you'd need to compare the arrays entry-by-entry by hand and adjust the comparison based on what you have. You could still get some of the advantages of the sort_by Schwartzian Transform with something like this (not very well tested code):
class NaturalCmp
include Comparable
attr_accessor :chunks
def initialize(s)
#chunks = s.scan(/\D+|\d+/).map { |x| x =~ /\d/ ? x.to_i : x }
def <=>(other)
i = 0
#chunks.inject(0) do |cmp, e|
oe = other.chunks[i]
i += 1
if(cmp == 0)
cmp = e.class == oe.class \
? e <=> oe \
: e.to_s <=> oe.to_s
my_array.sort_by { |e|['id']) }
The basic idea here is to push the comparison noise off to another class to keep the sort_by from degenerating into an incomprehensible mess. Then we use the same scanning as before to break the strings into pieces and implement the array <=> comparator by hand. If we have two things of the same class then we let that class's <=> deal with it otherwise we force both components to String and compare them as such. And we only care about the first non-0 result.
#mu gives a more than adequate answer for my case, but I also figured out the syntax for introducing arbitrary comparisons:
def compare_ids(a,b)
# Whatever code you want here
# Return -1, 0, or 1
sorted_array = my_array.sort { |a,b| compare_ids(a["id"],b["id"] }
I think that if you are sorting on the id field, you could try this:
my_array.sort { |a,b| a["id"].to_i <=> b["id"].to_i }
