Why are topic subscribers on the ActiveMQ admin UI constantly changing? - jms

I have a JMS non-durable topic with multiple subscribers (using ActiveMQ).
Each subscriber is a web application deployed on a separate Tomcat instance.
When a message arrives, I want it delivered to all subscribers (somewhat of a distributed cache implementation).
I've noticed that not always the message gets delivered to all subscribers. When looking at the ActiveMQ admin UI I see the list of topic subscribers (as well as the list of connections) constantly changing. E.g. I see 17 subscribers, I refresh the ActiveMQ admin UI, then I see 19 subscribers, I refresh again - I see 18 etc.
What's wrong? I know that all the tomcats are up all the time. My understanding of JMS topics is that if the application is up, the message should always get delivered. Have I misunderstood something? I see no logical reason for this subscriber 'flashing'.
P.S. I'd rather not try durable topics - I don't need the message delivered if the application is not up.


ActiveMQ Artemis - cannot see message or message counts in console, queues tab, although they have not yet been consumed

How can you see data accumulating in the ActiveMQ queues on the console? I have about 20-30 messages in ActiveMQ waiting for the Telegraph Listener to be activated.
However, when I look in the queues I don't see any numbers indicating there are messages in the queue. It's all zeros or ones. Despite that fact the actual functionality of durable message delivery is working.
Below is an image of what I see in the UI:
How do I view message counts/messages?
According to the screenshot all the InfluxData queues have consumers on them already which means the messages are almost certainly being consumed as they arrive. By default the console only refreshes every 5 seconds which means you may not be seeing the messages before they get consumed.
You should look at the view for the specific queue you're interested in and it will tell you how many messages have been added & consumed as well as how many are in delivery.

Apache Kafka: How to check, that an event has been fully handled?

I am facing an issue when decoupling two systems by an event/message broker like Apache Kafka. The issue is related to a frontend triggering actions in a backend:
How does the producer (frontend service) know, that the published event has been properly handled by all the backend services (as consumers), if the publisher does not know neither the "identities" nor the count of consuming backends?
To be precise: Users can change for example their email address using a frontend UI. An associated service publishes that "change request" event to an appropriate topic within Kafka. The UI form is then "locked" to prevent subsequent change requests, until the change event has been fully processed by every consumer. But it's unclear how to detect this state.
You can use another topic to publish handled jobs. So your front-end publishes to one topic and your back-end publishes to another once it is done.
In Kafka terms, neither the producer nor consumer are considered backend - they're both clients connecting to a broker, which is generally considered to be the backend.
A producer will know that it has produced a message successfully, by virtue of the acks setting. A consumer will read a message, and then at a later point, its offset will be updated to a point corresponding to the last message it read. However, there is generally no interaction between a producer and a consumer, and they are generally completely unaware of one another.

JMS topic time dependency

I don't quite understand what this means:
Each message may have multiple subscribers. There are time
dependencies that exist between publishers and subscribers;
subscribers to a topic may only consume messages
published after a subscription was created.
What does it mean that there exists "time dependencies"? The above says that "subscribers may only consume messages after a subscription was created", I think I'm missing something vital here because I understood that as a subscriber cannot consume a message that is not yet created (but isn't this common sense).
I couldn't find any explanation on Google, so thank you for any help!
Edit: I found an excellent channel on youtube explaining spring boot and other technologies. In particular, this video helped me understand the difference between Queue and Topic (also what durable subscriber is).
What does it mean that there exists "time dependencies"?
To understand this better, compare it with a JMS Queue in which the message broker preserves all the messages (till TimeToLive expiration) published by the producer even if there are NO consumers CREATED.
Now, coming to a JMS topic, the message broker DOES NOT preserve the messages published by the producer if there are NO subscribers CREATED.
During the creation of topic subscription, you can tell the Message Broker that I don't want to loose the messages for this topic published FROM NOW ON by creating the Topic subscription as non-durable (using topicSession.createDurableSubscriber() method). Again, even in the case of non-durable subscription, the broker preserves the messages published after (subscription creation time) till TimeToLive expiration.
Simply that if you publish messages in to the topic before the consumer has subscribed, they will not see the messages.
Similarly, this is related to persistent subscribers. Normal subscribers only see messages while they are connected to the broker. Any messages before or after the subscriber has disconnected, will not be see by the subscriber.
However, with a persistent subscription, a subscriber can disconnect, yet the broker will continue to keep messages destined for that subscriber. When the subscriber reconnects, it will fetch all of those stored messages as well as any new ones.

ActiveMQ not delivering/dispatching persistent messages on queues

I am using ActiveMQ v5.10.0 and having an issue almost every weekend where my ActiveMQ instance stops delivering persistent messages sent on queues to the consumers. I have not been able to figure out what could be causing this.
While the issue was happening I tried following things:
I added a new consumer on the affected queue but it didn't receive
any messages.
I restarted the original consumer but it didn't receive any messages after the restart.
I purged the messages that were held on the queue but then messages started accumulating again and broker didn't deliver any of the new messages. When I purged the expiry count didn't increase neither the dequeue and dispatch counters.
I sent 100 non-persistent messages on the affected queue, surprisingly it received those messages.
I tried sending 100 persistent messages on that queue, it didn't deliver anyone of them, all the messages were held by broker.
I created a fresh new queue and sent 100 persistent messages and none of them was delivered to the consumer whereas all the non-persistent messages were delivered.
The same things happen if I send persistent or non-persistent messages from STOMP producers. Surprisingly all this happened only for queues, topic consumers were able to receive persistent as well as non-persistent messages.
I have already posted this on ActiveMQ user forum: http://activemq.2283324.n4.nabble.com/Broker-not-delivering-persistent-messages-to-consumer-on-queue-td4691245.html but no one from ActiveMQ has suggested anything.
The jstack output also isn't very helping.
More details:
1. I am not using any selectors, message groups feature
2. I have disabled producer flow control in my setup
I want some suggestions as to what configuration values might cause this issue- memory limits, message TTL etc.

JMS durable subscriber persistent messages don't persist to the database

I am using weblogic 10.3 .
I am trying to configure a durable subscription with persistent messaged backed by a jdbc store (in Oracle DB). I have a topic to which an MDB is listening as a durable subscriber.
Under scenario-1 : If I send the message, it hits the MDB.
Under scenario-2 : I suspend the MDB hoping that the messages send to the topic will stay around as long as they don’t get consumed by the MDB (which is the only registered durable subscriber). But when I do send the message to the topic, it briefly shows up there and then it goes away (i see it using HermesJMS).
I was under the impression that the messages since they are not being consumed by the MDB will get logged into the JDBC store in this case but the the WLSTORE table in oracle db does not get any messages persisted in it either.
I later found out that the messages do show up in the topic > durable subscribers > Show messages in the admin console.
So apparantly what’s happening is topic doesn’t keep the message, but the durable subscription that’s registered under it, keeps it until the message does get consumed.
Question -1) But the fact that messages are not going to the Oracle based jdbc store, still doesn’t make sense ? What am I doing wrong here ?
Question -2) Even when I do resume the MDB to start listening for the messages, the topic keeps showing all the message still intact under the durable subscribers (in admin console) - I was hoping they will get removed from there as they got processed by the only registered durable subscriber.
Messages do not show up in the topic, since topics and queues are different communication models. Assume you have a durable topic with 2 (durable) subscribers: A and B. You want both of them to get the message. To ensure that, A and B both have to confirm they received the message.
This is also the reason why you get all message redelivered, after reconnecting, your MDB has to call commit() on the message, to tell the server it is done processing.
This also explains why the topic itself does not store messages, they are stored per durable consumer. Because A might commit the message, but B will not (might be "offline"). So you need a copy for each consumer.
I found a couple of interesting things in further testing -
for Question 1) _ Even if I don't configure the jdbc store for the JMS server in weblogic 10, it has its own default file store which is always working without any configuration. This file store is used for storing the persistent messages for durable subscriptions and that store will keep the messages around even across server restarts.
For more reading - http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E17904_01/web.1111/e13701/store.htm#i1130575
for Question 2)_ My MDB was expecting XML messages in certain format, during my testing to keep things simple, i started sending small text messages and forgot that they will not get processed successfully in the MDB. so the MDB was failing on all those messages, and rolling back the transaction which is why the messages were never getting removed when I resumed the MDB.
This pretty much answers both my questions.
