Berkeley DB JE environment locks - berkeley-db-je

I got a problem with berkeley environment. An application can write and read from the environment but when another application tries to retrieve from it,it cannot open the environment because it is locked. I have configured the retrieval process as read only. Any idea why is this so? Thanks.

Ensure setReadOnly(true) is called on both the StoreConfig and the EnvironmentConfig.


Is a Spring DriverManagerDataSource password stored in plaintext?

You can set a org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource user name and password with:
My question is - if I were to create an object this way, and then examine the memory of the machine this is running on, could I see the plaintext password?
If so, how can one securely create a database connection using a passed in password?
Sure. Create a complete heapdump of the process or JVM and you will be able to see it.
I don't know what operating system your application runs in or if it is standalone or run in container like Tomcat but exactly this is the reason why processes need to be separated.
You have to make sure that the file or JNDI configuration your password is stored in is only accessible by those processes / users that absolutely need access to them. And an additional layer of encryption will help too. There always will be someone (like root on Linux) who can read every process memory but your job is to keep the group of people being able to do this as small as possible.
Perhaps serverfault is a better place for asking or searching details about this. I am sure you can describe your environment (OS, container for your application, ...), try to get help for that setup.

Move records from Development to Production in CloudKit

I did something silly and made hundreds of records in Development environment in CloudKit. A previous thread mentioned that the records could be downloaded into a file and re-uploaded to the Production environment. Is there any other way I could do this, and if not, how would I go about downloading in records and storing it into a file?
Thanks in advance!
There is no option do do it in one run. You need one app that is connected to the development environment for reading your records. Then if you want to write to the production environment, you can only do that by re-signing your app. So indeed you first need to download all data, store them somewhere, and then writing them back to your production database.
Since the CKRecord complies to the NSCoding protocol you can write the results of your query directly to a file using:
NSKeyedArchiver.archiveRootObject(records, toFile: filePath)
Then if you want to read that file you can use:
result = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithFile(filePath)

JDBC via BPXBATCH - how to get TSO-user credentials?

I have a little java program that reads a db2 table via jdbc. This program is invoked via "tso bpxbatch myjavatool".
I wonder if there is the possibility to "pass" the username/password of my TSO user to the JDBC driver?
For example, if I connect to DB2 with a simple REXX script I don't have to specify my username/password again and DB2/RACF checks if my user is allowed to execute the SQLs.
Now my java tool is not running in my TSO address space but under the control of the J9 in the USS address space...
Is there also a way to automatically log in to DB2 with the current TSO user?
I don't know too much about BPXBATCH, but I assume you are still running under your own userid in the USS-address-space.
In your java-code you should be able to get your userid via
String user = System.getProperty("");
As for the password you could try using RACF-Passtickets instead. There is a library IRRRacf.jar in /user/include/java_classes and the corresponding javadoc in IRRRacfDoc.jar in the same directory. the code for generating the Passticket is rather simple:
IRRPassTicket generator = new IRRPassTicket();
String ptkt = generator.generate(user,applid);
then just pass the passticket instead of the password and you should be fine.
Alas, there's several aspects you have to make sure of before using this approach:
Set up RACF to use Passtickets for DB2 - it might already be configured, else you'll have to set up proper profiles in the PTKTDATA-class (See RACF-documentation for more details)
Make sure each user running the code has the proper RACF authorization to use the r_ticketserv callable service (again, see RACF documentation)
Find the correct application-name (applid) for your DB2-system. See the DB2-documentation about using passtickets.

VB6 application keeps lock on Access (.mdb) database after creation, causing an error 3028

Our application builds an Access database (.mdb) and then starts a different application with the Shell command which needs Read/Write Access to this very database. The problem is that on some systems our application seems erratically to retain an exclusive lock on the database, preventing the other application from accessing it. Only after closing down the first application can the other application proceed.
The specific Error that is raised is Error 3028, which seems to be specific for DAO 3.51 (Access '97) which we indeed employ. I cannot understand why some systems are affected (and then not consistently) and others never. I thought that it might be a timing issue and built in a Sleep period between building the database and launching the other application, but that does not help.
What is going on?
I now created a workaround by creating the database in a separate file and then copying it. Now the second program should always be able to access it and any remaining lock problems will surface in the first program, which I maintain. I will follow up later when our users have been able to test this.
Are you closing the connection to the DB before passing control to another EXE?
I had a similar issue previously which wasn't quite the same but from what you have described this is the approach I would try:
Before lauching the secondary application with the shell command.
Alongside the sleep period you have already employed you will also need to close the original program which generated the .mdb file.
I achieved this by shelling a windows batch file, and then immediately exiting the original program.
Batch file makeup as follows:
ping -n 5 localhost >NUL
start MSAccess.exe "C:\DB.mdb"
This allows 5 seconds for the mdb file to be freed-up before launching, you could replace my Ms Access call with your secondary program.

Can you connect to a MS Access database from Ruby running on a Mac?

I'm pretty sure the answer is "no" but I thought I'd check.
I have some legacy data in Access, need to get it into MySQL, which will be the DB server for a Ruby application that uses this legacy data.
Data has to be processed and transformed. Access and MySQL schemas are totally different. I want to write a rake task in Ruby to do the migration.
I'm planning to use the techniques outlined in this blog post: Using Ruby and ADO to Work with Access Databases. But I could use a different technique if it solves the problem.
I'm comfortable working on Unix-like computers, such as Macs. I avoid working in Windows because it fills me with deep existential horror.
Is there a practical way that I can write and run my rake task on my Mac and have it reach across the network to the grunting Mordor that is my Windows box and delicately pluck the data out like a team of commandos rescuing a group of hostages? Or do I have to just write this and run it on Windows?
Why don't you export it from MS-Access into Excel or CSV files and then import it into a separate MySQL database? Then you can rake the new one to your heart's content.
Mac ODBC drivers that open Access databases are available for about $30.00 is one. I just run access inside vmware on my mac and expore to csv/excel as CodeSlave mentioned.
ODBC might be handy in case you want to use the access database to do a more direct transfer.
Hope that helps.
I had a similar issue where I wanted to use ruby with sql server. The best solution I found was using jruby with the java jdbc drivers. I'm guessing this will work with access as well, but I don't know anything about access
