I can't make a basic project run with javaexe - windows

I created a basic program in order to see how to make javaexe run;
The program has to be a windows service and should display a icon on the taskbar, when one click in the menu item, a messageBox is displayed.
But it does not run, especially the icon is not displayed.
Do you know why?
here are my files:
the service:
package service;
* Created by User on 26/10/2014.
public class Exemple_ServiceManagement {
static Corps app=null;
public static boolean serviceInit (){
app=new Corps();
return true;
public static void serviceFinish (){
public static String[] serviceGetInfo (){
return new String[]{"mon exemple","test","pas auto",
the core part:
public class Corps extends Thread{
public boolean isEnd() {
return isEnd;
public void setEnd(boolean isEnd) {
this.isEnd = isEnd;
public boolean isEnd=false;
public Corps()
public void run(){
while (!isEnd){
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
and the taskbar part:
public class Exemple_TaskbarManagement {
public static void taskInit() {
public static String[][] taskGetMenu(boolean isRightClick, int menuID) {
return new String[][]
{"1", "test" , "", ""},
public static void taskDoAction (boolean isRightClick, int menuID){
if (!isRightClick && menuID==1){
javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Menu cliqué");
public static String[] taskGetInfo (){
return new String[]
"JavaExe : mon exemple",
finally, the output directory contains:
- the file "Exemple.exe" (the javaexe exe)
- the file "Exemple.jar", generated from the above sources, without manifest
- the file "Exemple.properties", here is it:
JREversion =
PersonalClasspath =
MainArgs =
MainClass =
PersonalOptions =
RunAsService =
RunType =1
ClassDirectory =
ResourceDirectory =
URL_InstallJRE =
Display_BoxInstall =
PathBrowser =
PathJRE =
my question is very simple : do you know what's going wrong?
ps : I had a look at the example files but I want to make a basic project, not take an other from somebody else, in order to understand what I do.


Player Name is not getting synced in unity multiplayer

Names are not getting synced for players across network.
Here is the code for syncing names -:
[SerializeField] private TMPro.TextMeshPro nameForThePlayer;
private NetworkVariable<FixedString64Bytes> playerName = new NetworkVariable<FixedString64Bytes>();
private void OnEnable()
playerName.OnValueChanged += playerNameHandler;
private void OnDisable()
playerName.OnValueChanged -= playerNameHandler;
public override void OnNetworkSpawn()
if (!IsOwner) { return; }
if (IsHost)
public void RequestSyncNamesServerRpc(ulong clientId)
private void SyncNames(ulong _clientId)
PlayerData? data = ServerGameNetPortal.GetassignedDataForClient(_clientId);
playerName.Value = data.Value.GetPlayerName;
private void playerNameHandler(FixedString64Bytes previousValue, FixedString64Bytes newValue)
nameForThePlayer.text = newValue.ToString();
Using Update instead of OnNetworkSpawn works but I don't want to do it in update as the names should only be synced during connecting only.
public override void OnNetworkSpawn()
if (!IsOwner)
if (IsHost)
[ServerRpc(RequireOwnership = false)]
public void RequestSyncNamesServerRpc(ulong clientId)
The above code works fine but in OnNetworkSpawn why are we checking it for other clients In the !isOwner block as network variable's value gets replicated for every other object spawning beside our object.Right?

Freemarker Debugger framework usage example

I have started working on a Freemarker Debugger using breakpoints etc. The supplied framework is based on java RMI. So far I get it to suspend at one breakpoint but then ... nothing.
Is there a very basic example setup for the serverpart and the client part other then the debug/imp classes supplied with the sources. That would be of great help.
this is my server class:
class DebuggerServer {
private final int port;
private final String templateName1;
private final Environment templateEnv;
private boolean stop = false;
public DebuggerServer(String templateName) throws IOException {
System.setProperty("freemarker.debug.password", "hello");
port = SecurityUtilities.getSystemProperty("freemarker.debug.port", Debugger.DEFAULT_PORT).intValue();
System.setProperty("freemarker.debug.password", "hello");
Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
// Some other recommended settings:
cfg.setIncompatibleImprovements(new Version(2, 3, 20));
Template template = cfg.getTemplate(templateName);
templateName1 = template.getName();
System.out.println("Debugging " + templateName1);
Map<String, Object> root = new HashMap();
Writer consoleWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(System.out);
templateEnv = new Environment(template, null, consoleWriter);
public void start() {
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, "FreeMarker Debugger Server Acceptor").start();
private void startInternal() {
boolean handled = false;
while (!stop) {
List breakPoints = DebuggerService.getBreakpoints(templateName1);
for (int i = 0; i < breakPoints.size(); i++) {
try {
Breakpoint bp = (Breakpoint) breakPoints.get(i);
handled = DebuggerService.suspendEnvironment(templateEnv, templateName1, bp.getLine());
} catch (RemoteException e) {
public void stop() {
this.stop = true;
This is the client class:
class DebuggerClientHandler {
private final Debugger client;
private boolean stop = false;
public DebuggerClientHandler(String templateName) throws IOException {
// System.setProperty("freemarker.debug.password", "hello");
// System.setProperty("java.rmi.server.hostname", "");
client = DebuggerClient.getDebugger(InetAddress.getByName("localhost"), Debugger.DEFAULT_PORT, "hello");
client.addDebuggerListener(environmentSuspendedEvent -> {
System.out.println("Break " + environmentSuspendedEvent.getName() + " at line " + environmentSuspendedEvent.getLine());
// environmentSuspendedEvent.getEnvironment().resume();
public void start() {
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, "FreeMarker Debugger Server").start();
private void startInternal() {
while (!stop) {
public void stop() {
this.stop = true;
public void addBreakPoint(String s, int i) throws RemoteException {
Breakpoint bp = new Breakpoint(s, i);
List breakpoints = client.getBreakpoints();
Liferay IDE (https://github.com/liferay/liferay-ide) has FreeMarker template debug support (https://issues.liferay.com/browse/IDE-976), so somehow they managed to use it. I have never seen it in action though. Other than that, I'm not aware of anything that uses the debug API.

Add terminate button to eclipse console

How can I add terminate button to eclipse console toolbar? I create console in this way:
IOConsole console = new IOConsole( name, null, null, true );
ConsolePlugin.getDefault().getConsoleManager().addConsoles( new IConsole[]{console} );
I found solution. Here is the code:
<instanceof value="com.plugin.console.Console"/>
Console class:
public class Console extends IOConsole {
public Console(String name, ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor) {
super(name, imageDescriptor);
public Console(String name, String consoleType, ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor, boolean autoLifeCycle) {
super(name, consoleType, imageDescriptor, autoLifeCycle);
Console Participant class:
public class ConsoleActions implements IConsolePageParticipant {
private IPageBookViewPage page;
private Action remove, stop;
private IActionBars bars;
private IConsole console;
public void init(final IPageBookViewPage page, final IConsole console) {
this.console = console;
this.page = page;
IPageSite site = page.getSite();
this.bars = site.getActionBars();
bars.getMenuManager().add(new Separator());
IToolBarManager toolbarManager = bars.getToolBarManager();
toolbarManager.appendToGroup(IConsoleConstants.LAUNCH_GROUP, stop);
private void createTerminateAllButton() {
ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor = ImageDescriptor.createFromFile(getClass(), "/icons/stop_all_active.gif");
this.stop = new Action("Terminate all", imageDescriptor) {
public void run() {
//code to execute when button is pressed
private void createRemoveButton() {
ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor = ImageDescriptor.createFromFile(getClass(), "/icons/remove_active.gif");
this.remove= new Action("Remove console", imageDescriptor) {
public void run() {
//code to execute when button is pressed
public void dispose() {
remove= null;
stop = null;
bars = null;
page = null;
public Object getAdapter(Class adapter) {
return null;
public void activated() {
public void deactivated() {
private void updateVis() {
if (page == null)
boolean isEnabled = true;

display image in GWT

I have created a widget to display the slideshow.In firefox,everything is fine but in chrome nothing happens. After I refresh with many times, the slideshow is displayed. I don't know Why. Can you give me some ideas? Tks
This is my GWT client:
public SlideClient() {
public void updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client) {
this.client = client;
this.paintableId = uidl.getId();
listImage = Arrays.asList(uidl.getStringArrayAttribute("listImage"));
listUrl = Arrays.asList(uidl.getStringArrayAttribute("listUrl"));
public void display() {
public native void slideshow() /*-{
$wnd.$('.flexslider').flexslider({slideshowSpeed: 2000});
public native String getURL(String url)/*-{
return $wnd.open(url,
private Timer checkImagesLoadedTimer = new Timer() {
public void run() {
if (loadedImageElements.size() == toLoad) {
} else {
add(new Label("đang load "+loadedImageElements.size()));
private void loadImage() {
for (String tmp : listImage) {
AbsolutePanel panel = new AbsolutePanel();
final Image ima = new Image(tmp);
add(new Label("before put"));
ima.addLoadHandler(new LoadHandler() {
public void onLoad(LoadEvent event) {
loadedImageElements.put(toLoad+"", ima);
add(new Label("đang put "+loadedImageElements.size()));
add(new Label("after put"));
if (toLoad != 0) {
Did you implement an Image Loader to prepare your images before they are displayed? A clean solution would be to add the image elements to your page root as an invisible istance, wait for them to load and then use them elsewhere.
You should check out the tutorials about ImageBundling as well: ImageResource
Here's a little extract from one of my image loader classes as you requested, altough there are different ways to realize that:
private HashMap<String,ImageElement> loadedImageElements = new HashMap<String,ImageElement>();
private int toLoad = 0;
private void loadImage(final String name, String url){
final Image tempImage = new Image(url);
tempImage.addLoadHandler(new LoadHandler(){
public void onLoad(LoadEvent event) {
The image url is retrieved via a ClientBundle-Interface pointing towards the real positions of the images.
I also implemented a timer running in the background to check if all the images have been loaded:
private Timer checkImagesLoadedTimer = new Timer(){
public void run() {
System.out.println("Loaded " + loadedImageElements.size() + "/" + toLoad + " Images.");
if(loadedImageElements.size() == toLoad){
After everythign is ready, the original widget/page is created.
But as I said there are many ways to implement image loaders. Try out different implementations and select one that suits your needs best.

GWT retrieve list from datastore via serviceimpl

Hi I'm trying to retrieve a linkedhashset from the Google datastore but nothing seems to happen. I want to display the results in a Grid using GWT on a page. I have put system.out.println() in all the classes to see where I go wrong but it only shows one and I don't recieve any errors. I use 6 classes 2 in the server package(ContactDAOJdo/ContactServiceImpl) and 4 in the client package(ContactService/ContactServiceAsync/ContactListDelegate/ContactListGui). I hope someone can explain why this isn't worken and point me in the right direction.
public class ContactDAOJdo implements ContactDAO {
public LinkedHashSet<Contact> listContacts() {
PersistenceManager pm = PmfSingleton.get().getPersistenceManager();
String query = "select from " + Contact.class.getName();
System.out.print("ContactDAOJdo: ");
return (LinkedHashSet<Contact>) pm.newQuery(query).execute();
public class ContactServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements ContactService{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private ContactDAO contactDAO = new ContactDAOJdo() {
public LinkedHashSet<Contact> listContacts() {
LinkedHashSet<Contact> contacts = contactDAO.listContacts();
System.out.println("service imp "+contacts);
return contacts;
public interface ContactService extends RemoteService {
LinkedHashSet<Contact> listContacts();
public interface ContactServiceAsync {
void listContacts(AsyncCallback<LinkedHashSet <Contact>> callback);
public class ListContactDelegate {
private ContactServiceAsync contactService = GWT.create(ContactService.class);
ListContactGUI gui;
void listContacts(){
contactService.listContacts(new AsyncCallback<LinkedHashSet<Contact>> () {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
System.out.println("delegate "+caught);
public void onSuccess(LinkedHashSet<Contact> result) {
System.out.println("delegate "+result);
public class ListContactGUI {
protected Grid contactlijst;
protected ListContactDelegate listContactService;
private Label status;
public void init() {
status = new Label();
contactlijst = new Grid();
status.setText("Contact list is being retrieved");
public void service_eventListRetrievedFromService(LinkedHashSet<Contact> result){
System.out.println("1 service eventListRetreivedFromService "+result);
status.setText("Retrieved contactlist list");
this.contactlijst.resizeRows(1 + result.size());
int row = 1;
this.contactlijst.setWidget(0, 0, new Label ("Voornaam"));
this.contactlijst.setWidget(0, 1, new Label ("Achternaam"));
for(Contact contact: result) {
this.contactlijst.setWidget(row, 0, new Label (contact.getVoornaam()));
this.contactlijst.setWidget(row, 1, new Label (contact.getVoornaam()));
System.out.println("voornaam: "+contact.getVoornaam());
System.out.println("2 service eventListRetreivedFromService "+result);
public void placeWidgets() {
System.out.println("placewidget inside listcontactgui" + contactlijst);
public void service_eventListContactenFailed(Throwable caught) {
status.setText("Unable to retrieve contact list from database.");
It could be the query returns a lazy list. Which means not all values are in the list at the moment the list is send to the client. I used a trick to just call size() on the list (not sure how I got to that solution, but seems to work):
public LinkedHashSet<Contact> listContacts() {
final PersistenceManager pm = PmfSingleton.get().getPersistenceManager();
try {
final LinkedHashSet<Contact> contacts =
(LinkedHashSet<Contact>) pm.newQuery(Contact.class).execute();
contacts.size(); // this triggers to get all values.
return contacts;
} finally {
But I'm not sure if this is the best practice...
