How to mirror flip animation curves in Unity? - animation

I have a animation that moves my camera from left to right. Now I'd like to copy it with 'mirror' transformation so I can use it to move from right to left.
Is it possible to do it using script or purely in editor?

go to your animation clip and check the mirror box


Position of player changes when the attack animation starts - unity

So I did an attack animation in the program Aseprite and everything was fine with the animation, but when I put in inside the animator in unity the character changes position.
Here's the images, first one is a gif with the animation running as I want, and then the before and after of the animation in Unity.
I know it's small but I hope you can see
This is because it's setting the center point at the location, and the gif is wider than the standard player image, you will need to offset to compensate.
So I just sliced the sprites again but with the pivot to the left instead of center, and then adjusted the Collider. It seems to work. Not sure if it's the perfect way though.

Why is the animation playing wierd when I check the root motion check box?

So basically I want to make a prefab (a cat) climb a wall, I wanna do it with basic root motion animation. Since I am new with unity and is my first time doing this I decided that I need to do a little bit of testing without any complicated animations, that being said, I made a simple animation, just moving the cat prefab, in the animation clip the cat is moving one meter on the +z axis.
When I play the animation without the "Root Motion" check box checked it works just fine, but when I play it with root motion active (by the way, I checked the root motion check box and I clicked on "Generate Root Motion Curves") it plays in a different way. Instead of moving on the +z axis is moving on the -Z with a shorter distance and a shorter time as well and on the +y axis it moves a much shorter distance (I forgot to mention that I moved the prefab on the y axis as well, to simulate a very basic "jump" so to speak). I am using an animator to trigger the animation right when the game starts and the animation is set to loop.
Why does it do that and how can I fix it so the animation is played with root motion exactly like it plays without the "Root Motion" check box checked? What am I doing wrong?
The problem isnt with your animation. The issue is that Root Motion uses the animation to calculate the movement.
If your script is telling the cat to move, and root motion is telling the cat to move, there will be a conflict. When using root motion, comment out the portion of your script that is telling the player to move one meter.
This should allow unity to do its calculation and move the prefab accordingly. For an in depth explanation, see

Why does the root motion animation make the prefab move in the opposite direction?

So basically I want to make a prefab (a cat) climb a wall, I wanna do it with basic root motion animation. Since I am new with unity and is my first time doing this I decided that I need to do a little bit of testing without any complicated animations, that being said, I made a simple animation, just moving the cat prefab, in the animation clip, the cat is moving on the +z axis.
HOWEVER, when I check the "root motion" check box and I click "Generate root motion curves" , instead of moving on the +z axis the cat is now moving on the -z axis, even if the cat is animated to move on the +z axis. Why is this happening and how can I fix it?
Maybe your model is using different axys coordinates than Unity's. Blender for example has that problem.
I found the problem, I only used the position of the object in the unity animation, using the position PLUS the rotation will fix the problem.

Flip 2D asymmetric animation in Unity3D

I want to flip my 2D character (asymmetric) from right to left using the animator in Unity3D
I have the sprite sheet with both left and right sprites and I did a controller with the animations facing right, now I need to flip the animations to the other side
Sprite sheet with both animations left and right
Animation controller with animations facing right
Make my character change animations facig right to facing left and viceversa
I'm aware of the code to change the local scale, but I'm not interested in changing scale, I'm looking for a way to flip the animation
You can flip the animations changing the x/y scale from positive to negative. Why you are not interest in changing the scale? You can flip the animations with this method.
Sorry for my English and good luck.

Remove speed ease from animation in Blender 2.5

By default Blender adds speed easing to the animation. I need to remove it to get consistent rotation speed on my model. How/Where can I modify ease curve?
You are able to edit the key frame interpolation in the graph editor. Select your object and then choose the graph editor in the selection box at the bottom left of the screen. You can then zoom out using the scroll wheel to see the curve. You are able to edit the points by clicking them with the right mouse button and moving them with the left.
