JavaFX-8 - How to get the row count of a TableView? - tableview

How is it possible to get the number of rows of a TableView in a TableCell? I tried .getTableRow(), but that isn't what I need. I need it to find out, if the TableCell is the last Cell in the TableView.
Or is there another way to figure this out?

Found the solution on my own. I'm very ashamed. :-)
That's it.


Swift increasing the width of tableview cell.textlabel

I've tried adding a prototype cell and a label to it, among other approaches but can't seem to get there.
My table ends up displaying a couple of words followed by ... with most of the row empty.

Cocoa - Reorder NSTableView columns programmatically

I have an NSTableView with 4 columns. I would like to control the order of each column from code.
Any idea how to achieve this ?
thanks in advance.
Answered my own question: I used 'moveColumn' to achieve it.

Single cell selection NSTableView

There are a few google results for this question but they are ancient and didn't really help. So I'm asking again for modern uses, how can I set up selection for a single row and column. Like the Numbers app. So the row/column its self is not highlighted but the focus ring is drawn for the row, column that was selected.
I'm open to Cell based or View based implementation. I have tried doing things inside the
- (void)tableViewSelectionDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification
but haven't been able to get things working or looking nice.
Has anyone done this, is there a better view architecture for this?

Create two rows in NSTableView in cocoa

I have a NSTableView with one column. As we know in cocoa, Table is column base. I want to create a login screen in cocoa with the help of table view in which there are two rows, one for username and another for password. I want to know how I use custom table in cocoa to create two rows.
Please help me out. Any help is appreciated.
1) Read the documentation and search Google for any one of thousands of examples for implementing the NSTableViewDataSource protocol. Post back with specific questions if you run into problems.
2) Reconsider why you chose NSTableView rather than standard textfields and labels or NSForm or even NSMatrix. Using an NSTableView in this way is not only strange but its implementation will be clunky and weird.
Let me back that last point up a bit. Dialogs - modal or not - usually only have a few fields. That's what fields and labels are for. If you find yourself dealing with a lot of same-type input fields, NSForm is a better fit but has a few gotcha's in your case. An NSTableView shows tables and a single column of two or three individually-labeled fields is not really a table. Just use text field and password field, slap labels on them, and be done with it. :-)

Top padding in NSTableView Cell

I want to add some space from top in NSTextFieldCell, I have searched , i found there is way with subclassing. But by this way my touch event for table doesn't work. if i use TextFieldCell's touch events then also i can't find real data according to cell for deletion and other actions.
So this will be better if there is possible way for doing this. Thanks a lot.
