Is there a Hive equivalent of SQL “LIKE ANY ( SUBQUERY )” - syntax

While Hive doesn't supports multi-value LIKE queries which are supported in SQL : ex.
SELECT * FROM user_table WHERE first_name LIKE ANY ( 'root~%' , 'user~%' );
We can convert it into equivalent HIVE queries as :
SELECT * FROM user_table WHERE first_name LIKE 'root~%' OR first_name LIKE 'user~%'
Does anyone know an equivalent solution that Hive does support in case sub-query is used with LIKE ? Have a look at below example :
SELECT * FROM user_table WHERE first_name LIKE ANY ( SELECT expr FROM exprTable);
As It doesn't have values in expression, I can't use same approach for generating multiple LIKE expression separated with OR / AND operator. Initially I thought to write HIVE UDF for it ? Can you please help me supporting such expression and finding HIVE equivalent ?

You can use Hive's RLIKE relational operator as shown below,
SELECT * FROM user_table WHERE first_name RLIKE 'root~|user~|admin~';
Hope this helps!

This is a case involving theta joins in Hive. There is a wiki page for this and a jira request. Please go through the details here on this page:
Your case is similar to the Side-Table Similarity case given on the page.

You need to convert the expr values into a map and then use regular expression to find the like. Alternatively you can also use union all with all the like expressions in separate SQL - the query might become tedious so you can programatically generate it.

What about this using EXISTS
SELECT * FROM user_table WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM exprTable WHERE first_name LIKE expr );


How to retrieve data from 3 tables using sub query oracle SQL

I want to retrieve users name and there responsibility_key where there end_date is null and i want to convert it to (sysdate+1) using nvl but i am only able to retrieve the responsibility_key not the name please help.
The error in the image says "column ambiguously defined". Take a close look. Your last END_DATE could refer to either the u alias or the table from the subquery. Change it to match the rest of your subquery (FIND_USER_GROUPS_DIRECT.END_DATE)
Your query is
select u.USER_NAME, d.responsibility_key from FND_USER u,FND_RESPONSIBILITY_VL d
where responsibility_id in(
select responsibility_id from
The query isn't formatted, which makes it hard to read.
Not all columns are qualified with table name (or aliases), as mentioned in the comments.
The query currently uses an implicit join.
The query is impossible to understand without seeing the table definitions (desc [table_name]).
For points 1 and 2, a properly formatted query will look something like
select u.user_name, d.responsibility_key
fnd_user u,
fnd_responsibility_vl d
d.responsibility_id in (
select urgd.responsibility_id
fnd_user_resp_groups_direct urgd
urgd.end_date = nvl(u.end_date, sysdate+1)
) and
u.end_date = nvl(urgd.end_date, sysdate + 1)
This makes it easier to read and in addition to this, you can see that without table definitions I guessed (see point 4) as to which tables the end_date column belongs in your query. If I had to guess, so does Oracle. That means you have an ambiguity problem. To fix it, take a close look at the end_date column as it appears in your original query and where you do not prefix it with anything, you need to prefix it with the appropriate alias (after you have aliased all your tables).
For point 3, you can write your query more clearly with an explicit join and by using aliases for all columns. As for the explicit join I have no idea what your tables look like but one possibility is something like
select u.user_name, d.responsibility_key
from fnd_user u
join fnd_responsibility_vl d
on = d.user_id
d.responsibility_id in (
select responsibility_id
from fnd_user_resp_groups_direct urgd
urgd.end_date = nvl(u.end_date, sysdate+1)
) and
u.end_date = nvl(urgd.end_date, sysdate+1)
If you follow these points you will get to the root of the error.

Regular Expressions Oracle

I want to find regular expression [.-] in field filial_name.
select uc.filial_name from MYTABLE uc
where regexp_like(uc.filial_name , '[.-]');
select uc.filial_name from MYTABLE uc
where uc.filial_name like '%[.-]%';
The first variant is working. But the second is not.
How to fix second variant ?
Second expression isn't regex , it is normal search and should be used be like '%text%' .
Try this
SELECT uc.filial_name FROM MYTABLE uc
where uc.filial_name like '%.-%';

HIve join without common filed

I have the following tables:
user_name Url
Keyword category
cric sports
footbal sports
google search
I want to search Table1 by matching the keyword in Table2. I can perform the same using case statement and the query works but it is not the right approach because each time I have to add the case statement when I will add new search keyword.
select user_name from table1
case when url like '%cric%' then sports
else 'undefined'
end as category
from table1;
Thanks find the soluntions for this approach. FIrst we need to do the Join and after that we need to filter the record.
select user_name,url,Keyword,catagory from(select table1.user_name,table1.url ,table2.keyword,table2.catagory from table1 left outer join table2)a where a.url like (concat('%',a.phrase,'%')
Not sure about more current versions, but I've run into a similar problem... the primary issue is that Hive only supports equi-join statements... when you apply logic to either side of the join, it has difficulty translating into a Map Reduce function.
The alternative method, if you have a reliably structured field, is that you can create a matching key from the larger field. For example, if you know that you're looking for your keyword to exist in the second position of a dot-delimited URI, you could do something like:
, split(Uri, "\\.")[1] as matchKey
join Table2 on Table2.keyword = Table1.matchKey

query xmltable oracle 10g

I have a query that used XML input to generate a XML table, I give that table an alias "XMLalias". How can I query this table in some other select statement, which is part of same batch.
I want to do something like " select * from XMLalias ".
I am new to oracle so please excuse if this is something really simple.
im not sure what you need exactly as i figure what you want is one of this two:
select * from
(select * from XMLalias ) insider
where insider.col1 /*.....*/
Or you wanted someting like that
select *
from XMLalias a,
XMLalias b
where a.key_col=b.other_key_col
and a.col1 = /*...... */
and b.col2 = /*...... */

Forcing an index in oracle

I have a query joining lots of fields. For some strange reason the index for one table is not being used at all( I use the index key clearly), instead it is doing a FULL table scan. I would like to force the index. We used to do optimizer hints in sybase. Is there a similar hint available in oracle?
For example, in sybase to join tables a, b, c and use myindex in table a, I would do :
FROM a(INDEX myindex),
WHERE a.field1 = b.field1
AND b.field1 = c.field1
Question is how do I do this in oracle.
Yes, there is a hint like that in Oracle. It looks something like this:
select /*+ index(a my_index) */ from a
