Utilizing Bash Completion in a script - bash

I have a script which takes a UUID as the argument. When I run it manually I can access it using custom tab completion I have written. Is there a way of accessing this completion in a shell script?
~/myscript stop 0011<tab>
It will complete to:
~/myscript stop 0011-1111-1111-1111
For example:
echo "~/myscript stop \t" | bash -i
The bash completion is already written. I'm currently executing it in another interactive shell, is there a way of executing this is the same shell?

I'm not sure why you can't just put the full UUID into your script. But I expect that you can do what you want to do using the bash compgen builtin.
I haven't played with compgen much and I've never used custom tab completion, so I can't give you detailed instructions, but using compgen to generate a list of possible filename completions is easy enough.
Eg, in my home directory,
compgen -f .ba


How to get tab completion for $PATH as an argument in a bash script?

I have a very simple script that benchmark apps using the Vulkan API. it takes an argument from $1:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
To use it, I run benchmark-app example-game. It will take the argument and execute as expected, but when using tab completion it looks in ./ not $PATH.
I got tab completion working using GNU's complete command. I created the file /etc/bash_completion.d/benchmark-app and added this line: complete -F _command benchmark-app.

How do you load bash_profile for bash commands run from perl script?

I wrote simple command that lets me run the last N commands from terminal history. It looks like this: $> r 3 which will replay the last 3 commands.
I have the following alias in my bash profile:
alias r="history -w; runlast $1"
And then the following simple perl script for the runlast command:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my $lines = $ARGV[0] || exit;
my #last_commands = split /\n/,
`bash -ic 'set -o history; history' | tail -$lines`;
#last_commands =
grep { $_ !~ /(^r |^history |^rm )/ }
map { local $_ = $_; s/^\s+\d+\s+//; $_ }
foreach my $cmd (#last_commands) {
This works but my bash profile has aliases and other features (e.g. color output) I want the perl script to have access to. How do I load the bash profile for perl so it runs the bash commands with my bash profile? I read somewhere that if you "source the bash profile" for perl you can get it to work. So I tried adding source ~/.bash_profile; to my r command alias but that didn't have an effect. I'm not sure if I was doing that correctly, though.
The system forks a process in which it runs a shell, which is non-login and non-interactive; so no initialization is done and you get no aliases. Also note that the shell used is /bin/sh, which is generally a link to another shell. This is often bash but not always, so run bash explicitly.
To circumvent this you need to source the file with aliases, but as bash man page says
Aliases are not expanded when the shell is not interactive, unless the expand_aliases shell option is set using shopt (see the description of shopt under SHELL BUILTIN COMMANDS below).
Thus you need shopt -s expand_aliases, as mentioned. But there is another screw: on that same physical line aliases are not yet available; so it won't work like this in a one-liner.
I'd also recommend to put aliases in .bashrc, or in a separate file that is sourced.
Add shopt -s expand_aliases to your ~/.bashrc, and before the aliases are defined (or the file with them sourced), and run bash as a login shell
system('/bin/bash', '-cl', 'source ~/.bashrc; command');
where -l is short for --login.
In my tests the source ~/.bashrc wasn't needed; however, the man page says
When bash is invoked as an interactive login shell, or as a non-interactive shell with the --login option, it first reads and executes commands from the file /etc/profile, if that file exists. After reading that file, it looks for ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile, in that order, and reads and executes commands from the first one that exists and is readable.
and goes on to specify that ~/.bashrc is read when an interactive shel that is not login runs. So I added explicit sourcing.
In my tests sourcing .bashrc (with shopt added) while not running as a login shell didn't work, and I am not sure why.
This is a little heavy-handed. Also, initialization may be undesirable to run from a script.
Source ~/.bashrc and issue shopt command, and then a newline before the command
system('/bin/bash', '-c',
'source ~/.bashrc; shopt -s expand_aliases\ncommand');
Really. It works.
Finally, is this necessary? It asks for trouble, and there is probably a better design.
Other comments
The backticks (qx) is context-aware. If it's used in list context – its return assigned to an array, for example – then the command's output is returned as a list of lines. When you use it as the argument for split then it is in the scalar context though, when all output is returned in one string. Just drop split
my #last_commands = `bash -ic 'set -o history; history $lines`;
where I also use history N to get last N lines. In this case the newlines stay.
history N returns last N lines of history so there is no need to pipe to last
Regex substitution in a map can be done without changing the original
map { s/^\s+\d+\s+//r } #last_commands;
With /r modifier the s/// operator returns the new string, not changing the original. This "non-destructive substitution" has been available since v5.14
No need to explicitly use $_ in the last grep, and no need for parenthesis in regex
grep { not /^r |^history |^rm ?/ } ...
grep { not /^(?:r|history|rm)[ ]?/ } ...
where parens are now needed, but as it is only for grouping the ?: makes it not capture the match. I use [ ] to emphasize that that space is intended; this is not necessary.
I also added ? to make space optional since history (and r?) may have no space.
The proper solution is to have your Perl script just print the commands, and make your current interactive shell eval the string printed from your history. (I would probably get rid of Perl entirely but that's beside the point here.)
If the commands get evaluated in the current shell, you avoid many contextual problems which would be very hard or even intractable with system() or generally anything involving a new process. For example, a subprocess cannot have access to non-exported variables in the current shell. var="foo", echo "$var"; r 1 is going to be very hard to solve correctly with your current approach. Using the current interactive shell will also naturally and easily solve the problems you were having with trying to get a noninteractive subshell act like an interactive one.
Aliases suck anyway, so let's redefine r as a function:
history -w
eval $(printlast "$1")
... where refactoring runlast into a different script printlast is a trivial additional requirement. Or maybe just turn it into a (much simpler!) shell function:
printlast () {
history "$1" |
perl -ne 's/^\s*\d+\s+\*?//; print unless m/^(history|rm?)($|\s)'
With this, you can also get rid of history -w from the r definition.
Notice how we are using Perl where it is useful; but the main functionality makes sense to keep in the shell when you're dealing with the shell.
You can't source in a Bash script into a Perl script. The bash_profile has to be sourced in by the shell that executes the command. When Perl runs system, it forks a new shell each time.
You have to source in the bash_profile for each command that you run through system:
system('source ~/.bash_profile; ' + $cmd);
One more thing, system invokes a non-interactive shell. So, your Bash aliases defined in .bash_profile won't work unless you invoke:
shopt -s expand_aliases
inside that script

From a script, how can I check if a function would exist in an interactive shell?

I'm writing a setup file for some wrapper scripts, and mapping these scripts to completions for underlying commands.
In my .bash_profile, this maps git's completions to git_wrapper:
complete -F _git git_wrapper
In my setup.sh, the following does not work because the script is not interactive (type _git fails because _git is not available in non-interactive shells):
if type _git &>/dev/null && ! grep "complete.*_git git_wrapper" ~/.bash_profile &>/dev/null ; then
echo "complete -F _git git_wrapper" >> ~/.bash_profile
From within setup.sh, how can I check if the _git completion would be available to an interactive shell?
From a script, how can I check if a function would exist in an interactive shell?
You can test whether a function would exist in an interactive shell by running an interactive shell (see below) and looking for it.
Note that "interactive" is a defined term here. On one hand, a shell is "interactive" if it is started without any non-option arguments and without the -c option, and its standard input and error are both connected to terminals. That's natural, but not so useful for your purpose. On the other hand, however, a shell is also "interactive" if it is started with the -i option, all other considerations aside. Your script can use that to perform your test in an interactive subshell, but perhaps more usefully, you can use that to make part or all of your script itself run in an interactive shell.

Bash interactive and non-interactive shell behaviour

I have a hard time with interactive and non-interactive shells. I don't understand which is which.
For example, I have read that non interactive shells usually check for the BASH_ENV variable on their startup and execute whatever it points to.
So, what I did is I set the BASH_ENV to point to some script which only echoes OK. Then I typed in bash in terminal and this script echoed OK. But why? Didn't I call yet another INTERACTIVE shell by typing bash in terminal, and not the other way around? Why did it execute the bash_env? I'm on linux mint maya.
The only thing you can be certain of is what's shown in the manpage for bash (see INVOCATION) - that lists in details what startup files are run in each instance.
However, there's nothing stopping (for example) one of those startup files running other files which would normally not be run.
By way of example, if .bash_profile had the following line:
. ~/.profile
it would also run the .profile script.
In fact the manpage states:
When bash is started non-interactively, to run a shell script, for example, it looks for the variable BASH_ENV in the environment, expands its value if it appears there, and uses the expanded value as the name of a file to read and execute. Bash behaves as if the following command were executed:
if [ -n "$BASH_ENV" ]; then . "$BASH_ENV"; fi
So, if you put that exact line in your startup scripts for an interactive shell like ~/.bash_profile, you'll also source the file pointed to by BASH_ENV.
Your best bet is to examine the INVOCATION section to find out which of the files will run, and then track through them (with something like set -x at the top of the script) to see what's getting called from where.
If memory serves, Bash is only interactive if you tell it, example
bash -i
So, by you calling just bash you invoked a non-interactive Bash.
More info
If the -i option is present, the shell is interactive.

Using aliases with nohup

Why doesn't the following work?
$ alias sayHello='/bin/echo "Hello world!"'
$ sayHello
Hello world!
$ nohup sayHello
nohup: appending output to `nohup.out'
nohup: cannot run command `sayHello': No such file or directory
(the reason I ask this question is because I've aliased my perl and python to different perl/python binaries which were optimized for my own purposes; however, nohup gives me troubles if I don't supply full path to my perl/python binaries)
Because the shell doesn't pass aliases on to child processes (except when you use $() or ``).
$ alias sayHello='/bin/echo "Hello world!"'
Now an alias is known in this shell process, which is fine but only works in this one shell process.
$ sayHello
Hello world!
Since you said "sayHello" in the same shell it worked.
$ nohup sayHello
Here, a program "nohup" is being started as a child process. Therefore, it will not receive the aliases.
Then it starts the child process "sayHello" - which isn't found.
For your specific problem, it's best to make the new "perl" and "python" look like the normal ones as much as possible. I'd suggest to set the search path.
In your ~/.bash_profile add
export PATH="/my/shiny/interpreters/bin:${PATH}"
Then re-login.
Since this is an environment variable, it will be passed to all the child processes, be they shells or not - it should now work very often.
For bash: Try doing nohup 'your_alias'. It works for me. I don't know why back quote is not shown. Put your alias within back quotes.
With bash, you can invoke a subshell interactively using the -i option. This will source your .bashrc as well as enable the expand_aliases shell option. Granted, this will only work if your alias is defined in your .bashrc which is the convention.
Bash manpage:
If the -i option is present, the shell is interactive.
expand_aliases: If set, aliases are expanded as described above under ALIASES. This option is enabled by default for interactive shells.
When an interactive shell that is not a login shell is started, bash reads and executes commands from /etc/bash.bashrc and ~/.bashrc, if these files exist.
$ nohup bash -ci 'sayHello'
If you look at the Aliases section of the Bash manual, it says
The first word of each simple command, if unquoted, is checked to see
if it has an alias.
Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like bash has anything like zsh's global aliases, which are expanded in any position.
