Access to public IP - Amazon instance - amazon-ec2

I'm running some node services on an Amazon instance (EC2), the service were deployed using ssh over the instance, but for some reason, I can't access to the service using the public IP, but all the services are running. Is necessary enable the public IP in the configuration of my EC2 setting or something like that?

Make sure your security group has the proper ports opened up. In the EC2 console, go to Security Groups (on the left side of the page). Find the security group of the EC2 instance.
There is a tab called Inbound. Make sure you have a row with the type = SSH, protocol = TCP, port = 22, and source =


Unable to connect to Airflow server running on EC2

I am trying to set up an Apache Airflow server on ec2. I managed to get it running and verify status by hitting /health endpoint using curl on http://localhost:8989. Airflow listens on port 8989 here.
The next I want is to be able to connect to the admin dashboard/UI using the browser on EC2's public IP. So I added the inbound rule in the AWS security group ec2 instance belongs to.
While connecting to Airflow, I am getting the following error
Failed to connect to port 8989: Operation timed out
Not sure what else I need to do to reach server running on ec2.
If you can SSH to an EC2 instance, you've added a security group rule for ingress on another port, but can't reach the instance on that port, here are some other things to check:
Firewall running on the instance. Amazon Linux and recent official
Ubuntu AMIs shouldn't have iptables or some other firewall running on
them by default, but if you're using another AMI or someone else has
configured the EC2 instance, it's possible to have iptables/ufw or
some other firewall running. Check processes on your instance to make
sure you don't have a firewall.
Network ACL on the VPC subnet. The default ACL will permit
traffic on all ports. It's possible that the default has been changed
to allow traffic only on selected ports.
Multiple security groups assigned to the EC2 instance. It's possible
to assign more than one security group to the instance. Check to make
sure you don't have a rule in some other security group that's
blocking the port.

Making non-default port accesible on public network in EC2 AWS instance

I want to use my EC2 instance on public IP for multiple applications(as a staging server). By default, port 80(or 443 for https) is publicly accessible for HTTP. But, I want to use other ports as well. For example,
I have already provided access to port 4050 using security group, but it is still not working. Can you please provide me what I am missing.
To make a port publicly accessible, you need to follow all the below steps.
Add custom rule in the security group to allow the custom port, i.e, 4050 in the example above.
Add an elastic IP to the EC2 instance
Your instance should be publicly accessible(defined using VPC, network ACL and subnet). This step can be verified if the default port is publicly accessbile.
Lastly, the port should be enabled in windows firewall(Go to windows firewall -> Inbound Rules -> New Rule -> Port -> Select TCP and specify local port(e.g. 4050)).

Should an AWS EC2 instance connect using only IPv4 Public IP?

If I put the "IPv4 Public IP" of my EC2 instance in the browsers address shouldnt it connect and return an error message instead of just giving time out ?
So, it sounds like you are attempting to connect to the instance via SSH.
Things to check:
The Security Group associated with the instance needs to have port 22 open to either your Public IP address, or to (which is not a good security practice)
You are on a network that is not blocking SSH traffic. Some corporate network prohibit such access (so try it from home).
The instance is running an SSH server. This is standard on Linux distributions, such as the Amazon Linux AMI. (Believe it or not, some people wonder why they can't SSH to a Windows instance.)
You should be trying to connect to a public IP address associated with the instance
The instance needs to be in a Public Subnet (which means the Route Table associated with the Subnet is pointing traffic to an Internet Gateway). If you are using the Default VPC, then this is done for you.
You have the private half of the keypair that was nominated when the instance was launched. If you are using an Amazon Linux instance, the private half of the keypair would have been automatically copied to: /home/ec2-user/.ssh/authorized_keys
The fact that your connection is timing-out, as opposed to receiving an error message, most likely makes it an incorrectly configured Security Group. (Trust me, it's almost always the Security Group!)

Amazon EC2 instance through public ip is not working

The instance is running fine. I am using linux os and apache-tomcat-8.0.33 server. I can access from private ip using putty But when i am trying to access the same through the public ip, it is not accessible. I have seen the security configurations all ports are enabled.
Can anyone help me how to reslove this issue
inbound image
I faced the same issue recently; I was not able to access the website which I hosted on Ec2 server Via public IP.
Check 1:- the First step would check your AWS security group and make sure all the inbound traffic rules are fine.
Check 2:- Windows firewall can also play a role in disallowing the access via public IP. Create a new Rule for allowing access for HTTP and HTTPS ports (80,443).
a. Go to control panel -->Windows Firewall ---> Advanced Settings.
b. Select the Inbound rules from the left Menu.
c. Select New Rule from the Right panel.
d. Allow access to ports 80 and 443.
In my case, everything worked fine once I created a new rule in windows firewall under Inbound Rules.
You opened your amazon web console
You go to Amazon EC2 Security Groups
You should have a default group for inbound rules (see below)
You click on Modify inbound rules (modifier les règles entrantes in French here)
Once done, you add your public ip with the subnet you want
I've added my IP public address and you should be good.
Regardless of the number of ports open in your security group, if you must access your ec2 instance using it's public IP, over the internet, you must assign an internet gateway (IGW) to the subnet your ec2 instance belongs to
As you mentioned and others answers, you can find the problem by following this steps:
1- Try telnet to your server by public IP address on port 80, if it opens go to the next step, if not open you have two possible issues:
security group (Check your inbound rules)
web server settings (Check your web server settings and find why not listening on port 80)
2- If telnet was working, so you have not the connectivity issue, now track your web server access log by tail command and try open a page by the browser. If you see your request in the access log, but it does not return the correct value you expected, so you should check your web application.if you can't see your request, check your web server settings.

I suddenly cannot connect to my EC2 instance. Why? How can I mitigate this?

I had a running instance, and then I became unable to connect to it via http(80) and ssh(22). I tried to reboot the instance, but nothing went up. This has happened to me twice in the past month.
Why does it happen? Can I do anything to fix and/or prevent it from happening?
If I launch a new instance in same region, and it works.
Things to check when trying to connect to an Amazon EC2 instance:
Security Group: Make sure the security group allows inbound access on the desired ports (eg 80, 22) for the appropriate IP address range (eg This solves the majority of problems.
Public IP Address: Check that you're using the correct Public IP address for the instance. If the instance is stopped and started, it might receive a new Public IP address (depending on how it has been configured).
VPC Configuration: Accessing an EC2 instance that is launched inside a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) requires:
An Internet Gateway
A routing table connecting the subnet to the Internet Gateway
NACLs (Network ACLS) that permit through-traffic
If you are able to launch and connect to another instance in the same subnet, then the VPC configuration would appear to be correct.
The other thing to check would be the actual configuration of the operating system on the instance itself. Some software may be affecting the configuration so that the web server / ssh daemon is not working correctly. Of course, that is hard to determine without connecting to the instance.
If you are launching from a standard Amazon Linux AMI, ssh would work correctly anytime. The web server (port 80) would require installation and configuration of software on the instance, which is your responsibility to maintain.
