what does "ramp" mean in lsof name - tibco

I am using lsof to check connections to a remote Tibco server(7000). I am using this command..
lsof -p 4567 | grep TCP | grep 7000
java 4446 app 319u IPv6 9150778 0t0 TCP localhost:49756->test-tibco-test.com:ramp (ESTABLISHED)
java 4446 app 325u IPv6 9150793 0t0 TCP localhost:49756->test-tibco-test.com:54561->dfw-tibco-vems1.prod.walmart.com:7000 (ESTABLISHED)
What does the "ramp" mean in the first output?

lsof translates "well-known" port numbers to human readable string (e.g., 25 -> smtp, 80 -> http etc.). Per http://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port-numbers/service-names-port-numbers.xml, "ramp" should mean port 7227 (the "Registry A & M Protocol").
Note that this only means that port 7227 is being used, not that you actually have the "Registry A & M Protocol" (whatever that is) running on that port. Most likely, somebody configured a TIBCO EMS server to use port 7227 (its default port is 7222 and many people start counting upwards from there if they need multiple servers with different ports running on the same machine).
You can add the option -P (capital letter P) to your lsof command to avoid this translation of port numbers into human readable names.


Fluentbit creates TCP connections

Fluentbit creates TCP connections to itself?
What are these used for?
fluent.conf file:
Flush 5
Daemon Off
Log_Level debug
Name tail
Tag format.logging
path C:\Logs\*main.log
DB C:\Logs\main_logs.db
Name stdout
Match *
This seems to boil down to an implementation detail where it uses unix sockets on Linux for its event loop, but on Windows it has opted to using localhost-connections.
Comment from https://github.com/fluent/fluent-bit/blob/37aa680d32384c1179f02ee08a5bef4cd278513e/lib/monkey/mk_core/deps/libevent/include/event2/util.h#L380
/** Create two new sockets that are connected to each other.
On Unix, this simply calls socketpair(). On Windows, it uses the
loopback network interface on, and only
AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM are supported.
(This may fail on some Windows hosts where firewall software has cleverly
decided to keep from talking to itself.)
Parameters and return values are as for socketpair()
The actual implementation is here: https://github.com/fluent/fluent-bit/blob/37aa680d32384c1179f02ee08a5bef4cd278513e/lib/monkey/mk_core/deps/libevent/evutil.c#L207
It matches the pattern when looking at the netstat output:
netstat -anop tcp | findstr <fluentbit pid>

ssh client to show server-supported algorithms

In order to check that all the servers across a fleet aren't supporting deprecated algorithms, I'm (programmatically) doing this:
telnet localhost 22
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.0p1 Ubuntu-6build1
4&m����&F �V��curve25519-sha256,curve25519-sha256#libssh.org,ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group16-sha512,diffie-hellman-group18-sha512,diffie-hellman-group14-sha256,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1Arsa-sha2-512,rsa-sha2-256,ssh-rsa,ecdsa-sha2-nistp256,ssh-ed25519lchacha20-poly1305#openssh.com,aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-gcm#openssh.com,aes256-gcm#openssh.comlchacha20-poly1305#openssh.com,aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-gcm#openssh.com,aes256-gcm#openssh.com�umac-64-etm#openssh.com,umac-128-etm#openssh.com,hmac-sha2-256-etm#openssh.com,hmac-sha2-512-etm#openssh.com,hmac-sha1-etm#openssh.com,umac-64#openssh.com,umac-128#openssh.com,hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha1�umac-64-etm#openssh.com,umac-128-etm#openssh.com,hmac-sha2-256-etm#openssh.com,hmac-sha2-512-etm#openssh.com,hmac-sha1-etm#openssh.com,umac-64#openssh.com,umac-128#openssh.com,hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha1none,zlib#openssh.comnone,zlib#openssh.comSSH-2.0-Censor-SSH2
Connection closed by foreign host.
Which is supposed to be a list of supported algorithms for the various phases of setting up a connection. (kex, host key, etc). Every time I run, I get a different piece of odd data at the start - always a different length.
There's an nmap plugin - ssh2-enum-algos - which returns the data in it's complete form, but I don't want to run nmap; I have a go program which opens the port, and sends the query, but it gets the same as telnet. What am I missing, and how do I fix it?
For comparison, here's the top few lines from the output of nmap script:
$ nmap --script ssh2-enum-algos super
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2019-12-27 22:15 GMT
Nmap scan report for super (
Host is up (0.0051s latency).
rDNS record for supermaster
Not shown: 998 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
| ssh2-enum-algos:
| kex_algorithms: (12)
| curve25519-sha256
| curve25519-sha256#libssh.org
| ecdh-sha2-nistp256
| ecdh-sha2-nistp384
| ecdh-sha2-nistp521
Opening a tcp connection to port 22, (in golang, with net.Dial) then accepting and sending connection strings leaves us able to Read() from the Reader for the connection. Thence the data is in a standard format described by the RFC. From this, I can list the algorithms supported in each phase of an ssh connection. This is very useful for measuring what is being offered, rather than what the appears to be configured (it's easy to configure sshd to use a different config file).
It's a useful thing to be able to do from a security POV.
Tested on every version of ssh I can find from 1.x on a very old solaris or AIX box, to RHEL 8.1.
In some cases you can specify an algorithm to use, and if you specify one that is not supported the server will reply with a list of supported algorithms.
For example, to check for supported key exchange algorithms you can use:
ssh -oKexAlgorithms=diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 is insecure and should be missing from most modern servers. The server will probably respond with something like:
Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching key exchange method found. Their offer: curve25519-sha256,curve25519-sha256#libssh.org,ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group16-sha512,diffie-hellman-group18-sha512,diffie-hellman-group14-sha256
Exit 255
Typing: "ssh -Q cipher | cipher-auth | mac | kex | key"
will give you a list of the algorithms supported by your client
Typing: "man ssh"
will let you see what options you can specify with the -o argument, including Cipher, MACs, and KexAlgorithms

Windows - "netstat -an -p tcp" NOT Displaying IPv6 Foreign Addresses ("netstat -an" does)

On Windows Does anyone know why "netstat -an -p tcp" doesn't display IPv6 addresses, but why "netstat -an" does display them?
I highly doubt it's resolving IPv6 addresses to IPv4s, but this is puzzlibg the hell out of me.
From netstat /? in console (or [MS.Docs]: Netstat):
-p proto Shows connections for the protocol specified by proto; proto
may be any of: TCP, UDP, TCPv6, or UDPv6. If used with the -s
option to display per-protocol statistics, proto may be any of:
IP, IPv6, ICMP, ICMPv6, TCP, TCPv6, UDP, or UDPv6.
So, when specifying -p tcp, it only displays the TCPv4 connections (by filtering out all the rest), while not specifying any protocol, it displays them all (doesn't filter anything).

(OS X) Port in use, however it is not shown by netstat or lsof

Sorry for my english.
I was trying to forward port 80 from my vagrant box to host machine (OS X) and got this message
"The forwarded port to 80 is already in use on the host machine."
So, in order to figure out which program uses port 80 i ran this:
➜ ~ sudo lsof -n -i:80 | grep LISTEN
➜ ~
However, as you can see, it shows nothing.I have also tried netstat, but result was the same. Then i tried to use netcat + tcpdump to look at tcp session:
➜ ~ nc -vvv 80
Connection to 80 port [tcp/http] succeeded!
➜ ~
In another window:
➜ ~ sudo tcpdump -ni lo0 port 80
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on lo0, link-type NULL (BSD loopback), capture size 65535 bytes
00:03:47.019805 IP > Flags [S], seq 2187569264, win 65535, options [mss 16344,nop,wscale 4,nop,nop,TS val 194193524 ecr 0,sackOK,eol], length 0
00:03:47.019834 IP > Flags [R.], seq 0, ack 2187569265, win 0, length 0
So it looks like the port is closed, because it immediately sent RESET flag, but why did nc show that connection was successful and lsof show nothing.
I'm really confused. Can anyone tell me what is going on, or what am i doing wrong?
I can provide additional information if needed.
Looks like that's firewall reset connection.
Turn off Avast WebShield if it exists.

How do I pick a random unassigned port on localhost

I am building an application and want to pick a random unassigned port above 1024 to host that application. How can I do that?
"Above 1024" you are indirectly referencing to know what ports can be used by server for listening.
Approx way :
if yes netstat -pant | grep "portno" if there is no output there is no server listening to this port and can be used.
If you try to bind to a used port you will get notable to bind error.
