Joomla TinyMCE deletes empty span - joomla

I want to use following tag
<h4><span class="icon-phone"></span></h4>
but TinyMCE from Joomla always deletes it, when i save it.
I find the solution that i have to add span[*] to "Extended Valid Elements" in Options from TinyMCE in PluginManager. but it doesn't work. It always delete it again and again. I searched here for a while and found some articles which was similar to my problem but doesn't solve it.
I use Joomla Version 3.3.6 and the plugin is 4.1.2.
Hope somebody can help.
Best Regards,

Welcome to TinyMCE, my most hated editor ever.
I've had the same problem multiple times and I believe it's because the editor expects content within the element. So try the following:
<h4><span class="icon-phone"> </span></h4>
is simply a non breaking space

go to: Joomla! administration - Extensions - Plugins - edit Editor - TinyMCE
Set the following parameter:
Extended Valid Elements: span[class|style]
This works for me in Joomla! 3.5 (plugin version 4.3.3)


How to change jQuery version in magento

I am new in magento and cms in general so my question is what are the steps to accomplish this task ? i have found solutions for newer version. Extension that i downloaded require jQuery > 1.8 and i found out that my actual version is 1.7.2.
Any help is appreciated.
First on your page press CTRL + U (if chrome), than CTRL + F. type jquery, find line where ..scrip... src="...jquery.1.7.2...> (you need jquery file, not jQuery plugin or smth.) this step for find name of jquery file, becouse it can be jQuery.min.1.7.2.js jQuery.1.7.2.js and etc...)
Copy file name
Open any IDE or smth. For load magento project files if you haven't it. Use function like Find in folder, and look for copied name. It should be in theme layouts folder or base layouts folder.
Download right jQuery version and put it where is old one.
Comment that line where xml loads old jQuery, and load new one in local.xml.
(or just replace in that xml, but it is bad practice, better make changes in local.xml)

Tiny MCE v2.1 code editor

Call me old fashioned, but there is nothing I can do but only to use the old version of Tiny MCE, which is 2.1.
So, what I'm trying to do is to add a "download" attribute to tag, after I open HTML editor I type this attribute, when saving it simply disappears. There is no official documentation to this old version on the official site. The new ones doesn't mention anything about this feature at all. overall editor look. code editor look
Also, I tried to add "download" in the extended valid elements configuration:
extended_valid_elements: "code[class|dir ,however no success as well.
Did anyone by any chance faced the same problem?
Could use a little bit of help.
Well, if anyone ever encounters the same problem, which I highly doubt, you would need to open tiny_mce.js file, and on the line 1928 there will be "A : "id|class|style|title|download" ", this is the place, where I added "download". Afterwards I was able to add this attribute in the HTML code editor.

Joomla 3 modifying < and > when I save articles - breaks php

I'm running the current JCK as the default editor on Joomla 3.2 with PHPCode 2.5 and I have the JCK option to convert HTML entities turned off as well as the option to force simple '&' turned on.
In this configuration I can create and edit articles and custom HTML modules containing PHP just fine... the syntax highlighting, etc., all works as expected. I can switch back and forth between WYSIWYG editing mode and SOURCE editing mode and everything remains as I edited it.
However, whenever I save the article/module the '<' and '>' characters in the PHP code have all been converted to their corresponding '<' and '>' HTML entities and the PHP code won't run when loaded on the site (for the obvious reasons).
I have searched high and low and can't figure out what setting I'm missing, or what extension I need, to be able to fix this so I can execute custom PHP in my articles/modules.
I presume the same would be true of javascript since it, too, uses these symbols in the source.
EDIT: For the record, I was able to switch to the RokPad editor and save the PHP that way without it breaking. However, I know I should be able to do this directly inside JCK. I used to be able to do this in Joomla 1.6, I just can't seem to make it work in Joomla 3.
Try this,
Check this extension this may help or another methods you can check
How to include html or php codes into joomla article
Hope its helps..

Liferay ckeditor upgrade

I'm working with Liferay version 6.1.20 but sadly in this version the ckeditor 4.0 isn't implemented yet.
Is there a way to manualy upgrade CKEditor? or is it a job that i shouldn't start because it's to much work?
I would like to manualy update the CKEditor because the plugin that i'm hooking on isn't compatible with older versions of CKEditor.
I have been looking around on the web. But there isn't any information present as far as i know. I would be nice to know if it's word trying?
Ckeditor 4.0 is included in the trunk (6.2 M4) (this can be seen in the post from Juan Fernández in the liferay forum. Don't know if it will be part of 6.1 GA3 due shortly. I'm not sure how complex it is to upgrade CKEditor. You may want to see the github pull request mentioned in Juan's post.
It looks like that Replacing the ckeditor.js file and adding all the new required files is the first step of replacing the ckeditor. Besides that it's important to change the CKeconfig.jsp and remove all the old configurations. Toolbar settings can be made. These don't seem to cause any problems.
If your working with the .on method please notice that the contentDom event is fired 2 times. Once on loaded and once when the editor is ready. I checked editor.status === "ready" to prevent this. Because it is attaching the listeners when it's not ready.. Because of this the won't work.
=== Edit ===
Still having problems. But now with the save as draft action. It's saving the data but without the Html changes i have made.. I'm making span's with special attributes. but the editor won't save them..
== Edit 2 ==
The problem was a missing CKEDITOR config tag. config.allowedContent = true; (See edit for the problem)

How to insert HTML/javascript/css code in joomla article

I am using Joomla 1.5. and I am writing a blog in joomla and want to highlight some HTML and javascript code but when I save that article after inserting the HTML code as it is, it gets exicuted itself. I also tried it with codecitation plugin but no result. If you people have any solution then please reply.
Use a <pre> tag it should work.
In your blog try "& lt;" (without space) to write < and "& gt;" (without space) to write > in your HTML Code.
This syntax is used to write "<" and ">" symbols on some web page. Otherwise it will treat your code as part of the blog article and will show its output.
You can use <pre> and <code> tags.
Also Joomla has a native plugin to display code and syntax highlighting, based on the Geshi project.
It's easy to use, just be sure it is enabled in your plugins config:
<pre lang="html" >
<p> some text </p>
</pre >
Hope it helps!
Use the a jQuery highlighter.
Sorry for coming late to the party.
I used an extension called Easy Script. Just download, install and paste your script in your article manager and Boom. It even supports Bootstraps and other scripts as well.. Just give is a trial
Easy Script
