Infix to Prefix conversion scheme - scheme

I'm trying to figure out how to convert an infix expression to prefix in Scheme.
I found this post which does what I want but in the opposite direction. What changes when going from infix->prefix instead of prefix->infix?
Edit: I forgot to mention I need to account and handle for variables. For example the input
'(2 + 3 * a ^ 5 + b)

It's rather trivial to modify the algorithm you link to:
(define (infix->prefix lst)
((list? lst)
(unless (= 3 (length lst)) (error "not 3 elements"))
(let ((operand1 (car lst))
(operator (cadr lst))
(operand2 (caddr lst)))
(list operator
(infix->prefix operand1)
(infix->prefix operand2))))
(else lst)))
> (infix->prefix '(1 + 2))
'(+ 1 2)
> (infix->prefix '(1 + (2 * 3)))
'(+ 1 (* 2 3))
> (infix->prefix '((1 / 4) + (2 * 3)))
'(+ (/ 1 4) (* 2 3))
This is not a general algorithm though; if you need something more elaborate then please show some examples of conversions you need to do.
EDIT Here's an example code that works for longer expressions but doesn't implement operator precedence:
(define (infix->prefix lst)
(if (list? lst)
(if (null? (cdr lst))
; list with one element -> return element
(infix->prefix (car lst))
; list with more than one element
(list (cadr lst)
(infix->prefix (car lst))
(infix->prefix (cddr lst))))
; not a list -> return element
> (infix->prefix '(2 + 3 * a ^ 5 + b))
'(+ 2 (* 3 (^ a (+ 5 b))))


run lenght encode symbols in list

I would like to ask you for help to solve my task with printing of result of code below. Input is: (run-length-encode '(1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 a a b b)) and it returns ((2 . 1) (2 . 2) (2 . 3) (2 . 4)) but i would like to have output like (2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 a 1 b). What i am doing wrong?
(define (run-length-encode lst)
(define (rle val-lst cur-val cur-cnt acc)
(if (pair? val-lst)
(let ((new-val (car val-lst)))
(if (eq? new-val cur-val)
(rle (cdr val-lst) cur-val (+ cur-cnt 1) acc)
(rle (cdr val-lst) new-val 1 (cons (cons cur-cnt cur-val) acc))))
(cons (cons cur-cnt cur-val) acc)))
(if (pair? lst)
(reverse (rle (cdr lst) (car lst) 1 '()))
Thank you for help,

(Scheme) How do I add 2 lists together that are different sizes

I'm completely new to scheme and I'm having trouble trying to add 2 lists of different sizes. I was wondering how do I add 2 lists of different sizes together correctly. In my code I compared the values and append '(0) to the shorter list so that they can get equal sizes, but even after doing that I can not use map to add the 2 lists. I get an error code after running the program. The results I should be getting is '(2 4 5 4). Could anyone help me out? Thanks.
#lang racket
(define (add lst1 lst2)
(cond [(< (length lst1) (length lst2)) (cons (append lst1 '(0)))]
[else lst1])
((and (null? lst1)(null? lst2)) null)
(map + lst1 lst2))))
;;Result should be '(2 4 6 4)
(add '(1 2 3) '(1 2 3 4))
cons: arity mismatch;
the expected number of arguments does not match the given number
expected: 2
given: 1
'(1 2 3 0)
The problem with your code is that there are two cond expressions one after the other - both will execute, but only the result of the second one will be returned - in other words, the code is not doing what you think it's doing. Now, to solve this problem it'll be easier if we split the solution in two parts (in general, that's a good strategy!). Try this:
(define (fill-zeroes lst n)
(append lst (make-list (abs n) 0)))
(define (add lst1 lst2)
(let ((diff (- (length lst1) (length lst2))))
(cond [(< diff 0)
(map + (fill-zeroes lst1 diff) lst2)]
[(> diff 0)
(map + lst1 (fill-zeroes lst2 diff))]
[else (map + lst1 lst2)])))
The fill-zeroes procedure takes care of filling the tail of a list with a given number of zeroes
The add procedure is in charge of determining which list needs to be filled, and when both lists have the right size performs the actual addition
It works as expected for any combination of list lengths:
(add '(1 2 3 4) '(1 2 3))
=> '(2 4 6 4)
(add '(1 2 3) '(1 2 3 4))
=> '(2 4 6 4)
(add '(1 2 3 0) '(1 2 3 4))
=> '(2 4 6 4)
Similar to Oscar's, slighty shorter:
(define (fill0 lst len)
(append lst (make-list (- len (length lst)) 0)))
(define (add lst1 lst2)
(let ((maxlen (max (length lst1) (length lst2))))
(map + (fill0 lst1 maxlen) (fill0 lst2 maxlen))))
or, for fun, the other way round:
(define (add lst1 lst2)
(let ((minlen (min (length lst1) (length lst2))))
(map + (take lst1 minlen) (take lst2 minlen))
(drop lst1 minlen)
(drop lst2 minlen))))
There's no need to pre-compute the lengths of the lists and add zeroes to the end of one or the other of the lists. Here we solve the problem with a simple recursion:
(define (add xs ys)
(cond ((and (pair? xs) (pair? ys))
(cons (+ (car xs) (car ys)) (add (cdr xs) (cdr ys))))
((pair? xs) (cons (car xs) (add (cdr xs) ys)))
((pair? ys) (cons (car ys) (add xs (cdr ys))))
(else '())))
That works for all of Oscar's tests:
> (add '(1 2 3 4) '(1 2 3))
(2 4 6 4)
> (add '(1 2 3) '(1 2 3 4))
(2 4 6 4)
> (add '(1 2 3 0) '(1 2 3 4))
(2 4 6 4)
If you like, you can write that using a named-let and get the same results:
(define (add xs ys)
(let loop ((xs xs) (ys ys) (zs '()))
(cond ((and (pair? xs) (pair? ys))
(loop (cdr xs) (cdr ys) (cons (+ (car xs) (car ys)) zs)))
((pair? xs) (loop (cdr xs) ys (cons (car xs) zs)))
((pair? ys) (loop xs (cdr ys) (cons (car ys) zs)))
(else (reverse zs)))))
Have fun!
A yet simpler version.
(define (add x y)
(cond ((and (pair? x) (pair? y))
(cons (+ (car x) (car y))
(add (cdr x) (cdr y))))
((pair? x) x)
(else y)))

Counting elements of a list and sublists

I'm trying to create a function to count all the elements in a list, including the elements of its sublists. initially, to get started, i came up with a basic function myList:
(define myLength
(lambda (L)
((null? L) 0)
(else (+ 1 (myLength (cdr L)))))))
However, it doesn't help me account for function calls like:
(numAtoms '()) "...should be 0"
(numAtoms '(())) "...should be 0"
(numAtoms '(1 1)) "...should be 2"
(numAtoms '(1 (1 1) 1)) "...should be 4"
(numAtoms '(1 (1 (1 1)) 1)) "...should be 5"
I'm trying to use basic functions like length, null?, and list?.
I think the trick here is to imagine how you can transform your input into the code that you'd want to use to compute the sum. Let's write each of your inputs in the fully expanded form, in terms of cons and '() and whatever other atoms appear in your data:
'() == '()
'(()) == (cons '() '())
'(1 1) == (cons 1 (cons 1 '()))
'(1 (1 1) 1) == (cons 1 (cons 1 (cons 1 '())) (cons 1 '()))
'(1 (1 (1 1)) 1) == ...
Now, look what would happen if you replaced each occurrence of cons with +, and each occurrence of '() with 0, and each occurrence of something that's not '() with 1. You'd have:
'() => 0 == 0
(cons '() '()) => (+ 0 0) == 0
(cons 1 (cons 1 '())) => (+ 1 (+ 1 0)) == 2
(cons 1 (cons 1 (cons 1 '())) (cons 1 '())) => (+ 1 (+ 1 (+ 1 0)) (+ 1 0)) == 4
... => ... == ...
Notice that those sums are exactly the values that you want! Based on this, it seems like you might not want to treat your input as a list so much as a tree built from cons cells. In general, you can map over a tree by specifying a function to apply to the recursive results of processing a pair, and a function to process the atoms of the tree:
(define (treeduce pair-fn atom-fn tree)
(if (pair? tree)
(pair-fn (treeduce pair-fn atom-fn (car tree))
(treeduce pair-fn atom-fn (cdr tree)))
(atom-fn tree)))
You could then implement that mapping of cons to + and everything else to 1 if it's a list and 0 if it's not by:
(define (non-null-atoms tree)
(treeduce +
(lambda (atom)
(if (not (null? atom))
This yields the kinds of results you'd expect:
(non-null-atoms '()) ;=> 0
(non-null-atoms '(())) ;=> 0
(non-null-atoms '(1 1)) ;=> 2
(non-null-atoms '(1 (1 1) 1)) ;=> 4
(non-null-atoms '(1 (1 (1 1)) 1)) ;=> 5
Here is a recursive template you can use:
(define (num-atoms lst)
(cond ((pair? lst) (+ (num-atoms <??>)
(num-atoms <??>)))
((null? lst) <??>) ; not an atom
(else <??>))) ; an atom
This next example uses a helper that has the accumulated value (num) as an argument.
(define (num-atoms lst)
;; locally defined helper
(define (helper num lst)
(cond ((pair? lst) (helper (helper <??> <??>) <??>)) ; recurse with the sum of elements from car
((null? lst) <??>) ; return accumulated value
(else (helper <??> <??>)))) ; recurse with add1 to num
;; procedure starts here
(helper 0 lst))
Hope it helps
Make my-length work for any argument type, list or 'atom'; then the recursive algorithm becomes almost trivial:
(define (my-length l)
(cond ((null? l) 0)
((list? l) (+ (my-length (car l)) (my-length (cdr l))))
(else 1))) ; atom
> (my-length '(1 (1 (1 1)) 1)))

Trouble with simple calculator program in Scheme

I need to define a calculator for simple arithmetic expressions in Scheme. For example, when typing (calculator '( 1 + 2)), scheme interpreter will print 3. The calculator will accept expression of any length, and the expression associates to the right. Eg, in (calculator '(1 + 1 - 2 + 3 )) the expression is interpreted as (1 + (1 - (2 + 3))), hence the value is -3. I'm assuming the expression has + and - operators only and there are no brackets in the input. I wrote this program so far:
#lang lazy
(define (calculator exp)
((null? exp) 0)
(= (length (exp)) 1 exp)
(eq? '+ (cdr (cdr exp)) (+ (car exp) (calculator (cdr (cdr exp)))))
(else (eq? '- (cdr (cdr exp)) (- (car exp) (calculator (cdr (cdr exp)))))))
But when I try something like (calculator '(1 + 1 + 1)), I get this error:
#%module-begin: allowed only around a module body in: (#%module-begin (define
(calculator exp) (cond ((null? exp) 0) (= (length (exp)) 1 exp) (eq? (quote +)
(cdr (cdr exp)) (+ (car exp) (calculator (cdr (cdr exp))))) (else (eq? (quote -)
(cdr (cdr exp)) (- (car exp) (calculator (cdr (cdr exp)))))))) (calculator
(quote (1 + 1 + 1))))
I'm very new to Scheme so any help would be greatly appreciated
The syntax in your code isn't correct. As noted in the comment to your question, you've misplaced some parens. In Scheme you get a large benefit in 'tracking parens' by indenting consistently. Here is a version that gets you mostly there.
(define (calculator exp)
(cond ((null? exp) 0) ; zero terms
((null? (cdr exp)) (car exp)) ; one term only (assumed number)
(else ; assumed three or more terms
(let ((operand1 (car exp))
(operator (cadr exp))
(operands (cddr exp)))
((case operator ; convert operator, a symbol, to its function
((+) +)
((-) -))
(calculator operands)))))) ; calculate the rest
> (calculator '(1 + 2))
> (calculator '(1 - 2 + 3))
In order to convert
1 - 2 + 3
(- 1 (+ 2 3))
you need to
cache value 1
apply - to the cached value 1 and the rest of the expression
cache value 2
apply + to the cached value 2 and the rest of the expression
cache value 3
return cached value 3 since your list is empty now
So your have 3 cases:
1) end of list => return cached value
otherwise toggle between
2) cache a value
3) apply the function to the cached value and the rest of the expression
Sample code:
(define (calculator exp)
(define funcs (hasheq '+ + '- -))
(let loop ((exp exp) (toggle #t) (val #f))
(if (empty? exp)
val ; 1) end of list => return cached value
(if toggle
(loop (cdr exp) #f (car exp)) ; 2) cache value
((hash-ref funcs (car exp)) val (loop (cdr exp) #t #f)))))) ; 3) apply the function to the cached value and the rest of the expression

How to use append-map in Racket (Scheme)

I don't fully understand what the append-map command does in racket, nor do I understand how to use it and I'm having a pretty hard time finding some decently understandable documentation online for it. Could someone possibly demonstrate what exactly the command does and how it works?
The append-map procedure is useful for creating a single list out of a list of sublists after applying a procedure to each sublist. In other words, this code:
(append-map proc lst)
... Is semantically equivalent to this:
(apply append (map proc lst))
... Or this:
(append* (map proc lst))
The applying-append-to-a-list-of-sublists idiom is sometimes known as flattening a list of sublists. Let's look at some examples, this one is right here in the documentation:
(append-map vector->list '(#(1) #(2 3) #(4)))
'(1 2 3 4)
For a more interesting example, take a look at this code from Rosetta Code for finding all permutations of a list:
(define (insert l n e)
(if (= 0 n)
(cons e l)
(cons (car l)
(insert (cdr l) (- n 1) e))))
(define (seq start end)
(if (= start end)
(list end)
(cons start (seq (+ start 1) end))))
(define (permute l)
(if (null? l)
(apply append (map (lambda (p)
(map (lambda (n)
(insert p n (car l)))
(seq 0 (length p))))
(permute (cdr l))))))
The last procedure can be expressed more concisely by using append-map:
(define (permute l)
(if (null? l)
(append-map (lambda (p)
(map (lambda (n)
(insert p n (car l)))
(seq 0 (length p))))
(permute (cdr l)))))
Either way, the result is as expected:
(permute '(1 2 3))
=> '((1 2 3) (2 1 3) (2 3 1) (1 3 2) (3 1 2) (3 2 1))
In Common Lisp, the function is named "mapcan" and it is sometimes used to combine filtering with mapping:
* (mapcan (lambda (n) (if (oddp n) (list (* n n)) '()))
'(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
(1 9 25 49)
In Racket that would be:
> (append-map (lambda (n) (if (odd? n) (list (* n n)) '()))
(range 8))
'(1 9 25 49)
But it's better to do it this way:
> (filter-map (lambda (n) (and (odd? n) (* n n))) (range 8))
'(1 9 25 49)
