I was doing a few of the 99 Haskell Problems earlier and I thought that exercise 27 ("write a function to enumerate the possible combinations") was interesting as it's a simple concept and it lends itself to multiple implementations.
I was curious about relative efficiency so I decided to run a couple of different implementations - results are in the table below. (For reference: Emacs bash ansi-term in LXDE (Ubuntu 14.04) running on VirtualBox; Thinkpad X220; 8gb RAM, i5 64bit 2.4ghz.)
(i) Why are combination-generating techniques #7 and #8 (from the table below; code included at bottom of post) so much faster than the rest?
(ii) Also, what do the figures in the Bytes column actually represent?
(i) It's odd because function #7 works by filtering the powerset (which is waaaay larger than the combinations list); I suspect this is laziness at work, i.e., that this is the function which is most effectively exploiting the fact that we've only asked for the length of the list and not the list itself. (Also, its 'memory usage' is lower than that of the other functions, but, then again, I'm not sure exactly what memory-related stat is being shown.)
Regarding function #8: kudos to Bergi for that ridiculously fast implementation and thanks to user5402 for suggesting the addition. Still trying to wrap my ahead around the speed difference of this one.
(ii) The figures in the Bytes column are reported by GHCi after running the :set +s command; they clearly don't represent max memory usage as I only have ~25gb of RAM + free HD space.)?
import Data.List
--algorithms to generate combinations
--time required to compute the following: length $ 13 "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
--(90.14 secs, 33598933424 bytes)
combDC1 :: (Eq a) => Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
combDC1 n xs = filter (/= []) $ combHelper n n xs []
combHelper :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [a] -> [[a]]
combHelper n _ [] chosen = if length chosen == n
then [chosen]
else [[]]
combHelper n i remaining chosen
| length chosen == n = [chosen]
| n - length chosen > length remaining = [[]]
| otherwise = combHelper n (i-1) (tail remaining) ((head remaining):chosen) ++
combHelper n i (tail remaining) chosen
--(167.63 secs, 62756587760 bytes)
combSoln1 :: Int -> [a] -> [([a],[a])]
combSoln1 0 xs = [([],xs)]
combSoln1 n [] = []
combSoln1 n (x:xs) = ts ++ ds
ts = [ (x:ys,zs) | (ys,zs) <- combSoln1 (n-1) xs ]
ds = [ (ys,x:zs) | (ys,zs) <- combSoln1 n xs ]
--(71.40 secs, 30480652480 bytes)
combSoln2 :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
combSoln2 0 _ = [ [] ]
combSoln2 n xs = [ y:ys | y:xs' <- tails xs
, ys <- combSoln2 (n-1) xs']
--(83.75 secs, 46168207528 bytes)
combSoln3 :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
combSoln3 0 _ = return []
combSoln3 n xs = do
y:xs' <- tails xs
ys <- combSoln3 (n-1) xs'
return (y:ys)
--(92.34 secs, 40541644232 bytes)
combSoln4 :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
combSoln4 0 _ = [[]]
combSoln4 n xs = [ xs !! i : x | i <- [0..(length xs)-1]
, x <- combSoln4 (n-1) (drop (i+1) xs) ]
--(90.63 secs, 33058536696 bytes)
combSoln5 :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
combSoln5 _ [] = [[]]
combSoln5 0 _ = [[]]
combSoln5 k (x:xs) = x_start ++ others
where x_start = [ x : rest | rest <- combSoln5 (k-1) xs ]
others = if k <= length xs then combSoln5 k xs else []
--(61.74 secs, 33053297832 bytes)
combSoln6 :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
combSoln6 0 _ = [[]]
combSoln6 _ [] = []
combSoln6 n (x:xs) = (map (x:) (combSoln6 (n-1) xs)) ++ (combSoln6 n xs)
--(8.41 secs, 10785499208 bytes)
combSoln7 k ns = filter ((k==).length) (subsequences ns)
--(3.15 secs, 2889815872 bytes)
subsequencesOfSize :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
subsequencesOfSize n xs = let l = length xs
in if n>l then [] else subsequencesBySize xs !! (l-n)
subsequencesBySize [] = [[[]]]
subsequencesBySize (x:xs) = let next = subsequencesBySize xs
in zipWith (++) ([]:next) (map (map (x:)) next ++ [[]])
You should also test the algorithm found in this SO answer:
subsequences of length n from list performance
subsequencesOfSize :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
subsequencesOfSize n xs = let l = length xs
in if n>l then [] else subsequencesBySize xs !! (l-n)
subsequencesBySize [] = [[[]]]
subsequencesBySize (x:xs) = let next = subsequencesBySize xs
in zipWith (++) ([]:next) (map (map (x:)) next ++ [[]])
On my machine I get the following timing and memory usage from ghci:
ghci> length $ combSoln7 13 "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
(13.42 secs, 10783921008 bytes)
ghci> length $ subsequencesOfSize 13 "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
(6.52 secs, 2889807480 bytes)
fact :: (Integral a) => a -> a
fact n = product [1..n]
ncombs n k = -- to evaluate number of combinations
let n' = toInteger n
k' = toInteger k
in div (fact n') ((fact k') * (fact (n' - k')))
combinations :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
combinations 0 xs = [[]]
combinations 1 xs = [[x] | x <- xs]
combinations n xs =
let ps = reverse [0..n - 1]
inc (p:[])
| pn < length xs = pn:[]
| otherwise = p:[]
where pn = p + 1
inc (p:ps)
| pn < length xs = pn:ps
| (head psn) < length xs = inc ((head psn):psn)
| otherwise = (p:ps)
where pn = p + 1
psn = inc ps
amount = ncombs (length xs) n
pointers = take (fromInteger amount) (iterate inc ps)
c' xs ps = map (xs!!) (reverse ps)
in map (c' xs) pointers
I am learning Haskell and found a comparably fast implementation. I had a hard time with the type system with some functions requiring Ints and some fractional numbers and some Integers. On my computer the fastest solution presented here takes about 6,1 seconds to run and mine takes 3,5 to 2,9 seconds.
I've been solving a few combinatoric problems on Haskell, so I wrote down those 2 functions:
permutations :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [[a]]
permutations [] = [[]]
permutations list = do
x <- list
xs <- permutations (filter (/= x) list)
return (x : xs)
combinations :: (Eq a, Ord a) => Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
combinations 0 _ = [[]]
combinations n list = do
x <- list
xs <- combinations (n-1) (filter (> x) list)
return (x : xs)
Which works as follows:
*Main> permutations [1,2,3]
*Main> combinations 2 [1,2,3,4]
Those were uncomfortably similar, so I had to abstract it. I wrote the following abstraction:
combinatoric next [] = [[]]
combinatoric next list = do
x <- list
xs <- combinatoric next (next x list)
return (x : xs)
Which receives a function that controls how to filter the elements of the list. It can be used to easily define permutations:
permutations :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [[a]]
permutations = combinatoric (\ x ls -> filter (/= x) ls)
But I couldn't define combinations this way since it carries an state (n). I could extend the combinatoric with an additional state argument, but that'd become too clunky and I remember such approach was not necessary in a somewhat similar situation. Thus, I wonder: is it possible to define combinations using combinatorics? If not, what is a better abstraction of combinatorics which successfully subsumes both functions?
This isn't a direct answer to your question (sorry), but I don't think your code is correct. The Eq and Ord constraints tipped me off - they shouldn't be necessary - so I wrote a couple of QuickCheck properties.
prop_numberOfPermutations xs = length (permutations xs) === factorial (length xs)
where _ = (xs :: [Int]) -- force xs to be instantiated to [Int]
prop_numberOfCombinations (Positive n) (NonEmpty xs) = n <= length xs ==>
length (combinations n xs) === choose (length xs) n
where _ = (xs :: [Int])
factorial :: Int -> Int
factorial x = foldr (*) 1 [1..x]
choose :: Int -> Int -> Int
choose n 0 = 1
choose 0 r = 0
choose n r = choose (n-1) (r-1) * n `div` r
The first property checks that the number of permutations of a list of length n is n!. The second checks that the number of r-combinations of a list of length n is C(n, r). Both of these properties fail when I run them against your definitions:
ghci> quickCheck prop_numberOfPermutations
*** Failed! Falsifiable (after 5 tests and 4 shrinks):
3 /= 6
ghci> quickCheck prop_numberOfCombinations
*** Failed! Falsifiable (after 4 tests and 1 shrink):
Positive {getPositive = 2}
NonEmpty {getNonEmpty = [3,3]}
0 /= 1
It looks like your functions fail when the input list contains duplicate elements. Writing an abstraction for an incorrect implementation isn't a good idea - don't try and run before you can walk! You might find it helpful to read the source code for the standard library's definition of permutations, which does not have an Eq constraint.
First let's improve the original functions. You assume that all elements are distinct wrt their equality for permutations, and that they're distinct and have an ordering for combinations. These constraints aren't necessary and as described in the other answer, the code can produce wrong results. Following the robustness principle, let's accept just unconstrained lists. For this we'll need a helper function that produces all possible splits of a list:
split :: [a] -> [([a], a, [a])]
split = loop []
loop _ [] = []
loop rs (x:xs) = (rs, x, xs) : loop (x:rs) xs
Note that the implementation causes prefixes returned by this function to be reversed, but it's nothing we require.
This allows us to write generic permutations and combinations.
permutations :: [a] -> [[a]]
permutations [] = [[]]
permutations list = do
(pre, x, post) <- split list
-- reversing 'pre' isn't really necessary, but makes the output
-- order natural
xs <- permutations (reverse pre ++ post)
return (x : xs)
combinations :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
combinations 0 _ = [[]]
combinations n list = do
(_, x, post) <- split list
xs <- combinations (n-1) post
return (x : xs)
Now what they have in common:
At each step they pick an element to output,
update the list of elements to pick from and
stop after some condition is met.
The last point is a bit problematic, as for permutations we end once the list to choose from is empty, while for combinations we have a counter. This is probably the reason why it was difficult to generalize. We can work around this by realizing that for permutations the number of steps is equal to the length of the input list, so we can express the condition in the number of repetitions.
For such problems it's often very convenient to express them using StateT s [] monad, where s is the state we're working with. In our case it'll be the list of elements to choose from. The core of our combinatorial functions can be then expressed with StateT [a] [] a: pick an element from the state and update the state for the next step. Since the stateful computations all happen in the [] monad, we automatically branch all possibilities. With that, we can define a generic function:
import Control.Monad.State
combinatoric :: Int -> StateT [a] [] b -> [a] -> [[b]]
combinatoric n k = evalStateT $ replicateM n k
And then define permutations and combinations by specifying the appropriate number of repetitions and what's the core StateT [a] [] a function:
permutations' :: [a] -> [[a]]
permutations' xs = combinatoric (length xs) f xs
f = StateT $ map (\(pre, x, post) -> (x, reverse pre ++ post)) . split
combinations' :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
combinations' n xs = combinatoric n f xs
f = StateT $ map (\(_, x, post) -> (x, post)) . split
I am relatively new to Haskell, but I am trying to learn both by reading and trying to solve problems on Project Euler. I am currently trying to implement a function that takes an infinite list of integers and returns the ordered list of pairwise sums of elements in said list. I am really looking for solutions to the specific issue I am facing, rather than advice on different strategies or approaches, but those are welcome as well, as being a coder doesn't mean knowing how to implement a strategy, but also choosing the best strategy available.
My approach relies on traversing an infinite list of infinite generators and retrieving elements in order, with several mathematical properties that are useful in implementing my solution.
If I were trying to obtain the sequence of pairwise sums of the natural numbers, for example, this would be my code:
myList :: [Integer]
myList = [1..]
myGens :: [[Integer]]
myGens = gens myList
gens = \xs -> map (\x -> [x+y|y<-(dropWhile (<x) xs)]) xs
Regardless of the number set used, provided that it is sorted, the following conditions hold:
∀ i ≥ 0, head (gens xs !! i) == 2*(myList !! i)
∀ i,j,k ≥ 0, l > 0, (((gens xs) !! i) !! j) < (((gens xs) !! i+k) !! j+l)
Special cases for the second condition are:
∀ i,j ≥ 0, (((gens xs) !! i) !! j) < (((gens xs) !! i+1) !! j)
∀ i,j ≥ 0, k > 0, (((gens xs) !! i) !! j) < (((gens xs) !! i+k) !! j)
Here is the particular code I am trying to modify:
stride :: [Integer] -> [Int] -> [[Integer]] -> [Integer]
stride xs cs xss = x : stride xs counts streams
(x,i) = step xs cs xss
counts = inc i cs
streams = chop i xss
step :: [Integer] -> [Int] -> [[Integer]] -> (Integer,Int)
step xs cs xss = pace xs (defer cs xss)
pace :: [Integer] -> [(Integer,Int)] -> (Integer,Int)
pace hs xs#((x,i):xt) = minim (x,i) hs xt
minim :: (Integer,Int) -> [Integer] -> [(Integer,Int)] -> (Integer,Int)
minim m _ [] = m
minim m#(g,i) hs (y#(h,n):ynt) | g > h && 2*(hs !! n) > h = y
| g > h = minim y hs ynt
| 2*(hs !! n) > g = m
| otherwise = minim m hs ynt
defer :: [Int] -> [[a]] -> [(a,Int)]
defer cs xss = (infer (zip cs (zip (map head xss) [0..])))
infer :: [(Int,(a,Int))] -> [(a,Int)]
infer [] = []
infer ((c,xi):xis) | c == 0 = xi:[]
| otherwise = xi:(infer (dropWhile (\(p,(q,r)) -> p>=c) xis))
The set in question I am using has the property that multiple distinct pairs produce an identical sum. I want an efficient method of handling all duplicate elements at once, in order to avoid an increased cost of computing all the pairwise sums up to N, as it requires M more tests if M is the number of duplicates.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
I made some changes to the code, independently of what was suggested, and would appreciate feedback on the relative efficiencies of my original code, my revised code, and the proposals so far.
stride :: [Integer] -> [Int] -> [[Integer]] -> [Integer]
stride xs cs xss = x : stride xs counts streams
(x,is) = step xs cs xss
counts = foldr (\i -> inc i) cs is
streams = foldr (\i -> chop i) xss is
step :: [Integer] -> [Int] -> [[Integer]] -> (Integer,[Int])
step xs cs xss = pace xs (defer cs xss)
pace :: [Integer] -> [(Integer,Int)] -> (Integer,[Int])
pace hs xs#((x,i):xt) = minim (x,(i:[])) hs xt
minim :: (Integer,[Int]) -> [Integer] -> [(Integer,Int)] -> (Integer,[Int])
minim m _ [] = m
minim m#(g,is#(i:_)) hs (y#(h,n):ynt) | g > h && 2*(hs !! n) > h = (h,[n])
| g > h = minim (h,[n]) hs ynt
| g == h && 2*(hs !! n) > h = (g,n:is)
| g == h = minim (g,n:is) hs ynt
| g < h && 2*(hs !! n) > g = m
| g < h = minim m hs ynt
Also, I left out the code for inc and chop:
alter :: (a->a) -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
alter = \f -> \n -> \xs -> (take (n) xs) ++ [f (xs !! n)] ++ (drop (n+1) xs)
inc :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
inc = alter (1+)
chop :: Int -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
chop = alter (tail)
I'm going to present a solution that uses an infinite pairing heap. We'll have logarithmic overhead per element constructed, but no one knows how to do better (in a model with comparison-based methods and real numbers).
The first bit of code is just the standard pairing heap.
module Queue where
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
data Queue k = E
| T k [Queue k]
deriving Show
fromOrderedList :: (Ord k) => [k] -> Queue k
fromOrderedList [] = E
fromOrderedList [k] = T k []
fromOrderedList (k1 : ks'#(k2 : _ks''))
| k1 <= k2 = T k1 [fromOrderedList ks']
mergePairs :: (Ord k) => [Queue k] -> Queue k
mergePairs [] = E
mergePairs [q] = q
mergePairs (q1 : q2 : qs'') = merge (merge q1 q2) (mergePairs qs'')
merge :: (Ord k) => Queue k -> Queue k -> Queue k
merge (E) q2 = q2
merge q1 (E) = q1
merge q1#(T k1 q1's) q2#(T k2 q2's)
= if k1 <= k2 then T k1 (q2 : q1's) else T k2 (q1 : q2's)
deleteMin :: (Ord k) => Queue k -> Maybe (k, Queue k)
deleteMin (E) = Nothing
deleteMin (T k q's) = Just (k, mergePairs q's)
toOrderedList :: (Ord k) => Queue k -> [k]
toOrderedList q
= fromMaybe [] $
do (k, q') <- deleteMin q
return (k : toOrderedList q')
Note that fromOrderedList accepts infinite lists. I think that this can be justified theoretically by pretending as though the infinite list of descendants effectively are merged "just in time". This feels like the kind of thing that should be in the literature on purely functional data structures already, but I'm going to be lazy and not look right now.
The function mergeOrderedByMin takes this one step further and merges a potentially infinite list of queues, where the min element in each queue is nondecreasing. I don't think that we can reuse merge, since merge appears to be insufficiently lazy.
mergeOrderedByMin :: (Ord k) => [Queue k] -> Queue k
mergeOrderedByMin [] = E
mergeOrderedByMin (E : qs') = mergeOrderedByMin qs'
mergeOrderedByMin (T k q's : qs')
= T k (mergeOrderedByMin qs' : q's)
The next function removes duplicates from a sorted list. It's in the library that m09 suggested, but for the sake of completeness, I'll define it here.
nubOrderedList :: (Ord k) => [k] -> [k]
nubOrderedList [] = []
nubOrderedList [k] = [k]
nubOrderedList (k1 : ks'#(k2 : _ks''))
| k1 < k2 = k1 : nubOrderedList ks'
| k1 == k2 = nubOrderedList ks'
Finally, we put it all together. I'll use the squares as an example.
squares :: [Integer]
squares = map (^ 2) [0 ..]
sumsOfTwoSquares :: [Integer]
= nubOrderedList $ toOrderedList $
[fromOrderedList (map (s +) squares) | s <- squares]
If you don't want to modify your code that much, you can use the nub function of Data.List.Ordered (installable by cabal install data-ordlist) to filter duplicates out.
It runs in linear time, ie complexity wise your algorithm won't change.
for your example [1..] the result is just [2..]. A "very smart compiler" could deduce this from the general solution with implicit heap, that follows.
gens xs is better expressed as
gens xs = map (\t#(x:_) -> map (x+) t) $ tails xs -- or should it be
-- map (\(x:ys) -> map (x+) ys) $ tails xs -- ?
Its resulting list of lists is easily merged without duplicates by tree-like folding1 (pictured here), with
pairsums xs = foldi (\(x:l) r-> x : union l r) $ gens xs
This assumes the input list is ordered in increasing order. If it's merely in non-decreasing order (with only finite runs of equals in it, of course), you'll need to slap an orderedNub on top of that (as m09 mentions),
pairsums' = orderedNub . pairsums
Just by using foldi where foldr would work, we often get an algorithmic improvement in complexity from a factor of n to log n, a pretty significant speedup. I use it as a general tool all the time.
1The code, adjusted for infinite lists only:
foldi f (x:xs) = f x (foldi f (pairs f xs))
pairs f (x:y:t) = f x y : pairs f t
union (x:xs) (y:ys) = case compare x y of
LT -> x : union xs (y:ys)
EQ -> x : union xs ys
GT -> y : union (x:xs) ys
See also:
mergesort as foldtree (by Heinrich Apfelmus)
infinite tree folding (by Dave Bayer)
Implicit Heap (by apfelmus)
I propose to build the pairs above the diagonal, that way a lot of duplicates are not even generated:
sums xs = zipWith (map . (+)) hs ts where
(hs:ts) = tails xs
Now you have a list of lists, each containing sorted sums. Because they are sorted, it is possible to determine the next element of the sequence in a finite number of steps:
filtermerge :: (Ord a) => [[a]]->[a]
filtermerge ((h:t):ts) = h : filtermerge (insert t ts) where
insert [] ts = ts
insert xs [] = [xs]
insert h ([]:t) = insert h t
insert (h:t) ts#((h1:t1):t2)
| h < h1 = (h:t):ts
| h == h1 = insert (h:t) $ insert t1 t2
| otherwise = insert (h1:t1) $ insert (h:t) t2
filtermerge _ = []
Here is quite a typical make a century problem.
We have a natural number list [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9].
We have a list of possible operators [Some '+'; Some '*';None].
Now we create a list of operators from above possibilities and insert each operator into between each consecutive numbers in the number list and compute the value.
(Note a None b = a * 10 + b)
For example, if the operator list is [Some '+'; Some '*'; None; Some '+'; Some '+'; Some '+'; Some '+'; Some '+'], then the value is 1 + 2 * 34 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 = 104.
Please find all possible operator lists, so the value = 10.
The only way I can think of is brute-force.
I generate all possible operator lists.
Compute all possible values.
Then filter so I get all operator lists which produce 100.
exception Cannot_compute
let rec candidates n ops =
if n = 0 then [[]]
List.fold_left (fun acc op -> List.rev_append acc (List.map (fun x -> op::x) (candidates (n-1) ops))) [] ops
let glue l opl =
let rec aggr acc_l acc_opl = function
| hd::[], [] -> (List.rev (hd::acc_l), List.rev acc_opl)
| hd1::hd2::tl, None::optl -> aggr acc_l acc_opl (((hd1*10+hd2)::tl), optl)
| hd::tl, (Some c)::optl -> aggr (hd::acc_l) ((Some c)::acc_opl) (tl, optl)
| _ -> raise Cannot_glue
aggr [] [] (l, opl)
let compute l opl =
let new_l, new_opl = glue l opl in
let rec comp = function
| hd::[], [] -> hd
| hd::tl, (Some '+')::optl -> hd + (comp (tl, optl))
| hd1::hd2::tl, (Some '-')::optl -> hd1 + (comp ((-hd2)::tl, optl))
| hd1::hd2::tl, (Some '*')::optl -> comp (((hd1*hd2)::tl), optl)
| hd1::hd2::tl, (Some '/')::optl -> comp (((hd1/hd2)::tl), optl)
| _, _ -> raise Cannot_compute
comp (new_l, new_opl)
let make_century l ops =
List.filter (fun x -> fst x = 100) (
List.fold_left (fun acc x -> ((compute l x), x)::acc) [] (candidates ((List.length l)-1) ops))
let rec print_solution l opl =
match l, opl with
| hd::[], [] -> Printf.printf "%d\n" hd
| hd::tl, (Some op)::optl -> Printf.printf "%d %c " hd op; print_solution tl optl
| hd1::hd2::tl, None::optl -> print_solution ((hd1*10+hd2)::tl) optl
| _, _ -> ()
I believe my code is ugly. So I have the following questions
computer l opl is to compute using the number list and operator list. Basically it is a typical math evaluation. Is there any nicer implementation?
I have read Chapter 6 in Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design. It used some techniques to improve the performance. I found it really really obscurity and hard to understand. Anyone who read it can help?
I refined my code. Basically, I will scan the operator list first to glue all numbers where their operator is None.
Then in compute, if I meet a '-' I will simply negate the 2nd number.
A classic dynamic programming solution (which finds the = 104
solution instantly) that does not risk any problem with operators
associativity or precedence. It only returns a boolean saying whether
it's possible to come with the number; modifying it to return the
sequences of operations to get the solution is an easy but interesting
exercise, I was not motivated to go that far.
let operators = [ (+); ( * ); ]
module ISet = Set.Make(struct type t = int let compare = compare end)
let iter2 res1 res2 f =
res1 |> ISet.iter ## fun n1 ->
res2 |> ISet.iter ## fun n2 ->
f n1 n2
let can_make input target =
let has_zero = Array.fold_left (fun acc n -> acc || (n=0)) false input in
let results = Array.make_matrix (Array.length input) (Array.length input) ISet.empty in
for imax = 0 to Array.length input - 1 do
for imin = imax downto 0 do
let add n =
(* OPTIMIZATION: if the operators are known to be monotonous, we need not store
numbers above the target;
(Handling multiplication by 0 requires to be a bit more
careful, and I'm not in the mood to think hard about this
(I think one need to store the existence of a solution,
even if it is above the target), so I'll just disable the
optimization in that case)
if n <= target && not has_zero then
results.(imin).(imax) <- ISet.add n results.(imin).(imax) in
let concat_numbers =
(* concatenates all number from i to j:
i=0, j=2 -> (input.(0)*10 + input.(1))*10 + input.(2)
let rec concat acc k =
let acc = acc + input.(k) in
if k = imax then acc
else concat (10 * acc) (k + 1)
in concat 0 imin
in add concat_numbers;
for k = imin to imax - 1 do
let res1 = results.(imin).(k) in
let res2 = results.(k+1).(imax) in
operators |> List.iter (fun op ->
iter2 res1 res2 (fun n1 n2 -> add (op n1 n2););
let result = results.(0).(Array.length input - 1) in
ISet.mem target result
Here is my solution, which evaluates according to the usual rules of precedence. It finds 303 solutions to find [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9] 100 in under 1/10 second on my MacBook Pro.
Here are two interesting ones:
# 123 - 45 - 67 + 89;;
- : int = 100
# 1 * 2 * 3 - 4 * 5 + 6 * 7 + 8 * 9;;
- : int = 100
This is a brute force solution. The only slightly clever thing is that I treat concatenation of digits as simply another (high precedence) operation.
The eval function is the standard stack-based infix expression evaluation that you will find described many places. Here is an SO article about it: How to evaluate an infix expression in just one scan using stacks? The essence is to postpone evaulating by pushing operators and operands onto stacks. When you find that the next operator has lower precedence you can go back and evaluate what you pushed.
type op = Plus | Minus | Times | Divide | Concat
let prec = function
| Plus | Minus -> 0
| Times | Divide -> 1
| Concat -> 2
let succ = function
| Plus -> Minus
| Minus -> Times
| Times -> Divide
| Divide -> Concat
| Concat -> Plus
let apply op stack =
match op, stack with
| _, [] | _, [_] -> [] (* Invalid input *)
| Plus, a :: b :: tl -> (b + a) :: tl
| Minus, a :: b :: tl -> (b - a) :: tl
| Times, a :: b :: tl -> (b * a) :: tl
| Divide, a :: b :: tl -> (b / a) :: tl
| Concat, a :: b :: tl -> (b * 10 + a) :: tl
let rec eval opstack numstack ops nums =
match opstack, numstack, ops, nums with
| [], sn :: _, [], _ -> sn
| sop :: soptl, _, [], _ ->
eval soptl (apply sop numstack) ops nums
| [], _, op :: optl, n :: ntl ->
eval [op] (n :: numstack) optl ntl
| sop :: soptl, _, op :: _, _ when prec sop >= prec op ->
eval soptl (apply sop numstack) ops nums
| _, _, op :: optl, n :: ntl ->
eval (op :: opstack) (n :: numstack) optl ntl
| _ -> 0 (* Invalid input *)
let rec incr = function
| [] -> []
| Concat :: rest -> Plus :: incr rest
| x :: rest -> succ x :: rest
let find nums tot =
match nums with
| [] -> []
| numhd :: numtl ->
let rec try1 ops accum =
let accum' =
if eval [] [numhd] ops numtl = tot then
ops :: accum
if List.for_all ((=) Concat) ops then
else try1 (incr ops) accum'
try1 (List.map (fun _ -> Plus) numtl) []
I came up with a slightly obscure implementation (for a variant of this problem) that is a bit better than brute force. It works in place, rather than generating intermediate data structures, keeping track of the combined values of the operators that have already been evaluated.
The trick is to keep track of a pending operator and value so that you can evaluate the "none" operator easily. That is, if the algorithm had just progressed though 1 + 23, the pending operator would be +, and the pending value would be 23, allowing you to easily generate either 1 + 23 + 4 or 1 + 234 as necessary.
type op = Add | Sub | Nothing
let print_ops ops =
let len = Array.length ops in
print_char '1';
for i = 1 to len - 1 do
Printf.printf "%s%d" (match ops.(i) with
| Add -> " + "
| Sub -> " - "
| Nothing -> "") (i + 1)
print_newline ()
let solve k target =
let ops = Array.create k Nothing in
let rec recur i sum pending_op pending_value =
let sum' = match pending_op with
| Add -> sum + pending_value
| Sub -> if sum = 0 then pending_value else sum - pending_value
| Nothing -> pending_value in
if i = k then
if sum' = target then print_ops ops else ()
let digit = i + 1 in
ops.(i) <- Add;
recur (i + 1) sum' Add digit;
ops.(i) <- Sub;
recur (i + 1) sum' Sub digit;
ops.(i) <- Nothing;
recur (i + 1) sum pending_op (pending_value * 10 + digit) in
recur 0 0 Nothing 0
Note that this will generate duplicates - I didn't bother to fix that. Also, if you are doing this exercise to gain strength in functional programming, it might be beneficial to reject the imperative approach taken here and search for a similar solution that doesn't make use of assignments.
I need to make a function that takes a list and an element and returns a list in which the first occurrence of the element is removed: something like
removeFst [1,5,2,3,5,3,4,5,6] 5
What I tried is:
main :: IO()
main = do
putStr ( show $ removeFst [1,5,2,3,5,3,4,5,6] 5)
removeFst :: [Int] -> Int -> [Int]
removeFst [] m = []
removeFst [x] m
| x == m = []
| otherwise = [x]
removeFst (x:xs) m
| x == m = xs
| otherwise = removeFst xs m
But this doesn't work... it returns the list without the first elements. I think I should make the recursive call to make the list something like:
removeFst (x:xs) m
| x == m = xs
| otherwise = removeFst (-- return the whole list till element x) m
You are very close, what you miss is prepending the elements before the first found m to the result list,
removeFst :: [Int] -> Int -> [Int]
removeFst [] m = []
removeFst (x:xs) m
| x == m = xs
| otherwise = x : removeFst xs m
-- ^^^ keep x /= m
Note that the special case for one-element lists is superfluous.
Also note that removeFst = flip delete with delete from Data.List.
It should be mentioned that your function is equivalent to Data.List.delete.
Here another version:
import Data.List
removeFst xs x = front ++ drop 1 back where
(front, back) = break (==x) xs
Suppose 2 Maps
import qualified Data.Map as M
sparse1, sparse2 :: M.Map Int Float
sparse1 = M.fromList [(1,2.0),(10,3),(12,5),(100,7),(102,11)]
sparse2 = M.fromList [(2,13.0),(11,17),(12,19),(101,23),(102,29)]
How do you define an elegant function
combi :: M.Map Int Float -> M.Map Int Float -> Float
such that combi sparse1 sparse2 returns 414.0 (= 5 * 19 + 11 * 29) because 12 and 102 are the only common keys of the two maps ? There is an elegant (simple and efficient) function with lists since those would be strictly ordered:
combiList xs ys = cL xs ys 0
cL [] _ acc = acc
cL _ [] acc = acc
cL (x#(k,r):xs) (y#(k',r'):ys) acc
| k < k' = cL xs (y:ys) acc
| k == k' = cL xs ys (acc+r*r')
| k > k' = cL (x:xs) ys acc
But is
combi m1 m2 = combiList (M.toList m1) (M.toList m2)
a good idea knowing the lists are no more used in the rest of the code ? And if not, how would you efficiently write combi without toList ?
Using fold and intersectWith on the maps is a bit more elegant (and probably faster):
combi :: M.Map Int Float -> M.Map Int Float -> Float
combi x y = M.fold (+) 0 $ M.intersectionWith (*) x y
combi sparse1 sparse2 returns 414.0 as desired.
And if you care about performance, try using Data.IntMap: it should be several times faster than Data.Map here.